Translated using Weblate (Basque)
Currently translated at 82.6% (481 of 582 strings) Translation: FreeTube/Translations Translate-URL:
This commit is contained in:
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ Settings:
Preferred API Backend:
Preferred API Backend: 'API Backend hobetsia'
Local API: 'Tokiko API'
Invidious API: 'Invidious API'
Invidious API: 'Invidious API-a'
Video View Type:
Video View Type: 'Bideo-ikuspegi mota'
Grid: 'Lauki-sarea'
@ -480,87 +480,134 @@ Channel:
Featured Channels: 'Nabarmendutako kanalak'
Mark As Watched: 'Ikusitako gisa jarri'
Remove From History: ''
Video has been marked as watched: ''
Video has been removed from your history: ''
Save Video: ''
Video has been saved: ''
Video has been removed from your saved list: ''
Open in YouTube: ''
Copy YouTube Link: ''
Open YouTube Embedded Player: ''
Copy YouTube Embedded Player Link: ''
Open in Invidious: ''
Copy Invidious Link: ''
Open Channel in YouTube: ''
Copy YouTube Channel Link: ''
Open Channel in Invidious: ''
Copy Invidious Channel Link: ''
View: ''
Views: ''
Loop Playlist: ''
Shuffle Playlist: ''
Reverse Playlist: ''
Play Next Video: ''
Play Previous Video: ''
Remove From History: 'Historikotik ezabatu'
Video has been marked as watched: 'Bideoa ikusia gisa ezarri da'
Video has been removed from your history: 'Bideoa zure historikotik ezabatu egin
Save Video: 'Gorde bideoa'
Video has been saved: 'Bideoa ongi gorde da'
Video has been removed from your saved list: 'Bideoa gordetakoen zerrendatik kendu
Open in YouTube: 'Youtuben ireki'
Copy YouTube Link: 'Youtube-ren esteka kopiatu'
Open YouTube Embedded Player: 'Youtuberen erreproduzitzaile integratua ireki'
Copy YouTube Embedded Player Link: 'Youtuberen erreproduzitzaile integratuaren esteka
Open in Invidious: 'Invidious-en ireki'
Copy Invidious Link: 'Invidious-en esteka kopiatu'
Open Channel in YouTube: 'Kanala Youtube-n ireki'
Copy YouTube Channel Link: 'Youtubeko kanalaren esteka kopiatu'
Open Channel in Invidious: 'Kanala Invidious-en ireki'
Copy Invidious Channel Link: 'Invidious-eko kanalaren esteka kopiatu'
View: 'Ikusi'
Views: 'Ikustaldiak'
Loop Playlist: 'etengabeko erreprodukzio zerrenda'
Shuffle Playlist: 'Nahasketa erreprodukzio zerrenda'
Reverse Playlist: 'Alderantzizko erreprodukzio zerrenda'
Play Next Video: 'Hurrengo bideoa ikusi'
Play Previous Video: 'Aurreko bideoa ikusi'
# Context is "X People Watching"
Watching: ''
Watched: ''
Autoplay: ''
Starting soon, please refresh the page to check again: ''
Watching: 'Ikusten'
Watched: 'Ikusitakoak'
Autoplay: 'Automatikoki ikusi'
Starting soon, please refresh the page to check again: 'Laster hasiko da, mesedez,
freskatu orria berriro egiaztatzeko'
# As in a Live Video
Live: ''
Live Now: ''
Live Chat: ''
Enable Live Chat: ''
Live Chat is currently not supported in this build.: ''
'Chat is disabled or the Live Stream has ended.': ''
Live chat is enabled. Chat messages will appear here once sent.: ''
'Live Chat is currently not supported with the Invidious API. A direct connection to YouTube is required.': ''
Download Video: ''
video only: ''
audio only: ''
Live: 'Zuzenekoak'
Live Now: 'Uneko zuzenekoak'
Live Chat: 'Zuzenekoaren txata'
Enable Live Chat: 'Zuzeneko txata aktibatu'
Live Chat is currently not supported in this build.: 'Zuzeneko txata ez da oraindik
onartzen konpilazio honetan.'
'Chat is disabled or the Live Stream has ended.': 'Txata desgaituta dago edo zuzeneko
igorpena amaitu da.'
Live chat is enabled. Chat messages will appear here once sent.: 'Zuzeneko txata
gaituta dago. Txat-mezuak bidalitakoan hemen agertuko dira.'
'Live Chat is currently not supported with the Invidious API. A direct connection to YouTube is required.': 'Zuzeneko
txata ez da onartzen Invidious APIarekin. Beharrezkoa da YouTube-ra zuzenean
Download Video: 'Bideoa deskargatu'
video only: 'Bideoa soilik'
audio only: 'Audioa soilik'
Low: ''
Medium: ''
High: ''
Best: ''
Low: 'Eskasa'
Medium: 'Erdi-mailakoa'
High: 'Altua'
Best: 'Onena'
Jan: ''
Feb: ''
Mar: ''
Apr: ''
May: ''
Jun: ''
Jul: ''
Aug: ''
Sep: ''
Oct: ''
Nov: ''
Dec: ''
Second: ''
Seconds: ''
Minute: ''
Minutes: ''
Hour: ''
Hours: ''
Day: ''
Days: ''
Week: ''
Weeks: ''
Month: ''
Months: ''
Year: ''
Years: ''
Ago: ''
Upcoming: ''
Published on: ''
Streamed on: ''
Started streaming on: ''
translated from English: ''
Jan: 'Urtarrila'
Feb: 'Otsaila'
Mar: 'Martxoa'
Apr: 'Apirila'
May: 'Maiatza'
Jun: 'Ekaina'
Jul: 'Uztaila'
Aug: 'Abuztua'
Sep: 'Iraila'
Oct: 'Urria'
Nov: 'Azaroa'
Dec: 'Abendua'
Second: 'Segundua'
Seconds: 'Segundoak'
Minute: 'Minutua'
Minutes: 'Minutuak'
Hour: 'Ordua'
Hours: 'Orduak'
Day: 'Eguna'
Days: 'Egunak'
Week: 'Astea'
Weeks: 'Asteak'
Month: 'Hilabetea'
Months: 'Hilabeteak'
Year: 'Urtea'
Years: 'Urteak'
Ago: 'Duela'
Upcoming: 'Estreinaldiak'
Published on: 'Noiz argitaratua'
Streamed on: 'Noiz zuzenean emana'
Started streaming on: 'Noiz hasi zen zuzenekoa'
translated from English: 'Ingelesetik itzulia'
# $ is replaced with the number and % with the unit (days, hours, minutes...)
Publicationtemplate: ''
Publicationtemplate: 'Duela $ %'
#& Videos
External Player:
Unsupported Actions:
opening playlists: erreprodukzio zerrendak irekitzen
shuffling playlists: erreprodukzio zerrendak nahasten
setting a playback rate: erreprodukzio tasa ezarri
reversing playlists: erreprodukzio zerrendak alderantzizkatzen
starting video at offset: hasierako bideoa offset moduan
opening specific video in a playlist (falling back to opening the video): erreprodukzio
zerrenda batean bideoa irekitzen (bideoa berriz ere irekitzen)
looping playlists: erreprodukzio zerrendak etengabe erreproduzitzen
OpenInTemplate: $-an irekia
video: bideoa
OpeningTemplate: $ irekitzen %-an...
UnsupportedActionTemplate: '$-k ez du onartzen: %'
playlist: erreprodukzio zerrenda
Video ID: Bideoaren identifikatzailea
Bitrate: biten tasa
Volume: Bolumena
Bandwidth: Banda zabalera
Buffered: Bufferera igota
Video statistics are not available for legacy videos: Bideoen estatistikak ez
daude eskuragarri legacy bideoentzat
Resolution: Bereizmena
Player Dimensions: Erreproduzitzailearen neurriak
Dropped / Total Frames: Bidalitako / Guztira Frame-ak
Mimetype: MIME mota
Sponsor Block category:
music offtopic: Gaiaz kanpoko musika
interaction: Elkarrekintza
sponsor: Babeslea
outro: Bukaera
self-promotion: Autosustapena
recap: Laburpen
filler: Betegarria
intro: Sarrera
Skipped segment: Saltatu egin da segmentua
Premieres on: Estreinaldiak
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