diff --git a/holyloop.fountain b/holyloop.fountain index a8bdc6c..dc9b763 100644 --- a/holyloop.fountain +++ b/holyloop.fountain @@ -158,70 +158,70 @@ You are right, and that is stupid. INT. CHURCH - NIGHT -PASTER +PASTOR I am getting ready for my sermon tommorow. GOD Don't I need you to do something else. -PASTER +PASTOR What is that? GOD Bill is creating baby robots that will rule the world and they will attack at nineteen hundered hours tommorow. -PASTER +PASTOR Oh no thats horrible, what can I do? GOD Pray so I will do something about it. -PASTER +PASTOR LORD please don't let Bill's baby robots destroy the world In Jesus's name amen. GOD I will do it, however I will loop tommorow because I have chosen 2 athiests to save the world because why not. -PASTER +PASTOR That sounds like a dumb idea? GOD I want to show people that you don't have to be the greatest and the strongest to make an inpact (you just need to be chosen by God). -PASTER +PASTOR You are right, not My will, but Yours be done. -PASTER +PASTOR One more thing, whos going in that loop. GOD The two atheists named Jim and Sky, Me, You, Steve, The Cop that pulls you over for a ticket because you sometimes speed. -PASTER +PASTOR What, you said Me, Steve and the cop, why are we involved? GOD Well they need someone to preach the gospel and the cop will arrest them for stealing (they love stealing things, not all athiests do that just so we are clear) anyone who is not in the loop will forget, oh yeah Steve is the storage priest (he will sell the athiests a divine flash drive for $42 dollars) -PASTER +PASTOR What makes the flash drive divine? GOD The data presists between loops even if destroyed (the files are stored in my cloud). -PASTER +PASTOR You mean you have a server in heaven? GOD Who said a cloud can't have an IP address. -PASTER +PASTOR I thought clouds were just something that had to do with rain? GOD I make the rules not you, so if I want a cloud to have an IP address, I will make the cloud a server and assign it an IP address. -PASTER +PASTOR Ok when is the timeloop range GOD