@page "/access_keys/new" @inject Blazored.LocalStorage.ILocalStorageService localStorage; @inject DedupClient Client; @inject IJSRuntime jsRt;
Incorrect username or password

Note: you won't be able to access the key again, unless you have access to the database.

Create access key

Done @code { public string Username {get;set;}=""; public string Password {get;set;}=""; public string DeviceName {get;set;}=$"New Access Key {DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString()} {DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString()}"; public string _AccessKey {get;set;}=""; public async Task LoginAsync() { var res=await Client.LoginAsync(Username,Password,DeviceName); if(res.Success) { _AccessKey=res.Key; } else { await jsRt.InvokeVoidAsync("ui","#sb_error"); } } }