import Vue from 'vue' import { mapActions } from 'vuex' import $ from 'jquery' import fs from 'fs' import ytDashGen from 'yt-dash-manifest-generator' import FtLoader from '../../components/ft-loader/ft-loader.vue' import FtCard from '../../components/ft-card/ft-card.vue' import FtElementList from '../../components/ft-element-list/ft-element-list.vue' import FtVideoPlayer from '../../components/ft-video-player/ft-video-player.vue' import WatchVideoInfo from '../../components/watch-video-info/watch-video-info.vue' import WatchVideoDescription from '../../components/watch-video-description/watch-video-description.vue' import WatchVideoComments from '../../components/watch-video-comments/watch-video-comments.vue' import WatchVideoLiveChat from '../../components/watch-video-live-chat/watch-video-live-chat.vue' import WatchVideoPlaylist from '../../components/watch-video-playlist/watch-video-playlist.vue' import WatchVideoRecommendations from '../../components/watch-video-recommendations/watch-video-recommendations.vue' export default Vue.extend({ name: 'Watch', components: { 'ft-loader': FtLoader, 'ft-card': FtCard, 'ft-element-list': FtElementList, 'ft-video-player': FtVideoPlayer, 'watch-video-info': WatchVideoInfo, 'watch-video-description': WatchVideoDescription, 'watch-video-comments': WatchVideoComments, 'watch-video-live-chat': WatchVideoLiveChat, 'watch-video-playlist': WatchVideoPlaylist, 'watch-video-recommendations': WatchVideoRecommendations }, beforeRouteLeave: function (to, from, next) { this.handleRouteChange() window.removeEventListener('beforeunload', this.handleWatchProgress) next() }, data: function() { return { isLoading: false, firstLoad: true, useTheatreMode: false, showDashPlayer: true, showLegacyPlayer: false, showYouTubeNoCookieEmbed: false, hidePlayer: false, isLive: false, isLiveContent: false, isUpcoming: false, upcomingTimestamp: null, activeFormat: 'legacy', thumbnail: '', videoId: '', videoTitle: '', videoDescription: '', videoDescriptionHtml: '', videoViewCount: 0, videoLikeCount: 0, videoDislikeCount: 0, videoLengthSeconds: 0, channelName: '', channelThumbnail: '', channelId: '', channelSubscriptionCountText: '', videoPublished: 0, videoStoryboardSrc: '', audioUrl: '', dashSrc: [], activeSourceList: [], videoSourceList: [], audioSourceList: [], adaptiveFormats: [], captionHybridList: [], // [] -> Promise[] -> string[] (URIs) recommendedVideos: [], downloadLinks: [], watchingPlaylist: false, playlistId: '', timestamp: null, playNextTimeout: null } }, computed: { isDev: function () { return process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' }, usingElectron: function () { return this.$store.getters.getUsingElectron }, historyCache: function () { return this.$store.getters.getHistoryCache }, rememberHistory: function () { return this.$store.getters.getRememberHistory }, removeVideoMetaFiles: function () { return this.$store.getters.getRemoveVideoMetaFiles }, saveWatchedProgress: function () { return this.$store.getters.getSaveWatchedProgress }, backendPreference: function () { return this.$store.getters.getBackendPreference }, backendFallback: function () { return this.$store.getters.getBackendFallback }, invidiousInstance: function () { return this.$store.getters.getInvidiousInstance }, proxyVideos: function () { return this.$store.getters.getProxyVideos }, defaultInterval: function () { return this.$store.getters.getDefaultInterval }, defaultTheatreMode: function () { return this.$store.getters.getDefaultTheatreMode }, defaultVideoFormat: function () { return this.$store.getters.getDefaultVideoFormat }, forceLocalBackendForLegacy: function () { return this.$store.getters.getForceLocalBackendForLegacy }, thumbnailPreference: function () { return this.$store.getters.getThumbnailPreference }, playNextVideo: function () { return this.$store.getters.getPlayNextVideo }, hideRecommendedVideos: function () { return this.$store.getters.getHideRecommendedVideos }, hideLiveChat: function () { return this.$store.getters.getHideLiveChat }, youtubeNoCookieEmbeddedFrame: function () { return `` }, hideChannelSubscriptions: function () { return this.$store.getters.getHideChannelSubscriptions }, hideVideoLikesAndDislikes: function () { return this.$store.getters.getHideVideoLikesAndDislikes }, theatrePossible: function() { return !this.hideRecommendedVideos || (!this.hideLiveChat && this.isLive) || this.watchingPlaylist } }, watch: { $route() { this.handleRouteChange() // react to route changes... this.videoId = this.$ this.firstLoad = true this.activeFormat = this.defaultVideoFormat this.videoStoryboardSrc = '' this.captionHybridList = [] this.downloadLinks = [] this.checkIfPlaylist() this.checkIfTimestamp() switch (this.backendPreference) { case 'local': this.getVideoInformationLocal(this.videoId) break case 'invidious': this.getVideoInformationInvidious(this.videoId) if (this.forceLocalBackendForLegacy) { this.getVideoInformationLocal(this.videoId) } break } } }, mounted: function () { this.videoId = this.$ this.activeFormat = this.defaultVideoFormat this.useTheatreMode = this.defaultTheatreMode this.checkIfPlaylist() this.checkIfTimestamp() if (!this.usingElectron) { this.getVideoInformationInvidious() } else { switch (this.backendPreference) { case 'local': this.getVideoInformationLocal() break case 'invidious': this.getVideoInformationInvidious() break } } window.addEventListener('beforeunload', this.handleWatchProgress) }, methods: { changeTimestamp: function(timestamp) { this.$refs.videoPlayer.player.currentTime(timestamp) }, toggleTheatreMode: function() { this.useTheatreMode = !this.useTheatreMode }, getVideoInformationLocal: function() { if (this.firstLoad) { this.isLoading = true } this.ytGetVideoInformation(this.videoId) .then(async result => { console.log(result) const playabilityStatus = result.player_response.playabilityStatus if (playabilityStatus.status === 'UNPLAYABLE') { const errorScreen = playabilityStatus.errorScreen.playerErrorMessageRenderer const reason = errorScreen.reason.simpleText let subReason let skipIndex errorScreen.subreason.runs.forEach((message, index) => { if (index !== skipIndex) { if (message.text.match(//)) { skipIndex = index + 1 } else if (!message.text.match(/<\/a>/)) { if (typeof subReason === 'undefined') { subReason = message.text } else { subReason = subReason + message.text } } } }) throw new Error(`${reason}: ${subReason}`) } this.videoTitle = result.videoDetails.title this.videoViewCount = parseInt( result.player_response.videoDetails.viewCount, 10 ) if ('id' in { this.channelId = result.player_response.videoDetails.channelId this.channelName = console.log(result) if ( > 0) { this.channelThumbnail =[0].url } } else { this.channelId = result.player_response.videoDetails.channelId this.channelName = this.channelThumbnail = result.player_response.embedPreview.thumbnailPreviewRenderer.videoDetails.embeddedPlayerOverlayVideoDetailsRenderer.channelThumbnail.thumbnails[0].url } this.videoPublished = new Date(result.videoDetails.publishDate.replace('-', '/')).getTime() this.videoDescription = result.player_response.videoDetails.shortDescription switch (this.thumbnailPreference) { case 'start': this.thumbnail = `${this.videoId}/maxres1.jpg` break case 'middle': this.thumbnail = `${this.videoId}/maxres2.jpg` break case 'end': this.thumbnail = `${this.videoId}/maxres3.jpg` break default: this.thumbnail = result.videoDetails.thumbnails[result.videoDetails.thumbnails.length - 1].url break } this.recommendedVideos = => { video.videoId = video.authorId = video.viewCount = video.view_count video.lengthSeconds = video.length_seconds = video.publishedText = video.published return video }) if (this.hideVideoLikesAndDislikes) { this.videoLikeCount = null this.videoDislikeCount = null } else { this.videoLikeCount = isNaN(result.videoDetails.likes) ? 0 : result.videoDetails.likes this.videoDislikeCount = isNaN(result.videoDetails.dislikes) ? 0 : result.videoDetails.dislikes } this.isLive = result.player_response.videoDetails.isLive this.isLiveContent = result.player_response.videoDetails.isLiveContent this.isUpcoming = result.player_response.videoDetails.isUpcoming ? result.player_response.videoDetails.isUpcoming : false if (this.videoDislikeCount === null && !this.hideVideoLikesAndDislikes) { this.videoDislikeCount = 0 } const subCount = if (typeof (subCount) !== 'undefined' && !this.hideChannelSubscriptions) { if (subCount >= 1000000) { this.channelSubscriptionCountText = `${subCount / 1000000}M` } else if (subCount >= 10000) { this.channelSubscriptionCountText = `${subCount / 1000}K` } else { this.channelSubscriptionCountText = subCount.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ',') } } if ((this.isLive || this.isLiveContent) && !this.isUpcoming) { this.enableLegacyFormat() this.videoSourceList = result.formats.filter((format) => { if (typeof (format.mimeType) !== 'undefined') { return format.mimeType.includes('video/ts') } return format.itag === 300 || format.itag === 301 }).map((format) => { let qualityLabel if (format.itag === 300) { qualityLabel = '720p' } else if (format.itag === 301) { qualityLabel = '1080p' } else { qualityLabel = format.qualityLabel } return { url: format.url, type: 'application/x-mpegURL', label: 'Dash', qualityLabel: qualityLabel } }).sort((a, b) => { const qualityA = parseInt(a.qualityLabel.replace('p', '')) const qualityB = parseInt(b.qualityLabel.replace('p', '')) return qualityA - qualityB }).reverse() if (this.videoSourceList.length === 0) { this.activeSourceList = result.player_response.streamingData.formats } else { this.activeSourceList = this.videoSourceList } } else if (this.isUpcoming) { const startTimestamp = result.videoDetails.liveBroadcastDetails.startTimestamp if (typeof startTimestamp !== 'undefined') { const upcomingTimestamp = new Date(result.videoDetails.liveBroadcastDetails.startTimestamp) this.upcomingTimestamp = upcomingTimestamp.toLocaleString() } else { this.upcomingTimestamp = null } } else { this.videoLengthSeconds = parseInt(result.videoDetails.lengthSeconds) if (result.player_response.streamingData !== undefined) { if (typeof (result.player_response.streamingData.formats) !== 'undefined') { this.videoSourceList = result.player_response.streamingData.formats.reverse() } else { this.videoSourceList = result.player_response.streamingData.adaptiveFormats.reverse() } this.adaptiveFormats = this.videoSourceList this.downloadLinks = result.formats.filter((format) => { return typeof format.mimeType !== 'undefined' }).map((format) => { const qualityLabel = format.qualityLabel || format.bitrate const itag = format.itag const fps = format.fps ? (format.fps + 'fps') : 'kbps' const type = format.mimeType.match(/.*;/)[0].replace(';', '') let label = `${qualityLabel} ${fps} - ${type}` if (itag !== 18 && itag !== 22) { if (type.includes('video')) { label += ` ${this.$t(' only')}` } else { label += ` ${this.$t(' only')}` } } const object = { url: format.url, label: label } return object }) const captionTracks = result.player_response.captions && result.player_response.captions.playerCaptionsTracklistRenderer .captionTracks if (typeof captionTracks !== 'undefined') { const locale = this.$i18n.locale if (locale !== null) { const standardLocale = locale.replace('_', '-') const noLocaleCaption = !captionTracks.some(track => track.languageCode === standardLocale && track.kind !== 'asr' ) if (!standardLocale.startsWith('en') && noLocaleCaption) { const baseUrl = result.player_response.captions.playerCaptionsRenderer.baseUrl this.tryAddingTranslatedLocaleCaption(captionTracks, standardLocale, baseUrl) } } this.captionHybridList = this.createCaptionPromiseList(captionTracks) const captionLinks = => { const label = `${} (${caption.languageCode}) - text/vtt` return { url: caption.baseUrl, label: label } }) this.downloadLinks = this.downloadLinks.concat(captionLinks) } } else { // video might be region locked or something else. This leads to no formats being available this.showToast({ message: this.$t('This video is unavailable because of missing formats. This can happen due to country unavailability.'), time: 7000 }) this.handleVideoEnded() return } if (typeof result.player_response.streamingData.adaptiveFormats !== 'undefined') { if (this.proxyVideos) { this.dashSrc = await this.createInvidiousDashManifest() } else { const adaptiveFormats = result.player_response.streamingData.adaptiveFormats this.dashSrc = await this.createLocalDashManifest(adaptiveFormats) this.adaptiveFormats = adaptiveFormats } this.audioSourceList = result.player_response.streamingData.adaptiveFormats.filter((format) => { return format.mimeType.includes('audio') }).sort((a, b) => { return a.bitrate - b.bitrate }).map((format, index) => { const label = (x) => { switch (x) { case 0: return this.$t('Video.Audio.Low') case 1: return this.$t('Video.Audio.Medium') case 2: return this.$t('Video.Audio.High') case 3: return this.$t('Video.Audio.Best') default: return format.bitrate } } return { url: format.url, type: format.mimeType, label: 'Audio', qualityLabel: label(index) } }).reverse() if (this.activeFormat === 'audio') { this.activeSourceList = this.audioSourceList } else { this.activeSourceList = this.videoSourceList } } else { this.activeSourceList = this.videoSourceList this.audioSourceList = null this.dashSrc = null this.enableLegacyFormat() } if (typeof result.player_response.storyboards !== 'undefined') { const templateUrl = result.player_response.storyboards.playerStoryboardSpecRenderer.spec this.createLocalStoryboardUrls(templateUrl) } } this.isLoading = false this.updateTitle() }) .catch(err => { const errorMessage = this.$t('Local API Error (Click to copy)') this.showToast({ message: `${errorMessage}: ${err}`, time: 10000, action: () => { navigator.clipboard.writeText(err) } }) console.log(err) if (!this.usingElectron || (this.backendPreference === 'local' && this.backendFallback && !err.toString().includes('private'))) { this.showToast({ message: this.$t('Falling back to Invidious API') }) this.getVideoInformationInvidious() } else { this.isLoading = false } }) }, getVideoInformationInvidious: function() { if (this.firstLoad) { this.isLoading = true } this.dashSrc = this.createInvidiousDashManifest() this.videoStoryboardSrc = `${this.invidiousInstance}/api/v1/storyboards/${this.videoId}?height=90` this.invidiousGetVideoInformation(this.videoId) .then(result => { console.log(result) if (result.error) { throw new Error(result.error) } this.videoTitle = result.title this.videoViewCount = result.viewCount if (this.hideVideoLikesAndDislikes) { this.videoLikeCount = null this.videoDislikeCount = null } else { this.videoLikeCount = result.likeCount this.videoDislikeCount = result.dislikeCount } if (this.hideChannelSubscriptions) { this.channelSubscriptionCountText = '' } else { this.channelSubscriptionCountText = result.subCountText || 'FT-0' } this.channelId = result.authorId this.channelName = this.channelThumbnail = result.authorThumbnails[1] ? result.authorThumbnails[1].url.replace('', `${this.invidiousInstance}/ggpht/`) : '' this.videoPublished = result.published * 1000 this.videoDescriptionHtml = result.descriptionHtml this.recommendedVideos = result.recommendedVideos this.adaptiveFormats = result.adaptiveFormats this.isLive = result.liveNow this.captionHybridList = => { caption.url = this.invidiousInstance + caption.url caption.type = '' caption.dataSource = 'invidious' return caption }) switch (this.thumbnailPreference) { case 'start': this.thumbnail = `${this.invidiousInstance}/vi/${this.videoId}/maxres1.jpg` break case 'middle': this.thumbnail = `${this.invidiousInstance}/vi/${this.videoId}/maxres2.jpg` break case 'end': this.thumbnail = `${this.invidiousInstance}/vi/${this.videoId}/maxres3.jpg` break default: this.thumbnail = result.videoThumbnails[0].url break } if (this.isLive) { this.showLegacyPlayer = true this.showDashPlayer = false this.activeFormat = 'legacy' this.videoSourceList = [ { url: result.hlsUrl, type: 'application/x-mpegURL', label: 'Dash', qualityLabel: 'Live' } ] // Grabs the adaptive formats from Invidious. Might be worth making these work. // The type likely needs to be changed in order for these to be played properly. // this.videoSourceList = result.adaptiveFormats.filter((format) => { // if (typeof (format.type) !== 'undefined') { // return format.type.includes('video/mp4') // } // }).map((format) => { // return { // url: format.url, // type: 'application/x-mpegURL', // label: 'Dash', // qualityLabel: format.qualityLabel // } // }) this.activeSourceList = this.videoSourceList } else if (this.forceLocalBackendForLegacy) { this.getLegacyFormats() } else { this.videoLengthSeconds = result.lengthSeconds this.videoSourceList = result.formatStreams.reverse() this.downloadLinks = result.adaptiveFormats.concat(this.videoSourceList).map((format) => { const qualityLabel = format.qualityLabel || format.bitrate const itag = parseInt(format.itag) const fps = format.fps ? (format.fps + 'fps') : 'kbps' const type = format.type.match(/.*;/)[0].replace(';', '') let label = `${qualityLabel} ${fps} - ${type}` if (itag !== 18 && itag !== 22) { if (type.includes('video')) { label += ` ${this.$t(' only')}` } else { label += ` ${this.$t(' only')}` } } const object = { url: format.url, label: label } return object }).reverse().concat( => { const label = `${caption.label} (${caption.languageCode}) - text/vtt` const object = { url: caption.url, label: label } return object })) this.audioSourceList = result.adaptiveFormats.filter((format) => { return format.type.includes('audio') }).map((format) => { return { url: format.url, type: format.type, label: 'Audio', qualityLabel: parseInt(format.bitrate) } }).sort((a, b) => { return a.qualityLabel - b.qualityLabel }) if (this.activeFormat === 'audio') { this.activeSourceList = this.audioSourceList } else { this.activeSourceList = this.videoSourceList } } this.updateTitle() this.isLoading = false }) .catch(err => { const errorMessage = this.$t('Invidious API Error (Click to copy)') this.showToast({ message: `${errorMessage}: ${err.responseText}`, time: 10000, action: () => { navigator.clipboard.writeText(err.responseText) } }) console.log(err) if (this.backendPreference === 'invidious' && this.backendFallback) { this.showToast({ message: this.$t('Falling back to Local API') }) this.getVideoInformationLocal() } else { this.isLoading = false } }) }, addToHistory: function (watchProgress) { const videoData = { videoId: this.videoId, title: this.videoTitle, author: this.channelName, authorId: this.channelId, published: this.videoPublished, description: this.videoDescription, viewCount: this.videoViewCount, lengthSeconds: this.videoLengthSeconds, watchProgress: watchProgress, timeWatched: new Date().getTime(), isLive: false, paid: false, type: 'video' } this.updateHistory(videoData) }, handleWatchProgress: function () { if (this.rememberHistory && !this.isUpcoming && !this.isLoading && !this.isLive) { const player = this.$refs.videoPlayer.player if (player !== null && this.saveWatchedProgress) { const currentTime = this.getWatchedProgress() const payload = { videoId: this.videoId, watchProgress: currentTime } this.updateWatchProgress(payload) } } }, checkIfWatched: function () { const historyIndex = this.historyCache.findIndex((video) => { return video.videoId === this.videoId }) console.log(historyIndex) if (!this.isLive) { if (this.timestamp) { if (this.timestamp < 0) { this.$refs.videoPlayer.player.currentTime(0) } else if (this.timestamp > (this.videoLengthSeconds - 10)) { this.$refs.videoPlayer.player.currentTime(this.videoLengthSeconds - 10) } else { this.$refs.videoPlayer.player.currentTime(this.timestamp) } } else if (historyIndex !== -1) { const watchProgress = this.historyCache[historyIndex].watchProgress if (watchProgress < (this.videoLengthSeconds - 10)) { this.$refs.videoPlayer.player.currentTime(watchProgress) } } } if (this.rememberHistory) { if (this.timestamp) { this.addToHistory(this.timestamp) } else if (historyIndex !== -1) { this.addToHistory(this.historyCache[historyIndex].watchProgress) } else { this.addToHistory(0) } } }, checkIfPlaylist: function () { if (typeof (this.$route.query) !== 'undefined') { this.playlistId = this.$route.query.playlistId if (typeof (this.playlistId) !== 'undefined') { this.watchingPlaylist = true } else { this.watchingPlaylist = false } } else { this.watchingPlaylist = false } }, checkIfTimestamp: function () { if (typeof (this.$route.query) !== 'undefined') { try { this.timestamp = parseInt(this.$route.query.timestamp) } catch { this.timestamp = null } } }, getLegacyFormats: function () { this.ytGetVideoInformation(this.videoId) .then(result => { this.videoSourceList = result.player_response.streamingData.formats }) .catch(err => { const errorMessage = this.$t('Local API Error (Click to copy)') this.showToast({ message: `${errorMessage}: ${err}`, time: 10000, action: () => { navigator.clipboard.writeText(err) } }) console.log(err) if (!this.usingElectron || (this.backendPreference === 'local' && this.backendFallback)) { this.showToast({ message: this.$t('Falling back to Invidious API') }) this.getVideoInformationInvidious() } }) }, enableDashFormat: function () { if (this.activeFormat === 'dash' || this.isLive) { return } if (this.dashSrc === null) { this.showToast({ message: this.$t('Change Format.Dash formats are not available for this video') }) return } const watchedProgress = this.getWatchedProgress() this.activeFormat = 'dash' this.hidePlayer = true setTimeout(() => { this.hidePlayer = false setTimeout(() => { const player = this.$refs.videoPlayer.player if (player !== null) { player.currentTime(watchedProgress) } }, 500) }, 100) }, enableLegacyFormat: function () { if (this.activeFormat === 'legacy') { return } const watchedProgress = this.getWatchedProgress() this.activeFormat = 'legacy' this.activeSourceList = this.videoSourceList this.hidePlayer = true setTimeout(() => { this.hidePlayer = false setTimeout(() => { const player = this.$refs.videoPlayer.player if (player !== null) { player.currentTime(watchedProgress) } }, 500) }, 100) }, enableAudioFormat: function () { if (this.activeFormat === 'audio') { return } if (this.audioSourceList === null) { this.showToast({ message: this.$t('Change Format.Audio formats are not available for this video') }) return } const watchedProgress = this.getWatchedProgress() this.activeFormat = 'audio' this.activeSourceList = this.audioSourceList this.hidePlayer = true setTimeout(() => { this.hidePlayer = false setTimeout(() => { const player = this.$refs.videoPlayer.player if (player !== null) { player.currentTime(watchedProgress) } }, 500) }, 100) }, handleVideoEnded: function () { if (!this.watchingPlaylist && !this.playNextVideo) { return } const nextVideoInterval = this.defaultInterval this.playNextTimeout = setTimeout(() => { const player = this.$refs.videoPlayer.player if (player !== null && player.paused()) { if (this.watchingPlaylist) { this.$refs.watchVideoPlaylist.playNextVideo() } else { const nextVideoId = this.recommendedVideos[0].videoId this.$router.push({ path: `/watch/${nextVideoId}` }) this.showToast({ message: this.$t('Playing Next Video') }) } } }, nextVideoInterval * 1000) let countDownTimeLeftInSecond = nextVideoInterval const showCountDownMessage = () => { // Will not display "Playing next video in no time" as it's too late to cancel // Also there is a separate message when playing next video if (countDownTimeLeftInSecond <= 0) { clearInterval(countDownIntervalId) return } this.showToast({ message: this.$tc('Playing Next Video Interval', countDownTimeLeftInSecond, { nextVideoInterval: countDownTimeLeftInSecond }), // To avoid message flashing // `time` is manually tested to be 700 time: 700, action: () => { clearTimeout(this.playNextTimeout) clearInterval(countDownIntervalId) this.showToast({ message: this.$t('Canceled next video autoplay') }) } }) // At least this var should be updated AFTER showing the message countDownTimeLeftInSecond = countDownTimeLeftInSecond - 1 } // Execute once before scheduling it showCountDownMessage() const countDownIntervalId = setInterval(showCountDownMessage, 1000) }, handleRouteChange: async function () { clearTimeout(this.playNextTimeout) this.handleWatchProgress() if (!this.isUpcoming && !this.isLoading) { const player = this.$refs.videoPlayer.player if (player !== null && !player.paused() && player.isInPictureInPicture()) { const playerId = this.videoId setTimeout(() => { player.on('leavepictureinpicture', (event) => { const watchTime = player.currentTime() if (this.$route.fullPath.includes('/watch')) { const routeId = this.$ if (routeId === playerId) { const activePlayer = $('.ftVideoPlayer video').get(0) activePlayer.currentTime = watchTime } } player.pause() player.dispose() }) }, 200) } } if (this.removeVideoMetaFiles) { const userData = await this.getUserDataPath() if (this.isDev) { const dashFileLocation = `dashFiles/${this.videoId}.xml` const vttFileLocation = `storyboards/${this.videoId}.vtt` // only delete the file it actually exists if (fs.existsSync('dashFiles/') && fs.existsSync(dashFileLocation)) { fs.rmSync(dashFileLocation) } if (fs.existsSync('storyboards/') && fs.existsSync(vttFileLocation)) { fs.rmSync(vttFileLocation) } } else { const dashFileLocation = `${userData}/dashFiles/${this.videoId}.xml` const vttFileLocation = `${userData}/storyboards/${this.videoId}.vtt` if (fs.existsSync(`${userData}/dashFiles/`) && fs.existsSync(dashFileLocation)) { fs.rmSync(dashFileLocation) } if (fs.existsSync(`${userData}/storyboards/`) && fs.existsSync(vttFileLocation)) { fs.rmSync(vttFileLocation) } } } }, handleVideoError: function (error) { console.log(error) if (this.isLive) { return } if (error.code === 4) { if (this.activeFormat === 'dash') { console.log( 'Unable to play dash formats. Reverting to legacy formats...' ) this.enableLegacyFormat() } else { this.enableDashFormat() } } }, createLocalDashManifest: async function (formats) { const xmlData = ytDashGen.generate_dash_file_from_formats(formats, this.videoLengthSeconds) const userData = await this.getUserDataPath() let fileLocation let uriSchema if (this.isDev) { fileLocation = `dashFiles/${this.videoId}.xml` uriSchema = fileLocation // if the location does not exist, writeFileSync will not create the directory, so we have to do that manually if (!fs.existsSync('dashFiles/')) { fs.mkdirSync('dashFiles/') } } else { fileLocation = `${userData}/dashFiles/${this.videoId}.xml` uriSchema = `file://${fileLocation}` if (!fs.existsSync(`${userData}/dashFiles/`)) { fs.mkdirSync(`${userData}/dashFiles/`) } } fs.writeFileSync(fileLocation, xmlData) return [ { url: uriSchema, type: 'application/dash+xml', label: 'Dash', qualityLabel: 'Auto' } ] }, createInvidiousDashManifest: function () { let url = `${this.invidiousInstance}/api/manifest/dash/id/${this.videoId}.mpd` if (this.proxyVideos || !this.usingElectron) { url = url + '?local=true' } return [ { url: url, type: 'application/dash+xml', label: 'Dash', qualityLabel: 'Auto' } ] }, createLocalStoryboardUrls: function (templateUrl) { const storyboards = templateUrl.split('|') const storyboardArray = [] // Second storyboard: L1/M0 - Third storyboard: L2/M0 - Fourth: L3/M0 const baseUrl = storyboards.shift() // remove the first link because it does not work storyboards.splice(0, 1) storyboards.forEach((storyboard, i) => { // Not sure why the _ variable is needed, but storyboards don't work unless we initialize it. /* eslint-disable-next-line */ const [width, height, count, sWidth, sHeight, interval, _, sigh] = storyboard.split('#') storyboardArray.push({ url: baseUrl.replace('$L', i + 1).replace('$N', 'M0').replace(/<\/?sub>/g, '') + '&sigh=' + sigh, width: Number(width), // Width of one sub image height: Number(height), // Height of one sub image sWidth: Number(sWidth), // Number of images vertically (if full) sHeight: Number(sHeight), // Number of images horizontally (if full) count: Number(count), // Number of images total interval: Number(interval) // How long one image is used }) }) // TODO: MAKE A VARIABLE WHICH CAN CHOOSE BETWEEN STROYBOARD ARRAY ELEMENTS this.buildVTTFileLocally(storyboardArray[1]).then(async (results) => { const userData = await this.getUserDataPath() let fileLocation let uriSchema // Dev mode doesn't have access to the file:// schema, so we access // storyboards differently when run in dev if (this.isDev) { fileLocation = `storyboards/${this.videoId}.vtt` uriSchema = fileLocation // if the location does not exist, writeFileSync will not create the directory, so we have to do that manually if (!fs.existsSync('storyboards/')) { fs.mkdirSync('storyboards/') } } else { if (!fs.existsSync(`${userData}/storyboards/`)) { fs.mkdirSync(`${userData}/storyboards/`) } fileLocation = `${userData}/storyboards/${this.videoId}.vtt` uriSchema = `file://${fileLocation}` } fs.writeFileSync(fileLocation, results) this.videoStoryboardSrc = uriSchema }) }, tryAddingTranslatedLocaleCaption: function (captionTracks, locale, baseUrl) { const enCaptionIdx = captionTracks.findIndex(track => track.languageCode === 'en' && track.kind !== 'asr' ) const enCaptionExists = enCaptionIdx !== -1 const asrEnabled = captionTracks.some(track => track.kind === 'asr') if (enCaptionExists || asrEnabled) { let label let url if (this.$te('Video.translated from English') && this.$t('Video.translated from English') !== '') { label = `${this.$t('Locale Name')} (${this.$t('Video.translated from English')})` } else { label = `${this.$t('Locale Name')} (translated from English)` } if (enCaptionExists) { url = new URL(captionTracks[enCaptionIdx].baseUrl) } else { url = new URL(baseUrl) url.searchParams.set('lang', 'en') url.searchParams.set('kind', 'asr') } url.searchParams.set('tlang', locale) captionTracks.unshift({ baseUrl: url.toString(), name: { simpleText: label }, languageCode: locale }) } }, createCaptionPromiseList: function (captionTracks) { return => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { caption.type = 'text/vtt' caption.charset = 'charset=utf-8' caption.dataSource = 'local' const url = new URL(caption.baseUrl) url.searchParams.set('fmt', 'vtt') $.get(url.toString(), response => { // The character '#' needs to be percent-encoded in a (data) URI // because it signals an identifier, which means anything after it // is automatically removed when the URI is used as a source let vtt = response.replace(/#/g, '%23') // A lot of videos have messed up caption positions that need to be removed // This can be either because this format isn't really used by YouTube // or because it's expected for the player to be able to somehow // wrap the captions so that they won't step outside its boundaries // // Auto-generated captions are also all aligned to the start // so those instances must also be removed // In addition, all aligns seem to be fixed to "start" when they do pop up in normal captions // If it's prominent enough that people start to notice, it can be removed then if (caption.kind === 'asr') { vtt = vtt.replace(/ align:start| position:\d{1,3}%/g, '') } else { vtt = vtt.replace(/ position:\d{1,3}%/g, '') } caption.baseUrl = `data:${caption.type};${caption.charset},${vtt}` resolve(caption) }).fail((xhr, textStatus, error) => { console.log(xhr) console.log(textStatus) console.log(error) reject(error) }) })) }, getWatchedProgress: function () { return this.$refs.videoPlayer && this.$refs.videoPlayer.player ? this.$refs.videoPlayer.player.currentTime() : 0 }, getTimestamp: function () { return Math.floor(this.getWatchedProgress()) }, updateTitle: function () { document.title = `${this.videoTitle} - FreeTube` }, ...mapActions([ 'showToast', 'buildVTTFileLocally', 'updateHistory', 'updateWatchProgress', 'getUserDataPath', 'ytGetVideoInformation', 'invidiousGetVideoInformation' ]) } })