import Vue from 'vue' import { mapActions, mapMutations } from 'vuex' import { ObserveVisibility } from 'vue-observe-visibility' import FtFlexBox from './components/ft-flex-box/ft-flex-box.vue' import TopNav from './components/top-nav/top-nav.vue' import SideNav from './components/side-nav/side-nav.vue' import FtNotificationBanner from './components/ft-notification-banner/ft-notification-banner.vue' import FtPrompt from './components/ft-prompt/ft-prompt.vue' import FtButton from './components/ft-button/ft-button.vue' import FtToast from './components/ft-toast/ft-toast.vue' import FtProgressBar from './components/ft-progress-bar/ft-progress-bar.vue' import $ from 'jquery' import { markdown } from 'markdown' import Parser from 'rss-parser' let useElectron = false let ipcRenderer = null Vue.directive('observe-visibility', ObserveVisibility) if (window && window.process && window.process.type === 'renderer') { useElectron = true ipcRenderer = require('electron').ipcRenderer } export default Vue.extend({ name: 'App', components: { FtFlexBox, TopNav, SideNav, FtNotificationBanner, FtPrompt, FtButton, FtToast, FtProgressBar }, data: function () { return { dataReady: false, hideOutlines: true, showUpdatesBanner: false, showBlogBanner: false, showReleaseNotes: false, updateBannerMessage: '', blogBannerMessage: '', latestBlogUrl: '', updateChangelog: '', changeLogTitle: '' } }, computed: { isDev: function () { return process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' }, isOpen: function () { return this.$store.getters.getIsSideNavOpen }, showProgressBar: function () { return this.$store.getters.getShowProgressBar }, isRightAligned: function () { return this.$i18n.locale === 'ar' }, checkForUpdates: function () { return this.$store.getters.getCheckForUpdates }, checkForBlogPosts: function () { return this.$store.getters.getCheckForBlogPosts }, searchSettings: function () { return this.$store.getters.getSearchSettings }, profileList: function () { return this.$store.getters.getProfileList }, activeProfile: function () { return this.$store.getters.getActiveProfile }, defaultProfile: function () { return this.$store.getters.getDefaultProfile } }, mounted: function () { this.grabUserSettings().then(() => { this.grabAllProfiles(this.$t('Profile.All Channels')).then(async () => { this.grabHistory() this.grabAllPlaylists() this.setUsingElectron(useElectron) this.checkThemeSettings() await this.checkLocale() this.dataReady = true if (useElectron) { console.log('User is using Electron') this.activateKeyboardShortcuts() this.openAllLinksExternally() this.enableOpenUrl() this.setBoundsOnClose() } setTimeout(() => { this.checkForNewUpdates() this.checkForNewBlogPosts() }, 500) }) }) }, methods: { checkLocale: async function () { const locale = localStorage.getItem('locale') if (locale === null || locale === 'system') { const systemLocale = await this.getLocale() const findLocale = Object.keys(this.$i18n.messages).find((locale) => { const localeName = locale.replace('-', '_') return localeName.includes(systemLocale.replace('-', '_')) }) if (typeof findLocale !== 'undefined') { this.$i18n.locale = findLocale localStorage.setItem('locale', 'system') } else { this.$i18n.locale = 'en-US' localStorage.setItem('locale', 'en-US') } } else { this.$i18n.locale = locale } const payload = { isDev: this.isDev, locale: this.$i18n.locale } this.getRegionData(payload) }, checkThemeSettings: function () { let baseTheme = localStorage.getItem('baseTheme') let mainColor = localStorage.getItem('mainColor') let secColor = localStorage.getItem('secColor') if (baseTheme === null) { baseTheme = 'light' } if (mainColor === null) { mainColor = 'mainRed' } if (secColor === null) { secColor = 'secBlue' } const theme = { baseTheme: baseTheme, mainColor: mainColor, secColor: secColor } this.updateTheme(theme) }, updateTheme: function (theme) { console.log(theme) const className = `${theme.baseTheme} ${theme.mainColor} ${theme.secColor}` const body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0] body.className = className localStorage.setItem('baseTheme', theme.baseTheme) localStorage.setItem('mainColor', theme.mainColor) localStorage.setItem('secColor', theme.secColor) }, checkForNewUpdates: function () { if (this.checkForUpdates) { const { version } = require('../../package.json') const requestUrl = '' $.getJSON(requestUrl, (response) => { const tagName = response[0].tag_name const versionNumber = tagName.replace('v', '').replace('-beta', '') this.updateChangelog = markdown.toHTML(response[0].body) this.changeLogTitle = response[0].name const message = this.$t('Version $ is now available! Click for more details') this.updateBannerMessage = message.replace('$', versionNumber) const appVersion = version.split('.') const latestVersion = versionNumber.split('.') if (parseInt(appVersion[0]) < parseInt(latestVersion[0])) { this.showUpdatesBanner = true } else if (parseInt(appVersion[1]) < parseInt(latestVersion[1])) { this.showUpdatesBanner = true } else if (parseInt(appVersion[2]) < parseInt(latestVersion[2])) { this.showUpdatesBanner = true } }).fail((xhr, textStatus, error) => { console.log(xhr) console.log(textStatus) console.log(requestUrl) console.log(error) }) } }, checkForNewBlogPosts: function () { if (this.checkForBlogPosts) { const parser = new Parser() const feedUrl = '' let lastAppWasRunning = localStorage.getItem('lastAppWasRunning') if (lastAppWasRunning !== null) { lastAppWasRunning = new Date(lastAppWasRunning) } parser.parseURL(feedUrl).then((response) => { const latestBlog = response.items[0] const latestPubDate = new Date(latestBlog.pubDate) if (lastAppWasRunning === null || latestPubDate > lastAppWasRunning) { const message = this.$t('A new blog is now available, $. Click to view more') this.blogBannerMessage = message.replace('$', latestBlog.title) this.latestBlogUrl = this.showBlogBanner = true } localStorage.setItem('lastAppWasRunning', new Date()) }) } }, handleUpdateBannerClick: function (response) { if (response !== false) { this.showReleaseNotes = true } else { this.showUpdatesBanner = false } }, handleNewBlogBannerClick: function (response) { if (response) { this.openExternalLink(this.latestBlogUrl) } this.showBlogBanner = false }, openDownloadsPage: function () { const url = '' this.openExternalLink(url) this.showReleaseNotes = false this.showUpdatesBanner = false }, activateKeyboardShortcuts: function () { $(document).on('keydown', this.handleKeyboardShortcuts) $(document).on('mousedown', () => { this.hideOutlines = true }) }, handleKeyboardShortcuts: function (event) { if (event.altKey) { switch (event.code) { case 'ArrowRight': window.history.forward() break case 'ArrowLeft': window.history.back() break } } switch (event.code) { case 'Tab': this.hideOutlines = false break } }, openAllLinksExternally: function () { $(document).on('click', 'a[href^="http"]', (event) => { const el = event.currentTarget console.log(useElectron) console.log(el) event.preventDefault() // Check if it's a YouTube link const youtubeUrlPattern = /^https?:\/\/((www\.)?youtube\.com(\/embed)?|youtu\.be)\/.*$/ const isYoutubeLink = youtubeUrlPattern.test(el.href) if (isYoutubeLink) { this.handleYoutubeLink(el.href) } else { // Open links externally by default this.openExternalLink(el.href) } }) }, handleYoutubeLink: function (href) { this.getYoutubeUrlInfo(href).then((result) => { switch (result.urlType) { case 'video': { const { videoId, timestamp } = result this.$router.push({ path: `/watch/${videoId}`, query: timestamp ? { timestamp } : {} }) break } case 'playlist': { const { playlistId, query } = result this.$router.push({ path: `/playlist/${playlistId}`, query }) break } case 'search': { const { searchQuery, query } = result this.$router.push({ path: `/search/${encodeURIComponent(searchQuery)}`, query }) break } case 'hashtag': { // TODO: Implement a hashtag related view let message = 'Hashtags have not yet been implemented, try again later' if (this.$te(message) && this.$t(message) !== '') { message = this.$t(message) } this.showToast({ message: message }) break } case 'channel': { const { channelId } = result this.$router.push({ path: `/channel/${channelId}` }) break } case 'invalid_url': { // Do nothing break } default: { // Unknown URL type let message = 'Unknown YouTube url type, cannot be opened in app' if (this.$te(message) && this.$t(message) !== '') { message = this.$t(message) } this.showToast({ message: message }) } } }) }, enableOpenUrl: function () { ipcRenderer.on('openUrl', (event, url) => { if (url) { this.handleYoutubeLink(url) } }) ipcRenderer.send('appReady') }, setBoundsOnClose: function () { window.onbeforeunload = (e) => { ipcRenderer.send('setBounds') } }, ...mapActions([ 'showToast', 'openExternalLink', 'grabUserSettings', 'grabAllProfiles', 'grabHistory', 'grabAllPlaylists', 'getRegionData', 'getYoutubeUrlInfo', 'getLocale' ]), ...mapMutations([ 'setUsingElectron' ]) } })