# SimpleNotes Client for Android # This server is required [Repository](https://gitlab.tesses.net/tesses50/simplenotesserver) # To Install [Get .NET 7](https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet/7.0) ```bash $ sudo dotnet workload install android $ sudo dotnet worload repair ``` # To compile ```bash $ make ``` # To just test ```bash $ dotnet run ``` # To authenticate Click Settings Provide URL to Server, your username and password and Click Save # To Send Message Click the Plus FAB In the note activity the save button does not close the activity, that is not a bug that is intended (so you can keep editing) # Will this work without internet Yes and no Yes if the server is on same network as the android device (and you entered the private ip) No if otherwise # Can I edit, view or create notes without access to server You can't edit, view or create notes if you can't connect to the server (as there is no cache).