
487 lines
15 KiB
Raw Blame History

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# Put the name of your locale in the same language
Locale Name: 'Türkçe'
FreeTube: 'Freetube'
# Currently on Subscriptions, Playlists, and History
'This part of the app is not ready yet. Come back later when progress has been made.': >
# Webkit Menu Bar
File: 'Dosya'
Quit: ık'
Edit: 'Düzenle'
Undo: 'Geri al'
Redo: 'İleri al'
Cut: 'Kes'
Copy: 'Kopyala'
Paste: 'Yapıştır'
Delete: 'Sil'
Select all: 'Tümünü Seç'
Reload: 'Yeniden Yükle'
Force Reload: 'Zorla Yeniden Yükle'
Toggle Developer Tools: 'Geliştirici Seçeneklerini Aç'
Actual size: 'Gerçek Boyut'
Zoom in: 'Yakınlaştır'
Zoom out: 'Uzaklaştır'
Toggle fullscreen: 'Tam Ekran Yap'
Window: 'Pencere'
Minimize: 'Küçült'
Close: 'Kapat'
Back: 'Geri'
Forward: 'İleri'
Version $ is now available! Click for more details: 'Sürüm $ mevcut! Daha fazla detay
için tıklayın'
Download From Site: 'Siteden İndir'
A new blog is now available, $. Click to view more: 'Yeni blog postu mevcut, $. Daha
fazlası için tıkla'
# Search Bar
Search / Go to URL: 'Arama / URL''ye git'
# In Filter Button
Search Filters:
Search Filters: 'Filtreler'
Sort By:
Sort By: 'Göre Sırala'
Most Relevant: 'En İlgili'
Rating: 'Derecelendirme'
Upload Date: 'Yükleme Tarihi'
View Count: 'İzlenme Miktarı'
Time: 'Tarih'
Any Time: 'Herhangi Bir Zaman'
Last Hour: 'Son Bir Saat'
Today: 'Bugün'
This Week: 'Bu Hafta'
This Month: 'Bu Ay'
This Year: 'Bu Yıl'
Type: 'Tür'
All Types: 'Tüm Türler'
Videos: 'Videolar'
Channels: 'Kanallar'
#& Playlists
Duration: 'Süre'
All Durations: 'Tüm Süreler'
Short (< 4 minutes): 'Kısa (4 dakikadan az)'
Long (> 20 minutes): 'Uzun (20 dakikadan fazla)'
# On Search Page
Search Results: 'Arama Sonuçları'
Fetching results. Please wait: 'Sonuçlar Yükleniyor. Lütfen Bekleyin'
Fetch more results: 'Daha Fazla Sonuç Yükle'
# Sidebar
# On Subscriptions Page
Subscriptions: 'Abonelikler'
Latest Subscriptions: 'En Yeni'
'Your Subscription list is currently empty. Start adding subscriptions to see them here.': ''
'Getting Subscriptions. Please wait.': 'Abonelikler Yükleniyor. Lütfen Bekleyin.'
Refresh Subscriptions: 'Abonelikleri Yenile'
Trending: 'Trendler'
Most Popular: ''
Playlists: 'Oynatma Listesi'
User Playlists:
Your Playlists: 'Oynatma Listelerin'
# On History Page
History: 'Geçmiş'
Watch History: 'İzleme Geçmişi'
Your history list is currently empty.: 'Geçmişin Şuan Boş :).'
# On Settings Page
Settings: 'Ayarlar'
General Settings:
General Settings: 'Genel Ayarlar'
Check for Updates: 'Güncellemeleri Kontrol Et'
Check for Latest Blog Posts: 'En Yeni Blog Postlarını Kontrol Et'
Fallback to Non-Preferred Backend on Failure: 'Hata Zamanında Tercih Edilmeyen
Backend''e Geç'
Enable Search Suggestions: 'Arama Önerilerini Etkinleştir'
Default Landing Page: 'Varsayılan Açılış Ekranı'
Locale Preference: 'Tercih Edilen Yerel Ayar'
Preferred API Backend:
Preferred API Backend: 'Tercih Edilen API Backend'
Local API: 'Yerel API'
Invidious API: 'Invidious API'
Video View Type:
Video View Type: 'Video Görüntüleme Düzeni'
Grid: 'Izgara'
List: 'Liste'
Thumbnail Preference:
Thumbnail Preference: 'Küçük Resim Tercihi'
Default: 'Varsayılan'
Beginning: 'Başlangıç'
Middle: 'Orta'
End: 'Bitiş'
'Invidious Instance (Default is': 'Invidious Instance
Region for Trending: 'Trendler İçin Ülke'
#! List countries
Theme Settings:
Theme Settings: 'Tema Ayarları'
Match Top Bar with Main Color: 'Üst Barı Ana Renk ile Eşleştir'
Base Theme:
Base Theme: 'Temel Tema'
Black: 'Siyah'
Dark: 'Koyu'
Light: 'Aydınlık'
Main Color Theme:
Main Color Theme: 'Ana Renk'
Red: 'Kırmızı'
Pink: 'Pembe'
Purple: 'Mor'
Deep Purple: 'Koyu Mor'
Indigo: 'Çivit Mavisi'
Blue: 'Mavi'
Light Blue: 'Açık Mavi'
Cyan: 'Camgöbeği'
Teal: 'Deniz Mavisi'
Green: 'Yeşil'
Light Green: 'Açık Yeşil'
Lime: 'Lime'
Yellow: 'Sarı'
Amber: 'Kehribar Rengi'
Orange: 'Turuncu'
Deep Orange: 'Koyu Turuncu'
Secondary Color Theme: 'İkincil Renk'
#* Main Color Theme
Player Settings:
Player Settings: 'Oynatıcı Ayarları'
Force Local Backend for Legacy Formats: ''
Play Next Video: 'Sonraki Videoyu Oynat'
Turn on Subtitles by Default: 'Altyazıyı Varsayılan Olarak Aç'
Autoplay Videos: 'Videoları Otomatik Başlat'
Proxy Videos Through Invidious: ''
Autoplay Playlists: ''
Enable Theatre Mode by Default: 'Sinema Modunu Varsayılan Olarak Etkinleştir'
Default Volume: 'Varsayılan Ses Düzeyi'
Default Playback Rate: 'Varsayılan Oynatma Hızı'
Default Video Format:
Default Video Format: 'Varsayılan Video Formatı'
Dash Formats: ''
Legacy Formats: ''
Audio Formats: ''
Default Quality:
Default Quality: 'Varsayılan Kalite'
Auto: 'Otomatik'
144p: '144p'
240p: '240p'
360p: '360p'
480p: '480p'
720p: '720p'
1080p: '1080p'
1440p: '1440p'
4k: '4k'
8k: '8k'
Privacy Settings:
Privacy Settings: 'Gizlilik Ayarları'
Remember History: 'Geçmişi Hatırla'
Save Watched Progress: 'Kaldığım Yeri Hatırla'
Clear Search Cache: 'Arama Önbelleğini Temizle'
Are you sure you want to clear out your search cache?: 'Arama Önbelleğini Temizlemek
İstediğinizden Emin Misiniz?'
Search cache has been cleared: 'Arama Önbelleği Temizlendi'
Remove Watch History: 'İzleme Geçmişini Temizle'
Are you sure you want to remove your entire watch history?: 'İzleme Geçmişini
Temizlemek İstediğinizden Emin Misiniz?'
Watch history has been cleared: 'İzleme Geçmişi Temizlendi'
Remove All Subscriptions / Profiles: 'Tüm Abonelikler/Profilleri Temizle'
Are you sure you want to remove all subscriptions and profiles? This cannot be undone.: 'Tüm
Abonelikler/Profilleri Temizlemek İstediğinizden Emin Misiniz? Geri Alınamaz'
Subscription Settings:
Subscription Settings: 'Abonelik Ayarları'
Hide Videos on Watch: ''
Fetch Feeds from RSS: ''
Manage Subscriptions: 'Abonelikleri Yönet'
Data Settings:
Data Settings: 'Dosya Ayarları'
Select Import Type: 'İçe Aktarma Türünü Seç'
Select Export Type: 'Dışa Aktarma Türünü Seç'
Import Subscriptions: 'Abonelikleri İçe Aktar'
Import FreeTube: 'Freetube''dan İçe Aktar'
Import YouTube: 'YouTube''dan İçe Aktar'
Import NewPipe: 'NewPipe''dan İçe Aktar'
Export Subscriptions: 'Abonelikleri Dışa Aktar'
Export FreeTube: 'Freetube Biçiminde Dışa Aktar'
Export YouTube: 'YouTube Biçiminde Dışa Aktar'
Export NewPipe: 'NewPipe Biçiminde Dışa Aktar'
Import History: 'Geçmişi İçe Aktar'
Export History: 'Geçmişi Dışa Aktar'
Profile object has insufficient data, skipping item: ''
All subscriptions and profiles have been successfully imported: 'Tüm Abonelikler
ve Profiller Başarılı Bir Şekilde İçe Aktarıldı'
All subscriptions have been successfully imported: 'Tüm Abonelikler Başarılı Bir
Şekilde İçe Aktarıldı'
One or more subscriptions were unable to be imported: 'Bir ya da Daha Fazla Abonelik
İçe Aktarılamadı'
Invalid subscriptions file: ''
This might take a while, please wait: 'Biraz Uzun Sürebilir, Lütfen Bekleyin'
Invalid history file: ''
Subscriptions have been successfully exported: 'Tüm Abonelikler Başarılı Bir Şekilde
Dışa Aktarıldı'
History object has insufficient data, skipping item: ''
All watched history has been successfully imported: 'Tüm İzleme Geçmişi Başarılı
Bir Şekilde İçe Aktarıldı'
All watched history has been successfully exported: 'Tüm İzleme Geçmişi Başarılı
Bir Şekilde Dışa Aktarıldı'
Unable to read file: ''
Unable to write file: ''
Unknown data key: ''
How do I import my subscriptions?: 'Aboneliklerimi Nasıl İçe Artarırım?'
Advanced Settings:
Advanced Settings: 'Gelişmiş Ayarlar'
Enable Debug Mode (Prints data to the console): ''
'Proxy Address (Example: SOCKS5:// )': 'Vekil Sunucu Adresi (Örneğin:
'Clicking "TEST PROXY" button will send a request to': ''
Use Tor / Proxy for API calls: ''
#& Invidious Instance (Default is
See Public Instances: ''
Clear History:
Clear History: 'Geçmişi Temizle'
# On Click
Are you sure you want to delete your history?: 'Geçmişi Temizlemek İstediğinizden
Emin Misiniz?'
#& Yes
#& No
Clear Subscriptions:
Clear Subscriptions: 'Abonelikleri Temizle'
# On Click
Are you sure you want to remove all subscriptions?: 'Abonelikleri Temizlemek
İstediğinizden Emin Misiniz?'
#& Yes
#& No
#On About page
About: 'Hakkında'
#& About
'This software is FOSS and released under the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0.': ''
'Found a bug? Want to suggest a feature? Want to help out? Check out our GitHub page. Pull requests are welcome.': >
Thank you very much to the People and Projects that make FreeTube possible!: ''
'Want to chat? Join our Element / Matrix Server . Please check the rules before joining.': ''
'Looking for help? Check out our Wiki page.': ''
Check out our Firefox extension!: ''
'If you enjoy using FreeTube, consider donating via Liberapay or through our Bitcoin address.': ''
#~ 'BTC: 1Lih7Ho5gnxb1CwPD4o59ss78pwo2T91eS'
Latest FreeTube News: ''
Profile Select: ''
All Channels: ''
Profile Manager: ''
Create New Profile: ''
Edit Profile: ''
Color Picker: ''
Custom Color: ''
Profile Preview: ''
Create Profile: ''
Update Profile: ''
Make Default Profile: ''
Delete Profile: ''
Are you sure you want to delete this profile?: ''
All subscriptions will also be deleted.: ''
Profile could not be found: ''
Your profile name cannot be empty: ''
Profile has been created: ''
Profile has been updated: ''
Your default profile has been set to $: ''
Removed $ from your profiles: ''
Your default profile has been changed to your primary profile: ''
$ is now the active profile: ''
Subscription List: ''
Other Channels: ''
$ selected: ''
Select All: ''
Select None: ''
Delete Selected: ''
Add Selected To Profile: ''
No channel(s) have been selected: ''
? This is your primary profile. Are you sure you want to delete the selected channels? The
same channels will be deleted in any profile they are found in.
: ''
Are you sure you want to delete the selected channels? This will not delete the channel from any other profile.: ''
#On Channel Page
Subscriber: ''
Subscribers: ''
Subscribe: ''
Unsubscribe: ''
Channel has been removed from your subscriptions: ''
Removed subscription from $ other channel(s): ''
Added channel to your subscriptions: ''
Search Channel: ''
Your search results have returned 0 results: ''
Sort By: ''
Videos: ''
This channel does not currently have any videos: ''
Sort Types:
Newest: ''
Oldest: ''
Most Popular: ''
Playlists: ''
This channel does not currently have any playlists: ''
Sort Types:
Last Video Added: ''
Newest: ''
Oldest: ''
About: ''
Channel Description: ''
Featured Channels: ''
Mark As Watched: ''
Remove From History: ''
Video has been marked as watched: ''
Video has been removed from your history: ''
Open in YouTube: ''
Copy YouTube Link: ''
Open YouTube Embedded Player: ''
Copy YouTube Embedded Player Link: ''
Open in Invidious: ''
Copy Invidious Link: ''
View: ''
Views: ''
Loop Playlist: ''
Shuffle Playlist: ''
Reverse Playlist: ''
Play Next Video: ''
Play Previous Video: ''
# Context is "X People Watching"
Watching: ''
Watched: ''
Autoplay: ''
Starting soon, please refresh the page to check again: ''
# As in a Live Video
Live: ''
Live Now: ''
Live Chat: ''
Enable Live Chat: ''
Live Chat is currently not supported in this build.: ''
'Chat is disabled or the Live Stream has ended.': ''
Live chat is enabled. Chat messages will appear here once sent.: ''
'Live Chat is currently not supported with the Invidious API. A direct connection to YouTube is required.': ''
Jan: ''
Feb: ''
Mar: ''
Apr: ''
May: ''
Jun: ''
Jul: ''
Aug: ''
Sep: ''
Oct: ''
Nov: ''
Dec: ''
Second: ''
Seconds: ''
Minute: ''
Minutes: ''
Hour: ''
Hours: ''
Day: ''
Days: ''
Week: ''
Weeks: ''
Month: ''
Months: ''
Year: ''
Years: ''
Ago: ''
Upcoming: ''
Published on: ''
# $ is replaced with the number and % with the unit (days, hours, minutes...)
Publicationtemplate: ''
#& Videos
#& Sort By
Sort By:
Newest: ''
Oldest: ''
#& Most Popular
#& Playlists
#& About
View Full Playlist: ''
Videos: ''
View: ''
Views: ''
Last Updated On: ''
Share Playlist:
Share Playlist: ''
Copy YouTube Link: ''
Open in YouTube: ''
Copy Invidious Link: ''
Open in Invidious: ''
# On Video Watch Page
#* Published
#& Views
Toggle Theatre Mode: ''
Change Format:
Change Video Formats: ''
Use Dash Formats: ''
Use Legacy Formats: ''
Use Audio Formats: ''
Dash formats are not available for this video: ''
Audio formats are not available for this video: ''
Share Video: ''
Include Timestamp: ''
Copy Link: ''
Open Link: ''
Copy Embed: ''
Open Embed: ''
# On Click
Invidious URL copied to clipboard: ''
Invidious Embed URL copied to clipboard: ''
YouTube URL copied to clipboard: ''
YouTube Embed URL copied to clipboard: ''
Mini Player: ''
Comments: ''
Click to View Comments: ''
Getting comment replies, please wait: ''
There are no more comments for this video: ''
Show Comments: ''
Hide Comments: ''
# Context: View 10 Replies, View 1 Reply
View: ''
Hide: ''
Replies: ''
Reply: ''
There are no comments available for this video: ''
Load More Comments: ''
Up Next: ''
# Toast Messages
Local API Error (Click to copy): ''
Invidious API Error (Click to copy): ''
Falling back to Invidious API: ''
Falling back to the local API: ''
Subscriptions have not yet been implemented: ''
Loop is now disabled: ''
Loop is now enabled: ''
Shuffle is now disabled: ''
Shuffle is now enabled: ''
The playlist has been reversed: ''
Playing Next Video: ''
Playing Previous Video: ''
Playing next video in 5 seconds. Click to cancel: ''
Canceled next video autoplay: ''
'The playlist has ended. Enable loop to continue playing': ''
Yes: ''
No: ''