import Datastore from 'nedb' let dbLocation if (window && window.process && window.process.type === 'renderer') { // Electron is being used /* let dbLocation = localStorage.getItem('dbLocation') if (dbLocation === null) { const electron = require('electron') dbLocation ='userData') } */ const remote = require('@electron/remote') dbLocation ='userData') dbLocation = dbLocation + '/profiles.db' } else { dbLocation = 'profiles.db' } const profileDb = new Datastore({ filename: dbLocation, autoload: true }) const state = { profileList: [{ _id: 'allChannels', name: 'Brudi Channels', bgColor: '#000000', textColor: '#FFFFFF', subscriptions: [] }], activeProfile: 0 } const getters = { getProfileList: () => { return state.profileList }, getActiveProfile: () => { return state.activeProfile } } const actions = { grabAllProfiles ({ rootState, dispatch, commit }, defaultName = null) { profileDb.find({}, (err, results) => { if (!err) { if (results.length === 0) { dispatch('createDefaultProfile', defaultName) } else { // We want the primary profile to always be first // So sort with that then sort alphabetically by profile name console.log('PROFILE DB RESULTS', results) const profiles = results.sort((a, b) => { if (a._id === 'allChannels') { return -1 } if (b._id === 'allChannels') { return 1 } return - }) if (state.profileList.length < profiles.length) { console.log("STATE LIST LESS RTHAN PROFILES LENGTH") console.log(profiles, state.profileList) console.log("ROOTSTATE:SETTINGDEFATL", rootState.settings.defaultProfile) const profileIndex = profiles.findIndex((profile) => { return profile._id === rootState.settings.defaultProfile }) console.log("INDEX", profileIndex) if (profileIndex !== -1) { dispatch('updateActiveProfile', profileIndex) } } commit('setProfileList', profiles) } } }) }, grabProfileInfo (_, profileId) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { console.log(profileId) profileDb.findOne({ _id: profileId }, (err, results) => { if (!err) { resolve(results) } }) }) }, async createDefaultProfile ({ dispatch }, defaultName) { const randomColor = await dispatch('getRandomColor') const textColor = await dispatch('calculateColorLuminance', randomColor) const defaultProfile = { _id: 'allChannels', name: defaultName, bgColor: randomColor, textColor: textColor, subscriptions: [] } console.log('DIS DEFAULT', defaultProfile) profileDb.update({ _id: 'allChannels' }, defaultProfile, { upsert: true }, (err, numReplaced) => { if (!err) { dispatch('grabAllProfiles') } }) }, updateProfile ({ dispatch }, profile) { profileDb.update({ _id: profile._id }, profile, { upsert: true }, (err, numReplaced) => { if (!err) { dispatch('grabAllProfiles') } }) }, insertProfile ({ dispatch }, profile) { profileDb.insert(profile, (err, newDocs) => { if (!err) { dispatch('grabAllProfiles') } }) }, removeProfile ({ dispatch }, profileId) { profileDb.remove({ _id: profileId }, (err, numReplaced) => { if (!err) { dispatch('grabAllProfiles') } }) }, updateActiveProfile ({ commit }, index) { commit('setActiveProfile', index) } } const mutations = { setProfileList (state, profileList) { state.profileList = profileList }, setActiveProfile (state, activeProfile) { state.activeProfile = activeProfile } } export default { state, getters, actions, mutations }