# Put the name of your locale in the same language
Locale Name: 'انگلیسی(آمریکایی)'
FreeTube: 'یوتیوب آزاد'
# Currently on Subscriptions, Playlists, and History
'This part of the app is not ready yet. Come back later when progress has been made.': >-
  این بخش از نرم افزار هنوز آماده نیست.زمانی که پیشرفتی صورت گرفت به اینجا باز گردید.

# Webkit Menu Bar
File: 'فایل'
Quit: 'خروج'
Edit: 'اصلاح'
Undo: 'بازگردانی'
Redo: 'انجام دوباره'
Cut: 'برش'
Copy: 'کپی'
Paste: 'جاگذاری'
Delete: 'حذف'
Select all: 'انتخاب همه'
Reload: 'بارگذاری دوباره'
Force Reload: 'اجبار بارگذاری دوباره'
Toggle Developer Tools: 'فعال سازی حالت توسعه دهنده'
Actual size: 'اندازه واقعی'
Zoom in: 'بزرگنمایی'
Zoom out: 'کوچک نمایی'
Toggle fullscreen: 'فعال سازی حالت تمام صفحه'
Window: 'پنجره'
Minimize: 'کوچک سازی'
Close: 'بستن'
Back: 'بازگشت'
Forward: 'پیشروی'
Open New Window: 'بازکردن پنجره جدید'

Version $ is now available!  Click for more details: 'نسخه $ هم اکنون در دسترس است!  برای
  اطلاعات بیشتر کلیک کنید'
Download From Site: 'دانلود از وبگاه'
A new blog is now available, $. Click to view more: 'بلاگ جدیدی در دسترس است، $. کلیک
  کنید تا بیشتر ببینید.'

# Search Bar
Search / Go to URL: 'جست و جو / برو به لینک'
  # In Filter Button
Search Filters:
  Search Filters: 'جست و جو فیلتر ها'
  Sort By:
    Sort By: 'منظم کن بر اساس'
    Most Relevant: 'مرتبط ترین'
    Rating: 'امتیاز'
    Upload Date: 'زمان بارگذاری'
    View Count: 'تعداد بازدید'
    Time: 'زمان'
    Any Time: 'هر زمانی'
    Last Hour: 'ساعتی قبل'
    Today: 'امروز'
    This Week: 'این هفته'
    This Month: 'این ماه'
    This Year: 'این سال'
    Type: 'نوع'
    All Types: 'همه ی انواع'
    Videos: 'ویدیو ها'
    Channels: 'کانال ها'
    #& Playlists
    Duration: 'طول مدت'
    All Durations: 'طول مدت همه'
    Short (< 4 minutes): 'کوتاه(>۴ دقیقه)'
    Long (> 20 minutes): 'طولانی(<۲۰ دقیقه)'
  # On Search Page
  Search Results: 'نتایج جست و جو'
  Fetching results. Please wait: 'دریافت نتایج.لطفا صبر کنید'
  Fetch more results: 'دریافت نتایج بیشتر'
  There are no more results for this search: 'نتایج بیشتری برای این جست و جو نیست'
# Sidebar
    # On Subscriptions Page
  Subscriptions: 'دنبال کرده ها'
  Latest Subscriptions: 'اخرین دنبال کرده ها'
  This profile has a large number of subscriptions.  Forcing RSS to avoid rate limiting: 'این
    نمایه تعداد زیادی دنبال کرده دارد.   به اجبار باید از RSS استفاده کرد تا دچار
    محدودیت درخواست ها نشود.'
  'Your Subscription list is currently empty. Start adding subscriptions to see them here.': 'چیزی
    دنبال نکرده اید.شروع به افزودن دنبال کننده ها کنید تا اینجا نشان داده شوند.'
  'Getting Subscriptions. Please wait.': 'درحال گرفتن دنبال کرده ها.لطفا صبر کنید.'
  Refresh Subscriptions: 'تازه سازی دنبال کرده ها'
  Load More Videos: 'بارگیری ویدیو های بیشتر'
More: 'بیشتر'
  Trending: 'در حال صعود'
  Default: 'حالت عادی'
  Music: 'موسیقی'
  Gaming: 'بازی'
  Movies: 'فیلم ها'
  Trending Tabs: ''
Most Popular: 'پر طرفدارترین ها'
Playlists: 'لیست های پخش'
User Playlists:
  Your Playlists: 'لیست های پخش شما'
  Playlist Message: ''
  Your saved videos are empty. Click on the save button on the corner of a video to have it listed here: 'ویدیوی
    ذخیره شده ای ندارید.بر دکمه ذخیره در گوشه ویدیو کلیک کنید تا اینجا لیست شوند'
  # On History Page
  History: 'تاریخچه'
  Watch History: 'تاریخچه تماشا'
  Your history list is currently empty.: 'تاریخچه شما در حال حاضر خالی است.'
  # On Settings Page
  Settings: 'تنظیمات'
  The app needs to restart for changes to take effect. Restart and apply change?: 'این
    نرم افزار نیاز به راه اندازی دوباره دارد تا تغییرات لحاظ شوند. تغییرات ذخیره و
    راه اندازی شود؟'
  General Settings:
    General Settings: 'تنظیمات عمومی'
    Check for Updates: 'بررسی برای به روزرسانی ها'
    Check for Latest Blog Posts: ''
    Fallback to Non-Preferred Backend on Failure: ''
    Enable Search Suggestions: ''
    Default Landing Page: ''
    Locale Preference: ''
    System Default: ''
    Preferred API Backend:
      Preferred API Backend: ''
      Local API: ''
      Invidious API: ''
    Video View Type:
      Video View Type: ''
      Grid: ''
      List: ''
    Thumbnail Preference:
      Thumbnail Preference: ''
      Default: ''
      Beginning: ''
      Middle: ''
      End: ''
    Current Invidious Instance: ''
    # $ is replaced with the default Invidious instance
    The currently set default instance is $: ''
    No default instance has been set: ''
    Current instance will be randomized on startup: ''
    Set Current Instance as Default: ''
    Clear Default Instance: ''
    View all Invidious instance information: ''
    Region for Trending: ''
        #! List countries
  Theme Settings:
    Theme Settings: ''
    Match Top Bar with Main Color: ''
    Expand Side Bar by Default: ''
    Disable Smooth Scrolling: ''
    UI Scale: ''
    Base Theme:
      Base Theme: ''
      Black: ''
      Dark: ''
      Light: ''
    Main Color Theme:
      Main Color Theme: ''
      Red: ''
      Pink: ''
      Purple: ''
      Deep Purple: ''
      Indigo: ''
      Blue: ''
      Light Blue: ''
      Cyan: ''
      Teal: ''
      Green: ''
      Light Green: ''
      Lime: ''
      Yellow: ''
      Amber: ''
      Orange: ''
      Deep Orange: ''
    Secondary Color Theme: ''
        #* Main Color Theme
  Player Settings:
    Player Settings: ''
    Force Local Backend for Legacy Formats: ''
    Play Next Video: ''
    Turn on Subtitles by Default: ''
    Autoplay Videos: ''
    Proxy Videos Through Invidious: ''
    Autoplay Playlists: ''
    Enable Theatre Mode by Default: ''
    Scroll Volume Over Video Player: ''
    Display Play Button In Video Player: ''
    Next Video Interval: ''
    Fast-Forward / Rewind Interval: ''
    Default Volume: ''
    Default Playback Rate: ''
    Default Video Format:
      Default Video Format: ''
      Dash Formats: ''
      Legacy Formats: ''
      Audio Formats: ''
    Default Quality:
      Default Quality: ''
      Auto: ''
      144p: ''
      240p: ''
      360p: ''
      480p: ''
      720p: ''
      1080p: ''
      1440p: ''
      4k: ''
      8k: ''
  External Player Settings:
    External Player Settings: ''
    External Player: ''
    Ignore Unsupported Action Warnings: ''
    Custom External Player Executable: ''
    Custom External Player Arguments: ''
  Privacy Settings:
    Privacy Settings: ''
    Remember History: ''
    Save Watched Progress: ''
    Automatically Remove Video Meta Files: ''
    Clear Search Cache: ''
    Are you sure you want to clear out your search cache?: ''
    Search cache has been cleared: ''
    Remove Watch History: ''
    Are you sure you want to remove your entire watch history?: ''
    Watch history has been cleared: ''
    Remove All Subscriptions / Profiles: ''
    Are you sure you want to remove all subscriptions and profiles?  This cannot be undone.: ''
  Subscription Settings:
    Subscription Settings: ''
    Hide Videos on Watch: ''
    Fetch Feeds from RSS: ''
    Manage Subscriptions: ''
  Distraction Free Settings:
    Distraction Free Settings: ''
    Hide Video Views: ''
    Hide Video Likes And Dislikes: ''
    Hide Channel Subscribers: ''
    Hide Comment Likes: ''
    Hide Recommended Videos: ''
    Hide Trending Videos: ''
    Hide Popular Videos: ''
    Hide Playlists: ''
    Hide Live Chat: ''
    Hide Active Subscriptions: ''
  Data Settings:
    Data Settings: ''
    Select Import Type: ''
    Select Export Type: ''
    Import Subscriptions: ''
    Import FreeTube: ''
    Import YouTube: ''
    Import NewPipe: ''
    Check for Legacy Subscriptions: ''
    Export Subscriptions: ''
    Export FreeTube: ''
    Export YouTube: ''
    Export NewPipe: ''
    Import History: ''
    Export History: ''
    Profile object has insufficient data, skipping item: ''
    All subscriptions and profiles have been successfully imported: ''
    All subscriptions have been successfully imported: ''
    One or more subscriptions were unable to be imported: ''
    Invalid subscriptions file: ''
    This might take a while, please wait: ''
    Invalid history file: ''
    Subscriptions have been successfully exported: ''
    History object has insufficient data, skipping item: ''
    All watched history has been successfully imported: ''
    All watched history has been successfully exported: ''
    Unable to read file: ''
    Unable to write file: ''
    Unknown data key: ''
    How do I import my subscriptions?: ''
    Manage Subscriptions: ''
  Proxy Settings:
    Proxy Settings: ''
    Enable Tor / Proxy: ''
    Proxy Protocol: ''
    Proxy Host: ''
    Proxy Port Number: ''
    Clicking on Test Proxy will send a request to: ''
    Test Proxy: ''
    Your Info: ''
    Ip: ''
    Country: ''
    Region: ''
    City: ''
    Error getting network information. Is your proxy configured properly?: ''
  SponsorBlock Settings:
    SponsorBlock Settings: ''
    Enable SponsorBlock: ''
    'SponsorBlock API Url (Default is https://sponsor.ajay.app)': ''
    Notify when sponsor segment is skipped: ''
  #On About page
  About: ''
  Beta: ''
  Source code: ''
  Licensed under the AGPLv3: ''
  View License: ''
  Downloads / Changelog: ''
  GitHub releases: ''
  Help: ''
  FreeTube Wiki: ''
  FAQ: ''
  Report a problem: ''
  GitHub issues: ''
  Please check for duplicates before posting: ''
  Website: ''
  Blog: ''
  Email: ''
  Mastodon: ''
  Chat on Matrix: ''
  Please read the: ''
  room rules: ''
  Translate: ''
  Credits: ''
  FreeTube is made possible by: ''
  these people and projects: ''
  Donate: ''

  Profile Settings: ''
  Profile Select: ''
  Profile Filter: ''
  All Channels: ''
  Profile Manager: ''
  Create New Profile: ''
  Edit Profile: ''
  Color Picker: ''
  Custom Color: ''
  Profile Preview: ''
  Create Profile: ''
  Update Profile: ''
  Make Default Profile: ''
  Delete Profile: ''
  Are you sure you want to delete this profile?: ''
  All subscriptions will also be deleted.: ''
  Profile could not be found: ''
  Your profile name cannot be empty: ''
  Profile has been created: ''
  Profile has been updated: ''
  Your default profile has been set to $: ''
  Removed $ from your profiles: ''
  Your default profile has been changed to your primary profile: ''
  $ is now the active profile: ''
  Subscription List: ''
  Other Channels: ''
  $ selected: ''
  Select All: ''
  Select None: ''
  Delete Selected: ''
  Add Selected To Profile: ''
  No channel(s) have been selected: ''
  ? This is your primary profile.  Are you sure you want to delete the selected channels?  The
    same channels will be deleted in any profile they are found in.
  : ''
  Are you sure you want to delete the selected channels?  This will not delete the channel from any other profile.: ''
#On Channel Page
  Subscriber: ''
  Subscribers: ''
  Subscribe: ''
  Unsubscribe: ''
  Channel has been removed from your subscriptions: ''
  Removed subscription from $ other channel(s): ''
  Added channel to your subscriptions: ''
  Search Channel: ''
  Your search results have returned 0 results: ''
  Sort By: ''
    Videos: ''
    This channel does not currently have any videos: ''
    Sort Types:
      Newest: ''
      Oldest: ''
      Most Popular: ''
    Playlists: ''
    This channel does not currently have any playlists: ''
    Sort Types:
      Last Video Added: ''
      Newest: ''
      Oldest: ''
    About: ''
    Channel Description: ''
    Featured Channels: ''
  Mark As Watched: ''
  Remove From History: ''
  Video has been marked as watched: ''
  Video has been removed from your history: ''
  Save Video: ''
  Video has been saved: ''
  Video has been removed from your saved list: ''
  Open in YouTube: ''
  Copy YouTube Link: ''
  Open YouTube Embedded Player: ''
  Copy YouTube Embedded Player Link: ''
  Open in Invidious: ''
  Copy Invidious Link: ''
  Open Channel in YouTube: ''
  Copy YouTube Channel Link: ''
  Open Channel in Invidious: ''
  Copy Invidious Channel Link: ''
  View: ''
  Views: ''
  Loop Playlist: ''
  Shuffle Playlist: ''
  Reverse Playlist: ''
  Play Next Video: ''
  Play Previous Video: ''
  # Context is "X People Watching"
  Watching: ''
  Watched: ''
  Autoplay: ''
  Starting soon, please refresh the page to check again: ''
  # As in a Live Video
  Live: ''
  Live Now: ''
  Live Chat: ''
  Enable Live Chat: ''
  Live Chat is currently not supported in this build.: ''
  'Chat is disabled or the Live Stream has ended.': ''
  Live chat is enabled.  Chat messages will appear here once sent.: ''
  'Live Chat is currently not supported with the Invidious API.  A direct connection to YouTube is required.': ''
  Download Video: ''
  video only: ''
  audio only: ''
    Low: ''
    Medium: ''
    High: ''
    Best: ''
    Jan: ''
    Feb: ''
    Mar: ''
    Apr: ''
    May: ''
    Jun: ''
    Jul: ''
    Aug: ''
    Sep: ''
    Oct: ''
    Nov: ''
    Dec: ''
    Second: ''
    Seconds: ''
    Minute: ''
    Minutes: ''
    Hour: ''
    Hours: ''
    Day: ''
    Days: ''
    Week: ''
    Weeks: ''
    Month: ''
    Months: ''
    Year: ''
    Years: ''
    Ago: ''
    Upcoming: ''
  Published on: ''
  Streamed on: ''
  Started streaming on: ''
  translated from English: ''
  # $ is replaced with the number and % with the unit (days, hours, minutes...)
  Publicationtemplate: ''
  Skipped segment: ''
  Sponsor Block category:
    sponsor: ''
    intro: ''
    outro: ''
    self-promotion: ''
    interaction: ''
    music offtopic: ''
  External Player:
    # $ is replaced with the external player
    OpenInTemplate: ''
    video: ''
    playlist: ''
    # $ is replaced with the current context (see video/playlist above) and % the external player setting
    OpeningTemplate: ''
    # $ is replaced with the external player and % with the unsupported action
    UnsupportedActionTemplate: ''
    Unsupported Actions:
      starting video at offset: ''
      setting a playback rate: ''
      opening playlists: ''
      opening specific video in a playlist (falling back to opening the video): ''
      reversing playlists: ''
      shuffling playlists: ''
      looping playlists: ''
#& Videos
  #& Sort By
  Sort By:
    Newest: ''
    Oldest: ''
    #& Most Popular
#& Playlists
  #& About
  Playlist: ''
  View Full Playlist: ''
  Videos: ''
  View: ''
  Views: ''
  Last Updated On: ''
  Share Playlist:
    Share Playlist: ''
    Copy YouTube Link: ''
    Open in YouTube: ''
    Copy Invidious Link: ''
    Open in Invidious: ''

# On Video Watch Page
#* Published
#& Views
Toggle Theatre Mode: ''
Change Format:
  Change Video Formats: ''
  Use Dash Formats: ''
  Use Legacy Formats: ''
  Use Audio Formats: ''
  Dash formats are not available for this video: ''
  Audio formats are not available for this video: ''
  Share Video: ''
  Include Timestamp: ''
  Copy Link: ''
  Open Link: ''
  Copy Embed: ''
  Open Embed: ''
  # On Click
  Invidious URL copied to clipboard: ''
  Invidious Embed URL copied to clipboard: ''
  Invidious Channel URL copied to clipboard: ''
  YouTube URL copied to clipboard: ''
  YouTube Embed URL copied to clipboard: ''
  YouTube Channel URL copied to clipboard: ''

Mini Player: ''
  Comments: ''
  Click to View Comments: ''
  Getting comment replies, please wait: ''
  There are no more comments for this video: ''
  Show Comments: ''
  Hide Comments: ''
  Sort by: ''
  Top comments: ''
  Newest first: ''
  # Context: View 10 Replies, View 1 Reply
  View: ''
  Hide: ''
  Replies: ''
  Show More Replies: ''
  Reply: ''
  There are no comments available for this video: ''
  Load More Comments: ''
  No more comments available: ''
Up Next: ''

  General Settings:
    Preferred API Backend: ''
    Fallback to Non-Preferred Backend on Failure: ''
    Thumbnail Preference: ''
    Invidious Instance: ''
    Region for Trending: ''
  Player Settings:
    Force Local Backend for Legacy Formats: ''
    Proxy Videos Through Invidious: ''
    Default Video Format: ''
  External Player Settings:
    External Player: ''
    Custom External Player Executable: ''
    Ignore Warnings: ''
    Custom External Player Arguments: ''
  Subscription Settings:
    Fetch Feeds from RSS: ''
  Privacy Settings:
    Remove Video Meta Files: ''

# Toast Messages
Local API Error (Click to copy): ''
Invidious API Error (Click to copy): ''
Falling back to Invidious API: ''
Falling back to the local API: ''
This video is unavailable because of missing formats. This can happen due to country unavailability.: ''
Subscriptions have not yet been implemented: ''
Unknown YouTube url type, cannot be opened in app: ''
Hashtags have not yet been implemented, try again later: ''
Loop is now disabled: ''
Loop is now enabled: ''
Shuffle is now disabled: ''
Shuffle is now enabled: ''
The playlist has been reversed: ''
Playing Next Video: ''
Playing Previous Video: ''
Playing Next Video Interval: ''
Canceled next video autoplay: ''
# $ is replaced with the default Invidious instance
Default Invidious instance has been set to $: ''
Default Invidious instance has been cleared: ''
'The playlist has ended.  Enable loop to continue playing': ''

Yes: ''
No: ''