# Put the name of your locale in the same language Locale Name: 'Engleski' FreeTube: 'FreeTube' # Currently on Subscriptions, Playlists, and History 'This part of the app is not ready yet. Come back later when progress has been made.': >- Ovaj dio aplikacije još nije spreman. Vratite se kasnije kad se postigne napredak. # Webkit Menu Bar File: 'Datoteka' Quit: 'Prestani' Edit: 'Uredi' Undo: 'Poništi' Redo: 'Ponovi' Cut: 'Izreži' Copy: 'Kopiraj' Paste: 'Ulijepi' Delete: 'Izbriši' Select all: 'Odaberi sve' Reload: 'Ponovno učitaj' Force Reload: 'Prisilno ponovno učitavanje' Toggle Developer Tools: 'Uključi / isključi alate za programere' Actual size: 'Stvarna veličina' Zoom in: 'Povećaj' Zoom out: 'Umanji' Toggle fullscreen: 'Uključi / isključi cijeli zaslon' Window: 'Prozor' Minimize: 'Minimiziraj' Close: 'Zatvori' Back: 'Natrag' Forward: 'Naprijed' # Search Bar Search / Go to URL: 'Pretraži / idi na URL' # In Filter Button Search Filters: Search Filters: 'Filteri za pretraživanje' Sort By: Sort By: 'Poredaj po' Most Relevant: 'Najrelevantnije' Rating: 'Ocjena' Upload Date: 'Datum prijenosa' View Count: 'Brojač pregleda' Time: Time: 'Vrijeme' Any Time: 'Bilo kada' Last Hour: 'Posljednji sat' Today: 'Danas' This Week: 'Ovaj tjedan' This Month: 'Ovaj mjesec' This Year: 'Ova godina' Type: Type: 'Tip' All Types: 'Svi tipovi' Videos: 'Videozapisi' Channels: 'Kanali' #& Playlists Duration: Duration: 'Trajanje' All Durations: 'Sva trajanja' Short (< 4 minutes): 'Kratko (<4 minute)' Long (> 20 minutes): 'Dugo (> 20 minuta)' # On Search Page Search Results: 'Rezultati pretraživanja' Fetching results. Please wait: 'Dohvaćanje rezultata. Molimo pričekajte' Fetch more results: 'Dohvati više rezultata' # Sidebar Subscriptions: # On Subscriptions Page Subscriptions: 'Pretplate' Latest Subscriptions: 'Najnovije pretplate' 'Your Subscription list is currently empty. Start adding subscriptions to see them here.': 'Vaš popis pretplata trenutno je prazan. Počnite dodavati pretplate da biste ih ovdje vidjeli.' 'Getting Subscriptions. Please wait.': 'Dobivanje pretplata. Molimo pričekajte.' Refresh Subscriptions: 'Ažurirajte pretplate' Trending: 'U trendu' Most Popular: 'Najpopularniji' Playlists: 'Popisi za reprodukciju' User Playlists: Your Playlists: 'Vaši popisi za reprodukciju' History: # On History Page History: 'Povijest' Watch History: 'Povijest gledanja' Your history list is currently empty.: 'Vaš popis povijesti trenutno je prazan.' Settings: # On Settings Page Settings: 'Postavke' General Settings: General Settings: 'Opće postavke' Fallback to Non-Preferred Backend on Failure: 'Vraćanje na ne-preferiranu pozadinu u slučaju neuspjeha' Enable Search Suggestions: 'Omogući prijedloge pretraživanja' Default Landing Page: 'Zadana odredišna stranica' Locale Preference: 'Preferirana lokalizacija' Preferred API Backend: Preferred API Backend: 'Preferirana API pozadina' Local API: 'Lokalni API' Invidious API: 'Invidious API' Video View Type: Video View Type: 'Vrsta prikaza videozapisa' Grid: 'Mreža' List: 'Popis' Thumbnail Preference: Thumbnail Preference: 'Preferencija minijatura' Default: 'Zadano' Beginning: 'Početak' Middle: 'Sredina' End: 'Kraj' 'Invidious Instance (Default is https://invidio.us)': 'Invidious instancija (zadano je https://invidio.us)' Region for Trending: 'Regija za trendove' #! List countries Theme Settings: Theme Settings: 'Postavke tema' Match Top Bar with Main Color: 'Uskladite gornju traku s glavnom bojom' Base Theme: Base Theme: 'Osnovna tema' Black: 'Crno' Dark: 'Tamno' Light: 'Svijetlo' Main Color Theme: Main Color Theme: 'Glavna tema boja' Red: 'Crveno' Pink: 'Ružičasto' Purple: 'Ljubičasto' Deep Purple: 'Tamno ljubičasto' Indigo: 'Indigo' Blue: 'Plavo' Light Blue: 'Svijetlo plavo' Cyan: 'Cijan' Teal: 'Teal (tamni cijan)' Green: 'Zeleno' Light Green: 'Svijetlo zeleno' Lime: 'Limeta' Yellow: 'Žuto' Amber: 'Jantar' Orange: 'Narančasto' Deep Orange: 'Tamno narančasto' Secondary Color Theme: 'Tema sekundarne boje' #* Main Color Theme Player Settings: Player Settings: 'Postavke playera' Force Local Backend for Legacy Formats: 'Prisiliti lokalnu pozadinu za naslijeđene formate' Play Next Video: 'Reproduciraj sljedeći video' Turn on Subtitles by Default: 'Uključi titlove prema zadanim postavkama' Autoplay Videos: 'Automatska reprodukcija videozapisa' Proxy Videos Through Invidious: 'Proxy video kroz Invidious' Autoplay Playlists: 'Automatska reprodukcija popisa' Enable Theatre Mode by Default: 'Omogući kazališni modus prema zadanim postavkama' Default Volume: 'Zadana glasnost' Default Playback Rate: 'Zadana brzina reprodukcije' Default Video Format: Default Video Format: 'Zadani video format' Dash Formats: 'Dash formati' Legacy Formats: 'Naslijeđeni formati' Audio Formats: 'Audio formati' Default Quality: Default Quality: 'Zadana kvaliteta' Auto: 'Automatski' 144p: '144p' 240p: '240p' 360p: '360p' 480p: '480p' 720p: '720p' 1080p: '1080p' 1440p: '1440p' 4k: '4k' 8k: '8k' Privacy Settings: Privacy Settings: 'Postavke privatnosti' Remember History: 'Zapamtiti povijest' Save Watched Progress: 'Spremi gledani napredak' Clear Search Cache: 'Očisti predmemoriju pretraživanja' Are you sure you want to clear out your search cache?: 'Jeste li sigurni da želite očistiti predmemoriju pretraživanja?' Search cache has been cleared: 'Izbrisana je predmemorija pretraživanja' Remove Watch History: 'Ukloniti povijest gledanja' Are you sure you want to remove your entire watch history?: 'Jeste li sigurni da želite ukloniti cijelu povijest gledanja?' Watch history has been cleared: 'Povijest gledanja je izbrisana' Are you sure you want to remove all subscriptions and profiles? This cannot be undone.: Jeste li sigurni da želite ukloniti sve pretplate i profile? To se ne može povratiti. Remove All Subscriptions / Profiles: Uklonite sve pretplate / profile Subscription Settings: Subscription Settings: 'Postavke pretplata' Hide Videos on Watch: 'Sakrij videozapise poslije gledanja' Fetch Feeds from RSS: 'Dohvati feedove s RSS-a' Subscriptions Export Format: Subscriptions Export Format: 'Format izvoza pretplata' #& Freetube Newpipe: 'Newpipe' OPML: 'OPML' Manage Subscriptions: 'Upravljanje pretplatama' Import Subscriptions: 'Uvoz pretplata' Export Subscriptions: 'Izvoz pretplata' How do I import my subscriptions?: 'Kako mogu uvesti pretplate?' Advanced Settings: Advanced Settings: 'Napredne postavke' Enable Debug Mode (Prints data to the console): 'Omogući način otklanjanja pogrešaka (ispisuje podatke na konzolu)' 'Proxy Address (Example: SOCKS5:// )': 'Proxy adresa (primjer: SOCKS5: // 9050)' 'Clicking "TEST PROXY" button will send a request to https://ipinfo.io/json': 'Klikom na gumb "TEST PROXY" poslat će se zahtjev na https://ipinfo.io/json' Use Tor / Proxy for API calls: 'Koristite Tor / Proxy za API pozive' TEST PROXY: 'TESTIRAJ PROXY' #& Invidious Instance (Default is https://invidio.us) See Public Instances: 'Pogledajte javne instance' Clear History: Clear History: 'Izbriši povijest' # On Click Are you sure you want to delete your history?: 'Jeste li sigurni da želite izbrisati svoju povijest?' #& Yes #& No Clear Subscriptions: Clear Subscriptions: 'Izbriši pretplate' # On Click Are you sure you want to remove all subscriptions?: 'Jeste li sigurni da želite ukloniti sve pretplate?' #& Yes #& No Data Settings: Unknown data key: Nepoznati podatkovni ključ Unable to write file: Nije moguće napisati datoteku Unable to read file: Datoteka se ne može pročitati All watched history has been successfully exported: Sva povijest gledanja uspješno je izvezena All watched history has been successfully imported: Sva povijest gledanja uspješno je uvezena History object has insufficient data, skipping item: Objekt povijesti nema dovoljno podataka, preskakanje stavke Subscriptions have been successfully exported: Pretplate su uspješno izvezene Invalid history file: Nevaljana datoteka povijesti This might take a while, please wait: To bi moglo potrajati, pričekajte Invalid subscriptions file: Nevažeća datoteka s pretplatama All subscriptions have been successfully imported: Sve su pretplate uspješno uvezene All subscriptions and profiles have been successfully imported: Sve pretplate i profili uspješno su uvezeni Profile object has insufficient data, skipping item: Objekt profila nema dovoljno podataka, preskakanje stavke Export History: Izvezi povijest Import History: Uvezi povijest Export NewPipe: Izvezi NewPipe Export YouTube: Izvezi YouTube Export FreeTube: Izvezi FreeTube Export Subscriptions: Izvezi pretplate Import NewPipe: Uvezi NewPipe Import YouTube: Uvezi YouTube Import Subscriptions: Uvezi pretplate Import FreeTube: Uvezi FreeTube Select Export Type: Odaberite vrstu izvoza Select Import Type: Odaberite vrstu uvoza Data Settings: Postavke podataka How do I import my subscriptions?: Kako mogu uvesti pretplate? About: #On About page About: 'O' #& About 'This software is FOSS and released under the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0.': 'Ovaj program zaštićen autorskim pravima slobodno je licenciran AGPL-3.0.' 'Found a bug? Want to suggest a feature? Want to help out? Check out our GitHub page. Pull requests are welcome.': >- Pronašli ste grešku? Želite li predložiti značajku? Želite li pomoći? Pogledajte našu GitHub stranicu. Zahtjevi za povlačenje dobrodošli. Thank you very much to the People and Projects that make FreeTube possible!: 'Veliko hvala ljudima i projektima koji omogućuju FreeTube!' 'Want to chat? Join our Element / Matrix Server . Please check the rules before joining.': 'Želite razgovarati? Pridružite se našem Element / Matrix serveru. Molimo provjerite pravila prije pridruživanja.' 'Looking for help? Check out our Wiki page.': 'Tražite pomoć? Pogledajte našu Wiki stranicu.' Check out our Firefox extension!: 'Prbajte naš Firefox dodatak!' 'If you enjoy using FreeTube, consider donating via Liberapay or through our Bitcoin address.': 'Ako uživate koristiti FreeTube, razmislite o doniranju putem Liberapay-a ili putem naše Bitcoin adrese.' #~ 'BTC: 1Lih7Ho5gnxb1CwPD4o59ss78pwo2T91eS' Latest FreeTube News: 'Najnovije vijesti o FreeTube' Profile: All Channels: 'Svi kanali' Profile Manager: 'Upravitelj profila' Create New Profile: 'Izradite novi profil' Edit Profile: 'Uredite profil' Color Picker: 'Birač boja' Custom Color: 'Prilagođena boja' Profile Preview: 'Pregled profila' Create Profile: 'Izradite profil' Update Profile: 'Ažurirajte profil' Make Default Profile: 'Napravite zadani profil' Delete Profile: 'Izbrišite profil' Are you sure you want to delete this profile?: 'Jeste li sigurni da želite izbrisati ovaj profil?' All subscriptions will also be deleted.: 'Sve pretplate također će biti izbrisane.' Profile could not be found: 'Profil nije pronađen' Your profile name cannot be empty: 'Ime vašeg profila ne može biti prazno' Profile has been created: 'Profil je stvoren' Profile has been updated: 'Profil je ažuriran' Your default profile has been set to $: 'Vaš zadani profil postavljen je na $' Removed $ from your profiles: 'Uklonjeno $ iz vaših profila' Your default profile has been changed to your primary profile: 'Vaš zadani profil promijenjen je u vaš primarni profil' $ is now the active profile: '$ je sada aktivan profil' #On Channel Page Profile Select: Odaberite profil Channel: Subscriber: 'Pretplatnik' Subscribers: 'Pretplatnici' Subscribe: 'Pretplatite se' Unsubscribe: 'Otkažite pretplatu' Search Channel: 'Pretraži kanal' Your search results have returned 0 results: 'Vaše pretraživanje dalo je 0 rezultata' Sort By: 'Poredaj po' Videos: Videos: 'Videozapisi' This channel does not currently have any videos: 'Na ovom kanalu trenutno nema videozapisa' Sort Types: Newest: 'Najnoviji' Oldest: 'Najstariji' Most Popular: 'Najpopularniji' Playlists: Playlists: 'Popisi za reprodukciju' This channel does not currently have any playlists: 'Ovaj kanal trenutno nema popisa za reprodukciju' Sort Types: Last Video Added: 'Posljednji dodan videozapis' Newest: 'Najnoviji' Oldest: 'Najstariji' About: About: 'O' Channel Description: 'Opis kanala' Featured Channels: 'Istaknuti kanali' Video: Mark As Watched: 'Označi kao promatrano' Remove From History: 'Ukloni iz povijesti' Video has been marked as watched: 'Videozapis je označen kao gledan' Video has been removed from your history: 'Videozapis je uklonjen iz vaše povijesti' Open in YouTube: 'Otvori na YouTube' Copy YouTube Link: 'Kopirajte YouTube link' Open YouTube Embedded Player: 'Otvorite YouTube ugrađeni player' Copy YouTube Embedded Player Link: 'Kopirajte vezu YouTube Embedded Player' Open in Invidious: 'Otvorite u Invidious' Copy Invidious Link: 'Kopirajte Invidious link' View: 'Pogledajte' Views: 'Pogledi' # Context is "X People Watching" Watching: 'Gledanje' Watched: 'Gledano' # As in a Live Video Live: 'Uživo' Live Now: 'Uživo sada' Live Chat: 'Chat uživo' Enable Live Chat: 'Omogućite chat uživo' Live Chat is currently not supported in this build.: 'Chat uživo trenutno nije podržan u ovoj verziji.' 'Chat is disabled or the Live Stream has ended.': 'Chat je onemogućen ili prijenos uživo je završio.' Live chat is enabled. Chat messages will appear here once sent.: 'Omogućen je chat uživo. Poruke chata pojavit će se ovdje nakon slanja.' 'Live Chat is currently not supported with the Invidious API. A direct connection to YouTube is required.': 'Chat uživo trenutno nije podržan s Invidious API. Potrebna je izravna veza s YouTube.' Published: Jan: 'Jan' Feb: 'Feb' Mar: 'Mar' Apr: 'Apr' May: 'Maj' Jun: 'Jun' Jul: 'Jul' Aug: 'Aug' Sep: 'Sep' Oct: 'Okt' Nov: 'Nov' Dec: 'Dec' Second: 'Sekunda' Seconds: 'Sekunde' Minute: 'Minuta' Minutes: 'Minute' Hour: 'Sat' Hours: 'Sati' Day: 'Dan' Days: 'Dana' Week: 'Tjeda' Weeks: 'Tjedana' Month: 'Mjesec' Months: 'Mjeseci' Year: 'Godina' Years: 'Godina' Ago: 'Prije' Upcoming: 'Uskoro premijera' Published on: 'Objavljeno dana' # $ is replaced with the number and % with the unit (days, hours, minutes...) Publicationtemplate: 'prije $%' #& Videos Autoplay: Auto Play Play Previous Video: Reproduciraj prethodni video Play Next Video: Reproduciraj sljedeći video Reverse Playlist: Obrnuti popis za reprodukciju Shuffle Playlist: Nasumična reprodukcija popisa Loop Playlist: Petljaj popis za reprodukciju Videos: #& Sort By Sort By: Newest: 'Najnoviji' Oldest: 'Najstariji' #& Most Popular #& Playlists Playlist: #& About View Full Playlist: 'Pogledajte cijeli popis za reprodukciju' Videos: 'Videozapisi' View: 'Pogled' Views: 'Pogledi' Last Updated On: 'Posljednje ažuriranje' Share Playlist: Share Playlist: 'Dijeli popis za reprodukciju' Copy YouTube Link: 'Kopirajte YouTube link' Open in YouTube: 'Otvorite na YouTube' Copy Invidious Link: 'Kopirajte Invidious link' Open in Invidious: 'Otvori u Invidious' # On Video Watch Page #* Published #& Views Toggle Theatre Mode: 'Uključi / isključi kazališni način' Change Format: Change Video Formats: 'Promijenite video formate' Use Dash Formats: 'Koristite Dash formate' Use Legacy Formats: 'Koristite naslijeđene formate' Use Audio Formats: 'Koristite audio formate' Share: Share Video: 'Podijelite videozapis' Copy Link: '' Open Link: '' Copy Embed: '' Open Embed: '' # On Click Invidious URL copied to clipboard: '' Invidious Embed URL copied to clipboard: '' YouTube URL copied to clipboard: '' YouTube Embed URL copied to clipboard: '' Mini Player: '' Comments: Comments: '' Click to View Comments: '' Getting comment replies, please wait: '' Show Comments: '' Hide Comments: '' # Context: View 10 Replies, View 1 Reply View: '' Hide: '' Replies: '' Reply: '' There are no comments available for this video: '' Load More Comments: '' Up Next: '' # Toast Messages Local API Error (Click to copy): '' Invidious API Error (Click to copy): '' Falling back to Invidious API: '' Falling back to the local API: '' Subscriptions have not yet been implemented: '' Loop is now disabled: '' Loop is now enabled: '' Shuffle is now disabled: '' Shuffle is now enabled: '' Playing Next Video: '' Playing Previous Video: '' Playing next video in 5 seconds. Click to cancel: '' Canceled next video autoplay: '' 'The playlist has ended. Enable loop to continue playing': '' Yes: '' No: ''