Title: Holy Loop Credit: Written by Author: Mike Nolan Draft Date: 10/27/2023 INT. JIM'S ROOM - DAY JIM Hi I am Jim and I am proudly an athiest. JIM Thats someone who does not believe in God. JIM I like this place, its cozy and I like to code on my laptop. ANNIE (annie peeks into the room) Jim clean your room. JIM Shut up Mom, I don't wanna. ANNIE Ugh. ANNIE When will you just clean your room for once huh? JIM Probably never Mom. ANNIE You are grounded. JIM Get out! ANNIE No! ANNIE I am taking your computer. JIM (crying) No! ANNIE You are not getting out of this room for a week. JIM Oh really? ANNIE Really. EXT. OUTSIDE HOUSE - DAY JIM I am out of the house disobeying my mom (laughs). STEVE Hey Jim how's it going? JIM Not well, my Mom grounded me. STEVE Oh what did you do? JIM She wanted me to clean my room but I didn't. STEVE Yeah she's kind of extreme when she asks you to do something and you don't do it. JIM I agree. JIM (walks to the Gym) INT. GYM - DAY JIM Well, I need to get more fit. SKY Who's that guy? JIM My name is Jim. SKY My name is Sky, my number is: (813) 555-9586. JIM Cool mine is: (813) 555-1992. SKY Hey the last four digits are the year I was born. JIM What gym equipment are you going to use today? SKY Treadmill. JIM Cool me too. INT. HOTEL - DAY JIM I needed to get away from my Mom. SKY Me too. SKY Are you an athiest too? JIM Yep, isn't that cool. SKY Yep. SKY Lets go to the pool. JIM I wonder if there are camera's spying on us in the bathroom? SKY There probably is, those sickos. JIM I agree that is sick. JIM So lets go to the pool. SKY Ok. JIM (leaves the room off screen, and returns a moment later) Wait, the pool is out of service. SKY No way. SKY (leaves the room off screen, and returns a moment later) You are right, and that is stupid. INT. CHURCH - NIGHT PASTOR I am getting ready for my sermon tommorow. GOD Don't I need you to do something else. PASTOR What is that? GOD Bill is creating baby robots that will rule the world and they will attack at nineteen hundered hours tommorow. PASTOR Oh no thats horrible, what can I do? GOD Pray so I will do something about it. PASTOR LORD please don't let Bill's baby robots destroy the world In Jesus's name amen. GOD I will do it, however I will loop tommorow because I have chosen 2 athiests to save the world because why not. PASTOR That sounds like a dumb idea? GOD I want to show people that you don't have to be the greatest and the strongest to make an inpact (you just need to be chosen by God). PASTOR You are right, not My will, but Yours be done. PASTOR One more thing, whos going in that loop. GOD The two atheists named Jim and Sky, Me, You, Steve, The Cop that pulls you over for a ticket because you sometimes speed. PASTOR What, you said Me, Steve and the cop, why are we involved? GOD Well they need someone to preach the gospel and the cop will arrest them for stealing (they love stealing things, not all athiests do that just so we are clear) anyone who is not in the loop will forget, oh yeah Steve is the storage priest (he will sell the athiests a divine flash drive for $42 dollars) PASTOR What makes the flash drive divine? GOD The data presists between loops even if destroyed (the files are stored in my cloud). PASTOR You mean you have a server in heaven? GOD Who said a cloud can't have an IP address. PASTOR I thought clouds were just something that had to do with rain? GOD I make the rules not you, so if I want a cloud to have an IP address, I will make the cloud a server and assign it an IP address. PASTOR Ok when is the timeloop range GOD Tommorow from zero six hundered hours to twenty hundred hours (because that is when everything gets destroyed). INT. HOTEL - DAWN SKY Hi its a nice day JIM Yeah I agree NEWSHOST We are sorry to inform you but Bill Wolfinheimer wants to create baby robots to destroy the world! SKY Oh no, thats bad. STEVE Jim and Sky, you need to leave before zero six hundered hours, Bill Wolfinheimer is hunting you guys down. JIM What? SKY We are going to die. STEVE If you come with me you wont. JIM Whatever you say Steve. SKY ^ I trust you Steve. INT. STEVES GARAGE - DAWN JIM What do we do now? SKY ^ What do we do now? STEVE First Before I explain what is going on, please stay here until at least zero six hundered hours. SKY Why zero six hundred hours? STEVE You won't believe me, but stay anyways, at twenty hundred hours the world will be destroyed and You two, I and two other people will be sent back to our respective places where we were at zero six hundred hours (and yes even if you try dying you will be looped back, to the other people in the loop you will be dead until the loop resets) JIM Who's resetting it? STEVE God. JIM Theres no God. SKY Yeah there is no God. STEVE Well lets just hang out until zero six hundred hours in here, we got Mario Kart. STEVE (loads mario kart into the wii and hands out controllers) JIM Why is there no sound? STEVE Cause some dufas busted a RCA cable off in the audio jack of the TV. SKY No RF? STEVE All my RF Modulators are broken and I don't have a VCR. JIM Fine. SKY At least we are having fun? JIM What time is it? SKY Its six. JIM Ok its six, can we leave yet? STEVE Yes. EXT. WALKING TO SKYS HOUSE - DAY SKY Its a nice day today. JIM Yep you know what, do you have a camera? SKY Yes I do have a camera, it is in my bedroom. JIM Cool I Just wanted to vlog with my new friend and I can't use my camera because my mom took it away when she took away my computer yesterday for not cleaning my room. SKY INT. SKYS ROOM - DAY