import Vue from 'vue' import IsEqual from 'lodash.isequal' import FtLoader from '../../components/ft-loader/ft-loader.vue' import FtCard from '../../components/ft-card/ft-card.vue' import FtElementList from '../../components/ft-element-list/ft-element-list.vue' export default Vue.extend({ name: 'Search', components: { 'ft-loader': FtLoader, 'ft-card': FtCard, 'ft-element-list': FtElementList }, data: function () { return { isLoading: false, query: '', searchPage: 1, nextPageRef: '', lastSearchQuery: '', searchSettings: {}, shownResults: [] } }, computed: { sessionSearchHistory: function () { return this.$store.getters.getSessionSearchHistory }, backendPreference: function () { return this.$store.getters.getBackendPreference }, backendFallback: function () { return this.$store.getters.getBackendFallback } }, watch: { $route () { // react to route changes... const query = this.$route.params.query const searchSettings = { sortBy: this.$route.query.sortBy, time: this.$route.query.time, type: this.$route.query.type, duration: this.$route.query.duration } const payload = { query: query, nextPage: false, options: {}, searchSettings: searchSettings } this.query = query this.checkSearchCache(payload) } }, mounted: function () { this.query = this.$route.params.query console.log(this.$route) this.searchSettings = { sortBy: this.$route.query.sortBy, time: this.$route.query.time, type: this.$route.query.type, duration: this.$route.query.duration } const payload = { query: this.query, nextPage: false, options: {}, searchSettings: this.searchSettings } this.checkSearchCache(payload) }, methods: { checkSearchCache: function (payload) { const sameSearch = this.sessionSearchHistory.filter((search) => { return search.query === payload.query && IsEqual(payload.searchSettings, search.searchSettings) }) this.shownResults = [] this.isLoading = true if (sameSearch.length > 0) { console.log(sameSearch) // Replacing the data right away causes a strange error where the data // Shown is mixed from 2 different search results. So we'll wait a moment // Before showing the results. setTimeout(this.replaceShownResults, 100, sameSearch[0]) } else { this.searchSettings = payload.searchSettings switch (this.backendPreference) { case 'local': this.performSearchLocal(payload) break case 'invidious': this.performSearchInvidious(payload) break } } }, performSearchLocal: function (payload) { if (!payload.nextPage) { this.isLoading = true } this.$store.dispatch('ytSearch', payload).then((result) => { console.log(result) if (!result) { return } const returnData = result.items.filter((item) => { return item.type === 'video' || item.type === 'channel' || item.type === 'playlist' }) console.log(returnData) if (payload.nextPage) { this.shownResults = this.shownResults.concat(returnData) } else { this.shownResults = returnData } this.nextPageRef = result.nextpageRef this.isLoading = false const historyPayload = { query: payload.query, data: this.shownResults, searchSettings: this.searchSettings, nextPageRef: result.nextpageRef } this.$store.commit('addToSessionSearchHistory', historyPayload) }).catch((err) => { console.log(err) if (this.backendPreference === 'local' && this.backendFallback) { console.log('Error getting data with local backend, falling back to Invidious') this.performSearchInvidious(payload) } else { this.isLoading = false // TODO: Show toast with error message } }) }, performSearchInvidious: function (payload) { if (this.searchPage === 1) { this.isLoading = true } console.log(payload) const searchPayload = { resource: 'search', id: '', params: { q: payload.query, page: this.searchPage, sort_by: payload.searchSettings.sortBy, date: payload.searchSettings.time, duration: payload.searchSettings.duration, type: payload.searchSettings.type } } this.$store.dispatch('invidiousAPICall', searchPayload).then((result) => { if (!result) { return } console.log(result) const returnData = result.filter((item) => { return item.type === 'video' || item.type === 'channel' || item.type === 'playlist' }) console.log(returnData) if (this.searchPage !== 1) { this.shownResults = this.shownResults.concat(returnData) } else { this.shownResults = returnData } this.searchPage++ this.isLoading = false const historyPayload = { query: payload.query, data: this.shownResults, searchSettings: this.searchSettings, searchPage: this.searchPage } this.$store.commit('addToSessionSearchHistory', historyPayload) }).catch((err) => { console.log(err) if (this.backendPreference === 'invidious' && this.backendFallback) { console.log('Error getting data with Invidious, falling back to local backend') this.performSearchLocal(payload) } else { this.isLoading = false // TODO: Show toast with error message } }) }, nextPage: function () { const payload = { query: this.query, nextPage: true, searchSettings: this.searchSettings, options: { nextpageRef: this.nextPageRef } } console.log(payload) if (this.nextPageRef !== '') { this.performSearchLocal(payload) } else { this.performSearchInvidious(payload) } }, replaceShownResults: function (history) { this.query = history.query this.shownResults = this.searchSettings = history.searchSettings if (typeof (history.nextPageRef) !== 'undefined') { this.nextPageRef = history.nextPageRef } if (typeof (history.searchPage) !== 'undefined') { this.searchPage = history.searchPage } this.isLoading = false } } })