* History: Refactor history module
* Profiles: Refactor profiles module
* IPC: Move channel ids to their own file and make them constants
* IPC: Replace single sync channel for one channel per sync type
* Everywhere: Replace default profile id magic strings with constant ref
* Profiles: Refactor `activeProfile` property from store
This commit makes it so that `activeProfile`'s getter returns
the entire profile, while the related update function only needs
the profile id (instead of the previously used array index)
to change the currently active profile.
This change was made due to inconsistency regarding the active profile
when creating new profiles.
If a new profile coincidentally landed in the current active profile's
array index after sorting, the app would mistakenly change to it
without any action from the user apart from the profile's creation.
Turning the profile id into the selector instead solves this issue.
* Revert "Store: Implement history synchronization between windows"
This reverts commit 99b61e6178.
This is necessary for an upcoming improved implementation of the
history synchronization.
* History: Remove unused mutation
* Everywhere: Create abstract database handlers
The project now utilizes abstract handlers to fetch, modify
or otherwise manipulate data from the database.
This facilitates 3 aspects of the app, in addition of
making them future proof:
- Switching database libraries is now trivial
Since most of the app utilizes the abstract handlers, it's incredibly
easily to change to a different DB library.
Hypothetically, all that would need to be done is to simply replace the
the file containing the base handlers, while the rest of the app
would go unchanged.
- Syncing logic between Electron and web is now properly separated
There are now two distinct DB handling APIs: the Electron one and
the web one.
The app doesn't need to manually choose the API, because it's detected
which platform is being utilized on import.
- All Electron windows now share the same database instance
This provides a single source of truth, improving consistency
regarding data manipulation and windows synchronization.
As a sidenote, syncing implementation has been left as is
(web unimplemented; Electron only syncs settings, remaining
datastore syncing will be implemented in the upcoming commits).
* Electron/History: Implement history synchronization
* Profiles: Implement suplementary profile creation logic
* ft-profile-edit: Small fix on profile name missing display
* Electron/Profiles: Implement profile synchronization
* Electron/Playlists: Implement playlist synchronization
* * Improve style of top nav search input
* Implement clear input text on input
* ! Fix to only have top nav input to add new clear text box button
* * Update button design & fix accessibility flaw
* * Update spacing of new button
* * Update input box padding-left to use the same value as padding-right
* * Updating button padding
There are now two separate settings related to Invidious instances:
- currentInvidiousInstance
- defaultInvidiousInstance
'currentInvidiousInstance' is a value that exists solely in memory
and it's the value used by the app to make the API calls,
while 'defaultInvidiousInstance' is the value that can be persisted
in the database by user action and will be used to initiate
the 'currentInvidiousInstance' on startup.
If the user has not saved a default value to the database,
'currentInvidiousInstance' is randomized from
a fetched list of viable candidates.
* * Update Youtube URL handling to recongnize playlist ID in URL
Only for format of `https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vid&list=lid`
* ! Fix vue component prop declaration
A prop where the value can be undefined cannot be declared "required"
The `remote` module is deprecated and `@electron/remote` is unnecessary,
since the `ipcMain` and `ipcRenderer` can replace their functionality,
providing better performance and better security.
All other dangerous calls (mainly pulling main process constructs into
the renderer process) have also been removed.
* $ Extract function which extract details from a Youtube URL
* * Update top nav handling to use extract function to handle input text if it's Youtube URL
* - Remove no longer used function
This allows users to specify the timestamp of a video (in seconds)
- by inputting a link into the search bar
- by making use of the protocol link (freetube://), p.e in a browser
- Search bar is primary-color-hover in thin mode with match top bar set
- Search filters .expand class does not take effect in thin mode
- Grid point moved from 901 to 961 px