Nov 23, 2023: We do data recovery and fix your ovaries (parody of pet cremation from imprac) sky's part Jan 6, 2024: Sky: Jim you need to pull your head out of your bum and pray to the lord Jan 6, 2024: The ending of the movie has a 4th wall break that starts with a wii homebrew application crashing (probably not) Jan 30, 2024: bill wolfenheimer's company is the "Emesis corporation" Apr 24, 2024 (false teachers probably) open your bibles to Fallopian 4:20 Apr 24, 2024: All screens are removed from devices (a joke in a scene, that also shows that I can't keep a screen ok for a month) May 18, 2024: Sky and I settle the chicken or egg debate, and a guy calls the Bible a fairy tale. Jun 6, 2024: The movie starts with an animated scene stating original sin and the cross Jan 7, 2024: (Use camera CinePi, but maybe not due to low budget but maybe) Jun 16, 2024 (not sure): grace for violation of ten commandments Jun 18, 2024: a 2 clone scene where you shoot the clone, but they are both clones and they are the clone of the one shooting June or Jul ?, 2024: amniotic fluid joke and roll up your windows there's an exhaust leak.