using System; using Xamarin.Forms; namespace Ooui.Forms.Extensions { public static class FontExtensions { public static void SetStyleFont (this View view, string family, double size, FontAttributes attrs, Style style) { #pragma warning disable RECS0018 // Comparison of floating point numbers with equality operator if (size == 14.0) { style.FontSize = null; } else { style.FontSize = size; } #pragma warning restore RECS0018 // Comparison of floating point numbers with equality operator if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (family)) { style.FontFamily = null; } else { style.FontFamily = family; } if (attrs.HasFlag (FontAttributes.Bold)) { style.FontWeight = "bold"; } else { style.FontWeight = null; } if (attrs.HasFlag (FontAttributes.Italic)) { style.FontStyle = "italic"; } else { style.FontStyle = null; } } public static Size MeasureSize (this string text, string fontFamily, double fontSize, FontAttributes fontAttrs, double widthConstraint, double heightConstraint) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (text)) return Size.Zero; var fontHeight = fontSize; var lineHeight = fontHeight * 1.4; var isBold = fontAttrs.HasFlag (FontAttributes.Bold); var props = isBold ? BoldCharacterProportions : CharacterProportions; var avgp = isBold ? BoldAverageCharProportion : AverageCharProportion; var px = 0.0; var lines = 1; var maxPWidth = 0.0; var pwidthConstraint = double.IsPositiveInfinity (widthConstraint) ? double.PositiveInfinity : widthConstraint / fontSize; var lastSpaceWidth = -1.0; // Tiny little padding to account for sampling errors var pwidthHack = 1.0e-6; var plineHack = 0.333; var n = text != null ? text.Length : 0; for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) { var c = (int)text[i]; var pw = (c < 128) ? props[c] : avgp; // Should we wrap? if (px + pw + plineHack > pwidthConstraint) { lines++; if (lastSpaceWidth > 0) { maxPWidth = Math.Max (maxPWidth, lastSpaceWidth + pwidthHack); px = pw - lastSpaceWidth; lastSpaceWidth = -1; } else { maxPWidth = Math.Max (maxPWidth, px + pwidthHack); px = 0; } } if (c == ' ') { lastSpaceWidth = pw; } px += pw; } maxPWidth = Math.Max (maxPWidth, px + pwidthHack); var width = fontSize * maxPWidth; var height = lines * lineHeight; // Console.WriteLine ($"MEASURE TEXT SIZE {widthConstraint}x{heightConstraint} \"{text}\" == {width}x{height}"); return new Size (width, height); } public static Size MeasureSize (this string text, Style style, double widthConstraint, double heightConstraint) { // System.Console.WriteLine("!!! MEASURE STYLED TEXT SIZE: " + style); return MeasureSize (text, "", 14, FontAttributes.None, widthConstraint, heightConstraint); } public static string ToOouiTextAlign (this TextAlignment align) { switch (align) { case TextAlignment.Start: default: return "start"; case TextAlignment.Center: return "center"; case TextAlignment.End: return "end"; } } public static string ToOouiVerticalAlign (this TextAlignment align) { switch (align) { case TextAlignment.Start: default: return "top"; case TextAlignment.Center: return "middle"; case TextAlignment.End: return "bottom"; } } static readonly double[] CharacterProportions = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.27799999713897705, 0.27799999713897705, 0.27799999713897705, 0.27799999713897705, 0.27799999713897705, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.27799999713897705, 0.25899994373321533, 0.4259999990463257, 0.5560001134872437, 0.5560001134872437, 1.0000001192092896, 0.6299999952316284, 0.27799999713897705, 0.25899994373321533, 0.25899994373321533, 0.3520001173019409, 0.6000000238418579, 0.27799999713897705, 0.3890000581741333, 0.27799999713897705, 0.3330000638961792, 0.5560001134872437, 0.5560001134872437, 0.5560001134872437, 0.5560001134872437, 0.5560001134872437, 0.5560001134872437, 0.5560001134872437, 0.5560001134872437, 0.5560001134872437, 0.5560001134872437, 0.27799999713897705, 0.27799999713897705, 0.6000000238418579, 0.6000000238418579, 0.6000000238418579, 0.5560001134872437, 0.8000000715255737, 0.6480001211166382, 0.6850000619888306, 0.722000002861023, 0.7040001153945923, 0.6110001802444458, 0.5740000009536743, 0.7589999437332153, 0.722000002861023, 0.25899994373321533, 0.5190001726150513, 0.6669999361038208, 0.5560001134872437, 0.8709999322891235, 0.722000002861023, 0.7600001096725464, 0.6480001211166382, 0.7600001096725464, 0.6850000619888306, 0.6480001211166382, 0.5740000009536743, 0.722000002861023, 0.6110001802444458, 0.9259999990463257, 0.6110001802444458, 0.6480001211166382, 0.6110001802444458, 0.25899994373321533, 0.3330000638961792, 0.25899994373321533, 0.6000000238418579, 0.5000001192092896, 0.22200000286102295, 0.5370000600814819, 0.593000054359436, 0.5370000600814819, 0.593000054359436, 0.5370000600814819, 0.2960001230239868, 0.5740000009536743, 0.5560001134872437, 0.22200000286102295, 0.22200000286102295, 0.5190001726150513, 0.22200000286102295, 0.8530000448226929, 0.5560001134872437, 0.5740000009536743, 0.593000054359436, 0.593000054359436, 0.3330000638961792, 0.5000001192092896, 0.31500017642974854, 0.5560001134872437, 0.5000001192092896, 0.7580000162124634, 0.5180000066757202, 0.5000001192092896, 0.4800001382827759, 0.3330000638961792, 0.22200000286102295, 0.3330000638961792, 0.6000000238418579, 0 }; const double AverageCharProportion = 0.5131400561332703; static readonly double[] BoldCharacterProportions = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.27799999713897705, 0.27799999713897705, 0.27799999713897705, 0.27799999713897705, 0.27799999713897705, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.27799999713897705, 0.27799999713897705, 0.46299993991851807, 0.5560001134872437, 0.5560001134872437, 1.0000001192092896, 0.6850000619888306, 0.27799999713897705, 0.2960001230239868, 0.2960001230239868, 0.40700018405914307, 0.6000000238418579, 0.27799999713897705, 0.40700018405914307, 0.27799999713897705, 0.37099993228912354, 0.5560001134872437, 0.5560001134872437, 0.5560001134872437, 0.5560001134872437, 0.5560001134872437, 0.5560001134872437, 0.5560001134872437, 0.5560001134872437, 0.5560001134872437, 0.5560001134872437, 0.27799999713897705, 0.27799999713897705, 0.6000000238418579, 0.6000000238418579, 0.6000000238418579, 0.5560001134872437, 0.8000000715255737, 0.6850000619888306, 0.7040001153945923, 0.7410000562667847, 0.7410000562667847, 0.6480001211166382, 0.593000054359436, 0.7589999437332153, 0.7410000562667847, 0.29499995708465576, 0.5560001134872437, 0.722000002861023, 0.593000054359436, 0.9070001840591431, 0.7410000562667847, 0.777999997138977, 0.6669999361038208, 0.777999997138977, 0.722000002861023, 0.6490000486373901, 0.6110001802444458, 0.7410000562667847, 0.6299999952316284, 0.9440001249313354, 0.6669999361038208, 0.6669999361038208, 0.6480001211166382, 0.3330000638961792, 0.37099993228912354, 0.3330000638961792, 0.6000000238418579, 0.5000001192092896, 0.25899994373321533, 0.5740000009536743, 0.6110001802444458, 0.5740000009536743, 0.6110001802444458, 0.5740000009536743, 0.3330000638961792, 0.6110001802444458, 0.593000054359436, 0.2580000162124634, 0.27799999713897705, 0.5740000009536743, 0.2580000162124634, 0.906000018119812, 0.593000054359436, 0.6110001802444458, 0.6110001802444458, 0.6110001802444458, 0.3890000581741333, 0.5370000600814819, 0.3520001173019409, 0.593000054359436, 0.5200001001358032, 0.8140000104904175, 0.5370000600814819, 0.5190001726150513, 0.5190001726150513, 0.3330000638961792, 0.223000168800354, 0.3330000638961792, 0.6000000238418579, 0 }; const double BoldAverageCharProportion = 0.5346300601959229; } }