@page "/access_keys/edit" @inject Blazored.LocalStorage.ILocalStorageService localStorage; @inject IJSRuntime jsRt; @inject HttpClient client;

To Install

$ sudo apt install httpdirfs

To Mount

$ mkdir "~/BackupsMount"
$ httpdirfs -u "\$access_key" -p "@_AccessKey" "@WebUrl" "~/BackupsMount"

To Unmount

$ umount "~/BackupsMount"

To Unmount (if busy and you are impatient)

$ umount -l "~/BackupsMount"

Done @code { public string _AccessKey {get;set;}=""; public string WebUrl => $"{(client.BaseAddress?.ToString() ?? "").TrimEnd('/')}/data/"; public async Task SaveAsync() { if(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_AccessKey)) { if(await localStorage.ContainKeyAsync("token")) await localStorage.RemoveItemAsync("token"); } else{ await localStorage.SetItemAsStringAsync("token",_AccessKey); } await jsRt.InvokeVoidAsync("alert","Saved"); } protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync() { _AccessKey = await localStorage.GetItemAsStringAsync("token") ?? ""; } }