SimpleHTTP Class containing extensions. Parses body of the request including form and multi-part form data. HTTP request. Key-value pairs populated by the form data by this function. Name-file pair collection. Parses body of the request including form and multi-part form data. HTTP request. Key-value pairs populated by the form data by this function. Function called if a file is about to be parsed. The stream is attached to a corresponding . By default, is used, but for large files, it is recommended to open directly. Name-file pair collection. Delegate executed when a file is about to be read from a body stream. Field name. name of the file. Content type. Stream to be populated. HTTP file data container. Creates new HTTP file data container. File name. Data. Content type. Gets the name of the file. Gets the data. If a stream is created it will be closed when this HttpFile object is disposed. Content type. Saves the data into a file. Directory path will be auto created if does not exists. File path with name. True to overwrite the existing file, false otherwise. True if the file is saved/overwritten, false otherwise. Disposes the current instance. Disposes the current instance. Class containing HTTP response extensions. Sets response headers to enable CORS. HTTP response. Modified HTTP response. Sets the content-type for the response. HTTP response. HTTP content-type. Modified HTTP response. Sets the specified header for the response. HTTP response. Header name. Header value. Modified HTTP response. Sets the status code for the response. HTTP response. HTTP status code. Modified HTTP response. Sets the cookie for the response. HTTP response. Cookie name. Cookie value. Modified HTTP response. Sets the cookie for the response. HTTP response. Cookie name. Cookie value. Cookie expiration date (UTC). Modified HTTP response. Sets the cookie for the response. HTTP response. Cookie. Modified HTTP response. Writes the specified data to the response. Response is closed and can not be longer modified. HTTP response. Text data to write. Mime type. Builds a redirect response. Response is closed and can not be longer modified. HTTP response. A new location (URL). Writes the specified file content to the response. Response is closed and can not be longer modified. Built-in support for 'byte-range' response, 'ETag' and 'Last-Modified'. HTTP response. HTTP request used to determine 'Range' header File path with name. Writes the specified data to the response. Response is closed and can not be longer modified. HTTP response. HTTP request used to determine 'Range' header Data to write. Mime type. Writes the specified data to the response. Response is closed and can not be longer modified. HTTP response. HTTP request used to determine 'Range' header Data to write. Stream must support seek operation due to 'byte-range' functionality. Mime type. Class containing extensions for . Matches all the expressions inside '{ }' defined in for the and populates the . Example: query: "Hello world", pattern: "{first} world" => args["first"] is "Hello". Query string. Pattern string defining the expressions to match inside '{ }'. Key-value pair collection populated by keys and matches in if found. True is all defined keys in are matched, false otherwise. Delegate which runs before all route-methods and returns if the processing should finish (true) or continue (false). HTTP request. HTTP response. True if the request is handled, false otherwise. Delegate which runs before any route-action is invoked to determine which route should be executed. HTTP request. Empty collection of key-value pairs populated by this function. If is run it may contain some data. True if the route action should be executed, false otherwise. Delegate which runs when a route is matched. HTTP request. HTTP response. Collection of key-value pairs populated by the . Action task. Delegate which runs when a route is matched. HTTP request. HTTP response. Collection of key-value pairs populated by the . Delegate which runs if an error occurs. HTTP request. HTTP response. Thrown exception. Represents error that occur when a route is not found. Creates a new instance of the route not found exception. Class defining all the required actions for route-processing and error handling. /// Action executed before all route-methods. It may be null. Action executed if an error occurs. By default it outputs exception message as text with an existing status code. In case of 200-299, 'BadRequest' is used. Gets or sets the route methods. Entry function executed on the incoming HTTP request. HTTP request. HTTP response. Request processing task. Adds the specified action to the route collection. The order of actions defines the priority. String pattern optionally containing named arguments in {}. Example: "/page-{pageNumber}/". 'pageNumber' will be parsed and added to 'arguments' key-value pair collection. The last argument is parsed as greedy one. Action executed if the specified pattern matches the URL path. HTTP method (GET, POST, DELETE, HEAD). Adds the specified action to the route collection. The order of actions defines the priority. String pattern optionally containing named arguments in {}. Example: "/page-{pageNumber}/". 'pageNumber' will be parsed and added to 'arguments' key-value pair collection. The last argument is parsed as greedy one. Action executed if the specified pattern matches the URL path. HTTP method (GET, POST, DELETE, HEAD). Adds the specified action to the route collection. The order of actions defines the priority. Function defining whether the specified action should be executed or not. Action executed if the specified pattern matches the URL path. Adds the specified action to the route collection. The order of actions defines the priority. Function defining whether the specified action should be executed or not. Action executed if the specified pattern matches the URL path. HTTP server listener class. Creates and starts a new instance of the http(s) server. The http/https URI listening port. Cancellation token. Action executed on HTTP request. True to add 'https://' prefix insteaad of 'http://'. Maximum HTTP connection count, after which the incoming requests will wait (sockets are not included). Server listening task. Creates and starts a new instance of the http(s) / websocket server. The http/https URI listening prefix. Cancellation token. Action executed on HTTP request. Maximum HTTP connection count, after which the incoming requests will wait (sockets are not included). Server listening task. Class defining methods for string or file pattern replacements. Replaces all occurrences defined inside each {key} expression with values. Keys and values are specified in the replacements. File path with name. Key-value pair collection for replacements. Processed file content. Replaces all occurrences defined inside each {key} expression with values. Keys and values are specified in the replacements. Template string. Key-value pair collection for replacements. Processed template. Replaces all occurrences defined inside each {key} expression with values. Keys and values are defined as object property names and values. Object type. File path with name. Object to use for replacements. Processed file content. Replaces all occurrences defined inside each {key} expression with values. Keys and values are defined as object property names and values. Object type. Template string. Object to use for replacements. Processed file content.