#!/bin/bash cd Timelapse electronize build /target custom "win-x86;win" /electron-arch ia32 /p:PublishReadyToRun=false electronize build /target custom "win-x64;win" /electron-arch x64 /p:PublishReadyToRun=false electronize build /target custom "win10-x86;win" /electron-arch ia32 /p:PublishReadyToRun=false electronize build /target custom "win10-x64;win" /electron-arch x64 /p:PublishReadyToRun=true electronize build /target custom "win-arm;win" /electron-arch armv7l /p:PublishReadyToRun=false electronize build /target custom "win10-arm;win" /electron-arch armv7l /p:PublishReadyToRun=false electronize build /target custom "win10-arm64;win" /electron-arch arm64 /p:PublishReadyToRun=false #Usage: msi-packager [options] #source Directory containing app to package #output write output .msi to this path #Options: # -n, --name # -v, --version Specify application version # -m, --manufacturer # -a, --arch Specify the target architecture: x86 or x64 (optional) # -u, --upgrade-code Specify GUID to use for upgrading from other versions # -i, --icon Specify an icon to use on shortcuts and installer # -e, --executable Specify file to create shortcuts for # -l, --local Install per user (no administrator rights required) #msi-packager "bin/Desktop/win-unpacked/" "../timelapsenow_1.0.0_setup-win64.msi" --icon ../desktop.ico --executable Timelapse.exe --version --manufacturer Tesses --upgrade-code "{ee77af57-c962-4b61-a211-d4c1f08fe30f}" --arch x64 --name TimelapseNow #msi-packager "bin/Desktop/win-ia32-unpacked/" "../timelapsenow_1.0.0_setup-win32.msi" --icon ../desktop.ico --executable Timelapse.exe --version --manufacturer Tesses --upgrade-code "{ee77af57-c962-4b61-a211-d4c1f08fe30f}" --arch x86 --name TimelapseNow #msi-packager "bin/Desktop/win10-unpacked/" "../timelapsenow_1.0.0_setup-win10-64.msi" --icon ../desktop.ico --executable Timelapse.exe --version --manufacturer Tesses --upgrade-code "{ee77af57-c962-4b61-a211-d4c1f08fe30f}" --arch x64 --name TimelapseNow #si-packager "bin/Desktop/win10-ia32-unpacked/" "../timelapsenow_1.0.0_setup-win10-32.msi" --icon ../desktop.ico --executable Timelapse.exe --version --manufacturer Tesses --upgrade-code "{ee77af57-c962-4b61-a211-d4c1f08fe30f}" --arch x86 --name TimelapseNow