import Vue from 'vue' import FtIconButton from '../ft-icon-button/ft-icon-button.vue' import { mapActions } from 'vuex' export default Vue.extend({ name: 'FtListVideo', components: { 'ft-icon-button': FtIconButton }, props: { data: { type: Object, required: true }, playlistId: { type: String, default: null }, playlistIndex: { type: Number, default: null }, playlistReverse: { type: Boolean, default: false }, playlistShuffle: { type: Boolean, default: false }, playlistLoop: { type: Boolean, default: false }, forceListType: { type: String, default: null }, appearance: { type: String, required: true } }, data: function () { return { id: '', title: '', channelName: '', channelId: '', viewCount: 0, parsedViewCount: '', uploadedTime: '', duration: '', description: '', watched: false, watchProgress: 0, publishedText: '', isLive: false, isFavorited: false, isUpcoming: false, isPremium: false, hideViews: false, optionsValues: [ 'history', 'openYoutube', 'copyYoutube', 'openYoutubeEmbed', 'copyYoutubeEmbed', 'openInvidious', 'copyInvidious', 'openYoutubeChannel', 'copyYoutubeChannel', 'openInvidiousChannel', 'copyInvidiousChannel' ] } }, computed: { historyCache: function () { return this.$store.getters.getHistoryCache }, listType: function () { return this.$store.getters.getListType }, thumbnailPreference: function () { return this.$store.getters.getThumbnailPreference }, backendPreference: function () { return this.$store.getters.getBackendPreference }, currentInvidiousInstance: function () { return this.$store.getters.getCurrentInvidiousInstance }, inHistory: function () { // When in the history page, showing relative dates isn't very useful. // We want to show the exact date instead return this.$ === 'history' }, invidiousUrl: function () { return `${this.currentInvidiousInstance}/watch?v=${}` }, invidiousChannelUrl: function () { return `${this.currentInvidiousInstance}/channel/${this.channelId}` }, youtubeUrl: function () { return `${}` }, youtubeShareUrl: function () { return `${}` }, youtubeChannelUrl: function () { return `${this.channelId}` }, youtubeEmbedUrl: function () { return `${}` }, progressPercentage: function () { return (this.watchProgress / * 100 }, optionsNames: function () { const names = [ this.$t('Video.Open in YouTube'), this.$t('Video.Copy YouTube Link'), this.$t('Video.Open YouTube Embedded Player'), this.$t('Video.Copy YouTube Embedded Player Link'), this.$t('Video.Open in Invidious'), this.$t('Video.Copy Invidious Link'), this.$t('Video.Open Channel in YouTube'), this.$t('Video.Copy YouTube Channel Link'), this.$t('Video.Open Channel in Invidious'), this.$t('Video.Copy Invidious Channel Link') ] if (this.watched) { names.unshift(this.$t('Video.Remove From History')) } else { names.unshift(this.$t('Video.Mark As Watched')) } return names }, thumbnail: function () { let baseUrl if (this.backendPreference === 'invidious') { baseUrl = this.currentInvidiousInstance } else { baseUrl = '' } switch (this.thumbnailPreference) { case 'start': return `${baseUrl}/vi/${}/mq1.jpg` case 'middle': return `${baseUrl}/vi/${}/mq2.jpg` case 'end': return `${baseUrl}/vi/${}/mq3.jpg` default: return `${baseUrl}/vi/${}/mqdefault.jpg` } }, hideVideoViews: function () { return this.$store.getters.getHideVideoViews }, addWatchedStyle: function () { return this.watched && !this.inHistory }, favoritesPlaylist: function () { return this.$store.getters.getFavorites }, inFavoritesPlaylist: function () { const index = this.favoritesPlaylist.videos.findIndex((video) => { return video.videoId === }) return index !== -1 }, favoriteIconTheme: function () { return this.inFavoritesPlaylist ? 'base favorite' : 'base' }, externalPlayer: function () { return this.$store.getters.getExternalPlayer }, defaultPlayback: function () { return this.$store.getters.getDefaultPlayback }, saveWatchedProgress: function () { return this.$store.getters.getSaveWatchedProgress } }, mounted: function () { this.parseVideoData() this.checkIfWatched() }, methods: { handleExternalPlayer: function () { this.$emit('pause-player') this.openInExternalPlayer({ strings: this.$t('Video.External Player'), watchProgress: this.watchProgress, playbackRate: this.defaultPlayback, videoId:, playlistId: this.playlistId, playlistIndex: this.playlistIndex, playlistReverse: this.playlistReverse, playlistShuffle: this.playlistShuffle, playlistLoop: this.playlistLoop }) if (this.saveWatchedProgress && !this.watched) { this.markAsWatched() } }, toggleSave: function () { if (this.inFavoritesPlaylist) { this.removeFromPlaylist() } else { this.addToPlaylist() } }, handleOptionsClick: function (option) { console.log('Handling share') console.log(option) switch (option) { case 'history': if (this.watched) { this.removeFromWatched() } else { this.markAsWatched() } break case 'copyYoutube': navigator.clipboard.writeText(this.youtubeShareUrl) this.showToast({ message: this.$t('Share.YouTube URL copied to clipboard') }) break case 'openYoutube': this.openExternalLink(this.youtubeUrl) break case 'copyYoutubeEmbed': navigator.clipboard.writeText(this.youtubeEmbedUrl) this.showToast({ message: this.$t('Share.YouTube Embed URL copied to clipboard') }) break case 'openYoutubeEmbed': this.openExternalLink(this.youtubeEmbedUrl) break case 'copyInvidious': navigator.clipboard.writeText(this.invidiousUrl) this.showToast({ message: this.$t('Share.Invidious URL copied to clipboard') }) break case 'openInvidious': this.openExternalLink(this.invidiousUrl) break case 'copyYoutubeChannel': navigator.clipboard.writeText(this.youtubeChannelUrl) this.showToast({ message: this.$t('Share.YouTube Channel URL copied to clipboard') }) break case 'openYoutubeChannel': this.openExternalLink(this.youtubeChannelUrl) break case 'copyInvidiousChannel': navigator.clipboard.writeText(this.invidiousChannelUrl) this.showToast({ message: this.$t('Share.Invidious Channel URL copied to clipboard') }) break case 'openInvidiousChannel': this.openExternalLink(this.invidiousChannelUrl) break } }, // For Invidious data, as duration is sent in seconds calculateVideoDuration: function (lengthSeconds) { if (typeof lengthSeconds === 'string') { return lengthSeconds } if (typeof lengthSeconds === 'undefined') { return '0:00' } let durationText = '' let time = lengthSeconds let hours = 0 if (time >= 3600) { hours = Math.floor(time / 3600) time = time - hours * 3600 } let minutes = Math.floor(time / 60) let seconds = time - minutes * 60 if (seconds < 10) { seconds = '0' + seconds } if (minutes < 10 && hours > 0) { minutes = '0' + minutes } if (hours > 0) { durationText = hours + ':' + minutes + ':' + seconds } else { durationText = minutes + ':' + seconds } return durationText }, parseVideoData: function () { = this.title = // this.thumbnail =[4].url this.channelName = this.channelId = this.duration = this.calculateVideoDuration( this.description = this.isLive = || === 'undefined' this.isUpcoming = || this.isPremium = || false this.viewCount = if (typeof ( !== 'undefined') { this.publishedText = new Date( * 1000).toLocaleString() } else { this.publishedText = } if (typeof ( !== 'undefined' && !== null && !this.isLive) { // produces a string according to the template in the locales string this.toLocalePublicationString({ publishText: this.publishedText, templateString: this.$t('Video.Publicationtemplate'), timeStrings: this.$t('Video.Published'), liveStreamString: this.$t('Video.Watching'), upcomingString: this.$t('Video.Published.Upcoming'), isLive: this.isLive, isUpcoming: this.isUpcoming, isRSS: }).then((data) => { this.uploadedTime = data }).catch((error) => { console.error(error) }) } if (this.hideVideoViews) { this.hideViews = true } else if (typeof ( !== 'undefined' && !== null) { this.parsedViewCount =\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ',') } else if (typeof ( !== 'undefined') { this.parsedViewCount =' views', '') } else { this.hideViews = true } }, checkIfWatched: function () { const historyIndex = this.historyCache.findIndex((video) => { return video.videoId === }) if (historyIndex !== -1) { this.watched = true this.watchProgress = this.historyCache[historyIndex].watchProgress if (this.historyCache[historyIndex].published !== '') { const videoPublished = this.historyCache[historyIndex].published const videoPublishedDate = new Date(videoPublished) this.publishedText = videoPublishedDate.toLocaleDateString() } else { this.publishedText = '' } } }, markAsWatched: function () { const videoData = { videoId:, title: this.title, author: this.channelName, authorId: this.channelId, published: this.publishedText ? this.publishedText.split(',')[0] : this.publishedText, description: this.description, viewCount: this.viewCount, lengthSeconds:, watchProgress: 0, timeWatched: new Date().getTime(), isLive: false, paid: false, type: 'video' } this.updateHistory(videoData) this.showToast({ message: this.$t('Video.Video has been marked as watched') }) this.watched = true }, removeFromWatched: function () { this.removeFromHistory( this.showToast({ message: this.$t('Video.Video has been removed from your history') }) this.watched = false this.watchProgress = 0 }, addToPlaylist: function () { const videoData = { videoId:, title: this.title, author: this.channelName, authorId: this.channelId, published: '', description: this.description, viewCount: this.viewCount, lengthSeconds:, timeAdded: new Date().getTime(), isLive: false, paid: false, type: 'video' } const payload = { playlistName: 'Favorites', videoData: videoData } this.addVideo(payload) this.showToast({ message: this.$t('Video.Video has been saved') }) }, removeFromPlaylist: function () { const payload = { playlistName: 'Favorites', videoId: } this.removeVideo(payload) this.showToast({ message: this.$t('Video.Video has been removed from your saved list') }) }, ...mapActions([ 'showToast', 'toLocalePublicationString', 'openInExternalPlayer', 'updateHistory', 'removeFromHistory', 'addVideo', 'removeVideo', 'openExternalLink' ]) } })