
662 lines
23 KiB
Raw Normal View History

# Put the name of your locale in the same language
Locale Name: 'Euskera'
FreeTube: 'FreeTube'
# Currently on Subscriptions, Playlists, and History
'This part of the app is not ready yet. Come back later when progress has been made.': >-
Zati hau ez dago prest oraindik. Itzuli aurrerago aurrerapenak egin direnean.
# Webkit Menu Bar
File: 'Artxibategia'
Quit: 'Irten'
Edit: 'Editatu'
Undo: 'Desegin'
Redo: 'Berregin'
Cut: 'Moztu'
Copy: 'Kopiatu'
Paste: 'Itsatsi'
Delete: 'Ezabatu'
Select all: 'Guztia hautatu'
Reload: 'Birzamatu'
Force Reload: 'Birzamaketa behartu'
Toggle Developer Tools: 'Garatzaile erremintak erakutsi'
Actual size: 'Benetako tamaina'
Zoom in: 'Handiagotu'
Zoom out: 'Txikiagotu'
Toggle fullscreen: 'Bistaratzaile osoa'
Window: 'Leihoa'
Minimize: 'Minimizatu'
Close: 'Itxi'
Back: 'Atzera'
Forward: 'Aurrera'
Version $ is now available! Click for more details: '$ bertsioa erabilgarri! Klikatu
azalpen gehiagorako'
Download From Site: 'Webgunetik jaitsi'
A new blog is now available, $. Click to view more: 'Blog berri bat erabilgarri dago,
$. Klikatu gehiagorako'
# Search Bar
Search / Go to URL: 'Bilatu / Helbidera joan'
# In Filter Button
Search Filters:
Search Filters: 'Bilaketa iragazkiak'
Sort By:
Sort By: 'Ordenatze irizpidea'
Most Relevant: 'Egokitasuna'
Rating: 'Balorazioa'
Upload Date: 'Igoera data'
View Count: 'Kontua ikusi'
Time: 'Denbora'
Any Time: 'Edozein unetan'
Last Hour: 'Azken ordua'
Today: 'Gaur'
This Week: 'Aste honetan'
This Month: 'Hilabete honetan'
This Year: 'Aurten'
Type: 'Mota'
All Types: 'Mota guztietakoak'
Videos: 'Bideoak'
Channels: 'Kanalak'
#& Playlists
Duration: 'Iraupena'
All Durations: 'Edozein iraupen'
Short (< 4 minutes): 'Laburra (<4 minutu)'
Long (> 20 minutes): 'Luzea (> 20 minutu)'
# On Search Page
Search Results: 'Emaitzak bilatu'
Fetching results. Please wait: 'Emaitzak ekartzen. Itxaron faborez'
Fetch more results: 'Emaitza gehiago ekarri'
There are no more results for this search: 'Ez da emaitza gehiagorik bilaketa honentzat'
# Sidebar
# On Subscriptions Page
Subscriptions: 'Harpidetzak'
Latest Subscriptions: 'Azken harpidetzak'
This profile has a large number of subscriptions. Forcing RSS to avoid rate limiting: 'Honako
profilak harpidetza anitz ditu. RSS behartu abiadura muga saihesteko'
'Your Subscription list is currently empty. Start adding subscriptions to see them here.': 'Zure
harpidetzen zerrenda hutsik da. Has zaitez harpidetzak gehitzen hemen ikusteko'
'Getting Subscriptions. Please wait.': 'Harpidetzak eskuratzen. Itxaron mesedez.'
Refresh Subscriptions: 'Harpidetzak freskatu'
Load More Videos: 'Bideo gehiago kargatu'
Error Channels: Akatsak dituzten kateak
More: 'Gehiago'
Trending: 'Joerak'
Default: Lehenetsia
Music: Musika
Gaming: Bideo jokoak
Movies: Filmak
Trending Tabs: Lehenetsitako erlaitzak
Most Popular: 'Ikusienak'
Playlists: 'Erreprodukzio zerrendak'
User Playlists:
Your Playlists: 'Zure erreprodukzio zerrendak'
Playlist Message: 'Orrialde honek ez ditu guztiz funtzionatzen duten erreprodukzio-zerrendak
islatzen. Gorde dituzun edo gogoko dituzun bideoak bakarrik zerrendatzen ditu.
Lana amaitzen denean, hemen dauden bideo guztiak "Gogokoak" erreprodukzio-zerrenda
batera migratuko dira.'
Your saved videos are empty. Click on the save button on the corner of a video to have it listed here: 'Gordetako
bideoak hutsik daude. Egin klik bideoaren izkinan den "gorde" botoian hemen zerrendatzeko'
Search bar placeholder: Bilatu Erreprodukzio-zerrendan
Empty Search Message: Erreprodukzio-zerrenda honetan ez dago zure bilaketarekin
bat datorren bideorik
# On History Page
History: 'Historikoa'
Watch History: 'Historikoa ikusi'
Your history list is currently empty.: 'Zure historia-zerrenda hutsik dago une honetan.'
Empty Search Message: Ez dago historikoan zure bilaketarekin bat datorren bideorik
Search bar placeholder: Bilatu historikoan
# On Settings Page
Settings: 'Ezarpenak'
The app needs to restart for changes to take effect. Restart and apply change?: 'Aplikazioa
berrabiarazi behar da aldaketek eragina izan dezaten. Berrabiarazi eta aldaketa
General Settings:
General Settings: 'Ezarpen orokorrak'
Check for Updates: 'Eguneraketak bilatu'
Check for Latest Blog Posts: 'Egiaztatu blogeko azken argitalpenak'
Fallback to Non-Preferred Backend on Failure: 'Hutsegitean, hobetsi gabeko backend-era
Enable Search Suggestions: 'Gaitu bilaketa-iradokizunak'
Default Landing Page: 'Lehenetsitako hasierako orria'
Locale Preference: 'Tokiko hobespena'
Preferred API Backend:
Preferred API Backend: 'API Backend hobetsia'
Local API: 'Tokiko API'
Invidious API: 'Invidious API'
Video View Type:
Video View Type: 'Bideo-ikuspegi mota'
Grid: 'Lauki-sarea'
List: 'Zerrenda'
Thumbnail Preference:
Thumbnail Preference: 'Miniatura-hobespena'
Default: 'Lehenetsia'
Beginning: 'Hasiera'
Middle: 'Erdian'
End: 'Bukaera'
'Invidious Instance (Default is': ''
View all Invidious instance information: 'Invidious instantzia guztien informazioa
Region for Trending: 'Joeren eskualdea'
#! List countries
The currently set default instance is $: Une honetan ezarritako instantzia lehenetsia
$ da
Current Invidious Instance: Oraingo Invidious instantzia
External Link Handling:
External Link Handling: Kanpo esteken kudeaketa
Open Link: Ireki esteka
Ask Before Opening Link: Esteka ireki aurretik galdetu
No Action: Ekintzarik ez
Set Current Instance as Default: Ezarri Uneko Instantzia lehenetsi gisa
System Default: Sistemak lehenetsitakoa
No default instance has been set: Ez da instantzia lehenetsirik ezarri
Current instance will be randomized on startup: Uneko instantzia ausaz banatuko
da abiaraztean
Clear Default Instance: Garbitu lehenetsitako instantzia
Theme Settings:
Theme Settings: 'Gaien ezarpenak'
Match Top Bar with Main Color: 'Lotu goiko barra kolore nagusiarekin'
Expand Side Bar by Default: 'Zabaldu alboko barra lehenespenez'
Disable Smooth Scrolling: 'Desgaitu korritze leuna'
UI Scale: 'Erabiltzaile interfazearen eskala'
Base Theme:
Base Theme: 'Oinarrizko Gaia'
Black: 'Beltza'
Dark: 'Iluna'
Light: 'Argia'
Dracula: Drakula
System Default: Sistemak lehenetsia
Main Color Theme:
Main Color Theme: 'Oinarrizko koloreen gaia'
Red: 'Gorria'
Pink: 'Larrosa'
Purple: 'Ubela'
Deep Purple: 'Ubel bizia'
Indigo: 'Indigo kolorea'
Blue: 'Urdina'
Light Blue: 'Urdin argia'
Cyan: 'Zian'
Teal: 'Berde-urdina'
Green: 'Berdea'
Light Green: 'Berde argia'
Lime: 'Lima'
Yellow: 'Horia'
Amber: 'Anbar-kolorekoa'
Orange: 'Laranja'
Deep Orange: 'Laranja bizia'
Dracula Pink: Drakula larrosa
Dracula Cyan: Drakula zian
Dracula Orange: Drakula laranja
Dracula Purple: Drakula ubela
Dracula Red: Drakula gorria
Dracula Green: Drakula berdea
Dracula Yellow: Drakula horia
Secondary Color Theme: 'Gaiaren bigarren mailako kolorea'
#* Main Color Theme
Hide Side Bar Labels: Ezkutatu alboko barraren etiketak
Player Settings:
Player Settings: 'Erreprodukzioaren ezarpenak'
Force Local Backend for Legacy Formats: 'Behartu backend lokala Legacy formatuentzat'
Play Next Video: 'Hurrengo bideoa erreproduzitu'
Turn on Subtitles by Default: 'Aktibatu Azpitituluak lehenespenez'
Autoplay Videos: 'Bideoen erreprodukzio automatikoa'
Proxy Videos Through Invidious: 'Invidious bitarteko Proxy bideoak'
Autoplay Playlists: 'Erreprodukzio automatikoan diren erreprodukzio zerrendak'
Enable Theatre Mode by Default: 'Gaitu Antzerki modua lehenespenez'
Playlist Next Video Interval: ''
Default Volume: 'Lehenetsitako bolumena'
Default Playback Rate: 'Lehenetsitako erreprodukzio tasa'
Default Video Format:
Default Video Format: 'Lehenetsitako bideo formatua'
Dash Formats: 'DASH formatuak'
Legacy Formats: 'Legacy formatuak'
Audio Formats: 'Audio formatuak'
Default Quality:
Default Quality: 'Lehenetsitako kalitatea'
Auto: 'Automatikoa'
144p: '144p'
240p: '240p'
360p: '360p'
480p: '480p'
720p: '720p'
1080p: '1080p'
1440p: '1440p'
4k: '4k'
8k: '8k'
Fast-Forward / Rewind Interval: Aurrera / atzera egiteko tartea
Scroll Volume Over Video Player: Aldatu bolumena bideo erreproduzitzailean
Next Video Interval: Hurrengo bideo tartea
Enable: Bidea eman pantaila argazkiei
Empty File Name: Fitxategi izena hutsik
Forbidden Characters: Debekatutako karaktereak
Format Label: Pantaila-argazkiaren formatua
Quality Label: Pantaila-argazkiaren kalitatea
Ask Path: Eskatu Gordetzeko karpeta
Folder Label: Pantaila-argazkien karpeta
Folder Button: Hautatu karpeta
File Name Label: Fitxategi-izenen eredua
Scroll Playback Rate Over Video Player: Aldatu Erreprodukzio-tasa Bideo Erreproduzitzailean
Display Play Button In Video Player: Bistaratu Erreproduzitzeko botoia bideo erreproduzitzailean
Max Video Playback Rate: Gehienezko bideoen erreprodukzio-tasa
Video Playback Rate Interval: Bideo Erreprodukzio-tasa tartea
Privacy Settings:
Privacy Settings: 'Pribatutasunari buruzko ezarpenak'
Remember History: 'Historikoa oroitu'
Save Watched Progress: 'Ikusitakoaren progresioa gorde'
Automatically Remove Video Meta Files: 'Bideo metafitxategiak ezabatu automatikoki'
Clear Search Cache: 'Bilaketen cachea ezabatu'
Are you sure you want to clear out your search cache?: 'Ziur al zaude bilaketa-cachea
garbitu nahi duzula?'
Search cache has been cleared: 'Bilaketa cachea ezabatu berri da'
Remove Watch History: 'Historikoa ikusteko aukera ezabatu'
Are you sure you want to remove your entire watch history?: 'Ziur al zaude ikusitakoaren
historiko osoa ezabatu nahi duzula?'
Watch history has been cleared: 'Ikusitakoaren historikoa ezabatu berri da'
Remove All Subscriptions / Profiles: 'Harpidetza / Profil guztiak ezabatu'
Are you sure you want to remove all subscriptions and profiles? This cannot be undone.: 'Ziur
al zaude zure profil eta harpidetza guztiak ezabatu nahi dituzula? Ezingo duzu
atzera egin.'
Subscription Settings:
Subscription Settings: 'Harpidetzen ezarpenak'
Hide Videos on Watch: 'Ikusten ari zaren bideoa ezkutatu'
Fetch Feeds from RSS: 'RSS jarioak eskuratu'
Manage Subscriptions: 'Harpidetzak kudeatu'
Distraction Free Settings:
Distraction Free Settings: 'Oharkabetasunak ekiditeko ezarpenak'
Hide Video Views: 'Bideoen ikustaldi kopurua ezkutatu'
Hide Video Likes And Dislikes: 'Bideoen atsegiteak eta desatsegiteak ezkutatu'
Hide Channel Subscribers: 'Kanalaren harpidedun kopurua ezkutatu'
Hide Comment Likes: 'Iruzkinen atsegiteak ezkutatu'
Hide Recommended Videos: 'Gomendatutako bideoak ezkutatu'
Hide Trending Videos: 'Bideo ikusienak ezkutatu'
Hide Popular Videos: 'Bideo ospetsuak ezkutatu'
Hide Playlists: 'Erreprodukzio zerrendak ezkutatu'
Hide Live Chat: 'Zuzeneko txata ezkutatu'
Hide Active Subscriptions: 'Harpidetza aktiboak ezkutatu'
Data Settings:
Data Settings: 'Datuen ezarpenak'
Select Import Type: 'Hautatu Inportazio mota'
Select Export Type: 'Hautatu esportazio mota'
Import Subscriptions: 'Harpidetzak inportatu'
Import FreeTube: 'Freetube inportatu'
Import YouTube: 'Youtubetik inportatu'
Import NewPipe: 'Newpipetik inportatu'
Check for Legacy Subscriptions: 'Legacy harpidetzak bilatu'
Export Subscriptions: 'Harpidetzak esportatu'
Export FreeTube: 'Freetubera esportatu'
Export YouTube: 'Youtubera esportatu'
Export NewPipe: 'Newpipera esportatu'
Import History: 'Historikoa inportatu'
Export History: 'Historikoa esportatu'
Profile object has insufficient data, skipping item: 'Profileko objektuak ez du
datu nahikorik, elementutik ateratzen'
All subscriptions and profiles have been successfully imported: 'Profil eta harpidetza
guztiak ongi inportatu dira'
All subscriptions have been successfully imported: 'Harpidetza guztiak ongi inportatu
One or more subscriptions were unable to be imported: 'Zenbait harpidetza ezin
izan dira inportatu'
Invalid subscriptions file: 'Harpidetza fitxategi baliogabea'
This might take a while, please wait: 'Baliteke denbora pixka bat behar izatea,
itxaron mesedez'
Invalid history file: 'Historia fitxategi baliogabea'
Subscriptions have been successfully exported: 'Harpidetzak ongi esportatu dira'
History object has insufficient data, skipping item: 'Historiako objektuak ez
du datu nahikorik, elementutik ateratzen'
All watched history has been successfully imported: 'Ikusitakoaren historikoa
ongi inportatu da'
All watched history has been successfully exported: 'Ikusitakoaren historikoa
ongi esportatu da'
Unable to read file: 'Ezin da fitxategia irakurri'
Unable to write file: 'Ezin da fitxategia idatzi'
Unknown data key: 'Datu-gako ezezaguna'
How do I import my subscriptions?: 'Nola inporta ditzaket nire harpidetzak?'
Manage Subscriptions: 'Harpidetzak kudeatu'
Import Playlists: Erreprodukzio zerrendak inportatu
Export Playlists: Erreprodukzio zerrendak esportatu
All playlists has been successfully imported: Erreprodukzio zerrenda guztiak ongi
inportatu dira
All playlists has been successfully exported: Erreprodukzio zerrenda guztiak ongi
esportatu dira
Playlist insufficient data: Ez da datu nahikorik "$" erreprodukzio zerrendarentzat,
elementutik ateratzen
Proxy Settings:
Proxy Settings: 'Proxy-aren ezarpenak'
Enable Tor / Proxy: 'Tor / Proxy ahalbidetu'
Proxy Protocol: 'Proxy protokoloa'
Proxy Host: 'Proxy ostalaria'
Proxy Port Number: 'Proxy portu zenbakia'
Clicking on Test Proxy will send a request to: 'Test Proxy-n klik eginez gero,
eskaera bat bidaliko da'
Test Proxy: 'Proxy-a frogatu'
Your Info: 'Zure informazioa'
Ip: 'Ip'
Country: 'Herrialdea'
Region: 'Eskualdea'
City: 'Hiria'
Error getting network information. Is your proxy configured properly?: 'Errore
bat gertatu da sareko informazioa eskuratzean. Zure proxya behar bezala konfiguratuta
al dago?'
External Player Settings:
Ignore Unsupported Action Warnings: Onartu gabeko ekintzen oharrei ez ikusiarena
External Player Settings: Kanpoko erreproduzitzailearen ezarpenak
External Player: Kanpoko erreproduzitzailea
Custom External Player Executable: Lehenetsitako kanpo erreproduzitzailea exekutagarria
Custom External Player Arguments: Lehenetsitako kanpo erreproduzitzailea argudioak
Download Settings:
Download Settings: Deskargen ezarpenak
Ask Download Path: Deskargaren ibilbidea galdetu
Choose Path: Ibilbidea hautatu
Download Behavior: Deskargen portaera
Open in web browser: Nabigatzailean ireki
Download in app: Aplikazioetan deskargatu
SponsorBlock Settings:
Skip Options:
Prompt To Skip: Saltatzeko abisua
Show In Seek Bar: Erakutsi Bilaketen barran
Do Nothing: Ez egin ezer
Skip Option: Aukera saltatu
Auto Skip: Saltatze automatikoa
Category Color: Kolore kategoria
Notify when sponsor segment is skipped: Jakinarazi babesleen segmentua saltatzen
Enable SponsorBlock: Babesleak blokeatzea ahalbidetu
'SponsorBlock API Url (Default is': Babesleak blokeatzeko
API Url (lehenetsia da)
SponsorBlock Settings: Babesleak blokeatzeko ezarpenak
#On About page
About: 'Honi buruz'
Beta: 'Beta'
Source code: 'Kode iturria'
Licensed under the AGPLv3: 'AGPLv3 lizentziapean'
View License: 'Lizentzia ikusi'
Downloads / Changelog: 'Deskargak / Aldaketen erregistroa'
GitHub releases: ''
Help: ''
FreeTube Wiki: ''
FAQ: ''
Report a problem: ''
GitHub issues: ''
Please check for duplicates before posting: ''
Website: ''
Blog: ''
Email: ''
Mastodon: ''
Chat on Matrix: ''
Please read the: ''
room rules: ''
Translate: ''
Credits: ''
FreeTube is made possible by: ''
these people and projects: ''
Donate: ''
Profile Select: ''
Profile Filter: ''
All Channels: ''
Profile Manager: ''
Create New Profile: ''
Edit Profile: ''
Color Picker: ''
Custom Color: ''
Profile Preview: ''
Create Profile: ''
Update Profile: ''
Make Default Profile: ''
Delete Profile: ''
Are you sure you want to delete this profile?: ''
All subscriptions will also be deleted.: ''
Profile could not be found: ''
Your profile name cannot be empty: ''
Profile has been created: ''
Profile has been updated: ''
Your default profile has been set to $: ''
Removed $ from your profiles: ''
Your default profile has been changed to your primary profile: ''
$ is now the active profile: ''
Subscription List: ''
Other Channels: ''
$ selected: ''
Select All: ''
Select None: ''
Delete Selected: ''
Add Selected To Profile: ''
No channel(s) have been selected: ''
? This is your primary profile. Are you sure you want to delete the selected channels? The
same channels will be deleted in any profile they are found in.
: ''
Are you sure you want to delete the selected channels? This will not delete the channel from any other profile.: ''
#On Channel Page
Subscriber: ''
Subscribers: ''
Subscribe: ''
Unsubscribe: ''
Channel has been removed from your subscriptions: ''
Removed subscription from $ other channel(s): ''
Added channel to your subscriptions: ''
Search Channel: ''
Your search results have returned 0 results: ''
Sort By: ''
Videos: ''
This channel does not currently have any videos: ''
Sort Types:
Newest: ''
Oldest: ''
Most Popular: ''
Playlists: ''
This channel does not currently have any playlists: ''
Sort Types:
Last Video Added: ''
Newest: ''
Oldest: ''
About: ''
Channel Description: ''
Featured Channels: ''
Mark As Watched: ''
Remove From History: ''
Video has been marked as watched: ''
Video has been removed from your history: ''
Save Video: ''
Video has been saved: ''
Video has been removed from your saved list: ''
Open in YouTube: ''
Copy YouTube Link: ''
Open YouTube Embedded Player: ''
Copy YouTube Embedded Player Link: ''
Open in Invidious: ''
Copy Invidious Link: ''
Open Channel in YouTube: ''
Copy YouTube Channel Link: ''
Open Channel in Invidious: ''
Copy Invidious Channel Link: ''
View: ''
Views: ''
Loop Playlist: ''
Shuffle Playlist: ''
Reverse Playlist: ''
Play Next Video: ''
Play Previous Video: ''
# Context is "X People Watching"
Watching: ''
Watched: ''
Autoplay: ''
Starting soon, please refresh the page to check again: ''
# As in a Live Video
Live: ''
Live Now: ''
Live Chat: ''
Enable Live Chat: ''
Live Chat is currently not supported in this build.: ''
'Chat is disabled or the Live Stream has ended.': ''
Live chat is enabled. Chat messages will appear here once sent.: ''
'Live Chat is currently not supported with the Invidious API. A direct connection to YouTube is required.': ''
Download Video: ''
video only: ''
audio only: ''
Low: ''
Medium: ''
High: ''
Best: ''
Jan: ''
Feb: ''
Mar: ''
Apr: ''
May: ''
Jun: ''
Jul: ''
Aug: ''
Sep: ''
Oct: ''
Nov: ''
Dec: ''
Second: ''
Seconds: ''
Minute: ''
Minutes: ''
Hour: ''
Hours: ''
Day: ''
Days: ''
Week: ''
Weeks: ''
Month: ''
Months: ''
Year: ''
Years: ''
Ago: ''
Upcoming: ''
Published on: ''
Streamed on: ''
Started streaming on: ''
translated from English: ''
# $ is replaced with the number and % with the unit (days, hours, minutes...)
Publicationtemplate: ''
#& Videos
#& Sort By
Sort By:
Newest: ''
Oldest: ''
#& Most Popular
#& Playlists
#& About
View Full Playlist: ''
Videos: ''
View: ''
Views: ''
Last Updated On: ''
Share Playlist:
Share Playlist: ''
Copy YouTube Link: ''
Open in YouTube: ''
Copy Invidious Link: ''
Open in Invidious: ''
# On Video Watch Page
#* Published
#& Views
Toggle Theatre Mode: ''
Change Format:
Change Video Formats: ''
Use Dash Formats: ''
Use Legacy Formats: ''
Use Audio Formats: ''
Dash formats are not available for this video: ''
Audio formats are not available for this video: ''
Share Video: ''
Include Timestamp: ''
Copy Link: ''
Open Link: ''
Copy Embed: ''
Open Embed: ''
# On Click
Invidious URL copied to clipboard: ''
Invidious Embed URL copied to clipboard: ''
Invidious Channel URL copied to clipboard: ''
YouTube URL copied to clipboard: ''
YouTube Embed URL copied to clipboard: ''
YouTube Channel URL copied to clipboard: ''
Mini Player: ''
Comments: ''
Click to View Comments: ''
Getting comment replies, please wait: ''
There are no more comments for this video: ''
Show Comments: ''
Hide Comments: ''
Sort by: ''
Top comments: ''
Newest first: ''
# Context: View 10 Replies, View 1 Reply
View: ''
Hide: ''
Replies: ''
Reply: ''
There are no comments available for this video: ''
Load More Comments: ''
No more comments available: ''
Up Next: ''
General Settings:
Preferred API Backend: ''
Fallback to Non-Preferred Backend on Failure: ''
Thumbnail Preference: ''
Invidious Instance: ''
Region for Trending: ''
Player Settings:
Force Local Backend for Legacy Formats: ''
Proxy Videos Through Invidious: ''
Default Video Format: ''
Subscription Settings:
Fetch Feeds from RSS: ''
Privacy Settings:
Remove Video Meta Files: ''
# Toast Messages
Local API Error (Click to copy): ''
Invidious API Error (Click to copy): ''
Falling back to Invidious API: ''
Falling back to the local API: ''
This video is unavailable because of missing formats. This can happen due to country unavailability.: ''
Subscriptions have not yet been implemented: ''
Loop is now disabled: ''
Loop is now enabled: ''
Shuffle is now disabled: ''
Shuffle is now enabled: ''
The playlist has been reversed: ''
Playing Next Video: ''
Playing Previous Video: ''
Playing Next Video Interval: ''
Canceled next video autoplay: ''
'The playlist has ended. Enable loop to continue playing': ''
Yes: ''
No: ''
Search Bar:
Clear Input: Sarrera garbitu
Are you sure you want to open this link?: Ziur al zaude ataka hau ireki nahi duzula?
Open New Window: Leiho berria ireki