AngleSharp The various DOM object accessor types. Specifies that the property does not have any special meaning. Specifies that the property or method should be handled as a getter. Specifies that the property or method should be handled as a setter. Specifies that the property or method should be handled by delete. Specifies that the method should be handled as an event adder. Specifies that the method should be handled by an event remover. This attribute decorates official DOM objects as specified by the W3C. You could use it to check if the given property or method should be placed on special locations, e.g. as a getter, setter or handled by a delete call. Creates a new DomAccessorAttribute. The type of accessors to apply. Gets the accessor types for the given property or method. This attribute is used to mark a constructor as being accessible from scripts. This attribute is used to place a description on some object. The description can then be read out at runtime. Creates a new DomDescriptionAttribute. The description of the decorated type or member. Gets the official name of the given class, method or property. This attribute is used to determine the hosting interface. Creates a new DomExposedAttribute. The official name of the target interface. Gets the official name of the target interface. This attribute decorates official DOM objects that should no longer be used and are therefore considered deprecated. This attribute decorates official DOM methods as specified by the W3C. It tells scripting engines that bags with objects should be provided, which have to be expanded to be used as arguments. Creates a new DomInitDict attribute. The start index of the dictionary. Has a dictionary to be present? Gets the offset of the passed arguments. Arguments before the offset will be skipped and are not part of the dictionary. Gets if the dictionary is completely optional and does not have to be present. Represents a single instance object. Creates a new instance. The name to use. Gets the name of the variable. The attribute indicates that invocations of the attribute's getter or setter with a this value that is not an object that implements the interface on which the attribute appears will be ignored. This attribute is used to mark an enum as being just a collection of constant string values (with the names being the strings). This attribute decorates official DOM objects as specified by the W3C. You could use it to detect all DOM types or get the correct spelling (PascalCase to camelCase). Multiple usages are allowed. Creates a new DomNameAttribute. The official name of the decorated type or member. Gets the official name of the given class, method or property. This attribute appears on an interfaces, which must not be available in the ECMAScript binding. Decorates a read only attribute declaration whose type is an interface type. It indicates that assigning to the attribute will have specific behavior. Namely, the assignment is "forwarded" to the named attribute. Creates a new DomPutForwardsAttribute. The official name of the property to forward to. Gets the official name of the property to forward assignments to. An enumeration over all possible cache states. The resource is uncached. The cache status checker is idle. The cache status is being checked. The resource is being downloaded. An update for the resource is available. The resource is practically obsolete. The event that is published in case of an interactivity request coming from the dynamic DOM. Creates a new event for an interactivity request. The name of the event. The data to be transported. Gets the currently set result, if any. Sets the result to the given value. Multiple results will be combined accordingly. The resulting task. Gets the transported data. The event that is published in case of a tracking possibility (e.g., errors) coming from the dynamic DOM. Creates a new event for a tracking request. The name of the event. The error to be transported. Provides a way to cache web resources to improve performance, reduce server loads, and enable access to content when there is no network connectivity. Gets the status of the application cache. Performs an update of the application cache. Aborts the current action (download / update) of the cache. Swaps the application's cache. Event triggered when the cache is being checked. Event triggered after an error occurred. Event triggered after no update is available. Event triggered when the download started. Event triggered after progress. Event triggered after an update is ready to be applied. Event triggered after the cache has been updated. Event triggered after the cache has been marked obsolete. The History interface allows to manipulate the browser session history, that is the pages visited in the tab or frame that the current page is loaded in. Gets the number of elements in the session history, including the currently loaded page. Gets the index within the session history. Gets the document at the given position of the history. The position within the history. The document related to that position. Gets an any value representing the state at the top of the history stack. Loads a page from the session history, identified by its relative location to the current page, for example -1 for the previous page or 1 for the next page. When integerDelta is out of bounds (e.g. -1 when there are no previously visited pages in the session history), the method doesn't do anything and doesn't raise an exception. Calling go() without parameters or with a non-integer argument has no effect. The number of states to surpass. Goes to the previous page in session history, the same action as when the user clicks the browser's Back button. Equivalent to history.go(-1). Goes to the next page in session history, the same action as when the user clicks the browser's Forward button; this is equivalent to history.go(1). Pushes the given data onto the session history stack with the specified title and, if provided, URL. The data is treated as opaque by the DOM. The data to use. The title to take. The URL to consider. Updates the most recent entry on the history stack to have the specified data, title, and, if provided, URL. The data is treated as opaque by the DOM. The data to use. The title to take. The URL to consider. Represents the navigator information of a browsing context. A set of utilities to modify the navigator's behavior. Allows web sites to register themselves as possible handlers for particular protocols. The protocol the site wishes to handle, specified as a string. The URI to the handler as a string. The title of the handler presented to the user as a string. Allows web sites to register themselves as possible handlers for content of a particular MIME type. The desired MIME type as a string. The URI to the handler as a string. The title of the handler presented to the user as a string. Checks if any handler is registered at the given URI for the specified scheme. The scheme to check for. The URI to the handler. True if a handler is registered, otherwise false. Checks if any handler is registered at the given URI for the specified mime-type. The mime-type to check for. The URI to the handler. True if a handler is registered, otherwise false. Removes the specified protocol handler, if any. The name of the handled scheme to remove. The URI to the handler of the scheme. Removes the specified content handler, if any. The name of the handled mime-type to remove. The URI to the handler of the mime-type. Holds the user-agent information. Gets the name of the application. Gets the version of the application. Gets the platform of the application. Gets the full name of the user-agent. Connectivity information regarding the navigator. Gets if the connection is established. Defines a set of methods for working with IO. Blocks the current operation until storage operations have completed. Implementation of an encoding meta handler. Create a new instance of the EncodingMetaHandler This will initialize additional encoding providers to correctly support all encodings Gets the associated encoding, if any. The element to get the encoding from. The discovered encoding or null. A set of useful extensions for the event loop. Enqueues another action without considering the cancellation token. The loop to extend. The action to enqueue. The priority of the item. Enqueues another function with respecting the async nature. Exceptions will be emitted respectively. The loop to extend. The action to enqueue. The priority of the item. A task that is completed when the action has been invoked. Represents a command that can be executed from the document. The id of the command. Executes the command for the given document. The document to alter. Should the UI be shown? The argument value. A boolean if the command could be run. Checks if the command is currently enabled. The document to apply to. A boolean if the command is enabled. Checks if the command is currently neither enabled nor disabled. The document to apply to. A boolean if the command is indeterminate. Checks if the command has been run already. The document to apply to. A boolean if the command has already been applied. Checks if the command is currently supported at all. The document to apply to. A boolean if the command is supported. Gets the value that would be changed at the moment. The document to apply to. The value that would be used by the command. Represents a provider to get document commands. Gets the command with the given id. The id of the command. The document command if any. Represents a service to determine the default encoding. Suggests the initial Encoding for the given locale. The locale defined by the BCP 47 language tag. The suggested encoding. Represents the DOM event loop processing stages and steps of algorithms. See Processing model. Enqueues a given task with the associated document. The continuation action to enqueue. The priority to use. The created loop entry. Spins the event loop. Cancels all running and remaining tasks. Defines the interface to be used for handling meta data. Handles the content of the given HTML meta element. The meta element. Defines a handler for navigation requests. Determines if the given protocol is supported by the current handler. The protocol of the navigation target. True if the protocol is supported, otherwise false. Performs the navigation with respect to a given request. The navigation request. The cancellation token. The task yielding a document representing the navigation result. Defines the basic events for all parsers. Fired when a parser is starting. Fired when a parser is finished. Fired when a parse error is encountered. Provides a spell correction service. Gets the culture for the spell check service. Ignores the word. The word to ignore. If true, should be added to dictionary. Otherwise false. Checks if the given word is correct. The word to check. True if the word is correctly spelled, otherwise false. Suggests correct spellings for the given word. The base word. An enumeration over possibly right variants. Represents the default loader service. This class can be inherited. Suggests the initial Encoding for the given locale. The locale defined by the BCP 47 language tag. The suggested encoding. Implementation of a refresh handler. Creates a new instance of the refresh meta handler. Optionally defines a predicate. Setting used to restrict the abilities that potentially untrusted resources have. No flag is set, everything is accepted. This flag prevents content from navigating browsing contexts other than the sandboxed browsing context itself (or browsing contexts further nested inside it), auxiliary browsing contexts (which are protected by the sandboxed auxiliary navigation browsing context flag defined next), and the top-level browsing context (which is protected by the sandboxed top-level navigation browsing context flag defined below). This flag prevents content from creating new auxiliary browsing contexts, e.g. using the target attribute, or the method. This flag prevents content from navigating their top-level browsing context and prevents content from closing their top-level browsing context. This flag prevents content from instantiating plugins, whether using the embed element, the object element, the applet element, or through navigation of a nested browsing context, unless those plugins can be secured. This flag forces content into a unique origin, thus preventing it from accessing other content from the same origin. This flag blocks form submission. This flag disables the Pointer Lock API. This flag blocks script execution. This flag blocks features that trigger automatically, such as automatically playing a video or automatically focusing a form control. This flag prevents content from using the requestFullscreen() method. This flag prevents content from using the document.domain feature to change the effective script origin. This flag allows the sandboxed content to run presentational content. Describes the various task priorities. The lowest possible priority. The normal priority. Microtasks are preferred. Critical tasks are always executed asap. A simple and lightweight browsing context. Creates a new browsing context with the given configuration, or the default configuration, if no configuration is provided. This constructor was only added due to PowerShell. See #844 for details. The optional configuration. Gets or sets the currently active document. Gets the document that created the current context, if any. The creator is the active document of the parent at the time of creation. Gets the original services for the given browsing context. Gets the current window proxy. Gets the parent of the current context, if any. If a parent is available, then the current context contains only embedded documents. Gets the session history of the given browsing context, if any. Gets the sandboxing flag of the context. Gets an instance of the given service. The type of service to resolve. The instance of the service or null. Gets all registered instances of the given service. The type of service to resolve. An enumerable with all service instances. Creates a new named browsing context as child of the given parent. The name of the child context, if any. The security flags to apply. Finds a named browsing context. The name of the browsing context. The found instance, if any. Creates a new browsing context with the given configuration, or the default configuration, if no configuration is provided. The optional configuration. The browsing context to use. Creates a new browsing context from the given service. The service instance. The browsing context to use. A set of extensions for the browsing context. Opens a new document without any content in the given context. The browsing context to use. The optional base URL of the document. By default "http://localhost/". The cancellation token (optional) The new, yet empty, document. Opens a new document created from the response asynchronously in the given context. The browsing context to use. The response to examine. The cancellation token. The task that creates the document. Opens a new document loaded from the specified request asynchronously in the given context. The browsing context to use. The request to issue. The cancellation token. The task that creates the document. Opens a new document loaded from the provided url asynchronously in the given context. The browsing context to use. The URL to load. The cancellation token. The task that creates the document. Opens a new document loaded from a virtual response that can be filled via the provided callback. The browsing context to use. Callback with the response to setup. The cancellation token. The task that creates the document. Opens a new document loaded from the provided address asynchronously in the given context. The browsing context to use. The address to load. The cancellation token (optional) The task that creates the document. Plan to navigate to an action using the specified method with the given entity body of the mime type. The browsing context. The request to issue. A task that will eventually result in a new document. Navigates to the given document. Includes the document in the session history and sets it as the active document. The browsing context to use. The new document. Gets the navigation handler that supports the provided protocol. The browsing context to use. The URL to navigate to. The found navigation handler, if any. Gets the default encoding to use as initial guess. The current context. The encoding from the provider or UTF-8. Gets the culture info associated with the current context. The current context. The culture info assigned to the context. Gets the culture from the language string (or the current culture). The current context. The ISO culture name. The culture info representing the language or the current culture. Gets the language of the current context. The current context. The ISO name of the culture. Gets a factory service instance. Exactly one has to be available. The type of the factory service. The current context. The factory instance. Gets a provider service instance. At most one has to be available. The type of the provider service. The current context. The provider instance or null. Gets a resource service. Multiple resource services may be registered, so the one that matches the given mime-type will be returned, if any. The type of the resource service. The current context. The mime-type of the resource. The service instance or null. Gets the cookie for the given URL, if any. The current context. The URL of the cookie. The cookie or the empty string. Sets the cookie for the given URL. The current context. The URL of the cookie. The cookie value to set. Gets the spell check service for the given language, if any. The current context. The language of the spellchecker. The spell check service, if any. Tries to get the CSS styling service, if available. The current context. The CSS styling service if any. Tries to get the styling service for the given mime-type. The current context. The type of the style engine. The styling service if any. Gets if the context allows scripting or not. The current context. True if a scripting provider is available, otherwise false. Tries to get the JavaScript service, if available. The current context. The JavaScript scripting service, if any. Tries to get the scripting service for the given mime-type. The current context. The type of the scripting language. The scripting service, if any. Tries to get the command with the given name. The current context. The command to get. The command if any. Notifies the context of an exception that was handled internally. The current context. The exception to notify. Fires an interactive event at the given context. The type of interactivity payload. The current context. The name of the event to fire. The data to transport. The task with the response to the event. Resolves the given target context. The current context. The desired target frame. The target context. Creates the specified target browsing context. The current context. The specified target name. The new context. Gets the specified target browsing context. The current context. The specified target name. The available context, or null, if the context does not exist yet. Checks if the context is waiting for tasks from originator of type T to finish downloading. The context to use. Enumerable of awaitable tasks. Common methods and variables of all tokenizers. Creates a new instance of the base tokenizer. The source to tokenize. Gets the current insertion point. Gets the current source index. Gets the current character. Gets the allocated string buffer. Gets if the current index has been normalized (CRLF -> LF). Flushes the buffer. The content of the buffer. Disposes the tokenizer by releasing the buffer. Gets the current text position in the source. The (row, col) position. Checks if the source continues with the given string. The comparison is case-insensitive. The string to compare to. True if the source continues with the given string. Checks if the source continues with the given string. The comparison is case-sensitive. The string to compare to. True if the source continues with the given string. Gets the string formed by the next characters. The length of the string. The upcoming string. Skips the next space character(s). The upcoming first non-space. Gets the next character in the source by advancing. The next char. Gets the previous character in the source by going back. The previous char. Advances in the source by 1 character if possible. Advances in the source by n characters or less if possible. The positive number of characters. Goes back in the source by 1 character if possible. Goes back in the source by n characters or less if possible. The positive number of characters. Implemented by OM classes that may change internal state reflected with a changed string representation. Triggered when the internal state changed. Update the string representation without calling Changed. The representation's new value. Represents a cancellable task with result. Gets the associated awaitable task. Represents a cancellable task without result. Cancels the covered task. Gets if the task has already completed. Gets if the task is (still) running. The collection of used keywords and strings. The url keyword. The on keyword. The off keyword. The of keyword. The yes keyword. The no keyword. The top keyword. The any keyword. The PUBLIC keyword. The SYSTEM keyword. The "[CDATA[" keyword. The replace keyword. The alternate keyword. The odd keyword. The even keyword. The 2d keyword. The webgl keyword. Some methods for working with bare objects. Transforms the values of the object into a dictionary of strings. The object instance to convert. A dictionary mapping field names to values. Gets an item from the enumerable by its index. Throws an exception if the provided index is invalid. The type of enumerable. The items to iterate over. The index to look for. The item at the specified index. Returns the concatenation of the provided enumerable with the specified element. The item is added to the beginning. The type of the enumeration. The items. The item to concat. The new enumerable. Returns the removal of the specified element from the provided enumerable. The type of the enumeration. The items. The item to remove. The new enumerable. Tries to obtain the given key, otherwise returns the default value. The struct type. The dictionary for the lookup. The key to look for. A nullable struct type. Tries to obtain the given key, otherwise returns null. The dictionary for the lookup. The key to look for. An object instance or null. Gets the value of the given key, otherwise the provided default value. The type of the keys. The type of the value. The dictionary for the lookup. The key to look for. The provided fallback value. The value or the provided fallback. Constraints the given value between the min and max values. The value to limit. The lower boundary. The upper boundary. The value in the [min, max] range. Retrieves a string describing the error of a given error code. A specific error code. The description of the error. Represents context configuration for the AngleSharp library. Custom configurations can be made by deriving from this class, just implementing IConfiguration or modifying an instance of this specific class. Creates a new immutable configuration. The services to expose. Gets the default configuration to use. The default configuration can be overriden by calling the SetDefault method. Gets an enumeration over the registered services. A set of useful extensions for Configuration (or derived) objects. Returns a new configuration that includes the given service. The configuration to extend. The service to register. The new instance with the service. Returns a new configuration that includes only the given service, excluding other instances or instance creators for the same service. The service to include exclusively. The configuration to extend. The service to include. The new instance with only the given service. Returns a new configuration that includes only the given service creator, excluding other instances or instance creators for the same service. The service to include exclusively. The configuration to extend. The service creator to include. The new instance with only the given service. Returns a new configuration that excludes the given service. The configuration to extend. The service to unregister. The new instance without the service. Returns a new configuration that includes the given services. The configuration to extend. The services to register. The new instance with the services. Returns a new configuration that excludes the given services. The configuration to extend. The services to unregister. The new instance without the services. Returns a new configuration that includes the given service creator. The type of service to create. The configuration to extend. The creator to register. The new instance with the services. Returns a new configuration that excludes the given service creator. The type of service to remove. The configuration to extend. The new instance without the services. Checks if the configuration holds any references to the given service. The type of service to check for. The configuration to examine. True if any service / creators are found, otherwise false. Registers the default loader service, if no other loader has been registered yet. The configuration to extend. Configuration for the loader service. The new configuration with the service. Returns a new configuration that uses the culture with the provided name. The configuration to extend. The name of the culture to set. The new instance with the culture being set. Returns a new configuration that uses the given culture. Providing null will reset the culture to the default one. The configuration to extend. The culture to set. The new instance with the culture being set. Registeres a handler to include the meta data refresh. The configuration to extend. The optional callback. The new instance with the service. Registeres the default encoding determination algorithm, as specified by the W3C. The configuration to extend. The new instance with the service. Registers the default cookie service if no other cookie service has been registered yet. The configuration to extend. The new instance with the service. The collection of known CSS selector combinator symbols. The "=" attribute combinator. The "!=" attribute combinator. The "~=" attribute combinator. The "|=" attribute combinator. The "^=" attribute combinator. The "$=" attribute combinator. The "*=" attribute combinator. The "||" combinator. The "|" combinator. The "+" combinator. The " " combinator. The ">>>" combinator. The ">" combinator. The "~" combinator. Represents the standard CSS3 style formatter. An instance of the CssStyleFormatter. Provides string to CSS attribute selector instance mappings. Represents a creator delegate for creating an attribute selector. The name of the attribute. The value of the attribute. The prefix for the attribute. Sets the evaluation mode. Registers a new creator for the specified combinator. Throws an exception if another creator for the given combinator is already added. The used CSS combinator. The creator to invoke. Unregisters an existing creator for the given combinator. The used CSS combinator. The registered creator, if any. Creates the default CSS attribute selector for the given options. The name of the attribute. The used value, if any. The given prefix, if any. Should be evaluated insensitive. The selector with the given options. Creates the associated CSS attribute selector. The used CSS combinator. The name of the attribute. The used value, if any. The given prefix, if any. Should be evaluated insensitive. The associated selector. Provides string to CSS pseudo class selector instance mappings. Registers a new selector for the specified name. Throws an exception if another selector for the given name is already added. The name of the CSS pseudo class. The selector to register. Unregisters an existing selector for the given name. The name of the CSS pseudo class. The registered selector, if any. Creates the default CSS pseudo class selector for the given name. The name of the CSS pseudo class. The selector with the given name. Creates or gets the associated CSS pseudo class selector. The name of the CSS pseudo class. The associated selector. Provides string to CSS pseudo element selector instance mappings. Registers a new selector for the specified name. Throws an exception if another selector for the given name is already added. The name of the CSS pseudo element. The selector to register. Unregisters an existing selector for the given name. The name of the CSS pseudo element. The registered selector, if any. Creates the default CSS pseudo element selector for the given name. The name of the CSS pseudo class. The selector with the given name. Creates or gets the associated CSS pseudo element selector. The name of the CSS pseudo element. The associated selector. Represents a CSS medium. Gets the type of medium that is represented. Gets if the medium has been created using the only keyword. Gets if the medium has been created using the not keyword. Gets a string describing the covered constraints. Gets an enumerable of contained features. Represents a CSS media feature. Gets the name of the feature. Gets if the feature represents the minimum. Gets if the feature represents the maximum. Gets the value of the feature, if any. Gets if a value has been set for this feature. A collection of media queries. Gets or sets the parsable textual representation of the media list. This is a comma-separated list of media. Gets the number of media in the list. Gets the medium item at the specified index. Index into the collection. The medium at the index-th position in the MediaList, or null if that is not a valid index. Adds the medium to the end of the list. If the medium is already used, it is first removed. The new medium to add. Deletes the medium indicated from the list of media queries. The medium to delete from the list. Base class for all nth-child (or related) selectors. Represents a complex selector, i.e. one or more compound selectors separated by combinators. Represents a compound selector, which is a chain of simple selectors that are not separated by a combinator. The nth-child selector. The nth-column selector. The nth-of-type selector. The nth-lastchild selector. The nth-last-column selector. The nth-last-of-type selector. Represents a group of selectors, i.e., zero or more selectors separated by commas. A list of selectors, which is the basis for CompoundSelector and SelectorGroup. Represents a CSS selector for matching elements. More information: Determines if the given object is matched by this selector. The element to be matched. The selector scope. True if the selector matches the given element, otherwise false. Gets the string representation of the selector. Gets the specificity of the given selector. Accepts a selector visitor to expose more information. The visitor for showing around. A set of extension methods for selectors. Returns the first element within the given elements (using depth-first pre-order traversal) that match the selectors with the given scope. A selector object. The elements to take as source. The element to take as scope. The resulting element or null. Returns the elements within the given elements (using depth-first pre-order traversal) that match the selectors with the given scope. A selector object. The elements to take as source. The element to take as scope. The collection containing the resulting elements. Provides an alternate to that sets the scope to the owning document element (if there is one). The selector. The element to match against. The result of the match. A set of extension methods for style / related methods. Gets all possible style sheet sets from the list of style sheets. The list of style sheets. An enumeration over all sets. Gets the enabled style sheet sets from the list of style sheets. The list of style sheets. An enumeration over the enabled sets. Sets the enabled style sheet sets in the list of style sheets. The list of style sheets. The name of the set to enabled. Creates a new StyleSheetList instance for the given node. The node to get the StyleSheets from. The new StyleSheetList instance. Creates a new StringList instance with stylesheet sets for the given node. The node to get the sets from. The new StringList instance. Gets an enumeration over all the stylesheets from the given parent. The parent to use. The enumeration over all stylesheets. Tries to find the matching namespace url for the given prefix. The list of style sheets. The prefix of the namespace to find. Represents a factory for attribute selectors. Creates a new attribute selector from the given arguments. The used combinator. The name of the attribute. The provided value. The prefix, if any. Should be evaluated insensitive. The created selector, if possible. Represents a factory for pseudo-class selectors. Creates a new pseudo-class selector for the given name. The name of the pseudo-class. The created selector, if any. Represents a factory for pseudo-element selectors. Creates a new pseudo-element selector for the given name. The name of the pseudo-element. The created selector, if any. Describes the interface for visiting a selector. Visited by attribute selectors. The name of the attribute. The operator, if any. The value, if any. Visited by type selectors. The name of the type or *. Visited by id selectors. The value of the id. Visited by child selectors. The name of the selector. The step parameter. The offset parameter. The applied inner selector, if any. Visited by class selectors. The name of the class. Visited by pseudo-class selectors. The name of the pseudo class. Visited by pseudo-element selectors. The name of the pseudo element. Visited by comma-separated list selectors. The contained selectors. Visited by combinator selectors. The contained N selectors. The N - 1 combinator symbols. Visited by aggregated / combined selectors. The combined selectors. Defines the API of an available engine for computing the stylesheet. Checks if the given type is supported. The type of the style. True if the type is supported, otherwise false. Parses a style sheet for the given response asynchronously. The response with the stream representing the source of the stylesheet. The options with the parameters for evaluating the style. The cancellation token. The task resulting in the style sheet. An enumeration with possible CSS combinator values. The child operator (>). The deep combinator (>>>). The descendent operator (space, or alternatively >>). The adjacent sibling combinator +. The sibling combinator ~. The namespace combinator |. The column combinator ||. Gets the transformation function for the combinator. Gets the delimiter that represents the combinator. Changes the selector on the LHS according to some special rules. The original selector. The modified (or unmodified) selector. Class for construction for CSS selectors as specified in The various parsing states. Allows the simply creation of CSS selectors. Creates a new selector parser. Creates a new selector parser using the different factories. Takes a string and transforms it into a selector object. The CSS selector token. Contains some useful extension methods for the StringSource from the perspective of the CSS micro parsers. Skips all characters to the end of a CSS comment. Assumes the start of a CSS comment has been seen. Consumes the escape sequence if any. Assumes, the source currently being at a solidus (valid escape). Checks if the current position holds a valid escape. The CSS tokenizer. See for more details. Gets the next available token. 4.4.1. Data state 4.4.2. Double quoted string state 4.4.3. Single quoted string state 4.4.4. Hash state 4.4.5. Hash-rest state 4.4.7. At-keyword state 4.4.8. At-keyword-rest state 4.4.9. Ident state 4.4.10. Ident-rest state 4.4.12. Number state 4.4.13. Number-rest state 4.4.14. Number-fraction state 4.4.15. Dimension state 4.4.16. SciNotation state 4.4.17. URL state 4.4.18. URL-double-quoted state 4.4.19. URL-single-quoted state 4.4.21. URL-unquoted state 4.4.20. URL-end state 4.4.22. Bad URL state 4.4.23. Unicode-range State An enumation of all possible tokens. A string token (usually in quotation marks). A hash token (starts with #). A class token (starts with .). An identifier token. An function token. An number token. An dimension token. The column ( || ) token. The descendent ( >> ) token. The deep ( >>> ) token. The delimiter token to delimiter character. The match token (~=, |=, $=, ^=, *=, or !=). The RoundBracketClose ( ) ) token. The SquareBracketOpen ( [ ) token. The SquareBracketClose ( ] ) token. The special character colon ( : ). The special character comma ( , ). The special character whitespace ( ). The invalid token (any). The end-of-file marker. Represents the parser for a selector. Takes a string and transforms it into a selector object. A priority object for comparing priorities. Gets the lowest (zero) priority. Gets the priority for having a single tag. Gets the priority for having a single class. Gets the priority for having a single Id. Gets the priority for having an inline element. Creates a new priority with the given hashcode. The hashcode to use. Creates a new priority with the given values. The number of inlines. The number of ids. The number of classes. The number of tags. Gets the number of tags for this priority. Gets the number of classes for this priority. Gets the number of ids for this priority. Gets the number of inlines for this priority. Adds the two given priorities. The first priority. The second priority. The result of adding the two priorities. Compares two priorities and returns a boolean indicating if the two do match. The first priority to use. The second priority to use. True if both priorities are equal, otherwise false. Compares two priorities and returns a boolean indicating if the first one is greater. The first priority to use. The second priority to use. True if the first priority is higher, otherwise false. Compares two priorities and returns a boolean indicating if the first one is greater or equal. The first priority to use. The second priority to use. True if the first priority is higher or equal, otherwise false. Compares two priorities and returns a boolean indicating if the second one is greater. The first priority to use. The second priority to use. True if the second priority is higher, otherwise false. Compares two priorities and returns a boolean indicating if the second one is greater or equal. The first priority to use. The second priority to use. True if the second priority is higher or equal, otherwise false. Compares two priorities and returns a boolean indicating if the two do not match. The first priority to use. The second color to use. True if both priorities are not equal, otherwise false. Checks two priorities for equality. The other priority. True if both priorities or equal, otherwise false. Tests if another object is equal to this object. The object to test with. True if the two objects are equal, otherwise false. Returns a hash code that defines the current priority. The integer value of the hashcode. Compares the current priority with another priority. The priority to compare to. A value greater than 1 if the current priority is larger. Returns a string representing the priority. The string representation. The collection of (known / used) selector pseudo class names. The root pseudo class. The scope pseudo class. The only-of-type pseudo class. The first-of-type pseudo class. The last-of-type pseudo class. The only-child pseudo class. The first-child pseudo class. The last-child pseudo class. The empty pseudo class. The any-link pseudo class. The link pseudo class. The visited pseudo class. The active pseudo class. The hover pseudo class. The focus pseudo class. The target pseudo class. The enabled pseudo class. The disabled pseudo class. The checked pseudo class. The unchecked pseudo class. The indeterminate pseudo class. The placeholder-shown pseudo class. The default pseudo class. The valid pseudo class. The invalid pseudo class. The required pseudo class. The in-range pseudo class. The out-of-range pseudo class. The optional pseudo class. The read-only pseudo class. The read-write pseudo class. The shadow pseudo class. The dir pseudo function. The has pseudo function. The matches pseudo function. The nth-child pseudo function. The nth-last-child pseudo function. The nth-of-type pseudo function. The nth-last-of-type pseudo function. The nth-column pseudo function. The nth-last-column pseudo function. The not pseudo function. The lang pseudo function. The contains pseudo function. The host-context pseudo function. The separating colon. The collection of (known / used) selector pseudo element names. The before pseudo element. The after pseudo element. The slotted pseudo element. The selection pseudo element. The first-line pseudo element. The first-letter pseudo element. The footnote-call pseudo element. The footnote-marker pseudo element. The content pseudo element. The separating double-colon. Transport object for evaluating stylesheets. Creates new style options for the given document. The document to use. Gets the parent document for hosting the style sheet. Gets or sets the element that triggered the evaluation. Gets or sets if the stylesheet is disabled. Gets or sets if the stylesheet is an alternate. Enumeration with possible values for the adjacent position insertation. Before the element itself. Just inside the element, before its first child. Just inside the element, after its last child. After the element itself. Extensions for the list of attributes. Compares another attribute container to the current container. The original attribute list. The list to compare to. True if both objects are equal, otherwise false. Clears the given attribute collection. The collection to clear. The collection itself. The collection of (known / used) attribute names. The name attribute. The http-equiv attribute. The scheme attribute. The content attribute. The class attribute. The style attribute. The label attribute. The action attribute. The prompt attribute. The href attribute. The hreflang attribute. The lang attribute. The disabled attribute. The selected attribute. The value attribute. The title attribute. The type attribute. The rel attribute. The rev attribute. The accesskey attribute. The download attribute. The media attribute. The target attribute. The charset attribute. The alt attribute. The coords attribute. The shape attribute. The formaction attribute. The formmethod attribute. The formtarget attribute. The formenctype attribute. The formnovalidate attribute. The dirname attribute. The dir attribute. The nonce attribute. The noresize attribute. The src attribute. The srcset attribute. The srclang attribute. The srcdoc attribute. The scrolling attribute. The longdesc attribute. The frameborder attribute. The width attribute. The height attribute. The marginwidth attribute. The marginheight attribute. The cols attribute. The rows attribute. The align attribute. The encoding attribute. The standalone attribute. The version attribute. The dropzone attribute. The draggable attribute. The spellcheck attribute. The tabindex attribute. The contenteditable attribute. The translate attribute. The contextmenu attribute. The hidden attribute. The id attribute. The sizes attribute. The scoped attribute. The reversed attribute. The start attribute. The ping attribute. The ismap attribute. The usemap attribute. The crossorigin attribute. The sandbox attribute. The allowfullscreen attribute. The allowpaymentrequest attribute. The data attribute. The typemustmatch attribute. The autofocus attribute. The accept-charset attribute. The enctype attribute. The autocomplete attribute. The method attribute. The novalidate attribute. The for attribute. The seamless attribute. The valign attribute. The span attribute. The bgcolor attribute. The colspan attribute. The referrerpolicy attribute. The rowspan attribute. The nowrap attribute. The abbr attribute. The scope attribute. The headers attribute. The axis attribute. The border attribute. The cellpadding attribute. The rules attribute. The summary attribute. The cellspacing attribute. The frame attribute. The form attribute. The required attribute. The multiple attribute. The min attribute. The max attribute. The open attribute. The challenge attribute. The keytype attribute. The size attribute. The wrap attribute. The maxlength attribute. The minlength attribute. The placeholder attribute. The readonly attribute. The accept attribute. The pattern attribute. The step attribute. The list attribute. The checked attribute. The kind attribute. The default attribute. The autoplay attribute. The preload attribute. The loop attribute. The controls attribute. The muted attribute. The mediagroup attribute. The poster attribute. The color attribute. The face attribute. The command attribute. The icon attribute. The radiogroup attribute. The cite attribute. The async attribute. The defer attribute. The language attribute. The event attribute. The alink attribute. The background attribute. The link attribute. The text attribute. THe vlink attribute. The show attribute. The role attribute. The actuate attribute. The arcrole attribute. The space attribute. The window attribute. The manifest attribute. The datetime attribute. The low attribute. The high attribute. The optimum attribute. The slot attribute. The body attribute. The integrity attribute. Data transport class to abstract common options in document creation. Creates a new set of document options from the given response with the provided configuration. The response to pass on. The optional default encoding. The optional import ancestor. Gets the response to create the document for. Gets the provided content-type. Gets the text source that came with the response. Gets the import ancestor, if any. Provides the default content-type to document creation mapping. Represents a creator delegate for creating documents. The context of the new document. The creation options. The cancellation token. The task of creating the document. Registers a new creator for the specified content-type. Throws an exception if another creator for the given content-type is already added. The content-type value. The creator to invoke. Unregisters an existing creator for the given content-type. The content-type value. The registered creator, if any. Creates the default document for the given options. The browsing context to use. The options to consider. The cancellation token. The task creating the document from the response. Creates a new document from the given arguments using the Content-Type of the provided options. The browsing context to use. The options to consider. The cancellation token. The task creating the document from the response. Loads the response as an HTML document. Loads the response as a plain text (formatted as HTML) document. An enumeration with all dir modes. Text and other elements go from left to right. Text and other elements go from right to left Useful methods for document objects. Iterates over all ranges in the document, applying the provided action when the given condition is fulfilled. The document that hosts the ranges. The condition that needs to be fulfilled. The action to apply to the range. Creates an element of the given type or throws an exception, if there is no such type. The type of the element. The responsible document. The created element. Adopts the given node for the provided document context. The new owner of the node. The node to change its owner. Queues an action in the event loop of the document. The document that hosts the configuration. The action that should be invoked. Queues an action in the event loop of the document, which can be awaited. The document that hosts the configuration. The action that should be invoked. Queues a function in the event loop of the document, which can be awaited with the result returned. The document that hosts the configuration. The function that should be invoked. Queues a mutation record for the corresponding observers. The document to use. The record to enqueue. Adds a transient observer for the given node. The document to use. The node to be removed. Applies the manifest to the given document. The document to modify. Performs a microtask checkpoint using the mutations host. Queue a mutation observer compound microtask. The document to use. Provides a stable state by running the synchronous sections of asynchronously-running algorithms until the asynchronous algorithm can be resumed (if appropriate). The document to use. Checks if the document is waiting for a script to finish preparing. The document to use. Enumerable of awaitable tasks. Checks if the document has any active stylesheets that block the scripts. A style sheet is blocking scripts if the responsible element was created by that Document's parser, and the element is either a style element or a link element that was an external resource link that contributes to the styling processing model when the element was created by the parser, and the element's style sheet was enabled when the element was created by the parser, and the element's style sheet ready flag is not yet set. The document to use. Enumerable of awaitable tasks. Spins the event loop until all stylesheets are downloaded (if required) and all scripts are ready to be parser executed. (bullet 3) The document to use. Awaitable task. Gets all downloads associated with resources of the document. The document hosting the downloads. The collection of elements hosting resources. Enumeration of possible document position values. It is the same node. There is no relation. The node preceeds the other element. The node follows the other element. The node is contains the other element. The node is contained in the other element. The relation is implementation specific. Defines the document readiness. The document is still loading. The document is interactive, i.e. interaction possible. Loading is complete. A collection of official DOM error codes. The index is not in the allowed range. The size of the string is invalid. The operation would yield an incorrect node tree. The object is in the wrong document. Invalid character detected. The data is allowed for this object. The object can not be modified. The object can not be found here. The operation is not supported. The element is already in-use. The object is in an invalid state. The string did not match the expected pattern. The object can not be modified in this way. The operation is not allowed by namespaces in XML. The object does not support the operation or argument. The validation failed. The provided argument type is invalid. The operation is insecure. A network error occurred. The operation was aborted. The given URL does not match another URL. The quota has been exceeded. The operation timed out. The supplied node is incorrect or has an incorrect ancestor for this operation. The object can not be cloned. Defines the callback signature for an event. The callback this argument. The event arguments. Represents a DOM exception. Creates a new DOMException. The error code. Creates a new DOMException with a custom message. The message to transport. Gets the name of the error. Gets the error code for this exception. Useful methods for element objects. Locates the prefix of the given namespace. The element that might contain the namespace information. The url of the namespace. The prefix or null, if the namespace could not be found. Locates the namespace of the given prefix. The element that might contain the namespace information. The prefix of the namespace to find. The url of the namespace or null, if the prefix could not be found. Gets the non-fixed namespace of the element. The element. The url of the namespace. Tries to locate a custom namespace URI. The element to locate the namespace URI for. The prefix of the custom namespace. The located namespace URI. True if the namespace URI could be located, otherwise false. Tries to locate the standard namespace URI. The element to locate the namespace URI for. The located namespace URI. True if the namespace URI could be located, otherwise false. Creates a new resource request from the provided element for the given url. The element creating a request. The address that specifies the target. The new resource request with the information. Checks if the element with the provided prefix matches the CSS namespace. The element to examine. The namespace in question. True if the namespace is matched, else false. Gets the CSS namespace that is defined via the provided prefix. The element that is connected to a doc. The prefix to lookup. The namespace url for the prefix. Checks if the element is currently hovered. The element to check. True if the element is currently hovered, otherwise false. Checks if the element is the only of its type among the parent's children. The element to check. True if the element is the only of its type among its siblings. Checks if the element is the first of its type among the parent's children. The element to check. True if the element is the first of its type among its siblings. Checks if the element is the last of its type among the parent's children. The element to check. True if the element is the last of its type among its siblings. Checks if the element is currently targeted. The element to check. True if the element's ID is equal to the hash. Checks if the element is currently enabled. The element to check. True if the element is currently enabled, otherwise false. Checks if the element is currently disabled. The element to check. True if the element is currently disabled, otherwise false. Checks if the element is an input element that is currently in its default state. The element to check. True if the element is currently in its default state, otherwise false. Checks if the element is a pseudo element (before or after). The element to check. The pseudo element's name. True if the element is a pseudo element, otherwise false. Checks if the element is currently checked. The element to check. True if the element is currently checked, otherwise false. Checks if the element is currently in its indeterminate state. The element to check. True if the element is currently indeterminate, otherwise false. Checks if the element is currently showing a placeholder. The element to check. True if the element is currently showing a placeholder, otherwise false. Checks if the element is currently unchecked. The element to check. True if the element is currently unchecked, otherwise false. Checks if the element is currently active. The element to check. True if the element is currently active, otherwise false. Checks if the element has already been visited. The element to check. True if the element has been visited, otherwise false. Checks if the element is a link. The element to check. True if the element is a link, otherwise false. Checks if the element hosts a shadow tree. The element to check. True if the element hosts a shadow tree. Checks if the element is only optional and not required. The element to check. True if the element is optional, otherwise false. Checks if the element is required and must be filled out. The element to check. True if the element is required, otherwise false. Checks if the element does not validate. The element to check. True if the element is invalid, otherwise false. Checks if the element does validate. The element to check. True if the element is valid, otherwise false. Checks if the element is readonly. The element to check. True if the element is readonly, otherwise false. Checks if the element is editable. The element to check. True if the element can be edited, otherwise false. Checks if the element's value is out-of-range. The element to check. True if the element is invalid, otherwise false. Checks if the element's value is within the range. The element to check. True if the element is valid, otherwise false. Checks if the element is its parent's only child. The element to check. True if the element has no siblings, otherwise false. Checks if the element is its parent's first child. The element to check. True if the element's first child is the given one, otherwise false. Checks if the element is its parent's last child. The element to check. True if the element's last child is the given one, otherwise false. Sets the specified attribute name to the specified value for all elements in the given collection. The type of element collection. The collection. The name of the attribute. The value of the attribute. The collection itself. Sets the specified attribute name to the specified value for all elements in the given collection. The type of element collection. The collection. An enumeration of attributes in form of key-value pairs. The collection itself. Sets the specified attribute name to the specified value for all elements in the given collection. The type of element collection. The collection of elements. An enumeration of attributes in form of an anonymous object, that carries key-value pairs. The collection itself. Gets the values of the specified attribute for all elements in the given collection. The type of element collection. The collection of elements. The name of the attribute. The attributes' values. Clears the attributes of the given element. The element to clear. The element itself. Clears the attributes of all elements. The type of element collection. The collection to clear. The collection itself. Empties the provided element. The element to empty. The element itself. Empties all provided elements. The type of element collection. The collection. The collection itself. Gets the inner HTML of the given element. The element. The source code of the inner HTML. Sets the inner HTML of the given elements. The type of collection. The collection. The source code of the inner HTML to set. The collection itself. Adds the specified class name(s) for all elements in the given collection. The type of element collection. The collection. The name(s) of the class(es). The collection itself. Removes the specified class name(s) for all elements in the given collection. The type of element collection. The collection. The name(s) of the class(es). The collection itself. Toggles the specified class name(s) for all elements in the given collection. The type of element collection. The collection. The name(s) of the class(es). The collection itself. Checks if any element in the given collection has the given class(es). The collection of elements. The name(s) of the class(es). True if any element has the class(es), otherwise false. Inserts the nodes generated from the given HTML code before each element of the provided elements. The type of collection. The elements to iterate through. The HTML code that generates the nodes. The unchanged collection. Inserts the nodes generated from the given HTML code after each element of the provided elements. The type of collection. The elements to iterate through. The HTML code that generates the nodes. The unchanged collection. Appends the nodes generated from the given HTML code to each element of the provided elements. The type of collection. The elements to iterate through. The HTML code that generates the nodes. The unchanged collection. Prepends the nodes generated from the given HTML code to each element of the provided elements. The type of collection. The elements to iterate through. The HTML code that generates the nodes. The unchanged collection. Wraps the given elements in the inner most element of the tree generated form the provided HTML code. The type of collection. The elements to iterate through. The HTML code that generates the tree. The unchanged collection. Wraps the content of the given elements in the inner most element of the tree generated form the provided HTML code. The type of collection. The elements to iterate through. The HTML code that generates the tree. The unchanged collection. Wraps all elements in the inner most element of the tree generated form the provided HTML code. The tree is appended before the first element of the given list. The type of collection. The elements to wrap. The HTML code that generates the tree. The unchanged collection. Creates a new HTML Collection from the provided elements. The base type of the elements. The elements to include. The created collection. Navigates to the hyper reference given by the provided element without any possibility for cancellation. The type of element. The element of navigation. The task eventually resulting in the response. Navigates to the hyper reference given by the provided element. The type of element. The element of navigation. The token for cancellation. The task eventually resulting in the response. Creates a task to use the processor for loading and processing the resource from the provided url. The element to use. The processor to use. The url of the resource. Gets a suitable image candidate for the provided image element. The element to use. The possibly valid URL to the right candidate. Faster way of getting the (known) attribute. The element to host the attribute. The name of the attribute. The attribute's value, if any. Faster way of checking for a (known) attribute. The element to host the attribute. The name of the attribute. True if the attribute exists, otherwise false. Easy way of getting the current absolute url from attributes. The element to host the attribute. The name of the attribute. The attribute's absolute url value. Checks if the given attribute name corresponds to a boolean attribute. Easy way of getting the current boolean value from attributes. The element to host the attribute. The name of the attribute. The attribute's boolean value. Easy way of setting the current boolean value of an attribute. The element to host the attribute. The name of the attribute. The attribute's value. Faster way of setting the (known) attribute. The element to host the attribute. The name of the attribute. The attribute's value. Flag to suppress callbacks. Creates a unique selector path used to locate the element in the DOM. The starting node to create the selector path from. The unique selector path for this element. Parses the HTML subtree of the given content in the context of the provided element. The element to use as context. The HTML source for the subtree. The root element of the HTML subtree. The collection of (known / used) event names. The invalid event. The load event. The DOMContentLoaded event. The error event. The beforescriptexecute event. The afterscriptexecute event. The readystatechanged event. The abort event. The blur event. The cancel event. The click event. The change event. The canplaythrough event. The canplay event. The cuechange event. The dblclick event. The drag event. The dragend event. The dragenter event. The dragexit event. The dragleave event. The dragover event. The dragstart event. The drop event. The durationchange event. The emptied event. The focus event. The fullscreenchange event. The fullscreenerror event. The hashchange event. The input event. The message event. The keydown event. The keypress event. The keyup event. The ended event. The loadeddata event. The loadedmetadata event. The loadend event. The loadstart event. The wheel event. The mouseup event. The mouseover event. The mouseout event. The mousemove event. The mouseleave event. The mouseenter event. The mousedown event. The pause event. The play event. The playing event. The progress event. The ratechange event. The waiting event. The volumechange event. The toggle event. The timeupdate event. The suspend event. The submit event. The stalled event. The show event. The select event. The seeking event. The seeked event. The scroll event. The resize event. The reset event. The afterprint event. The print event. The beforeprint event. The beforeunload event. The unloading event. The offline event. The online event. The pagehide event. The pageshow event. The popstate event. The unload event. The confirmUnload event. The storage event. The parsing event. The parsed event. The requesting event. The requested event. Represents a custom event that provides an additional details property. Creates a new event. Creates a new event and initializes it. The type of the event. If the event is bubbling. If the event is cancelable. Sets the details for the custom event. Gets the details that have been associated with the custom event. Initializes the custom event. The type of event. Determines if the event bubbles. Determines if the event is cancelable. Sets the details for the custom event. Provides string to Event instance creation mappings. Represents a creator delegate for creating a new event. The created event. Creates a new event factory. Registers a new creator for the specified event name. Throws an exception if another creator for the given event name is already added. The name of the event. The creator to invoke. Unregisters an existing creator for the given event name. The name of the event. The registered creator, if any. Creates the default event for the given name. By default this returns null. The name of the event. The created event. Creates a new event. The name of the event. The created event. Represents the error event arguments. Gets the message describing the error. Gets the filename where the error occurred. Gets the line number of the error. Gets the column number of the error. Gets the exception describing the error. Initializes the error event. The name of the file containing the error. The line within the file. The column within the line,. The specific error that was thrown. Represents an event argument. Creates a new event. Creates a new event and initializes it. The type of the event. If the event is bubbling. If the event is cancelable. Gets the associated flags. Gets the type of event. Gets the original target of the event. Gets the current target (if bubbled). Gets the phase of the event. Gets if the event is actually bubbling. Gets if the event is cancelable. Gets if the default behavior has been prevented. Gets if the event is trusted. Gets the originating timestamp. Prevents further propagation of the event. Stops the immediate propagation. Prevents the default behavior. Initializes the event. The type of the event. If the event is bubbling. If the event is cancelable. Dispatch the event as described in the specification. The target of the event. A boolean if the event has been cancelled. Represents the different phases of an event. Events not currently dispatched are in this phase. When an event is dispatched to an object that participates in a tree it will be in this phase before it reaches its target attribute value. When an event is dispatched it will be in this phase on its target attribute value. When an event is dispatched to an object that participates in a tree it will be in this phase after it reaches its target attribute value. Represents the arguments for a focus event. Creates a new event. Creates a new event and initializes it. The type of the event. If the event is bubbling. If the event is cancelable. Sets the associated view for the UI event. Sets the detail id for the UIevent. The target that is being focused. Gets the target of the event. Initializes the focus event. The type of event. Determines if the event bubbles. Determines if the event is cancelable. Sets the associated view for the UI event. Sets the detail id for the UIevent. The target that is being focused. Represents a custom event that provides an additional details property. Creates a new event. Creates a new event and initializes it. The type of the event. If the event is bubbling. If the event is cancelable. The previous URL. The current URL. Gets the URL before the hash changed. Gets the URL after the hash changed. Initializes the hashchanged event. The type of event. Determines if the event bubbles. Determines if the event is cancelable. The previous URL. The current URL. Represents a factory to create event data. Creates a new event data object for the given event. The name of the event. The event data for the given event. Defines a set of event handlers that are implemented by all HTML elements. Event triggered after aborting. Event triggered after losing focus. Event triggered after cancelling. Event triggered when the media can be played. Event triggered when the media can be fully played. Event triggered after the value changed. Event triggered after being clicked. Event triggered after changing the cue. Event triggered after performing a double click. Event triggered after starting to be dragged. Event triggered after being dragged. Event triggered after entering in dragging mode. Event triggered after exiting the dragging mode. Event triggered after leaving in dragging mode. Event triggered after hovering in dragging mode. Event triggered after starting to drag. Event triggered after dropping. Event triggered when the media cursor changed. Event triggered after being emptied. Event triggered after the media ended. Event triggered after an error occurred. Event triggered after receiving focus. Event triggered after input has happend. Event triggered after validation failed. Event triggered after key down. Event triggered after key press. Event triggered after key up. Event triggered after the content has been fully loaded. Event triggered after the data has been loaded. Event triggered after the meta data has been received. Event triggered when loading begins. Event triggered after mouse down. Event triggered after mouse enter. Event triggered after mouse leave. Event triggered after mouse move. Event triggered after mouse out. Event triggered after mouse over. Event triggered after mouse up. Event triggered after mouse wheel. Event triggered after the media paused. Event triggered after the media started. Event triggered before the media started. Event triggered after progress. Event triggered after the rate changed. Event triggered after resetting the form. Event triggered after resizing the window. Event triggered after scrolling has happened. Event triggered after seeking in the media stream. Event triggered before seeking in the media stream. Event triggered after selected the element. Event triggered after being shown. Event triggered after being stalled. Event triggered after the form has been submitted. Event triggered after suspending. Event triggered after the time updated. Event triggered after being toggled. Event triggered after the volume changed. Event triggered when waiting for input. Represents a message port as defined here: Sends a message over the current message port. The message to send. Will be serialized to a string. Opens the message port. Closes the message port. Fired when a message has been received. Represents a set of event handlers for a Window. Event triggered after printing. Event triggered before printing. Event triggered before closing the document. Event triggered when the hash has been changed. Event triggered after receiving a message. Event triggered after losing connection. Event triggered after being connected. Event triggered after the page has been hidden. Event triggered after showing the page. Event triggered after popping the state from the history. Event triggered after using the provided storage. Event triggered after after closing the document. Represents the event arguments when receiving a message. Creates a new event. Creates a new event and initializes it. The type of the event. If the event is bubbling. If the event is cancelable. Sets the data for the message event. Sets the origin who send the message. Sets the id of the last event. Sets the source window of the message. The message ports to include. Gets the data that is carried by the message. Gets the origin of the message. Gets the id of the last event. Gets the source of the message. Gets the used message ports. Initializes the message event. The type of event. Determines if the event bubbles. Determines if the event is cancelable. Sets the data for the message event. Sets the origin who send the message. Sets the id of the last event. Sets the source window of the message. The message ports to include. Represents a page transition event argument. Creates a new event. Creates a new event and initializes it. The type of the event. If the event is bubbling. If the event is cancelable. Indicates if a webpage is loading from a cache. Gets if a webpage is loading from a cache.. Initializes the event. The type of the event. If the event is bubbling. If the event is cancelable. Indicates if a webpage is loading from a cache. The event that is published in case of new request. Creates a new event for a request. The data of the request. The received response. Gets the transmitted request. Gets the received response. Represents the event args for any UI event. Creates a new event. Creates a new event and initializes it. The type of the event. If the event is bubbling. If the event is cancelable. Sets the associated view for the UI event. Sets the detail id for the UIevent. Gets the associated view. Gets the event details. Initializes the UI event. The type of event. Determines if the event bubbles. Determines if the event is cancelable. Sets the associated view for the UI event. Sets the detail id for the UIevent. Event target base of all DOM nodes. Register an event handler of a specific event type on the Node. A string representing the event type to listen for. The listener parameter indicates the EventListener function to be added. True indicates that the user wishes to initiate capture. After initiating capture, all events of the specified type will be dispatched to the registered listener before being dispatched to any Node beneath it in the DOM tree. Events which are bubbling upward through the tree will not trigger a listener designated to use capture. Removes an event listener from the Node. A string representing the event type being removed. The listener parameter indicates the EventListener function to be removed. Specifies whether the EventListener being removed was registered as a capturing listener or not. Removes all listeners. Calls the listener registered for the given event. The event that asks for the listeners. Checks if the given event type has any listeners registered. The name of the event. True if listeners are registered, otherwise false. Dispatch an event to this Node. The event to dispatch. False if at least one of the event handlers, which handled this event called preventDefault(). Otherwise true. A set of extensions for EventTarget objects. Firing a simple event means that a trusted event with a name, which does not bubble, is not cancelable and which uses the Event interface. It is created and dispatched at the given target. The target of the simple event. The name of the event to be fired. Optional parameter to enable bubbling. Should it be cancelable? True if the element was cancelled, otherwise false. Fires a trusted event with the provided event data. The target of the event. The event data to dispatch. True if the element was cancelled, otherwise false. Firing an event means dispatching the initialized (and trusted) event at the specified event target. The target, where the event has been invoked. The used initializer. The current event target, if different to the invoked target. True if the element was cancelled, otherwise false. Returns a task that is completed once the event is fired. The event target type. The node that fires the event. The name of the event to be awaited. The awaitable task returning the event arguments. An enumeration that contains the valid results of examining a node. The Node is accepted. The Node (and its children) are rejected. The Node is skipped. Children are still considered. The enumeration with the flags for setting the NodeIterator. All nodes will be considered. Elements will be shown. Attributes will be shown. Text nodes will be shown. CData sections will be shown. EntityReferences will be shown. Entities will be shown. ProcessingInstructions will be shown. Comments will be shown. Documents will be shown. DocumentTypes will be shown. DocumentFragments will be shown. Notations will be shown. The list of possible horizontal alignments. The inline contents are aligned to the left edge of the line box. This is the default value for table data. The inline contents are centered within the line box. This is the default value for table headers. The inline contents are aligned to the right edge of the line box. The text is justified. Text should line up their left and right edges to the left and right content edges of the paragraph. This type represents a DOM element's attribute as an object. Gets the local name of the attribute. Gets the attribute's name. Gets the attribute's value. Gets the namespace URL of the attribute. Gets the prefix used by the namespace. Represents the interface for observing attribute changes. Defines the callback signature to react once an attribute changes. The element hosting the attribute. The name of the changed attribute. The new value of the attribute. The CharacterData abstract interface represents a Node object that contains characters. Gets or sets the contained text. Gets the length of the contained text. Returns a string containing the part of Data of the specified length and starting at the specified offset. The point where to start. The numbers of characters to copy. A string that contains a subset of the characters of Data. Appends the given value to the Data string. The text to append. Inserts the specified characters, at the specified offset, in the Data text. The offset where to insert the text. The text to insert. Removes the specified amount of characters, starting at the specified offset, from the Data. The offset, where the removal should begin. The number of characters to remove. Replaces the specified amount of characters, starting at the specified offset, with the specified value. The offset, where the text should be inserted. The amount of characters that should be overwritten. The value to insert. The ChildNode interface contains methods that are particular to Node objects that can have a parent. Inserts nodes just before the current node. The nodes to insert. Inserts nodes just after the current node. The nodes to insert. Replaces the current node with nodes. The nodes to insert. Removes the current node. The Comment interface represents textual notations within markup; although it is generally not visually shown, such comments are available to be read in the source view. The Document interface serves as an entry point to the web page's content. Gets a list of all elements in the document. Gets a list of all of the anchors in the document. Gets the DOM implementation associated with the current document. Gets or sets whether the entire document is editable. Gets or sets the value of the dir attribute. Gets the URI of the current document. Gets the character encoding of the current document. Gets a value to indicate whether the document is rendered in Quirks mode (BackComp) or Strict mode (CSS1Compat). Gets a string containing the URL of the current document. Gets the Content-Type from the MIME Header of the current document. Causes the Document to be replaced in-place, as if it was a new Document object, but reusing the previous object, which is then returned. The new content type. Special annotation to replace the history. Finishes writing to a document. Writes text to a document. The text to be written on the document. Writes a line of text to a document. The text to be written on the document. Loads the document content from the given url. The url that hosts the content. Gets the document type. Gets the root element of the document. Returns a list of elements with a given name in the HTML document. The value of the name attribute of the element. A collection of HTML elements. Returns a set of elements which have all the given class names. A string representing the list of class names to match; class names are separated by whitespace. A collection of elements. Returns a NodeList of elements with the given tag name. The complete document is searched, including the root node. A string representing the name of the elements. The special string "*" represents all elements. A collection of elements in the order they appear in the tree. Returns a list of elements with the given tag name belonging to the given namespace. The complete document is searched, including the root node. The namespace URI of elements to look for. Either the local name of elements to look for or the special value "*", which matches all elements. A collection of elements in the order they appear in the tree. Creates an event of the type specified. Represents the type of event (e.g., uievent, event, customevent, ...) to be created. The event. Creates a new Range object. The range. Creates a new comment node, and returns it. A string containing the data to be added to the Comment. The new comment. Creates an empty DocumentFragment object. The new document fragment. Creates a new element with the given tag name. A string that specifies the type of element to be created. The created element object. Creates a new element with the given tag name and namespace URI. Specifies the namespace URI to associate with the element. A string that specifies the type of element to be created. The created element. Creates an Attr of the given name. The name of the attribute. A new Attr object with the nodeName attribute set to name, and localName, prefix, and namespaceURI set to null. The value of the attribute is the empty string. Creates an attribute of the given qualified name and namespace URI. The namespace URI of the attribute to create. The qualified name of the attribute to instantiate. A new Attr object. Creates a ProcessingInstruction node given the specified name and data strings. The target part of the processing instruction. The data for the node. The new processing instruction. Creates a new text node and returns it. A string containing the data to be put in the text node. The created text node. Creates a new NodeIterator object. The root node at which to begin the NodeIterator's traversal. Indicates which nodes to iterate over. An optional callback function for filtering. The created node NodeIterator. Creates a new TreeWalker object. Is the root Node of this TreeWalker traversal. Indicates which nodes to iterate over. An optional callback function for filtering. The created node TreeWalker. Creates a copy of a node from an external document that can be inserted into the current document. The node from another document to be imported. Optional argument, indicating whether the descendants of the imported node need to be imported. The new node that is imported into the document. The new node's parentNode is null, since it has not yet been inserted into the document tree. Adopts a node from an external document. The node and its subtree is removed from the document it's in (if any), and its ownerDocument is changed to the current document. The node can then be inserted into the current document. The new node's parentNode is null, since it has not yet been inserted into the document tree. The node from another document to be adopted. The adopted node that can be used in the current document. Gets the date of the last modification. Gets the current ready state of the document. Gets the current location of the document. Gets the forms in the document. Gets the images in the document. Gets the scripts in the document. Gets a list of the embed elements within the current document. Gets a list of the commands (menu item, button, and link elements) within the current document. Gets a collection of all area and anchor elements in a document with a value for the href attribute. Gets or sets the title of the document. Gets or sets the head element. Gets the body element. Gets or sets the document cookie. Gets the Unicode serialization of document's origin. Gets or sets the domain portion of the origin of the current document. Gets the referer to that pointed to the current document. Event triggered after the ready state changed. Gets the currently focused element, that is, the element that will get keystroke events if the user types any. Gets the script element which is currently being processed. Gets the window object associated with the document or null if none available. Checks if the document is currently focused. True if the document is active and in the focus. Executes a command with the provided id and the optional arguments. The id of the command to issue. Shall the UI be shown? The argument value of the command, if any. True if the command has been successfully executed, otherwise false. Checks if the command with the provided id is enabled. The id of the command to check. True if the command exists and is enabled, otherwise false. Checks if the command with the provided id is currently in an indeterminate state. The id of the command to check. True if the command exists and is neither enabled nor disabled, otherwise false. Checks if the command with the provided id has already been executed for the current value. The id of the command to check. True if the command has been executed, otherwise false. Checks if a command with the provided id exists and is supported in the current context. The id of the command to check. True if the command exists, otherwise false. Gets the value of the document, range, or current selection, for the provided command. The id of the command to issue. The modified value. Gets the browsing context to use. Gets the import ancestor, if any. Gets the underlying source. Gets the status code of the server's response, if any. Gets the associated entity provider. Represents the factory for creating documents from responses. Creates a new attribute selector from the given arguments. The browsing context to use. The options to consider. The cancellation token. The task creating the document from the response. The DocumentFragment interface represents a minimal document object that has no parent. Extends the document with further properties for styling. Gets a list of stylesheet objects for stylesheets explicitly linked into or embedded in a document. Gets or sets the selected set of stylesheets. Gets the last stylesheet set. Gets the preferred stylesheet set. Gets a live list of all of the currently-available style sheet sets. Enables the stylesheets matching the specified name in the current style sheet set, and disables all other style sheets (except those without a title, which are always enabled). The name of the sheets to enable. The DocumentType interface represents a Node containing a doctype. Gets or sets the name of the document type. Gets or sets the public ID of the document type. Gets or sets the system ID of the document type. Defines how a DOMException should look like. Gets the error code for this exception. The Element interface represents an object within a DOM document. Gets the namespace prefix of this element. Gets the local part of the qualified name of this element. Gets the namespace URI of this element. Gets the sequence of associated attributes. Gets the list of class names. Gets or sets the value of the class attribute. Gets or sets the id value of the element. Inserts new HTML elements specified by the given HTML string at a position relative to the current element specified by the position. The relation to the current element. The HTML code to generate elements for. Returns a boolean value indicating whether the specified element has the specified attribute or not. The attributes name. The return value of true or false. Returns a boolean value indicating whether the specified element has the specified attribute or not. A string specifying the namespace of the attribute. The attributes name. The return value of true or false. Returns the value of the named attribute on the specified element. The name of the attribute whose value you want to get. If the named attribute does not exist, the value returned will be null, otherwise the attribute's value. Returns the value of the named attribute on the specified element. A string specifying the namespace of the attribute. The name of the attribute whose value you want to get. If the named attribute does not exist, the value returned will be null, otherwise the attribute's value. Adds a new attribute or changes the value of an existing attribute on the specified element. The name of the attribute as a string. The desired new value of the attribute. The current element. Adds a new attribute or changes the value of an existing attribute on the specified element. A string specifying the namespace of the attribute. The name of the attribute as a string. The desired new value of the attribute. Removes an attribute from the specified element. Is a string that names the attribute to be removed. True if an attribute was removed, otherwise false. Removes an attribute from the specified element. A string specifying the namespace of the attribute. Is a string that names the attribute to be removed. True if an attribute was removed, otherwise false. Returns a set of elements which have all the given class names. A string representing the list of class names to match; class names are separated by whitespace. A collection of elements. Returns a NodeList of elements with the given tag name. The complete document is searched, including the root node. A string representing the name of the elements. The special string "*" represents all elements. A collection of elements in the order they appear in the tree. Returns a list of elements with the given tag name belonging to the given namespace. The complete document is searched, including the root node. The namespace URI of elements to look for. Either the local name of elements to look for or the special value "*", which matches all elements. A collection of elements in the order they appear in the tree. Checks if the element is matched by the given selector. Represents the selector to test. True if the element would be selected by the specified selector, otherwise false. Returns the closest ancestor of the current element (or the current element itself) which matches the selectors given in the parameter. Represents the selector to test. The closest ancestor of the current element (or the current element itself) which matches the selectors given. If there isn't such an ancestor, it returns null. Gets or sets the inner HTML (excluding the current element) of the element. Gets or sets the outer HTML (including the current element) of the element. Gets the name of the tag that represents the current element. Creates a new shadow root for the current element, if there is none already. The mode of the shadow root. The new shadow root. Gets the assigned slot of the current element, if any. Gets the value of the slot attribute. Gets the shadow root of the current element, if any. Gets if the element is currently focused. Gets the source reference if available. Represents an element factory. The type of root document. The common type of elements to create. Creates a new element with the given local name and optional prefix. The owner of the element. The local name of the element. The optional prefix of the element. The optional flags for the node. The created document's child element. Defines methods to create a custom entity service. Gets a symbol specified by its entity name usually trailed with the semicolon, if available. The name of the entity in the markup. The string with the symbol or null. EventTarget is a DOM interface implemented by objects that can receive DOM events and have listeners for them. Register an event handler of a specific event type on the EventTarget. A string representing the event type to listen for. The listener parameter indicates the EventListener function to be added. True indicates that the user wishes to initiate capture. After initiating capture, all events of the specified type will be dispatched to the registered listener before being dispatched to any EventTarget beneath it in the DOM tree. Events which are bubbling upward through the tree will not trigger a listener designated to use capture. Removes an event listener from the EventTarget. A string representing the event type being removed. The listener parameter indicates the EventListener function to be removed. Specifies whether the EventListener being removed was registered as a capturing listener or not. Calls the listener registered for the given event. The event that asks for the listeners. Dispatch an event to this EventTarget. The event to dispatch. False if at least one of the event handlers, which handled this event called preventDefault(). Otherwise true. An HTMLAllCollection is always rooted at document and matching all elements. It represents the tree of elements in a one-dimensional fashion. HTMLCollection is an interface representing a generic collection (array) of elements (in document order) and offers methods and properties for selecting from the list. Gets the number of items in the collection. Gets the specific node at the given zero-based index into the list. The zero-based index. Returns the element at the specified index. Gets the specific node whose ID or, as a fallback, name matches the string specified by name. Matching by name is only done as a last resort, only in HTML, and only if the referenced element supports the name attribute. The id or name to match. Returns the element with the specified name. The DOMImplementation interface represent an object providing methods which are not dependent on any particular document. Creates and returns an HTML Document. The title to give the new HTML document. A new document. Creates and returns a DocumentType. The qualified name, like svg:svg. The PUBLIC identifier. The SYSTEM identifiers. A document type with the specified attributes. Returns a Boolean indicating if a given feature is supported or not. This function is unreliable and kept for compatibility purpose alone: except for SVG-related queries, it always returns true. The feature name. The version of the specification defining the feature. Implemented by elements that may expose imports. Gets the Document object associated with the given element, or null if there is none. Implemented by elements that may expose stylesheets. Gets the StyleSheet object associated with the given element, or null if there is none. The Location interface represents the location of the object it is linked to. Changes done on it are reflected on the object it relates to. Loads the resource at the URL provided in parameter. The path to the resource. Replaces the current resource with the one at the provided URL. The difference from the assign() method is that after using replace() the current page will not be saved in session History, meaning the user won't be able to use the back button to navigate to it. The path to the resource that should replace the current resource. Reloads the resource from the current URL. MutationRecord defines an interface that will be passed to the observer's callback. Gets attributes if the mutation was an attribute mutation, characterData if it was a mutation to a CharacterData node, and childList if it was a mutation to the tree of nodes. Gets the node the mutation affected, depending on the type. For attributes, it is the Element whose attribute changed. For CharacterData, it is the CharacterData node. For ChildList, it is the node whose children changed. Gets the nodes added, or null. Gets the nodes removed, or null. Gets the previous sibling of the added or removed nodes, or null. Gets the next sibling of the added or removed nodes, or null. Gets the local name of the changed attribute, or null. Gets the namespace of the changed attribute, or null. Gets a string depending on the type. For attributes, it is the value of the changed attribute before the change. For characterData, it is the data of the changed node before the change. For childList, it is null. NamedNodeNap is a key/value pair of nodes that can be accessed by numeric or string index. Gets the node at the specified numeric index. The index of the element. The attribute at the specified numeric index. Gets the node with the specified name. The name of the element. The attribute at the specfied name. Gets the number of nodes in the NamedNodeMap. The number of nodes in the collection. Gets a named item in the NamedNodeMap. The name of the item to get. The attribute with the given name. Sets a named item in the NamedNodeMap. The named item to set. The replaced attribute, if any. Removes a named item from the NamedNodeMap The named item to remove. The removed attribute. Gets a named item in the NamedNodeMap identified by namespace and local name. The namespace of the item. The local name of the item. The attribute with the namespaceUri and name. Sets a named item in the NamedNodeMap. The named item to set. The replaced attribute, if any. Removes a named item from the NamedNodeMap. The namespace of the item. The local name of the item. The removed attribute. A Node is an interface from which a number of DOM types inherit, and allows these various types to be treated similarly. Gets a string representing the base URL. Gets the base url. Gets a string containing the name of the Node. The structure of the name will differ with the name type. Gets a live NodeList containing all the children of this node. Being live means that if the children of the node change, the NodeList object is automatically updated. Clones the node, and optionally, all of its contents. By default, it clones the content of the node. Optionally: Sets if all of the content should be cloned as well. The cloned node. Determines if two nodes are equal. The node to be compared to the node that is executing the method. True if the node specified in the otherNode parameter is equal to the current node. Compares the position of two nodes in a document. The node to be compared to the reference node, which is the node executing the method. The relation between the two nodes. Cleans up all the text nodes under this element, i.e. merges adjacent and removes empty text nodes. Gets the Document that this node belongs to. If no document is associated with it, returns null. Gets an Element that is the parent of this node. If the node has no parent, or if that parent is not an Element, this property returns null. Gets a node that is the parent of this node. If there is no such node, like if this node is the top of the tree or if doesn't participate in a tree, this property returns null. Returns true if other is an inclusive descendant of the context object, and false otherwise (including when other is null). The Node to check the childs for. True if the given node is contained within this Node, otherwise false. Gets a Node representing the first direct child node of the node, or null if the node has no child. Gets a node representing the last direct child node of the node, or null if the node has no child. Gets a Node representing the next node in the tree, or null if there isn't such node. Gets a Node representing the previous node in the tree, or null if there isn't such node. Indicates whether or not a namespace is the default namespace for a document. The namespace to be compared to the default namespace. True if the given namespace URI is the default for the current document. Gets the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of the namespace associated with a namespace prefix, if any. The namespace prefix. The URI of the namespace. Gets the namespace prefix associated with a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), if any. The URI. The namespace prefix associated with the URI. Gets an unsigned short representing the type of the node. Gets or sets a string representing the value of an object. For most node types, this returns null and any set operation is ignored. Gets or sets the textual content of an element and all its descendants. Gets an indicator if the element has any child nodes, or not. Inserts a node as the last child node of this element. The node to be appended. The appended Node. Inserts the newElement immediately before the referenceElement. The node to be inserted. The existing child element that will succeed the new element. The inserted node. Removes a child node from the current element, which must be a child of the current node. The child to be removed. The removed node. Replaces one child node of the current one with the second one given in the parameters. The child to be inserted. The child to be removed. The old node, if any. Gets the associated node flags. The NodeIterator interface represents an iterator over the members of a list of the nodes in a subtree of the DOM. The nodes will be returned in document order. Gets a Node representing the root node as specified when the NodeIterator was created. Gets the Node to which the iterator is anchored. Gets an indicator whether the NodeFilter is anchored before the reference node. Gets a description of the types of nodes that must to be presented. Non-matching nodes are skipped, but their children may be included, if relevant. Gets the NodeFilter used to select the relevant nodes. Returns the next Node in the document, or null if there are none. The next Node, if any. Returns the previous Node in the document, or null if there are none. The previous Node, if any. NodeList objects are collections of nodes. Returns an item in the list by its index, or throws an exception. The 0-based index. The element at the given index. Gets the number of nodes in the NodeList. Extensions to ChildNode nodes that are not document type nodes. Gets the Element immediately following this ChildNode in its parent's children list, or null if there is no Element in the list following this ChildNode. Gets the Element immediately prior to this ChildNode in its parent's children list, or null if there is no Element in the list prior to this ChildNode. Extensions to ParentNode nodes that are not Element nodes. Returns the Element whose ID is given by elementId. If no such element exists, returns null. The behavior is not defined if more than one element have this ID. A case-sensitive string representing the unique ID of the element being sought. The matching element. Represents a generic node attribute. Creates a new attribute with the given local name. The local name of the attribute. Creates a new attribute with the given local name and value. The local name of the attribute. The value of the attribute. Creates a new attribute with the given properties. The prefix of the attribute. The local name of the attribute. The value of the attribute. The namespace of the attribute. Gets the attribute's prefix. Gets if the attribute is an id attribute. Gets if the value is given or not. Gets the attribute's fully qualified name. Gets the attribute's value. Gets the attribute's local name. Gets the attribute's namespace. Checks if the attribute equals another attribute. The other attribute. True if both are equivalent, otherwise false. Computes the hash code of the attribute. The computed hash code. The base class for all characterdata implementations. A bunch of methods for getting DOM elements on some internal collections. Gets the descendents from the provided parent that fulfill the specified predicate, if any. The type of elements to obtain. The parent of the descendents. True if all descendents, false if only direct descendents should be considered. The filter function, if any. The collection with the corresponding elements. Gets an element by its ID. The nodelist to investigate. The id to find. The element or null. Gets a list of HTML elements given by their name attribute. The list to investigate. The name attribute's value. The result collection. Determines if the current filter settings includes the provided node. The filter settings to use. The node to check against. True if the node is accepted, otherwise false. Gets the element with the provided id, if any. Otherwise the element with the same name is searched. The type of node to obtain. The list of elements to filter. The id of the element to find. The element with the given id, or null. Represents a node that contains a comment. An enumeration with all contenteditable modes. Not contenteditable. The element is contenteditable. Inherited from the parent element. Represents the default attribute observer. Creates a new instance. Registers the standard attribute observers, e.g., for class, style, ... attributes. Registers a new attribute observer. The associated element type. The name of the attribute. The callback to invoke when the condition is met. Represents a document node. Clears the whole document without any notification. Sets the document up with the given parameters. The received response. The content-type. The ancestor, if any. Creates a new element in the current namespace from the infos. The name of the new element. The optional prefix to use. The optional flags, if any. The created element. Waits for the given task before raising the load event. The task to wait for. Gets the specified attached references. The type of values to get. Gets the enumeration over all values. Attaches another reference to this document. The value to attach. Sets the focus to the provided element. The element to focus on. Finishes writing to a document. Potentially prompts the user to unload the document. True if unload okay, otherwise false. Unloads the document. For more details, see: The recycle parameter. Represents a document fragment. Represents the document type node. Creates a new document type node. Gets the element immediately preceding in this node's parent's list of nodes, null if the current element is the first element in that list. Gets the element immediately following in this node's parent's list of nodes, or null if the current element is the last element in that list. Gets a list of defined entities. Gets a list of defined notations. Gets or sets the name of the document type. Gets or sets the public ID of the document type. Gets or sets the system ID of the document type. Gets or sets the internal subset of the document type. Inserts nodes before the current node. The nodes to insert before. The current element. Inserts nodes after the current node. The nodes to insert after. The current element. Replaces the current node with the nodes. The nodes to replace. Removes the current element from the parent. Provides a number of methods for performing operations that are independent of any particular instance of the DOM. Represents an element node. Takes a given string source and parses it into a subtree using the current element as context. Follows the fragment parsing strategy for the given namespace. The source to parse into a subtree. The documentElement of the new subtree. Adds an attribute. The attribute to add. Represents an entity node. Creates a new entity node. Creates a new entity node. Gets the public identiifer. Gets the system identifier. Gets or sets the notation name. Gets the used input encoding. Gets the used XML encoding. Gets the used XML version. Gets or sets the entity's value. Gets or sets the value of the entity. Returns a duplicate of the node on which this method was called. Represents a reference to an entity. Creates a new entity node. Creates a new entity node. The initial owner. Name of the entity reference. A general collection for all elements of type IElement. A specialized collection containing elements of type T. The type of elements that is contained. A specialized collection containing elements of type HTMLFormControlElement. A location object with information about a Url. Couples the mutation events to mutation observers and the event loop. Represents a recording of DOM changes. NamedNodeNap is a key/value pair of nodes that can be accessed by numeric or string index. Represents a node in the generated tree. Clones the current node using the new owner. The new document owner, if any. True if a deep clone is wanted, otherwise false. The cloned node. For more information, see: Run any adopting steps defined for node in other applicable specifications and pass node and oldDocument as parameters. Specifications may define insertion steps for all or some nodes. Specifications may define removing steps for all or some nodes. Defines some properties of a node. Exclusive maximum is 0x100000000. Inclusive maximum is 0x0FFFFFFFF. General range: 0x1 to 0x80 HTML range : 0x100 to 0x8000 MathML range : 0x10000 to 0x800000 SVG range : 0x1000000 to 0x80000000 No special properties. The element is self-closing. The element is special. The element has literal text. The element may start with an additional free line. The element is implicitely closed. The end of the element is implied. The element is opening a scope. The element is part of the HTML namespace. The element is an HTML text integration point. The element is an HTML formatting element. The element is opening a list scope. The element is opening a select scope. The element is opening a table section scope. The element is opening a table scope. The element is part of the MathML namespace. The element is an MathML text integration point. The element is part of the SVG namespace. The element is an SVG text integration point. The iterator through a collection of DOM nodes. Represents a list of Node instances or nodes. Gets an empty node-list. Shouldn't be modified. Represents a notation node. Creates a new notation node. Gets or sets the value of the public identifier. Gets or sets the value of the system identifier. Returns a duplicate of the node on which this method was called. The duplicate node. A collection specialized on IHtmlOptionElement elements. Represents a processing instruction node. Creates a processing instruction by splitting data into the name/target and data. A list of possible quirks mode states. The quirks mode is deactivated. The quirks mode is partly activated. The quirks mode is activated. A DOM range to gather DOM tree information. A list of tokens that can be modified. Represents a shadow root. Contains simple choices. Yes. No. Represents a string list. Represents a list of DOMTokens. A collection of CSS elements. Creates a new stylesheet class. The list to enumerate. Gets the stylesheet at the specified index. If index is greater than or equal to the number of style sheets in the list, this returns null. The index of the element. The stylesheet. Gets the number of elements in the list of stylesheets. Returns an enumerator that iterates through the stylesheets. The enumerator. Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection. The enumerator. Represents a text node. A simple list of tokens that is immutable. The treewalker for walking through the DOM tree. Represents a sample browsing Window implementation for automated tests, analysis and as a useful playground. Gets the proxy to the current browsing context. Gets the user-agent information. Gets a reference to the document that the window contains. Gets or sets the name of the window. Gets or sets the height of the outside of the browser window. Gets or sets the width of the outside of the browser window. Gets or sets the horizontal distance of the left border of the user's browser from the left side of the screen. Gets or sets the vertical distance of the top border of the user's browser from the top side of the screen. Gets the location of the currently contained document. Gets or sets the status string. Gets if the window is currently open or already closed. Defines the ParentNode interface that is implemented by possible parents. Gets the child elements. Gets the first child element of this element. Gets the last child element of this element. Gets the number of child elements. Appends nodes to current document. The nodes to append. Prepends nodes to the current document. The nodes to prepend. Returns the first element within the document (using depth-first pre-order traversal of the document's nodes) that matches the specified group of selectors. The group of selectors to use. The found element. Returns a list of the elements within the document (using depth-first pre-order traversal of the document's nodes) that match the specified group of selectors. The group of selectors to use. A non-live NodeList of element objects. A processing instruction provides an opportunity for application-specific instructions to be embedded within XML and which can be ignored by XML processors which do not support processing their instructions (outside of their having a place in the DOM). Gets the target of the processing instruction. The PseudoElement interface is used for representing CSS pseudo-elements. Gets the assigned pseudo name (e.g., before). The Range interface represents a fragment of a document that can contain nodes and parts of text nodes in a given document. Gets the node that starts the container. Gets the offset of the StartContainer in the document. Gets the node that ends the container. Gets the offset of the EndContainer in the document. Gets a value that indicates if the representation is collapsed. Gets the common ancestor node of the contained range. Selects the start of the given range by using the given reference node and a relative offset. The reference node to use. The offset relative to the reference node. Selects the end of the given range by using the given reference node and a relative offset. The reference node to use. The offset relative to the reference node. Selects the start of the given range by using an inclusive reference node. The reference node to use. Selects the end of the given range by using an inclusive reference node. The reference node to use. Selects the start of the given range by using an exclusive reference node. The reference node to use. Selects the end of the given range by using an exclusive reference node. The referenced node. Collapses the range to a single level. Determines if only the first level should be selected. Selects the contained node. The node to use. Selects the contained nodes by taking a reference node as origin. The reference node. Clears the contained nodes. Clears the node representation and returns a document fragment with the originally contained nodes. The document fragment containing the nodes. Creates a document fragement of the contained nodes. The created document fragment. Inserts a node into the range. The node to include. Includes the given node with its siblings in the range. The range to surround. Creates a copy of this range. The copy representing the same range. Detaches the range from the DOM tree. Checks if the given node is within this range by using a offset. The node to check for. The offset to use. True if the point is within the range, otherwise false. Compares the boundary points of the range. Determines how these points should be compared. The range of the other boundary points. A relative position. Compares the node to the given offset and returns the relative position. The node to use. The offset to use. The relative position in the range. Checks if the given node is contained in this range. The node to check for. True if the node is within the range, otherwise false. The same as TokenList, except that it allows the underlying string to be directly changed. Gets or sets the underlying string. The ShadowRoot interface represents the shadow root. Gets the currently focused element in the shadow tree, if any. Gets the host element, which contains this shadow root. Gets the markup of the current shadow root's contents. Gets the shadow root style sheets. Represents a reference from an element to its original source code. Gets the position in the original source code. Represents a string list. Gets the value at the specified index. The index of the value. The string value at the given index. Gets the number of entries. Returns a boolean indicating if the specified entry is available. The entry that will be looked for. True if the element is available, otherwise false. The DOMStringMap interface represents a set of name-value pairs. Gets or sets an item in the dictionary. The name of the item to get or set. The item with the associated name. Deletes the string with the given name from the map. The name of the string to remove. Represent a stylesheet for collecting style information. Gets the style sheet language for this style sheet. Gets the value of the attribute, which is its location. For inline style sheets, the value of this attribute is null. Gets the element that associates this style sheet with the document. Gets the advisory title. The title is often specified in the ownerNode. Gets the indented destination media for style information. The media is often specified in the ownerNode. If no media has been specified, the MediaList is empty. Gets or sets if the stylesheet is applied to the document. Modifying this attribute may cause a new resolution of style for the document. If the media doesn't apply to the current user agent, the disabled attribute is ignored. Gets the browsing context to use. Gets the underlying source. Sets the owner of the sheet. The owning element. Tries to find the matching namespace url for the given prefix. The prefix of the namespace to find. The namespace assigned to the prefix, if any. Represents a list of stylesheet elements. Gets the stylesheet at the specified index. If index is greater than or equal to the number of style sheets in the list, this returns null. The index of the element. The stylesheet. Gets the number of elements in the list of stylesheets. The Text interface represents the textual content of Element or Attr. If an element has no markup within its content, it has a single child implementing Text that contains the element's text. However, if the element contains markup, it is parsed into information items and Text nodes that form its children. Breaks the node into two nodes at a specified offset. The point where the Node should be split. The freshly created Text element with the rest of the content. Gets a string containing the text of all Text nodes logically adjacent to this Node, concatenated in document order. Gets the assigned slot of the current text, if any. This type represents a set of space-separated tokens. Gets the number of contained tokens. Gets an item in the list by its index. The index of the item. The item at the specified index. Returns true if the underlying string contains a token, otherwise false. The token to search for. The result of the search. Adds some tokens to the underlying string. A list of tokens to add. Remove some tokens from the underlying string. A list of tokens to remove. Removes the specified token from string and returns false. If token doesn't exist it's added and the function returns true. The token to toggle. True if the token has been added, otherwise false. The TreeWalker object represents the nodes of a document subtree and a position within them. Gets a Node representing the root node as specified when the TreeWalker was created. Gets or sets the Node on which the TreeWalker is currently pointing at. Gets a description of the types of nodes that must to be presented. Non-matching nodes are skipped, but their children may be included, if relevant. Gets the NodeFilter used to select the relevant nodes. Moves the current Node to the next visible node in the document order, and returns the found node. It also moves the current node to this one. If no such node exists, returns null and the current node is not changed. The next Node, if any. Moves the current Node to the previous visible node in the document order, and returns the found node. It also moves the current node to this one. If no such node exists,or if it is before that the root node defined at the object construction, returns null and the current node is not changed. The previous Node, if any. Moves the current Node to the first visible ancestor node in the document order, and returns the found node. It also moves the current node to this one. If no such node exists, or if it is before that the root node defined at the object construction, returns null and the current node is not changed. Moves the current Node to the first visible child of the current node, and returns the found child. It also moves the current node to this child. If no such child exists, returns null and the current node is not changed. Moves the current Node to the last visible child of the current node, and returns the found child. It also moves the current node to this child. If no such child exists, returns null and the current node is not changed. Moves the current Node to its previous sibling, if any, and returns the found sibling. I there is no such node, return null and the current node is not changed. Moves the current Node to its next sibling, if any, and returns the found sibling. I there is no such node, return null and the current node is not changed. The URLUtils interface defines utility methods to work with URLs. Gets or sets the whole URL. Gets or sets the protocol scheme of the URL, including the final ':'. Gets or sets the host, that is the hostname, a ':', and the port of the URL. Gets or sets the domain of the URL. Gets or sets the port number of the URL. Gets or sets an initial '/' followed by the path of the URL. Gets or sets a '?' followed by the parameters of the URL. Gets or sets a '#' followed by the fragment identifier of the URL. Gets or sets the username specified before the domain name.. Gets or sets the password specified before the domain name. Gets the canonical form of the origin of the specific location. The interface for a browsing window element. Gets a reference to the document that the window contains. Gets the location of the current document. Gets if the window has been closed. Gets or sets the status of the window. Gets or sets the name of the window. Gets the height of the outside of the browser window. Gets the width of the outside of the browser window. Gets the horizontal distance of the left border of the user's browser from the left side of the screen. Gets the vertical distance of the top border of the user's browser from the top side of the screen. Gets the proxy to the current browsing context. Gets the user-agent information. Closes the window. Opens a window to show url, and returns it. If a window exists with the provided name already, it is reused. The URL to open initially. The name of the new window. Determines the rendering of the new window. Can be used to remove whatever page is currently open from the session history. The new or reused window. Stops the current document from being loaded. Focuses the current window. Removes the focus from the current window. Shows the messagebox with the given message. The message to display. Opens a confirmation box with the provided message. The message to display. True if the message has been confirmed, otherwise false. Opens the print dialog for the current window. Gets the history of the current window. Providers timers to the Window object. Executes the provided handler after the timeout. The handler that is called after the timeout. The timeout in milliseconds. The handler to reference clear the timeout. Clears a timeout. The handle that specifies, which timeout to clear. Keeps executing the provided handler with the interval. The handler that is called each time. The interval in milliseconds. The handler to reference clear the interval. Clears an interval. The handle that specifies, which interval to clear. Defines the callback signature for a mutation event. The sequence of mutations. The observer. MutationObserver provides developers a way to react to changes in a DOM. Creates a new mutation observer with the provided callback. The callback to trigger. Queues a record. The record to queue up. Triggers the execution if the queue is not-empty. Gets the options, if any, for the given node. If null is returned then the node is not being observed. The node of interest. The options set for the provided node. Adds a transient observer for the given node with the provided ancestor, if the node's ancestor is currently observed. The ancestor that is currently observed. The node to observe as a transient observer. Clears all transient observers. Stops the MutationObserver instance from receiving notifications of DOM mutations. Until the observe() method is used again, observer's callback will not be invoked. Registers the MutationObserver instance to receive notifications of DOM mutations on the specified node. The Node on which to observe DOM mutations. If additions and removals of the target node's child elements (including text nodes) are to be observed. If mutations to not just target, but also target's descendants are to be observed. If mutations to target's attributes are to be observed. If mutations to target's data are to be observed. If attributes is set to true and target's attribute value before the mutation needs to be recorded. If characterData is set to true and target's data before the mutation needs to be recorded. The attributes to observe. If this is not set, then all attributes are being observed. Empties the MutationObserver instance's record queue and returns what was in there. Returns an Array of MutationRecords. Contains a list of common namespaces. Gets the namespace for HTML elements. Gets the namespace for XMLNS elements. Gets the namespace for XMLNS elements. Gets the namespace for XML elements. Gets the namespace for SVG elements. Gets the namespace for MathML elements. Gets the prefix for XMLNS elements. Gets the prefix for XMLNS elements. Gets the prefix for XML elements. Useful methods for node objects. Gets the root of the given node, which is the node itself, if it has no parent, or the root of the parent. The node to get the root of. The root node. Checks if the provided node is an endpoint, i.e., does not host any other node. The node that is checked. True if the node is an endpoint, otherwise false. Checks if the provided node can be inserted into some other node. This excludes, e.g., documents from being inserted. The node that is checked. True if the node is insertable, otherwise false. Gets the hyperreference of the given URL - transforming the given (relative) URL to an absolute URL if required. The node that spawns the hyper reference. The given URL. The absolute URL. Checks if the node is an descendant of the given parent. The descendant node to use. The possible parent to use. True if the given parent is actually an ancestor of the node. Gets the descendant nodes of the provided parent, in tree order. The parent of the descendants. An iterator over all descendants. Gets the descendant nodes and itself of the provided parent, in tree order. The parent of the descendants. An iterator over all descendants and itself. Checks if the node is an inclusive descendant of the given parent. The descendant node to use. The possible parent to use. True if the given parent is actually an inclusive ancestor of the provided node. Checks if the parent is an ancestor of the given node. The possible parent to use. The node to check for being descendent. True if the given parent is actually an ancestor of the node. Gets the ancestor nodes of the provided node, in tree order. The child of the ancestors. An iterator over all ancestors. Gets the inclusive ancestor nodes of the provided node, in tree order. The child of the ancestors. An iterator over all ancestors including the given node. Checks if the parent is an inclusive ancestor of the given node. The possible parent to use. The node to check for being descendent. True if the given parent is actually an inclusive ancestor of the provided node. Gets the first ancestor node that is of the specified type. The child of the potential ancestor. The specified ancestor or its default value. Checks if any parent is an HTML datalist element.. The node to use as starting point. True if a datalist element is among the ancestors, otherwise false. Checks if the current node is a sibling of the specified element. The maybe sibling. The node to check for having the same parent. True if the parent is actually non-null and actually the same. Gets the index of the provided node in the parent's collection. The node which needs to know its index. The index of the node or -1 if the node is not a child of a parent. Finds the index of the given node of the provided parent node. The parent of the given node. The node which needs to know its index. The node's index or -1 if the node is not a child of the parent. Checks if the context node is before the provided node. The context node. The provided ref node. True if the context node is preceding the ref node in tree order. Checks if the context node is after the provided node. The context node. The provided ref node. True if the context node is following the ref node in tree order. Gets the associated host object, if any. This is mostly interesting for the HTML5 template tag. The node that probably has an host object The host object or null. Checks for an inclusive ancestor relationship or if the host (if any) has such a relationship. The possible parent to use. The node to check for being descendent. True if the given parent is actually an inclusive ancestor (including the host) of the provided node. Ensures the validity for inserting the given node at parent before the provided child. Throws an error is the insertation is invalid. The origin that will be mutated. The node to be inserted. The reference node of the insertation. Pre-inserts the given node at the parent before the provided child. The origin that will be mutated. The node to be inserted. The reference node of the insertation. The inserted node, which is node. Pre-removes the given child of the parent. The origin that will be mutated. The node that will be removed. The removed node, which is child. Checks if the node has any text node children. The parent of the potential text nodes. True if the node has any text nodes, otherwise false. Checks if the given child is followed by a document type. The child that precedes the doctype. True if a doctype node is following the child, otherwise false. Checks if the given child is preceded by an element node. The child that follows any element. True if an element node is preceded the child, otherwise false. Gets the element count of the given node. The parent of potential element nodes. The number of element nodes in the parent. Tries to find a direct child of a certain type. The node type to find. The parent that contains the elements. The instance or null. Tries to find a descendant of a certain type. The node type to find. The parent that contains the elements. The instance or null. Gets the assigned slot given by the shadow root and the slot name. The shadow tree hosting the slots. The name of the slot to target. The slot or default slot, if any. Gets the content text of the given DOM node. The node to stringify. The text of the node and its children. Sets the text content of the given elements. The type of collection. The collection. The text that should be set. The collection itself. Gets the index of the given item in the list of nodes. The source list of nodes. The item to search for. The index of the item or -1 if not found. The signature for a NodeFilter callback function. The node to examine. The result after the examination of the node. Contains an enumeration of various node types. A standard node element. An attribute node. A text node. A CData text node. An entity reference node. An entity node. A processing instruction node. A comment node. A document node. A document type node. A document (fragment mode) node. A notation node. Useful methods for parent node objects. Runs the mutation macro as defined in 5.2.2 Mutation methods of The parent, which invokes the algorithm. The nodes array to add. A (single) node. Prepends nodes to the parent node. The parent, where to prepend to. The nodes to prepend. Appends nodes to parent node. The parent, where to append to. The nodes to append. Inserts nodes before the given child. The context object. The nodes to insert before. The current element. Inserts nodes after the given child. The context object. The nodes to insert after. The current element. Replaces the given child with the nodes. The context object. The nodes to replace. Removes the child from its parent. The context object. Inserts a node as the last child node of this element. The type of element to add. The parent of the node to add. The element to be appended. The appended element. Inserts the newElement immediately before the referenceElement. The type of element to add. The parent of the node to add. The node to be inserted. The existing child element that will succeed the new element. The inserted element. Removes a child node from the current element, which must be a child of the current node. The type of element. The parent of the node to remove. The element to be removed. The removed element. Returns the first element matching the selectors with the provided type, or null. The type to look for. The parent of the nodes to gather. The group of selectors to use. The element, if there is any. Returns a list of elements matching the selectors with the provided type. The type to look for. The parent of the nodes to gather. The group of selectors to use. An enumeration with the elements. Gets the descendent nodes of the given parent. The type of nodes to obtain. The parent of the nodes to gather. The descendent nodes. Gets the descendent nodes of the given parent. The parent of the nodes to gather. The descendent nodes. Gets the descendent nodes including itself of the given parent. The type of nodes to obtain. The parent of the nodes to gather. The descendent nodes including itself. Gets the descendent nodes including itself of the given parent. The parent of the nodes to gather. The descendent nodes including itself. Gets the ancestor nodes of the given child. The type of nodes to obtain. The child of the nodes to gather. The ancestor nodes. Gets the ancestor nodes of the given child. The child of the nodes to gather. The ancestor nodes. Extensions for performing QuerySelector operations. Returns the first element within the document (using depth-first pre-order traversal of the document's nodes) that matches the specified group of selectors. Requires either a non-empty nodelist or a valid scope node. The nodes to take as source. A string containing one or more CSS selectors separated by commas. The optional node to take as scope. An element object. Returns a list of the elements within the document (using depth-first pre-order traversal of the document's nodes) that match the specified group of selectors. Requires either a non-empty nodelist or a valid scope node. The nodes to take as source. A string containing one or more CSS selectors separated by commas. The optional node to take as scope. A HTMLCollection with all elements that match the selection. Returns a set of elements which have all the given class names. The elements to take as source. A string representing the list of class names to match; class names are separated by whitespace. A collection of HTML elements. Returns a NodeList of elements with the given tag name. The complete document is searched, including the root node. The elements to take as source. A string representing the name of the elements. The special string "*" represents all elements. A NodeList of found elements in the order they appear in the tree. Returns a list of elements with the given tag name belonging to the given namespace. The complete document is searched, including the root node. The elements to take as source. The namespace URI of elements to look for. Either the local name of elements to look for or the special value "*", which matches all elements. A NodeList of found elements in the order they appear in the tree. Returns the first element within the document (using depth-first pre-order traversal of the document's nodes) that matches the given selector. The elements to take as source. A selector object. An element object. Returns the first element within the document (using depth-first pre-order traversal of the document's nodes) that matches the specified group of selectors. The elements to take as source. A selector object. An element object. Returns a list of the elements within the document (using depth-first pre-order traversal of the document's nodes) that matches the selector. The elements to take as source. A selector object. A HTMLCollection with all elements that match the selection. Returns a list of the elements within the document (using depth-first pre-order traversal of the document's nodes) that match the specified group of selectors. The elements to take as source. A selector object. A reference to the list where to store the results. Returns true if the underlying string contains all of the tokens, otherwise false. The list that is considered. The tokens to consider. True if the string contained all tokens, otherwise false. Returns a set of elements which have all the given class names. The elements to take as source. An array with class names to consider. A reference to the list where to store the results. Returns a NodeList of elements with the given tag name. The complete document is searched, including the root node. The elements to take as source. A string representing the name of the elements. The special string "*" represents all elements. A reference to the list where to store the results. Returns a list of elements with the given tag name belonging to the given namespace. The complete document is searched, including the root node. The elements to take as source. The namespace URI of elements to look for. Either the local name of elements to look for or the special value "*", which matches all elements. A reference to the list where to store the results. An enumeration of possible values for position comparisons in a range object. The position of the given point to the other point is before. The position of the given point to the other point is equal. The position of the given point to the other point is after. An enumeration with possible values on how to compare boundary points. From the start to the start (periodic). From the start to the end (non-periodic). From the end to the end (periodic). From the end to the start (non-periodic). Defines a set of extension methods involving selectors. Reduces the elements to the one at the given index, if any. The type of element. The collection. The index of the element. The element, or its default value. Reduces the elements to the ones above the given index. The type of element. The collection. The minimum exclusive index. The remaining elements. Reduces the elements to the ones below the given index. The type of element. The collection. The maximum exclusive index. The remaining elements. Reduces the elements to the ones with even index. The type of element. The collection. The remaining elements. Reduces the elements to the ones with odd index. The type of element. The collection. The remaining elements. Keeps elements that are matched by the provided selector. The elements to be filtered. The CSS selector to use. The filtered list of elements. Keeps elements that are not matched by the provided selector. The elements to be filtered. The CSS selector to use. The filtered list of elements. Gets the children of the provided elements. Optionally uses a CSS selector to filter the results. The elements owning the children. The CSS selector to use, if any. A filtered list containing the children. Gets the siblings of the provided elements. Optionally uses a CSS selector to filter the results. The elements with siblings. The CSS selector to use, if any. A filtered list containing the siblings. Gets the parents of the provided elements. Optionally uses a CSS selector to filter the results. The elements with parents. The CSS selector to use, if any. A filtered list containing the parents. Gets the following siblings of the provided elements. Optionally uses a CSS selector to filter the results. The elements with siblings. The CSS selector to use, if any. A filtered list containing the next siblings. Gets the preceding siblings of the provided elements. Optionally uses a CSS selector to filter the results. The elements with siblings. The CSS selector to use, if any. A filtered list containing the previous siblings. Keeps elements that are matched by the provided selector. The elements to be filtered. The CSS selector to use. The filtered list of elements. Keeps elements that are not matched by the provided selector. The elements to be filtered. The CSS selector to use. The filtered list of elements. Gets the children of the provided elements. Optionally uses a CSS selector to filter the results. The elements owning the children. The CSS selector to use, if any. A filtered list containing the children. Gets the siblings of the provided elements. Optionally uses a CSS selector to filter the results. The elements with siblings. The CSS selector to use, if any. A filtered list containing the siblings. Gets the parents of the provided elements. Optionally uses a CSS selector to filter the results. The elements with parents. The CSS selector to use, if any. A filtered list containing the parents. Gets the following siblings of the provided elements. Optionally uses a CSS selector to filter the results. The elements with siblings. The CSS selector to use, if any. A filtered list containing the next siblings. Gets the preceding siblings of the provided elements. Optionally uses a CSS selector to filter the results. The elements with siblings. The CSS selector to use, if any. A filtered list containing the previous siblings. List of possible shadow root mode states. Specifies open encapsulation mode. Specifies closed encapsulation mode. The collection of (known / used) tags. Gets the DOCTYPE constant. The html tag. The body tag. The head tag. The meta tag. The title tag. The bgsound tag. The script tag. The style tag. The noembed tag. The noscript tag. The noframes tag. The menu tag. The menuitem tag. The var tag. The ruby tag. The sub tag. The sup tag. The rp tag. The rt tag. The rb tag. The rtc tag. The applet tag. The embed tag. The marquee tag. The param tag. The object tag. The canvas tag. The font tag. The ins tag. The del tag. The template tag. The slot tag. The caption tag. The col tag. The colgroup tag. The table tag. The thead tag. The tbody tag. The tfoot tag. The th tag. The td tag. The tr tag. The input tag. The keygen tag. The textarea tag. The p tag. The span tag. The dialog tag. The fieldset tag. The legend tag. The label tag. The details tag. The form tag. The isindex tag. The pre tag. The data tag. The datalist tag. The ol tag. The tag ul. The dl tag. The li tag. The dd tag. The dt tag. The b tag. The big tag. The strike tag. The code tag. The em tag. The i tag. The s tag. The small tag. The strong tag. The u tag. The tt tag. The nobr tag. The select tag. The option tag. The optgroup tag. The link tag. The frameset tag. The frame tag. The iframe tag. The audio tag. The video tag. The source tag. The track tag. The h1 tag. The h2 tag. The h3 tag. The h4 tag. The h5 tag. The h6 tag. The div tag. The quote tag. The blockquote tag. The q tag. The base tag. The basefont tag. The a tag. The area tag. The button tag. The cite tag. The main tag. The summary tag. The xmp tag. The br tag. The wbr tag. The hr tag. The dir tag. The center tag. The listing tag. The img tag. The image tag (this is not the right tag). The nav tag. The address tag. The article tag. The aside tag. The figcaption tag. The figure tag. The section tag. The footer tag. The header tag. The hgroup tag. The plaintext tag. The time tag. The progress tag. The meter tag. The output tag. The map tag. The picture tag. The mark tag. The dfn tag. The kbd tag. The samp tag. The abbr tag. The bdi tag. The bdo tag. The math tag. The mi tag. The mo tag. The mn tag. The ms tag. The mtext tag. The annotation-xml tag. The svg tag. The foreignObject tag. The desc tag. The circle tag. The xml tag. The list of possible vertical alignments (extended by CSS). Aligns the baseline of the element with the baseline of its parent. The baseline of some replaced elements, like textarea is not specified by the HTML specification, meaning that their behavior with this keyword may change from one browser to the other. Aligns the baseline of the element with the subscript-baseline of its parent. Aligns the baseline of the element with the superscript-baseline of its parent. Aligns the top of the element with the top of the parent element's font. Aligns the bottom of the element with the bottom of the parent element's font. Aligns the middle of the element with the middle of lowercase letters in the parent. Align the top of the element and its descendants with the top of the entire line. Align the bottom of the element and its descendants with the bottom of the entire line. An enumeration with the various visibility states. Default value, the box is visible. The box is invisible (fully transparent, nothing is drawn), but still affects layout. For table rows, columns, column groups, and row groups the row(s) or column(s) are hidden and the space they would have occupied is removed (as if display: none were applied to the column/row of the table). However, the size of other rows and columns is still calculated as though the cells in the collapsed row(s) or column(s) are present. This was designed for fast removal of a row/column from a table without having to recalculate widths and heights for every portion of the table. For XUL elements, the computed size of the element is always zero, regardless of other styles that would normally affect the size, although margins still take effect. For other elements, collapse is treated the same as hidden. The list of possible horizontal alignments. Use the default line break rule. Word breaks may be inserted between any character for non-CJK (Chinese/Japanese/Korean) text. Don't allow word breaks for CJK text. Non-CJK text behavior is the same as for normal. Extensions for formatting, e.g., markup or styling. Returns the (complete) CSS style representation of the node. The style node to format. The source code snippet. Returns the (complete) CSS style representation of the node. The style node to format. The formatter to use. The source code snippet. Writes the serialization of the node guided by the formatter. The style node to format. The output target of the serialization. Returns the (complete) HTML markup representation of the node. The markup node to format. The source code snippet. Returns the serialization of the node guided by the formatter. The markup node to format. The formatter to use. The source code snippet. Writes the serialization of the node guided by the formatter. The markup node to format. The output target of the serialization. Returns a minified serialization of the node guided by the MinifyMarkupFormatter with the default options. The markup node to format. The source code snippet. Returns a prettified serialization of the node guided by the PrettyMarkupFormatter with the default options. The markup node to format. The source code snippet. Provides string to InputType instance mappings. Represents a creator delegate for creating input type providers. The input to create the provider for. The created input type provider. Registers a new creator for the specified input type. Throws an exception if another creator for the given input type is already added. The input type value. The creator to invoke. Unregisters an existing creator for the given input type. The input type value. The registered creator, if any. Creates the default InputType provider for the given input element and input type. By default this is the text input type. The input element. The current value of the type attribute. The InputType provider instance. Creates an InputType provider for the provided element. The input element. The current value of the type attribute. The InputType provider instance. Provides string to Relation instance mappings. Represents a creator delegate for creating link relation providers. The link to create the provider for. The created link relation provider. Registers a new creator for the specified relation. Throws an exception if another creator for the given relation is already added. The relation value. The creator to invoke. Unregisters an existing creator for the given relation. The relation value. The registered creator, if any. Creates the default LinkRel provider for the given link element and relation. By default this is null. The link element. The current value of the rel attribute. The LinkRel provider instance or null. Creates an LinkRel provider for the provided element. The link element. The current value of the rel attribute. The LinkRel provider instance or null. Represents the event arguments for a composed event. Creates a new event. Creates a new event and initializes it. The type of the event. If the event is bubbling. If the event is cancelable. Sets the associated view for the UI event. Sets the data to carry. Gets the associated data. Initializes the composition event. The type of event. Determines if the event bubbles. Determines if the event is cancelable. Sets the associated view for the UI event. Sets the data to carry. The event that is published in case of an HTML parse error. Creates a new HtmlParseErrorEvent event. The provided error code. The position in the source. Gets the position of the error. Gets the provided error code. Gets the associated error message. The event that is published in case of starting HTML parsing. Creates a new event for starting HTML parsing. The document to be filled. Determines if parsing is done. Gets the document, which is to be filled. Represents the event arguments for an input event. Creates a new event. Creates a new event and initializes it. The type of the event. If the event is bubbling. If the event is cancelable. Sets the data for the input event. Gets the data that has been entered. Initializes the input event. The type of event. Determines if the event bubbles. Determines if the event is cancelable. Sets the data for the input event. Represents a list with touch points. Gets the number of contained touch points. Gets the data of the touch point at the given index. The index of the touch point. The touch point at the index. Represents the interface for the data of a single touch point. Gets the id of the touch point. Gets the target of the touch point. Gets the x-coordinate relative to the screen. Gets the y-coordinate relative to the screen. Gets the x-coordinate relative to the client. Gets the y-coordinate relative to the client. Gets the x-coordinate relative to the page. Gets the y-coordinate relative to the page. Represents the event arguments for a keyboard event. Creates a new event. Creates a new event and initializes it. The type of the event. If the event is bubbling. If the event is cancelable. Sets the associated view for the UI event. Sets the detail id for the UI event. Sets the key that is currently pressed. Sets the position of the originating keyboard. A list with keyboard modifiers that have been pressed. Sets if the key has been pressed again. Gets string representation of the pressed key. Gets the location of the keyboard that initiated the event. Gets if the control key is pressed. Gets if the shift key is pressed. Gets if the alt key is pressed. Gets if the meta key is pressed. Gets if the key press was repeated. Returns the current state of the specified modifier key. The modifier key to lookup. True if the key is currently pressed, otherwise false. Gets the locale of the keyboard. Initializes the keyboard event. The type of event. Determines if the event bubbles. Determines if the event is cancelable. Sets the associated view for the UI event. Sets the detail id for the UI event. Sets the key that is currently pressed. Sets the position of the originating keyboard. A list with keyboard modifiers that have been pressed. Sets if the key has been pressed again. An enumeration over all possible keyboard locations. The standard location. The left location. The right location. The location of the numpad. A couple of useful extensions for the modifier list. All possible mouse button values that may appear in UI events. The primary button of the device. In general, the left button or the only button on single-button devices, used to activate a user interface control or select text. The auxiliary button. In general, the middle button, often combined with a mouse wheel. The secondary button. In general, the right button, often used to display a context menu. All possible mouse button values that are currently pressed. No buttons currently pressed. The primary button of the device. In general, the left button or the only button on single-button devices, used to activate a user interface control or select text. The secondary button. In general, the right button, often used to display a context menu. The auxiliary button. In general, the middle button, often combined with a mouse wheel. Represents the event args for a mouse event. Creates a new event. Creates a new event and initializes it. The type of the event. If the event is bubbling. If the event is cancelable. Sets the associated view for the UI event. Sets the detail id for the UI event. Sets the screen X coordinate. Sets the screen Y coordinate. Sets the client X coordinate. Sets the client Y coordinate. Sets if the control key was pressed. Sets if the alt key was pressed. Sets if the shift key was pressed. Sets if the meta key was pressed. Sets which button has been pressed. The target of the mouse event. Gets the screen X coordinates. Gets the screen Y coordinates. Gets the client X coordinates. Gets the client Y coordinates. Gets if the control key is pressed. Gets if the shift key is pressed. Gets if the alt key is pressed. Gets if the meta key is pressed. Gets which button has been pressed. Gets the currently pressed buttons. Gets the target of the mouse event. Returns the current state of the specified modifier key. The modifier key to lookup. True if the key is currently pressed, otherwise false. Initializes the mouse event. The type of event. Determines if the event bubbles. Determines if the event is cancelable. Sets the associated view for the UI event. Sets the detail id for the UIevent. Sets the screen X coordinate. Sets the screen Y coordinate. Sets the client X coordinate. Sets the client Y coordinate. Sets if the control key was pressed. Sets if the alt key was pressed. Sets if the shift key was pressed. Sets if the meta key was pressed. Sets which button has been pressed. The target of the mouse event. Represents the event arguments for a touch event. Creates a new event. Creates a new event and initializes it. The type of the event. If the event is bubbling. If the event is cancelable. Sets the associated view for the UI event. Sets the detail id for the UIevent. The list of active touches. The list of target-active toches. The list of changed touches. Sets if the control key was pressed. Sets if the alt key was pressed. Sets if the shift key was pressed. Sets if the meta key was pressed. Gets a list with all active touch points. Gets a list with touch points over the target. Gets a list with changed touch points. Gets if the alt key is pressed. Gets if the meta key is pressed. Gets if the control key is pressed. Gets if the shift key is pressed. Initializes the focus event. The type of event. Determines if the event bubbles. Determines if the event is cancelable. Sets the associated view for the UI event. Sets the detail id for the UIevent. The list of active touches. The list of target-active toches. The list of changed touches. Sets if the control key was pressed. Sets if the alt key was pressed. Sets if the shift key was pressed. Sets if the meta key was pressed. Represents a track that provides an additional track information. Creates a new event. Creates a new event and initializes it. The type of the event. If the event is bubbling. If the event is cancelable. The track object. Gets the assigned track object, if any. Initializes the mouse event. The type of event. Determines if the event bubbles. Determines if the event is cancelable. The track object. Represents the event args for a mouse wheel event. Creates a new event. Creates a new event and initializes it. The type of the event. If the event is bubbling. If the event is cancelable. Sets the associated view for the UI event. Sets the detail id for the UI event. Sets the screen X coordinate. Sets the screen Y coordinate. Sets the client X coordinate. Sets the client Y coordinate. Sets which button has been pressed. The target of the mouse event. A list with keyboard modifiers that have been pressed. The mouse wheel delta in X direction. The mouse wheel delta in Y direction. The mouse wheel delta in Z direction. The delta mode for the wheel event. Gets the mouse wheel delta X. Gets the mouse wheel delta Y. Gets the mouse wheel delta Z. Gets the mouse wheel delta mode. Initializes the mouse wheel event. The type of event. Determines if the event bubbles. Determines if the event is cancelable. Sets the associated view for the UI event. Sets the detail id for the UIevent. Sets the screen X coordinate. Sets the screen Y coordinate. Sets the client X coordinate. Sets the client Y coordinate. Sets which button has been pressed. The target of the mouse event. A list with keyboard modifiers that have been pressed. The mouse wheel delta in X direction. The mouse wheel delta in Y direction. The mouse wheel delta in Z direction. The delta mode for the wheel event. Enumeration with the various mouse wheel modes. The unit of change is pixels. The unit of change is lines. The unit of change is pages. A set of useful extension methods when dealing with the DOM. Set the field values of given form by using the dictionary which contains name value pairs of input fields. The form to set. The fields to use as values. What to do if some field(s) have not been found in the form. If true, then new input will be created. Otherwise, an exception will be thrown. The given form for chaining. Submits the given form by decomposing the object into a dictionary that contains its properties as name value pairs. The form to submit. The fields to use as values. The task eventually resulting in the response. Submits the given form by using the dictionary which contains name value pairs of input fields to submit. The form to submit. The fields to use as values. What to do if some field(s) have not been found in the form. If true, then new input will be created. Otherwise, an exception will be thrown. The task eventually resulting in the response. Submits the form of the element by decomposing the object into a dictionary that contains its properties as name value pairs. The element to submit its form. The optional fields to use as values. The task eventually resulting in the response. Submits the form of the element by using the dictionary which contains name value pairs of input fields to submit. The element to submit its form. The fields to use as values. What to do if some field(s) have not been found in the form. If true, then new input will be created. Otherwise, an exception will be thrown. The task eventually resulting in the response. Represents the a HTML element. Gets or sets the name of the target frame to which the resource applies. Gets or sets the linked resource is intended to be downloaded rather than displayed. The value represent the proposed name of the file. If the name is not a valid filename of the underlying OS, the navigator will adapt it. Gets the element's ping attribute as a settable list of tokens. Gets or sets the rel HTML attribute, specifying the relationship of the target object to the link object. Gets the rel HTML attribute, as a list of tokens. Gets or sets the language code for the linked resource. Gets or sets the type of the resource. If present, the attribute must be a valid MIME type. Gets the text of the anchor tag (same as TextContent). Represents the area HTML element. Gets or sets the alternative text for the element. Gets or sets the coordinates to define the hot-spot region. Gets or sets the shape of the hot-spot, limited to known values. Gets or sets the browsing context in which to open the linked resource. Gets or sets the linked resource is intended to be downloaded rather than displayed. The value represent the proposed name of the file. If the name is not a valid filename of the underlying OS, the navigator will adapt it. Gets the ping HTML attribute, as a settable list of otkens. Gets or sets the value indicating relationships of the current document to the linked resource. Gets the value indicating relationships of the current document to the linked resource, as a list of tokens. Gets or sets the language of the linked resource. Gets or sets the MIME type of the linked resource. Represents the audio HTML element. Represents the base HTML element. Gets or sets the hyperreference to the base URL. Gets or sets the base target. Represents the body HTML element. Represents the br HTML element. Represents the button HTML element. Gets or sets the autofocus HTML attribute, which indicates whether the control should have input focus when the page loads. Gets or sets if the button is enabled or disabled. Gets the associated HTML form element. Gets the list of assigned labels. Gets or sets the name of the element. Gets or sets the type of button. Gets or sets the value. Gets or sets the URI of a resource that processes information submitted by the button. If specified, this attribute overrides the action attribute of the form element that owns this element. Gets or sets the type of content that is used to submit the form to the server. If specified, this attribute overrides the enctype attribute of the form element that owns this element. Gets or sets the HTTP method that the browser uses to submit the form. If specified, this attribute overrides the method attribute of the form element that owns this element. Gets or sets that the form is not to be validated when it is submitted. If specified, this attribute overrides the enctype attribute of the form element that owns this element. Gets or sets A name or keyword indicating where to display the response that is received after submitting the form. If specified, this attribute overrides the target attribute of the form element that owns this element. Represents the canvas HTML element. Gets or sets the pixel width of the canvas element. Gets or sets the pixel height of the canvas element. Returns a Data URI with the bitmap data of the context. The type of image e.g image/png. A data URI with the data if any. Creates a BLOB out of the canvas pixel data and passes it to the given callback. The callback function. The type of object to create. Gets the drawing context. A context id like 2d. An object that defines the drawing context. Changes the context the element is related to the given one. The new context. Gets an indicator if a context with the given parameters could be created. A context id like 2d. True if the context is supported, otherwise false. Represents the command HTML element. Gets or sets the type of command. Gets or sets the assigned label. Gets or sets the icon of the command. Gets or sets if the command is disabled. Gets or sets if the command is checked. Gets or sets the id of the radio group of the command. Gets the assigned element. Represents the data HTML element. Gets or sets the machine readable value. Represents the datalist HTML element. Gets the associated options. Represents the details HTML element. Gets or sets if the element is opened. Repesents the dialog HTML element. Gets or sets if the dialog is open. Gets or sets the return value of the dialog. Shows the dialog, optionally anchored to the element. The element, where the dialog is anchored. Shows the dialog modally, optionally anchored to the element. The element, where the dialog is anchored. Closes the dialog. The return value to set. Represents the div HTML element. Serves as an entry point to the content of an HTML document. The HTMLElement interface represents any HTML element. Some elements directly implement this interface, other implement it via an interface that inherit it. Gets or sets the value of the lang attribute. Gets or sets the value of the title attribute. Gets or sets the value of the dir attribute. Gets access to all the custom data attributes (data-*) set on the element. It is a map of DOMString, one entry for each custom data attribute. Gets or sets if the element should be translated. Gets or sets the position of the element in the tabbing order. Gets or sets if spell-checking is activated. Gets or sets whether or not the element is editable. This enumerated attribute can have the values true, false and inherited. Gets if the element is currently contenteditable. Gets or sets if the element is hidden. Gets or sets if the element is draggable. Gets or sets the access key assigned to the element. Gets the element's assigned access key. Gets or sets the assigned context menu. Gets the dropzone for this element. Simulates a mouse click on an element. Puts the keyboard focus on the given element. Removes the keyboard focus on the given element. Forces the invocation of a spell check on the content. The embed HTML element. Gets or sets the source of the object to embed. Gets or sets the type of the embedded object. Gets or sets the display width of the object. Gets or sets the display height of the object. Represents the fieldset HTML element. Gets or sets if the element is enabled or disabled. Gets the associated HTML form element. Gets or sets the value of the name attribute. Gets the type of input control (fieldset). Gets the elements belonging to this field set. Represents a collection of HTML form controls. Represents the form HTML element. Gets or sets the character encodings that are to be used for the submission. Gets or sets the form's name within the forms collection. Gets or sets if autocomplete is turned on or off. Gets or sets the encoding to use for sending the form. Gets or sets the encoding to use for sending the form. Gets or sets the method to use for transmitting the form. Gets or sets the value of the name attribute. Gets or sets the indicator that the form is not to be validated during submission. Gets or sets the target name of the response to the request. Gets the number of elements in the Elements collection. Gets all the form controls belonging to this form element. Submits the form element from the form element itself. Submits the form element as triggered from another element. The form's submitter. Creates the document request from the form submitting itself. The resulting document (e.g., HTTP) request. Creates the document request from the form by submitting by some element. The form's submitter. The resulting document (e.g., HTTP) request. Resets the form to the previous (default) state. Checks if the form is valid, i.e. if all fields fulfill their requirements. True if the form is valid, otherwise false. Reports the current validity state after checking the current state interactively the constraints of the form element. True if the form element is valid, otherwise false. Gets the form element at the specified index. The index in the elements collection. The element or null. Gets the form element(s) with the specified name. The name or id of the element. A collection with elements, an element or null. Requests the input fields to be automatically filled with previous entries. Represents the head HTML element. Represents the heading HTML element(s). Represents the hr HTML element. Represents the html HTML element. Gets or sets the value of the manifest attribute. Represents the image HTML element. Gets or sets the alternative text. Gets the actual used image source. Gets or sets the image source. Gets or sets the image candidates for higher density images. Gets or sets the sizes to responsively. Gets or sets the cross-origin attribute. Gets or sets the usemap attribute, which indicates that the image has an associated image map. Gets or sets if the image element is a map. The attribute must not be specified on an element that does not have an ancestor a element with an href attribute. Gets or sets the displayed width of the image element. Gets or sets the displayed width of the image element. Gets the width of the image. Gets the height of the image. Gets if the image is completely available. Represents the iframe HTML element. Gets or sets the frame source. Gets the content of the page that the nested browsing context is to contain. Gets or sets the name of the frame. Gets the tokens of the sandbox attribute. Gets or sets if the seamless attribute has been set. Gets or sets if the frame's content can trigger the fullscreen mode. Gets or sets if the frame's content can trigger a payment request. Gets or sets the frame's referrer policy. Gets or sets the display width of the frame. Gets or sets the display height of the frame. Gets the document this frame contains, if there is any. Gets the frame's parent's window context. Represents the input HTML element. Gets or sets the autofocus HTML attribute, which indicates whether the control should have input focus when the page loads. Gets or sets the accept HTML attribute, containing comma-separated list of file types accepted by the server when type is file. Gets or sets the autocomplete HTML attribute, indicating whether the value of the control can be automatically completed by the browser. Ignored if the value of the type attribute is hidden, checkbox, radio, file, or a button type (button, submit, reset, image). Gets or sets if the textarea is enabled or disabled. Gets the associated HTML form element. Gets the list of assigned labels. Gets a list of selected files. Gets or sets the name of the element. Gets or sets the type of input control. Gets or sets if the field is required. Gets or sets if the field is read-only. Gets or sets the alternative text. Gets or sets the image source. Gets or sets max HTML attribute, containing the maximum (numeric or date-time) value for this item, which must not be less than its minimum (min attribute) value. Gets or sets the min HTML attribute, containing the minimum (numeric or date-time) value for this item, which must not be greater than its maximum (max attribute) value. Gets or sets the pattern HTML attribute, containing a regular expression that the control's value is checked against. The pattern must match the entire value, not just some subset. This attribute applies when the value of the type attribute is text, search, tel, url or email; otherwise it is ignored. Gets or sets the step HTML attribute, which works with min and max to limit the increments at which a numeric or date-time value can be set. It can be the string any or a positive floating point number. If this is not set to any, the control accepts only values at multiples of the step value greater than the minimum. Increments the value by (step * n), where n defaults to 1 if not specified. Optional: The number of steps to take. Decrements the value by (step * n), where n defaults to 1 if not specified. Optional: The number of steps to take. Gets the datalist element in the same document. Only options that are valid values for this input element will be displayed. This attribute is ignored when the type attribute's value is hidden, checkbox, radio, file, or a button type. Gets or sets the URI of a resource that processes information submitted by the button. If specified, this attribute overrides the action attribute of the form element that owns this element. Gets or sets the type of content that is used to submit the form to the server. If specified, this attribute overrides the enctype attribute of the form element that owns this element. Gets or sets the HTTP method that the browser uses to submit the form. If specified, this attribute overrides the method attribute of the form element that owns this element. Gets or sets that the form is not to be validated when it is submitted. If specified, this attribute overrides the enctype attribute of the form element that owns this element. Gets or sets A name or keyword indicating where to display the response that is received after submitting the form. If specified, this attribute overrides the target attribute of the form element that owns this element. Gets or sets the default value. Gets or sets the value. Gets if the input field has a value (via attribute or directly). Gets or sets the value of the element, interpreted as one of the following in order: 1.) Time value 2.) Number 3.) otherwise NaN. Gets or sets the value of the element, interpreted as a date, or null if conversion is not possible. Gets or sets if the state if indeterminate. Gets or sets Gets or sets if the input element is checked or not. Gets or sets the display size of the element. Gets or sets the multiple HTML attribute, whichindicates whether multiple items can be selected. Gets or sets the maxlength HTML attribute, indicating the maximum number of characters the user can enter. This constraint is evaluated only when the value changes. Gets or sets the minlength HTML attribute, indicating the minimum number of characters the user can enter. This constraint is evaluated only when the value changes. Gets or sets the placeholder HTML attribute, containing a hint to the user about what to enter in the control. Gets or sets the display width of the input element. Gets or sets the display height of the input element. Gets the direction in which selection occurred. This is "forward" if selection was performed in the start-to-end direction of the current locale, or "backward" for the opposite direction. Gets or sets the directionality of the form element. Gets or sets the index of the beginning of selected text. If no text is selected, contains the index of the character that follows the input cursor. On being set, the control behaves as if setSelectionRange() had been called with this as the first argument, and selectionEnd as the second argument. Gets or sets the index of the end of selected text. If no text is selected, contains the index of the character that follows the input cursor. On being set, the control behaves as if setSelectionRange() had been called with this as the second argument, and selectionStart as the first argument. Selects the contents of the textarea. Selects a range of text, and sets selectionStart and selectionEnd. If either argument is greater than the length of the value, it is treated as pointing to the end of the value. If end is less than start, then both are treated as the value of end. The start of the selection. The end of the selection. Optional: The direction of the selection. Represents the keygen HTML element. Gets or sets the autofocus HTML attribute, which indicates whether the control should have input focus when the page loads. Gets the list of assigned labels. Gets or sets if the keygen is enabled or disabled. Gets the associated HTML form element. Gets or sets the name of the element. Gets the type of input control (keygen). Gets or sets the type of encryption used. Gets or sets the challenge attribute. Represents the label HTML element. Gets the form element that the label is assigned for, if any. Gets or sets the ID of the labeled control. Reflects the for attribute. Gets the control that the label is assigned for, if any. Represents the legend HTML element. Gets the associated form element, if any. Represents a link HTML element. Gets or sets if the stylesheet is enabled or disabled. Gets or sets the URI for the target resource. Gets or sets the forward relationship of the linked resource from the document to the resource. Gets or sets the reverse relationship of the linked resource from the resource to the document. Gets the list of relations contained in the rel attribute. Gets or sets the use with one or more target media. Gets or sets the language code for the linked resource. Gets or sets the content type of the style sheet language. Gets the list of sizes defined in the sizes attribute. Gets or sets the linked source's integrity, if any. Gets or sets the cross-origin attribute. Gets or sets the nonce attribute. Represents the li HTML element. Gets or sets the value in an ordered list. Represents the map HTML element. Gets or sets the name. Gets a collection representing the area elements associated to this map. Gets a collection representing the img and object elements associated to this element. Used to declare properties for the marquee element. Gets the minimum delay in ms. Gets or sets the amount of scrolling in pixels. Gets or sets the delay of scrolling in ms. Gets or sets the loop number. Represents the base for all HTML media elements. Gets or sets the media source. Gets or sets the cross-origin attribute. Gets or sets the preload attribute. Gets or sets the id of the assigned media group. Gets the current network state. Gets if seeking is currently active. Gets the current media source. Gets the current media error, if any. Gets the current media's controller, if any. Gets if the media has ended. Gets or sets if the media is automatically played. Gets or sets if the media should loop. Gets or sets if the controls should be shown to the user. Gets or sets if the media is muted by default. Loads the currently assigned media source. Checks if the given type can be played. The type to check for. One of the following values: probably, maybe or an empty string. Gets the datetime when the download started. Gets a list of contained audio tracks. Gets a list of contained video tracks. Gets a list of contained text tracks. Adds a new text track to the media element. The kind of text track to create. The optional label of the track. The optional language of the track. The freshly created text track. Represents the menu HTML element. Gets or sets the text label of the menu element. Gets or sets the type of the menu element. Represents the menuitem HTML element. Gets the assigned master command, if any. Gets or sets the type of command. Gets or sets the user-visible label. Gets or sets the icon for the command. Gets or sets if the menuitem element is enabled or disabled. Gets or sets if the menuitem element is checked or not. Gets or sets if the menuitem element is the default command. Gets or sets the name of group of commands to treat as a radio button group. Represents the meta HTML element. Gets or sets the name of the meta element. Gets or sets the value of the equivalent in a meta element, which is effective if the server doesn't send a corresponding real header. Gets or sets the associated charset. Gets or sets the value of the content attribute of the meta element. Represents the meter HTML element. Gets or sets the current value. Gets or sets the minimum value. Gets or sets the maximum value. Gets or sets the low value. Gets or sets the high value. Gets or sets the optimum value. Represents the mod HTML element. Gets the cite HTML attribute, containing a URI of a resource explaining the change. Gets the datetime HTML attribute, containing a date-and-time string representing a timestamp for the change. Represents the object HTML element. Gets or sets the address of the resource. Gets or sets the type of the resource. If present, the attribute must be a valid MIME type. Gets or sets an attribute whose presence indicates that the resource specified by the data attribute is only to be used if the value of the type attribute and the Content-Type of the aforementioned resource match. Gets or sets the name of the object. Gets or sets the associated image map of the object if the object element represents an image. Gets the associated HTML form element. Gets or sets the display width of the object element. Gets or sets the display height of the object element. Gets the active document of the object element's nested browsing context, if it has one; otherwise returns null. Gets the object element's nested browsing context, if it has one; otherwise returns null. Represents the option HTML element. Gets or sets if the option is enabled or disabled. Gets the associated HTML form element. Gets or sets the label. Gets or sets if the option is selected by default. Gets or sets if the option is currently selected. Gets or sets the value. Gets or sets the text of the option. Gets the index of the option element. Represents a collection of HTML option elements. Gets an HTML option element at the specified index. The index of the element. The option at the given position. Sets an HTML option element at the specified index. The index of the element. The option to set at the given position. Adds an option element to the collection. The element to add. The optional reference element for inserting. Adds an options group element to the collection. The element to add. The optional reference element for inserting. Removes an element from the collection. The index of the element of remove. Gets or sets the selected index. Represents the optgroup HTML element. Gets or sets if the optgroup is enabled or disabled. Gets or sets the label. Represents the ol HTML element. Gets or sets if the order is reversed. Gets or sets the lowest number. Gets or sets the type of enumeration. Represents the output HTML element. Gets or sets the IDs of the input elements. Gets or sets the default value. Gets or sets the value. Gets the list of assigned labels. Gets the type of input control (output). Gets the associated HTML form element. Gets or sets the name of the element. Represents the p HTML element. Represents the param HTML element. Gets or sets the name of the parameter. Gets or sets the value of the parameter. Represents the pre HTML element. Represents the progress HTML element. Gets or sets the current value. Gets or sets the maximum value. Gets the position. Represents the q HTML element. Gets or sets the citation of the element. Represents the script HTML element. Gets or sets the source URL of the script. Gets or sets if the script should be run asynchronously. Gets or sets if script execution should be deferred. Gets or sets the type of script. Gets or sets the character set of the script. Gets or sets the cross-origin attribute. Gets or sets the script's source code. Gets or sets the linked source's integrity, if any. Represents the select HTML element. Gets or sets the autofocus HTML attribute, which indicates whether the control should have input focus when the page loads. Gets or sets if the button is enabled or disabled. Gets the associated HTML form element. Gets the list of assigned labels. Gets or sets the name of the element. Gets or sets the value. Gets the type of input element (select). Gets or sets if the field is required. Gets the set of options that are selected. Gets or sets the display size of the element. Gets the set of option elements contained by this element. Gets the number of option elements in this select element. Gets or sets the multiple HTML attribute, whichindicates whether multiple items can be selected. Gets the index of the first selected option element. Gets or sets an HTML option element at the specified index. The index of the element. The option at the given position. Adds an option element to the options collection. The element to add. The optional reference element for inserting. Adds an options group element to the options collection. The element to add. The optional reference element for inserting. Removes an element from the options collection. The index of the element of remove. Represents a slot in the shadow tree. Gets or sets the name attribute. Gets the nodes from the distributed nodes of the context. The sequence of distributed nodes. Represents the source HTML element. Gets or sets the URL for a media resource. Is ignored when used for the picture element. Gets or sets the URL of a picture element. Gets or sets the sizes if used in conjunction with a picture. Gets or sets the type of the media source. Gets or sets the intended type of the media resource. Represents the span HTML element. Represents a style HTML element. Gets or sets if the style is enabled or disabled. Gets or sets the use with one or more target media. Gets or sets the content type of the style sheet language. Gets or sets if the style is scoped. Represents the caption HTML element. Reprsents the base for td / th HTML element. Gets or sets the number of columns spanned by cell. Gets or sets the number of rows spanned by cell. Gets or sets the list of id attribute values for header cells. Gets the index of this cell in the row, starting from 0. This index is in document tree order and not display order. Represents the col HTML element. Gets or sets the number of columns in a group or affected by a grouping. Represents the td HTML element. Represents the table HTML element. Gets or sets the assigned caption element. Creates a new table caption object or returns the existing one. A caption element. Deletes the table caption, if one exists. Gets or sets the assigned head section. Creates a new table header section or returns the existing one. A table header element. Deletes the header from the table, if one exists. Gets or sets the assigned foot section. Creates a table footer section or returns an existing one. A footer element. Deletes the footer from the table, if one exists. Gets the assigned body sections. Creates a new table body section. A body element. Gets the assigned table rows. Inserts a new empty row in the table. The new row is inserted immediately before and in the same section as the current indexth row in the table. If index is -1 or equal to the number of rows, the new row is appended. In addition, when the table is empty the row is inserted into a TBODY which is created and inserted into the table. The row number where to insert a new row. This index starts from 0 and is relative to the logical order (not document order) of all the rows contained inside the table. The inserted table row. Deletes a table row. The index of the row to be deleted. This index starts from 0 and is relative to the logical order (not document order) of all the rows contained inside the table. If the index is -1 the last row in the table is deleted. Gets or sets the border attribute. Represents the th HTML element. Gets or sets the scope of the th element. Represents the tr HTML element. Gets the index in the logical order and not in document order. Gets the index of this row, relative to the current section starting from 0. Gets the assigned table cells. Insert an empty TD or TH cell into this row. If index is -1 or equal to the number of cells, the new cell is appended. [Optional] The place to insert the cell, starting from 0. A negative value indicates that the cell should be appended to the row. [Optional] The kind of table cell to insert. The inserted table cell. Deletes a cell from the current row. The index of the cell to delete, starting from 0. If the index is -1 the last cell in the row is deleted. The current row. Represent the base of table section (tbody, thead, tfoot) elements. Gets the assigned table rows. Inserts a row into this section. The new row is inserted immediately before the current indexth row in this section. If index is -1 or equal to the number of rows in this section, the new row is appended. The row number where to insert a new row. This index starts from 0 and is relative only to the rows contained inside this section, not all the rows in the table. The inserted table row. Deletes a row from this section. The index of the row to be deleted, or -1 to delete the last row. This index starts from 0 and is relative only to the rows contained inside this section, not all the rows in the table. Represents the template HTML element. Gets the template's content for cloning. Represents the textarea HTML element. Gets or sets the autofocus HTML attribute, which indicates whether the control should have input focus when the page loads. Gets or sets if the textarea is enabled or disabled. Gets the associated HTML form element. Gets the list of assigned labels. Gets or sets the name of the element. Gets the type (textarea). Gets or sets if the field is required. Gets or sets if the field is read-only. Gets or sets the default value. Gets or sets the value. Gets or sets the wrap HTML attribute, indicating how the control wraps text. Gets the codepoint length of the control's value. Gets or sets the rows HTML attribute, indicating the number of visible text lines for the control. Gets or sets the cols HTML attribute, indicating the visible width of the text area. Gets or sets the maxlength HTML attribute, indicating the maximum number of characters the user can enter. This constraint is evaluated only when the value changes. Gets or sets the placeholder HTML attribute, containing a hint to the user about what to enter in the control. Gets the direction in which selection occurred. This is "forward" if selection was performed in the start-to-end direction of the current locale, or "backward" for the opposite direction. Gets or sets the directionality of the form element. Gets or sets the index of the beginning of selected text. If no text is selected, contains the index of the character that follows the input cursor. On being set, the control behaves as if setSelectionRange() had been called with this as the first argument, and selectionEnd as the second argument. Gets or sets the index of the end of selected text. If no text is selected, contains the index of the character that follows the input cursor. On being set, the control behaves as if setSelectionRange() had been called with this as the second argument, and selectionStart as the first argument. Selects the contents of the textarea. Selects a range of text, and sets selectionStart and selectionEnd. If either argument is greater than the length of the value, it is treated as pointing to the end of the value. If end is less than start, then both are treated as the value of end. The start of the selection. The end of the selection. Optional: The direction of the selection. Represents the time HTML element. Gets or sets the time. Represents the title HTML element. Gets or sets the text of the title. Represents the track HTML element. Gets or sets the kind of the track. Gets or sets the media source. Gets or sets the language of the source. Gets or sets the label text. Gets or sets if given track is the default track. Gets the ready state of the given track. Gets the associated text track. Represents an unknown HTML element. Represents an ul HTML element. Represents the video HTML element. Gets or sets the displayed width of the video element. Gets or sets the displayed height of the video element. Gets the width of the video. Gets the height of the video. Gets or sets the URL to a preview image. This interface marks elements that allow to have an attached label. Gets the list of assigned labels. Useful extension methods for the HtmlImageElement. Gathers the source elements for the provided image element. The image to extend. The stack of source elements. The list of possible horizontal alignments. The bottom of the object should be vertically aligned with the current baseline. This is the default value. The center of the object should be vertically aligned with the current baseline. The top of the object should be vertically aligned with the top of the current text line. Float to the current left margin. Float to the current right margin. The address HTML element. Represents an anchor element. Creates a new anchor element. Gets or sets the character encoding for the target resource. Gets or sets the anchor name. Gets or sets the text of the anchor tag (same as TextContent). Represents the HTML applet element. Represents the area element. Creates a new area element. Gets or sets the alternative text for the element. Gets or sets the coordinates to define the hot-spot region. Gets or sets the shape of the hot-spot, limited to known values. The known values are: circle, default. poly, rect. The missing value is rect. Represents the HTML audio element. Creates a new HTML audio element. Represents the HTML base element. Represents an HTML basefont element. Deprecated in HTML 4.01. Represents the HTML bgsound element. The big HTML element. Represents the HTML body element. The bold HTML element. Represents the HTML br element. Represents an HTML button element. Creates a new HTML button element. Gets or sets the behavior of the button. Gets or sets the URI of a resource that processes information submitted by the button. If specified, this attribute overrides the action attribute of the form element that owns this element. Gets or sets the type of content that is used to submit the form to the server. If specified, this attribute overrides the enctype attribute of the form element that owns this element. Gets or sets the HTTP method that the browser uses to submit the form. If specified, this attribute overrides the method attribute of the form element that owns this element. Gets or sets that the form is not to be validated when it is submitted. If specified, this attribute overrides the enctype attribute of the form element that owns this element. Gets or sets A name or keyword indicating where to display the response that is received after submitting the form. If specified, this attribute overrides the target attribute of the form element that owns this element. Gets or sets the current value of the control. Gets or sets if the link has been visited. Gets or sets if the link is currently active. Represents the HTML canvas element. See: Alternative: Creates a new HTML canvas element. Gets or sets the displayed width of the canvas element. Gets or sets the displayed height of the canvas element. Gets the drawing context. A context id like 2d. An object that defines the drawing context. Gets an indicator if a context with the given parameters could be created. A context id like 2d. True if the context is supported, otherwise false. Changes the context the element is related to the given one. The new context. Returns a Data URI with the bitmap data of the context. The type of image e.g image/png. A data URI with the data if any. Creates a BLOB out of the canvas pixel data and passes it to the given callback. The callback function. The type of object to create. The code HTML element. Represents the HTML data element. Represents the HTML datalist element. Represents the HTML dl element. Represents the HTML details element. Represents the object for HTML dialog elements. Represents the HTML dir element. This element is obsolete since HTML 4.01. Represents the HTML div element. Represents a document node that contains only HTML nodes. Represents a standard HTML element in the node tree. Represents the embed element. The em HTML element. Represents the HTML fieldset element. Represents a font element. See (19) obsolete features of [WHATWG]. Represents the base class for all HTML form control elements. Represents the base class for all HTML form controls that contain a state. Gets the status if the element can contain a range endpoint. Gets the status if the element should save and restore the control state. Saves the current control's state. The current state. Resets the form control state to the given state. The desired state. Represents the form element. More information can be found at: More information can be found at: More information can be found at: More information can be found at: Submits the body of the form. More information can be found at: Represents the HTML frame element. Represents the base class for frame elements. Represents the base class for frame owned elements. Represents the HTML frameset element. Obsolete since HTML 4.01. Represents the HTML head element. Represents the an HTML heading element (h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6). Represents the hr element. Represents the HTML html element. Represents the HTML iframe element. Represents the image element. Represents an HTML input element. Represents the HTML isindex element. The i HTML element. Represents the keygen element. Creates a new HTML keygen element. Gets or sets the challenge attribute. Gets or sets the type of key used. Gets the type of input control (keygen). Represents the HTML label element. Gets the control that the label is assigned for if any. Gets or sets the ID of the labeled control. Reflects the for attribute. Gets the form element that the label is assigned for if any. Represents the HTML legend element. Gets the associated form. Represents the HTML link element. Defines a set of extension methods for link elements. Gets if the link contains a stylesheet that is regarded persistent. The link to examine. True if the link hosts a persistent stylesheet. Gets if the link contains a stylesheet that is regarded preferred. The link to examine. True if the link hosts a preferred stylesheet. Gets if the link contains a stylesheet that is regarded alternate. The link to examine. True if the link hosts an alternate stylesheet. Represents an HTML li, dd or dt tag. Creates a new item tag. Represents the HTML map element. Gets or sets the value of the href attribute. Gets a collection representing the area elements associated to this map. Gets a collection representing the img and object elements associated to this element. Represents the HTML marquee element. Gets the minimum delay in ms. Gets or sets the amount of scrolling in pixels. Gets or sets the delay of scrolling in ms. Gets or sets the loop number. Starts the marquee loop. Stops the marquee loop. Represents the abstract base for HTML media (audio / video) elements. Represents the HTML menu element. Creates a new HTML menu element. Gets or sets the type of the menu element. Gets or sets the text label of the menu element. Represents the HTML menuitem element. Creates a new HTML menuitem element. Gets or sets if the link has been visited. Gets or sets if the link is currently active. Gets the assigned master command, if any. Gets or sets the type of command. Gets or sets the user-visible label. Gets or sets the icon for the command. Gets or sets if the menuitem element is enabled or disabled. Gets or sets if the menuitem element is checked or not. Gets or sets if the menuitem element is the default command. Gets or sets the name of group of commands to treat as a radio button group. Represents the HTML meta element. Represents the HTML meter element. Represents the HTML modifier (ins / del) element. Gets or sets the value that contains a URI of a resource explaining the change. Gets or sets the value that contains date-and-time string representing a timestamp for the change. Represents a noembed HTML element. Represents a noframes HTML element. The nobr HTML element. Represents a noscript HTML element. Represents the HTML object element. Represents the HTML option element. Represents the HTML optgroup element. Represents the HTML ordered list (ol) element. Gets or sets if the order is reversed. Gets or sets the start of the numbering. Gets or sets a value within [ 1, a, A, i, I ]. Represents an HTML output element. Represents the HTML paragraph element. Represents a param element. Represents the HTML picture element. The plaintext HTML element. Represents the HTML pre element. Represents the HTML progress element. Rperesents the HTML quote element. Gets or sets the citation. The rb HTML element. The rp HTML element. The rtc HTML element. The rt element. The ruby HTML element. Represents an HTML script element. More information available at: Represents the select element. Represents an HTML element with only semantic meaning. Represents an HTML slot element. The small HTML element. Represents the HTML source element. Represents the HTML span element. The strike HTML element. The strong HTML element. The s HTML element. Represents the HTML style element. Represents the HTML caption element. Gets or sets the value of the alignment attribute. Represents the object for HTML table cell elements. Represents the HTML column element. Gets or sets the value of the horizontal alignment attribute. Gets or sets the number of columns in a group or affected by a grouping. Gets or sets the value of the vertical alignment attribute. Gets or sets the value of the width attribute. Represents the HTML column group element. Gets or sets the value of the horizontal alignment attribute. Gets or sets the number of columns in a group or affected by a grouping. Gets or sets the value of the vertical alignment attribute. Gets or sets the value of the width attribute. Represents the object for HTML td elements. Represents the HTML table element. Represents the object for HTML th elements. Represents the HTML tr element. Represents the object for HTML table section (thead / tbody / tfoot) elements. The tt HTML element. Represents the template element. Represents a HTML textarea element. Creates a new HTML textarea element. Gets or sets the wrap HTML attribute, indicating how the control wraps text. Gets or sets the default value of the input field. Gets the codepoint length of the control's value. Gets or sets the rows HTML attribute, indicating the number of visible text lines for the control. Gets or sets the cols HTML attribute, indicating the visible width of the text area. Gets the type of input control (texarea). Represents the base class for all HTML text form controls. Gets or sets if the value has been modified. Gets or sets the dirname HTML attribute. Gets or sets the maxlength HTML attribute, indicating the maximum number of characters the user can enter. This constraint is evaluated only when the value changes. Gets or sets the minlength HTML attribute, indicating the minimum number of characters the user can enter. This constraint is evaluated only when the value changes. Gets or sets the default value of the input field. Gets if the input field has a value (via attribute or directly). Gets or sets the current value in the control. Gets or sets the placeholder HTML attribute, containing a hint to the user about what to enter in the control. Gets or sets if the field is required. Gets or sets if the textarea field is read-only. Gets or sets the index of the beginning of selected text. If no text is selected, contains the index of the character that follows the input cursor. On being set, the control behaves as if setSelectionRange() had been called with this as the first argument, and selectionEnd as the second argument. Gets or sets the index of the end of selected text. If no text is selected, contains the index of the character that follows the input cursor. On being set, the control behaves as if setSelectionRange() had been called with this as the second argument, and selectionStart as the first argument. Gets the direction in which selection occurred. This is "forward" if selection was performed in the start-to-end direction of the current locale, or "backward" for the opposite direction. Selects a range of text, and sets selectionStart and selectionEnd. If either argument is greater than the length of the value, it is treated as pointing to the end of the value. If end is less than start, then both are treated as the value of end. The start of the selection. The end of the selection. Optional: The direction of the selection. Selects the contents of the control. An enumeration with possible selection directions. The text selection direction is unknown. The text is selected in forward direction. The text is selected in backward direction. Resets the form control to its initial value. The time HTML element. Represents the title element. Creates a new HTML title element. Gets or sets the text of the title. Represents the HTML track element. Creates a new HTML track element. Gets or sets the kind of the track. Gets or sets the media source. Gets or sets the language of the source. Gets or sets the label text. Gets or sets if given track is the default track. Gets the ready state of the given track. The u HTML element. The class for an unknown HTML element. The DOM Object representing the unordered list. Represents the base for a / area elements. Represents the HTML video element. Represents the HTML wbr (word-break-opportunity) element. This element is used to indicate that the position is a good point for inserting a possible line-break. The xmp HTML element. A class for representing the current validity state. Creates a new ValidityState instance. Gets or sets if a required value is missing. Gets or sets if the given type is wrong. Gets or sets if the input does not match a given pattern. Gets or sets if the input is regarded as invalid. Gets or sets if the input is too long. Gets or sets if the input is too short. Gets or sets if the range is too small. Gets or sets if the range is too big. Gets or sets if the new value is invalid. Gets or sets if validation failed due to a custom error. Gets if the value is valid. Implemented by elements that can be validated. Gets a value if the current element validates. Gets the current validation state of the current element. Gets the current validation message. Checks the validity of the current element. True if the object is valid, otherwise false. Sets a custom validation error. If this is not the empty string, then the element is suffering from a custom validation error. The error message to use. The ValidityState interface represents the validity states that an element can be in, with respect to constraint validation. Together, they help explain why an element's value fails to validate, if it's not valid. Gets if the element has a required attribute, but no value. Gets if the value is not in the required syntax (when type is email or url). Gets if the value does not match the specified pattern. Gets if the value exceeds the specified maxlength. Gets if the value is below the specified minlength. Gets if the value is regarded is invalid input. Gets if the value is less than the minimum specified by the min attribute. Gets if the value is greater than the maximum specified by the max attribute. Gets if the value does not fit the rules determined by the step attribute (that is, it's not evenly divisible by the step value). Gets the element's custom validity message. Gets if the element meets all constraint validations, and is therefore considered to be valid. Represents kinds of table cells. Td table cell. Th table cell. The list of possible table frame directives. No sides. This is the default value. All four sides. The top side only. The bottom side only. The top and bottom sides only. The right and left sides only. The left-hand side only. The right-hand side only. All four sides. The list of possible table rules. No rules. This is the default value. Rules will appear between rows only. Rules will appear between columns only. Rules will appear between row groups and column groups only. Rules will appear between all rows and columns. An enumeration with track ready state values. Not initialized yet. Currently loading. Loading finished. An error occured. A set of flags for an event. No flags are set. Stop propagation has been requested. Stop immediate propagation has been requested. The event has been cancelled. The event has been initialized. The event has been dispatched. Class to store the state of a form control. Creates a new form control state instance. The name of the field. The type of the field. The value of the field. Gets the name of the field. Gets the field's value. Gets the type of the field. Bundles information stored in HTML forms. Creates a new form data set with a randomly generated boundary. Gets the chosen boundary. Applies the multipart/form-data algorithm. (Optional) Explicit encoding. A stream containing the body. Applies the urlencoded algorithm. (Optional) Explicit encoding. A stream containing the body. Applies the plain encoding algorithm. (Optional) Explicit encoding. A stream containing the body. Applies the application json encoding algorithm. A stream containing the body. Applies the given submitter to serialize the form data set. The algorithm to use. (Optional) Explicit encoding. A stream containing the body. Appends a text entry to the form data set. The name of the entry. The value of the entry. The type of the entry. Appends a file entry to the form data set. The name of the entry. The value of the entry. The type of the entry. Gets an enumerator over all entry names. The enumerator. The collection of (known / used) form method names. The get method. The post method. The dialog method. A file entry in a form. Encapsulates the data contained in an entry. Creates a new form data set entry. The name of the field. The type of the field. Gets if the name has been given. Gets the entry's name. Gets the entry's type. Accepts the provided visitor instance. The visitor to accept. Checks if the provided boundary is already mentioned in the content. The string to check for. The encoding to use for the string. True if the boundary is matched, otherwise false. Defines the visitor for form data set entries. Called by text form data set entries. The entry to pass. The contained text value. Called by file form data set entries. The entry to pass. The name of the file. The MIME-type. The contained content. Strategy for serializing form data sets. Serializes the visited form data set to the stream. The stream writer to use. A text entry in a form. Provides string to HTMLElement instance creation mappings. Returns a specialized HTMLElement instance for the given tag name. The document that owns the element. The given tag name. The prefix of the element, if any. The optional flags, if any. The specialized HTMLElement instance. Represents the list of all Html entities. Gets the instance to resolve entities. Gets a symbol (that ended with a semicolon) specified by its entity name. The name of the entity, specified by &NAME; in the Html code. The string with the symbol or null. Converts a given number into its unicode character. The code to convert. The array containing the character. Converts a set of two numbers into their unicode characters. The first (leading) character code. The second (trailing) character code. The array containing the two characters. Determines if the code is an invalid number. The code to examine. True if it is an invalid number, false otherwise. Determines if the given code is actually in the table of common redirections. The code to examine. True if the code is in the table, else false. Gets the symbol mapped by the table of common redirections. The original code. The character wrapped in a string. Determines if the code is within an invalid range. The code to examine. True if it is within an invalid range, false otherwise. Represents the standard HTML5 markup formatter. An instance of the HtmlMarkupFormatter. Creates the string representation of the attribute. The attribute to serialize. The string representation. Escapes the given text by replacing special characters with their HTML entity (amp, nobsp, lt, and gt). The string to alter. The altered string. Gets the doctype identifiers from the given public and system identifier. The public identifier. The system identifier. The combined string representation. Gets the local name using the XML namespace prefix if required. The name to be properly represented. The string representation. Represents the interface for producing input validation. Creates an input type for the input element. The input element. The name of the type. The new instance of the type or text. Represents the factory for resolving link relation. Creates an link relation provider for the given element. The link element. The current value of the rel attribute. The provider instance or null. The collection of (known / used) input type names. The input will be hidden. A standard (1-line) text input. A search input. A telephone number input. An URL input field. An email input field. A password input field. A datetime input field. A datetime-local input field. A date input field. A month picker input field. A week picker input field. A time picker input field. A number input field. A range picker. A color picker input field. A checkbox. A radio box. A file upload box. A submit button. An image input box. A reset form button. A simple button. A select-multiple select box. A select-one select box. Base type for the all input field types. Primarely from: The start of the unix epoch (1st of January 1970). Simple regular expression for floating point numbers. Creates a new base input type. Gets the name of the input type. Gets if the input type can be validated. Gets the associated input element. Checks if the given type wants to append data. Checks the current input for its validity. Tries to convert the given string to a number. Tries to convert the given number to a string. Tries to convert the given string to a date time. Tries to convert the given date time to a string. Populates the form data set with the current input. Changes the value by n steps. Checks if the current value does not match the steps. Gets the current step size. Gets the default step offset. Gets the default step size. Gets the step scaling factor. Converts the given validity state to a validation error enum. Validates the time using the given parameters. Checks if the string does not follow the pattern. Tries to convert the value to a number using the default expression. Tries to convert the value to a time starting at the given position. Tries to convert the value to a week. Checks if the given value is a legal hour. Checks if the given value is a legal second. Checks if the given value is a legal minute. Checks if the given value is a legal month. Checks if the given value is a legal year. Checks if the given values form a legal date. Checks if the given values form a legal week. Checks if the given character is a valid time separator. Skips all legit digits while returning the final position. Checks the assumption that the string continues with a date time. The collection of (known / used) link rel names. The stylesheet relation. The import relation. The author relation. The prefetch relation. The icon relation. The prev relation. The next relation. The license relation. The alternate relation. The search relation. The pingback relation. The sidebar relation. Base type for the all link rel field types. Creates a new instance of the relation processor. Gets the assigned request processor. Gets the associated link element. Gets the currently used URL. Starts loading the associated resource(s) asynchronously. See Represents the an HTML5 markup formatter with a normalization scheme. Gets or sets the tags that should have preserved white-space. Gets or sets if the automatically inserted standard elements (html, head, body) should be kept despite adding no value. Gets or sets if comments should be preserved. Gets or sets if quotes of an attribute should be kept despite not needing them. Gets or sets if empty (zero-length) attributes should be kept. Gets or sets if implied end tags (e.g., "/li") should be preserved. Represents the Tree construction as specified in 8.2.5 Tree construction, on the following page: Creates a new instance of the HTML parser with the specified document based on the given source manager. The document instance to be constructed. Gets if the tree builder has been created for parsing fragments. Gets the adjusted current node. Gets the current node. Parses the given source asynchronously and creates the document. The options to use for parsing. The cancellation token to use. Parses the given source and creates the document. The options to use for parsing. Switches to the fragment algorithm with the specified context element. Then parses the given source and creates the document. The options to use for parsing. The context element where the algorithm is applied to. Restarts the parser by resetting the internal state. Resets the current insertation mode to the rules according to the algorithm specified in The insertion mode. Consumes a token and processes it. The token to consume. Takes the method corresponding to the current insertation mode. The token to insert / use. See The "initial" insertion mode. The passed token. See The "before html" insertion mode. The passed token. See The "before head" insertion mode. The passed token. See The "in head" insertion mode. The passed token. See The "in head noscript" insertion mode. The passed token. See The "after head" insertion mode. The passed token. See The "in body" insertion mode. The passed token. See The "text" insertion mode. The passed token. See The "in table" insertion mode. The passed token. See The "in table text" insertion mode. The passed token. See The "in caption" insertion mode. The passed token. See The "in column group" insertion mode. The passed token. See The "in table body" insertion mode. The passed token. See The "in row" insertion mode. The passed token. See The "in cell" insertion mode. The passed token. See The "in select" insertion mode. The passed token. See The "in select in table" insertion mode. The passed token. See The "in template" insertion mode. The passed token. See The "after body" insertion mode. The passed token. See The "in frameset" insertion mode. The passed token. See The "after frameset" insertion mode. The passed token. See The "after after body" insertion mode. The passed token. See The "after after frameset" insertion mode. The passed token. Inserting something in the template. The token to insert. The mode to push. Closes the template element. Closes the table if the section is in table scope. The tag to insert (closes table). Acts if a option end tag had been seen in the InSelect state. The actual tag token. Acts if a optgroup end tag had been seen in the InSelect state. The actual tag token. Act as if an colgroup end tag has been found in the InColumnGroup state. The actual tag token. True if the token was not ignored, otherwise false. Act as if a body start tag has been found in the AfterHead state. The actual tag token. Follows the generic rawtext parsing algorithm. The given tag token. Follows the generic RCData parsing algorithm. The given tag token. Acts if a li tag in the InBody state has been found. The actual tag given. Acts if a dd or dt tag in the InBody state has been found. The actual tag given. Acts if a block (button) end tag had been seen in the InBody state. The actual tag given. True if the token was not ignored, otherwise false. Acts if a nobr tag had been seen in the InBody state. The actual tag given. Copies the element and its attributes to create a new element. The old element (source). The new element (target). Performs the InBody state with foster parenting. The given token. Act as if an anything else tag has been found in the InBody state. The actual tag found. Act as if an body end tag has been found in the InBody state. The actual tag token. True if the token was not ignored, otherwise false. Act as if an br start tag has been found in the InBody state. The actual tag found. Act as if an p end tag has been found in the InBody state. The actual tag token. True if the token was found, otherwise false. Act as if an table end tag has been found in the InTable state. The actual tag token. True if the token was not ignored, otherwise false. Act as if an tr end tag has been found in the InRow state. The actual tag token. True if the token was not ignored, otherwise false. Act as if an select end tag has been found in the InSelect state. True if the token was not ignored, otherwise false. Act as if an caption end tag has been found in the InCaption state. The actual tag token. True if the token was not ignored, otherwise false. Act as if an td or th end tag has been found in the InCell state. The actual tag token. True if the token was not ignored, otherwise false. The rules for parsing tokens in foreign content The token to examine. Processes a special start tag token. The tag token to process. Creates a foreign element from the given html tag. The tag of the foreign element. The element or NULL if it is no MathML or SVG element. Processes a normal start tag token. The token to process. Determines if the given tag name is in the global scope. The tag name to check. True if it is in scope, otherwise false. Determines if the given type is in the global scope. True if it is in scope, otherwise false. Determines if the given tag name is in the list scope. True if it is in scope, otherwise false. Determines if a paragraph is in the button scope. True if it is in scope, otherwise false. Determines if the given type is in the table scope. True if it is in scope, otherwise false. Determines if the given tag name is in the table scope. The tag name to check. True if it is in scope, otherwise false. Determines if the given tag name is in the select scope. The tag name to check. True if it is in scope, otherwise false. Runs a script given by the current node. Runs the current script element, if there is one. The task waiting for the document to be ready. If there is a node in the stack of open elements that is not either a dd element, a dt element, an li element, a p element, a tbody element, a td element, a tfoot element, a th element, a thead element, a tr element, the body element, or the html element, then this is a parse error. Checks if a tag with the given name is currently open. The name of the tag to check for. True if such a tag is open, otherwise false. Gets the next token and removes the starting newline, if it has one. 8.2.6 The end. Adds the root element (html) to the document. The token which started this process. Pops the last node from the stack of open nodes. Modifies the node by appending all attributes and acknowledging the self-closing flag if set. The node which will be added to the list. The associated tag token. Should the self-closing be acknowledged? Appends a node to the current node and modifies the node by appending all attributes and acknowledging the self-closing flag if set. The associated tag token. Should the self-closing be acknowledged? Appends a node to the current node and modifies the node by appending all attributes and acknowledging the self-closing flag if set. The node which will be added to the list. The associated tag token. Should the self-closing be acknowledged? Appends a configured node to the current node. The node which will be added to the list. Appends a node to the appropriate foster parent. The node which will be added to the list. Inserts the given characters into the current node. The characters to insert. Inserts the given character into the foster parent. The character to insert. Clears the stack of open elements back to the given element name. The tag that will be the CurrentNode. Clears the stack of open elements back to any heading element. Generates the implied end tags for the dd, dt, li, option, optgroup, p, rp, rt elements except for the tag given. The tag that will be excluded. Generates the implied end tags for the dd, dt, li, option, optgroup, p, rp, rt elements. Reconstruct the list of active formatting elements, if any. Extensions to be used exclusively by the DOM Builder. A collection of useful helpers when working with foreign content. Adjusts the tag name to the correct capitalization. The name of adjust. The name with the correct capitalization. Setups a new math element with the attributes from the token. The element to setup. The tag token to use. The finished element. Setups a new SVG element with the attributes from the token. The element to setup. The tag token to use. The finished element. Adds the attribute with the adjusted prefix, namespace and name. The element to host the attribute. The name of the attribute. The value of the attribute. Adjusts the attribute name to the correct capitalization. The name of adjust. The name with the correct capitalization. Adjusts the attribute name to the correct capitalization. The name of adjust. The name with the correct capitalization. A collection of HTML parse error codes. Unexpected end of file detected. NULL character replaced by repl. character. Bogus comment. Ambiguous open tag. The tag has been closed unexpectedly. The closing slash has been misplaced. Undefined markup declaration found. Comment ended with an exclamation mark. Comment ended with a dash. Comment ended with an unexpected character. The given tag cannot be self-closed. End tags can never be self-closed. End tags cannot carry attributes. No caption tag has been found within the local scope. No select tag has been found within the local scope. No table row has been found within the local scope. No table has been found within the local scope. No paragraph has been found within the local scope. No body has been found within the local scope. No block element has been found within the local scope. No table cell has been found within the local scope. No table section has been found within the local scope. No object element has been found within the local scope. No heading element has been found within the local scope. No list item has been found within the local scope. No form has been found within the local scope. No button has been found within the local scope. No nobr element has been found within the local scope. No element has been found within the local scope. Character reference found no numbers. Character reference found no semicolon. Character reference within an invalid range. Character reference is an invalid number. Character reference is an invalid code. Character reference is not terminated by a semicolon. Character reference in attribute contains an invalid character (=). The specified item has not been found. The encoding operation (either encoded or decoding) failed. Doctype unexpected character after the name detected. Invalid character in the public identifier detected. Invalid character in the doctype detected. Invalid character in the system identifier detected. The doctype tag is misplaced and ignored. The given doctype tag is invalid. Doctype encountered unexpected character. The doctype tag is missing. The given public identifier for the notation declaration is invalid. The given system identifier for the notation declaration is invalid. The type declaration is missing a valid definition. A required quantifier is missing in the provided expression. The double quotation marks have been misplaced. The single quotation marks have been misplaced. The attribute's name contains an invalid character. The attribute's value contains an invalid character. The beginning of a new attribute has been expected. The attribute has already been added. The given tag must be placed in head tag. The given tag is not appropriate for the current position. The given tag cannot end at the current position. The given tag cannot start at the current position. The given form cannot be placed at the current position. The given input cannot be placed at the current position. The closing tag and the currently open tag do not match. The given end tag does not match the current node. This position does not support a linebreak (LF, FF). The head tag can only be placed once inside the html tag. The html tag can only be placed once as the root element. The body tag can only be placed once inside the html tag. The image tag has been named image instead of img. Tables cannot be nested. An illegal element has been detected in a table. Select elements cannot be nested. An illegal element has been detected in a select. The frameset element has been misplaced. Headings cannot be nested. Anchor elements cannot be nested. The given token cannot be inserted here. The current node is not the root element. The current node is the root element. This tag is invalid in fragment mode. There is already an open form. The form has been closed wrong. The body has been closed wrong. An expected formatting element has not been found. Exception that is thrown if an ill-formatted HTML document is parsed in strict mode. Creates a new HtmlParseException. The provided error code. The associated error message. The position in the source. Gets the position of the error. Gets the provided error code. Defines the different tokenization content models. Initial state: Parsed Character Data (characters will be parsed). Optional state: Raw character data (characters will be parsed from a special table). Optional state: Just plain text data (chracters will be parsed matching the given ones). Optional state: Rawtext data (characters will not be parsed). Optional state: Script data. Creates an instance of the HTML parser front-end. Fired when the HTML parser is starting. Fired when the HTML parser is finished. Fired when a HTML parse error is encountered. Creates a new parser with the default options and context. Creates a new parser with the custom options. The options to use. Creates a new parser with the custom context. The context to use. Creates a new parser with the custom options and the given context. The options to use. The context to use. Gets the specified options. Parses the string and returns the result. Parses the string and returns the result. Parses the stream and returns the result. Parses the string asynchronously with option to cancel. Parses the stream asynchronously with option to cancel. Extensions for the IHtmlParser instances. Parses the string asynchronously. Parses the stream asynchronously. Populates the given document asynchronously. Contains a number of options for the HTML parser. Gets or sets if the document is embedded. Gets or sets if frames should not be supported. Once set this will ignore frame elements and respect noframes elements. Gets or sets if scripting is allowed. Gets or sets if errors should be treated as exceptions. Gets or sets if XML processing instructions should be parsed into DOM nodes. Gets or sets if references to the original source document should be kept on the elements in form of their tokens. Gets or sets if the parsing of character references should be avoided. Note: With this option there is no way to determine from AngleSharp what character references have been fully valid vs. invalid. Gets or sets the callback once a new element was created. Performs the tokenization of the source code. Follows the tokenization algorithm at: Fired in case of a parse error. See 8.2.4 Tokenization The source code manager. The entity resolver to use. Gets or sets if CDATA sections are accepted. Gets or sets if character references should be avoided. Gets or sets the current parse mode. Gets or sets if strict mode is used. Gets or sets if XML processing instructions should be parsed into DOM nodes. Gets the next available token. The next available token. See Data state The next input character. See PLAINTEXT state The next input character. See RCDATA state The next input character. See RCDATA less-than sign state The next input character. See RCDATA end tag name state The next input character. See RAWTEXT state The next input character. See RAWTEXT less-than sign state The next input character. See RAWTEXT end tag name state The next input character. See CDATA section state The next input character. See Tokenizing character references The next input character. The additionally allowed character if there is one. See Tag open state The next input character. See End tag open state The next input character. See Tag name state The current tag token. See Self-closing start tag state The current tag token. See Markup declaration open state The next input character. See Bogus comment state The current character. See Comment start state The next input character. See Comment start dash state The next input character. See Comment state The next input character. See Comment end dash state The next input character. See Comment end state The next input character. See Comment end bang state The next input character. See DOCTYPE state The next input character. See Before DOCTYPE name state The next input character. See DOCTYPE name state The current doctype token. See After DOCTYPE name state The current doctype token. See After DOCTYPE public keyword state The current doctype token. See Before DOCTYPE public identifier state The current doctype token. See DOCTYPE public identifier (double-quoted) state The current doctype token. See DOCTYPE public identifier (single-quoted) state The current doctype token. See After DOCTYPE public identifier state The current doctype token. See Between DOCTYPE public and system identifiers state The current doctype token. See After DOCTYPE system keyword state The current doctype token. See Before DOCTYPE system identifier state The current doctype token. See DOCTYPE system identifier (double-quoted) state The current doctype token. See DOCTYPE system identifier (single-quoted) state The current doctype token. See After DOCTYPE system identifier state The current doctype token. See Bogus DOCTYPE state The current doctype token. An enumation of all possible tokens. The DOCTYPE token. The start tag token to mark open tags. The end tag token to mark ending tags. The comment tag to mark comments. The character token to mark a character data. The End-Of-File token to mark the end. Possible insertation mode values. Initial insertation mode. Before the html tag insertation mode. Before the head tag insertation mode. Within the head tag insertation mode. Within the head tag in a noscript section. After the head tag insertation mode. Within the body tag insertation mode. Within some text area insertation mode. Within a table tag insertation mode. Within the table caption tag. Within the column group tag. Within the table body tag. Within a table row tag. Within a table division tag. Within a select tag insertation mode. Within a select tag in a table. Within the template tag. After the body tag. Within the frameset tag. After the frameset tag. After the after the body tag. Once we are far behind the frameset tag. Represents the interface of an HTML parser. Parses the string and returns the result. Parses the stream and returns the result. Parses the string and returns the result. Parses the string asynchronously. Parses the stream asynchronously. Populates the given HTML document asynchronously. Extensions to access the underying tokenizer. Performs the tokenization on the given text source. The source of the tokenization. The custom entity provider, if any. The error handler to be used, if any. A stream of consumed tokens. The token representation of an HTML tag attribute. Creates a new attribute token using the provided information. The start position of the attribute's name. The name of the attribute. The value of the attribute. Gets the attribute's name. Gets the attribute's value. Gets the position of the token. The DOCTYPE token. Creates a new DOCTYPE token with the quirks mode set initially. The state of the force-quirks flag. The token's position. Gets or sets the state of the force-quirks flag. Gets the state of the public identifier. Gets the state of the system identifier. Gets or sets the value of the public identifier. Gets or sets the value of the system identifier. Gets if the given doctype token represents a limited quirks mode state. Gets if the given doctype token represents a full quirks mode state. Gets the status if the given doctype token matches one of the popular conditions. Class for StartTagToken and EndTagToken. Sets the default values. The type of the tag token. The token's position. Creates a new HTML TagToken with the defined name. The type of the tag token. The token's position. The name of the tag. Creates a new opening HtmlTagToken for the given name. The name of the tag. The new HTML tag token. Creates a new closing HtmlTagToken for the given name. The name of the tag. The new HTML tag token. Gets or sets the state of the self-closing flag. Gets the list of attributes. Adds a new attribute to the list of attributes. The value will be set to an empty string. The name of the attribute. The starting position of the attribute. Adds a new attribute to the list of attributes. The name of the attribute. The value of the attribute. Sets the value of the last added attribute. The value to set. Gets the value of the attribute with the given name or an empty string if the attribute is not available. The name of the attribute. The value of the attribute. The abstract base class of top-level HTML tokens. Creates a new HTML token. The exact type of the token. The token's text position. The optional name of the token, if any. Gets if the character data contains actually a non-space character. True if the character data contains space character. Gets or sets the name of a tag token. Gets if the character data is empty (null or length equal to zero). True if the character data is actually NULL or empty. Gets the data of the comment or character token. Gets the position of the token. Gets if the token can be used with IsHtmlTIP properties. Gets if the given token is a SVG root start tag. Gets if the token can be used with IsMathMLTIP properties. Gets the type of the token. Indicates that this comment token is a processing instruction. Removes all ignorable characters from the beginning. The trimmed characters. Removes the a new line in the beginning, if any. Converts the current token to a tag token. The tag token instance. Finds out if the current token is a start tag token with the given name. The name of the tag. True if the token is indeed a start tag token with the given name, otherwise false. Represents the an HTML5 markup formatter with inserted indents. Creates a new instance of the pretty markup formatter. Gets or sets the indentation string. Gets or sets the newline string. Represents a useful helper for dealing with source sets. Parses the given srcset attribute into an enumeration of candidates. The value of the srcset attribute. The iterator yielding the various candidates. Gets the promising candidates from the given srcset using the provided sizes. The value of the srcset attribute. The value of the sizes attribute. An iterator of the different URLs yielding matching images. Represents a srcset image candidate. The URL of the given image. The descriptor of the given image. Describes the various validation errors. No errors. The required value is missing. The inferred type is not correct. The given pattern is not matched. The value is too long. The value is too short. The given value is too small. The given value is too large. The discrete step is not matched. The input was classified as invalid. A custom error appeared. Represents the browsing context interface. Gets the current window proxy. Gets or sets the currently active document. Gets the session history of the given browsing context. Gets the sandboxing flag of the context. Gets the parent of the current context, if any. If a parent is available, then the current context contains only embedded documents. Gets the document that created the current context, if any. The creator is the active document of the parent at the time of creation. Gets the original services for the browsing context. Gets an instance of the given service. The type of service to resolve. The instance of the service or null. Gets all registered instances of the given service. The type of service to resolve. An enumerable with all service instances. Creates a new browsing context with the given name, instructed by the specified document. The name of the new context. The sandboxing flag to use. The created browsing context. Tries to find a browsing context with the given name. The name of the context. A context with the name, otherwise null. Represents the interface for a general setup of AngleSharp or a particular AngleSharp request. Gets an enumeration over the available services. Allows basic serialization. Writes the serialization of the node guided by the formatter. The output target of the serialization. The formatter to use. Basic interface for HTML node serialization. Formats the given text. The text to sanatize. The formatted text. Emits the text literally. The text to return. The contained text. Formats the given comment. The comment to stringify. The formatted comment. Formats the given processing instruction using the target and the data. The processing instruction to stringify. The formatted processing instruction. Formats the given doctype using the name, public and system identifiers. The document type to stringify. The formatted doctype. Formats opening a tag with the given name. The element to open. Is the element actually self-closing? The formatted opening tag. Formats closing a tag with the given name. The element to close. Is the element actually self-closing? The formatted closing tag. Represents the base class for all loaders. Creates a new resource loader. The context to use. The optional request filter to use. Gets the maximum number of redirects. By default this is 50. Adds the download to the active downloads. The download to add. Removes the download from the active downloads. The download to remove. Gets the cookie string for the given URL. The requested URL. The associated cookie string, if any. Sets the cookie string for the given URL. The requested URL. The value of the cookie. Starts downloading the request. The request data. The request's originator. The active download. Gets the active downloads. The enumerable over all active downloads. Loads the given URI by using an asynchronous request. The data of the request to send. The cancellation token to use.. The task which will eventually return the response. Creates a new request based on the existing request and given response. The previous request. The response to the previous request. The new request to issue. Represents a useful abstraction for requesters. Fired when a request is starting. Fired when a request is finished. Performs an asynchronous request that can be cancelled. The options to consider. The token for cancelling the task. The task that will eventually give the response data. Checks if the given protocol is supported. The protocol to check for, e.g. http. True if the protocol is supported, otherwise false. Performs the actual request asynchronously. The options to consider. The token for cancelling the task. The task resulting in the response. Represents the arguments to perform a fetch with CORS. Creates a new CORS enabled request. The original request. Gets the original request to perform. Gets or sets the CORS settings to use. Gets or sets the behavior in case of no CORS. Gets or sets the integrity provider, if any. CORS settings attributes (see 2.6.6). The default (missing) value. Cross-origin CORS requests for the element will have the omit credentials flag set. Cross-origin CORS requests for the element will not have the omit credentials flag set Represents the default document loader. This class can be inherited. Creates a new document loader. The context to use. The optional request filter to use. Loads the data for the request asynchronously. The issued request. The active download. The default (ready-to-use) HTTP requester. Constructs a default HTTP requester with the information presented in the info object. The user-agent name to use, if any. An optional setup function for the HttpWebRequest object. Gets the used headers. Gets or sets the timeout value. Checks if the given protocol is supported. The protocol to check for, e.g. http. True if the protocol is supported, otherwise false. Performs an asynchronous http request that can be cancelled. The options to consider. The token for cancelling the task. The task that will eventually give the response data. Dirty workaround to re-obtain the string representation of the cookie for the set-cookie header. Uses the internal ToServerString method and falls back to the ordinary ToString. Dirty dirty workaround since the webrequester itself is already quite stupid, but the one here (for the PCL) is really not the way things should be programmed ... Sets properties of the special headers (described here which are not accessible (in general) in this profile (profile78). However, usually they are here and can be modified with reflection. If not they are not set. The name of the property. The value of the property, which will be set. Represents the default resource loader. This class can be inherited. Creates a new resource loader. The context to use. The optional request filter to use. Loads the data for the request asynchronously. The issued request. The active download. The default HTTP response encapsulation object. Creates a new default response object. Gets or sets the status code of the response. Gets or sets the url of the response. Gets or sets the headers (key-value pairs) of the response. Gets or sets a stream for content of the response. Represents the arguments to load a document. Creates a new document request for the given url. The resource's url. Creates a GET request for the given target from the optional source node and optional referer string. The target to use. The optional source of the request. The optional referrer string. The new document request. Creates a POST request for the given target with the provided body and encoding type from the optional source node and optional referer string. The target to use. The body of the request. The type of the request's body. The optional source of the request. The optional referrer string. The new document request. Creates a POST request for the given target with the fields being used to generate the body and encoding type plaintext. The target to use. The fields to send. The new document request. Creates a POST request for the given target with the fields being used to generate the body and encoding type url encoded. The target to use. The fields to send. The new document request. Gets or sets the source of the request, if any. Gets the target of the request. Gets or sets the referrer of the request, if any. The name is intentionally spelled wrong, to emphasize the relationship with the HTTP header. Gets or sets the method to use. Gets or sets the stream of the request's body. Gets or sets the mime-type to use, if any. Gets a list of headers (key-values) that should be used. Represents a binary large object. Gets the length of the blob. Gets the mime-type of the blob. Gets if the stream to the blob is closed. Gets the stream to the file. Slices a subset of the blob into a another blob. The start of the slicing in bytes. The end of the slicing in bytes. The mime-type of the new blob. A new blob with this blob's subset. Closes the stream to the blob. Represents a concrete file. Gets the file's name. Gets the last modified date of the file. Represents a list of files. Gets the file at the specified index. The index of the file. The file at the provided index. Gets the number of files in the list. Adds a file to the list. The file to add. Removes a file from the list. The file to remove. True if the file was part of the list, otherwise false. Resets the list of file entries. Represents a container for file entries captured by the file upload field. Represents a download in progress. The collection of (known / used) header names. Tells all caching mechanisms from server to client or vice-versa whether they may cache this object. It is measured in seconds. e.g. Cache-Control: no-cache e.g. Cache-Control: max-age=3600 Options that are desired for the connection, e.g. Connection: keep-alive e.g. Connection: close The length of the request/response body in octets (8-bit bytes), e.g. Content-Length: 348 A Base64-encoded binary MD5 sum of the content of the response, e.g. Content-MD5: Q2hlY2sgSW50ZWdyaXR5IQ== The MIME type of this content (only used with POST / PUT methods), e.g. Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded e.g. Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 The date and time that the message was sent, e.g. Date: Tue, 15 Nov 1994 08:12:31 GMT Implementation-specific headers that may have various effects anywhere along the request-response chain, e.g. Pragma: no-cache Informs the client or server of proxies through which the response or request was sent, e.g. Via: 1.0 fred, 1.1 (Apache/1.1) A general warning about possible problems with the entity body, e.g. Warning: 199 Miscellaneous warning Content-Types that are acceptable for the response, e.g. Accept: text/plain Character sets that are acceptable, e.g. Accept-Charset: utf-8 List of acceptable encodings. See HTTP compression, e.g. Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate List of acceptable human languages for response, e.g. Accept-Language: en-US Acceptable version in time, e.g. Accept-Datetime: Thu, 31 May 2007 20:35:00 GMT Authentication credentials for HTTP authentication, e.g. Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ== An HTTP cookie previously sent by the server with Set-Cookie, e.g. Cookie: $Version=1; Skin=new; Indicates that particular server behaviors are required by the client, e.g. Expect: 100-continue The email address of the user making the request, e.g. From: The domain name of the server (for virtual hosting), and the TCP port number on which the server is listening. The port number may be omitted if the port is the standard port for the service requested. Mandatory since HTTP/1.1. Although domain name are specified as case-insensitive, it is not specified whether the contents of the Host field should be interpreted in a case-insensitive manner and in practice some implementations of virtual hosting interpret the contents of the Host field in a case-sensitive manner, e.g. Host: Only perform the action if the client supplied entity matches the same entity on the server. This is mainly for methods like PUT to only update a resource if it has not been modified since the user last updated it, e.g. If-Match: "737060cd8c284d8af7ad3082f209582d" Allows a 304 Not Modified to be returned if content is unchanged, e.g. If-Modified-Since: Sat, 29 Oct 1994 19:43:31 GMT Allows a 304 Not Modified to be returned if content is unchanged, e.g. If-None-Match: "737060cd8c284d8af7ad3082f209582d" If the entity is unchanged, send me the part(s) that I am missing; otherwise, send me the entire new entity, e.g. If-Range: "737060cd8c284d8af7ad3082f209582d" Only send the response if the entity has not been modified since a specific time, e.g. If-Unmodified-Since: Sat, 29 Oct 1994 19:43:31 GMT Limit the number of times the message can be forwarded through proxies or gateways, e.g. Max-Forwards: 10 Initiates a request for cross-origin resource sharing (asks server for an 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' response header), e.g. Origin: Authorization credentials for connecting to a proxy, e.g. Proxy-Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ== Request only part of an entity. Bytes are numbered from 0, e.g. Range: bytes=500-999 This is the address of the previous web page from which a link to the currently requested page was followed. (The word referrer is misspelled in the RFC as well as in most implementations.), e.g. Referer: The transfer encodings the user agent is willing to accept: the same values as for the response header Transfer-Encoding can be used, plus the "trailers" value (related to the "chunked" transfer method) to notify the server it expects to receive additional headers (the trailers) after the last, zero-sized, chunk, e.g. TE: trailers, deflate Ask the server to upgrade to another protocol, e.g. Upgrade: HTTP/2.0, SHTTP/1.3, IRC/6.9, RTA/x11 The user agent string of the user agent, e.g. User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:12.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/21.0 Specifying which web sites can participate in cross-origin resource sharing, e.g. Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * What partial content range types this server supports, e.g. Accept-Ranges: bytes The age the object has been in a proxy cache in seconds, e.g. Age: 12 Valid actions for a specified resource. To be used for a 405 Method not allowed, e.g. Allow: GET, HEAD The type of encoding used on the data, e.g. Content-Encoding: gzip The language the content is in, e.g. Content-Language: da An alternate location for the returned data, e.g. Content-Location: /index.htm An opportunity to raise a "File Download" dialog box for a known MIME type with binary format or suggest a filename for dynamic content. Quotes are necessary with special characters, e.g. Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="fname.ext" Where in a full body message this partial message belongs, e.g. Content-Range: bytes 21010-47021/47022 An identifier for a specific version of a resource, often a message digest, e.g. ETag: "737060cd8c284d8af7ad3082f209582d" Gives the date/time after which the response is considered stale, e.g. Expires: Thu, 01 Dec 1994 16:00:00 GMT The last modified date for the requested object, in RFC2822 format, e.g. Last-Modified: Tue, 15 Nov 1994 12:45:26 +0000 Used to express a typed relationship with another resource, where the relation type is defined by RFC5988, e.g. Link: </feed>; rel="alternate" Used in redirection, or when a new resource has been created, e.g. Location: This header is supposed to set P3P policy, in the form of P3P:CP="your_compact_policy". However, P3P did not take off, most browsers have never fully implemented it, a lot of websites set this header with fake policy text, that was enough to fool browsers the existence of P3P policy and grant permissions for third party cookies, e.g. P3P: CP="This is not a P3P policy! See ... for more info." Request authentication to access the proxy, e.g. Proxy-Authenticate: Basic Used in redirection, or when a new resource has been created. This refresh redirects after 5 seconds, e.g. Refresh: 5; url= If an entity is temporarily unavailable, this instructs the client to try again after a specified period of time (in seconds), e.g. Retry-After: 120 A name for the server, e.g. Server: Apache/2.4.1 (Unix) An HTTP cookie, e.g. Set-Cookie: UserID=JohnDoe; Max-Age=3600; Version=1 The HTTP status of the response. "Status" is not listed as a registered header. The "Status-Line" of a "Response" is defined by RFC2616 without any explicit Status: header name, e.g. Status: 200 OK A HSTS Policy informing the HTTP client how long to cache the HTTPS only policy and whether this applies to subdomains, e.g. Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=16070400; includeSubDomains The Trailer general field value indicates that the given set of header fields is present in the trailer of a message encoded with chunked transfer-coding, e.g. Trailer: Max-Forwards The form of encoding used to safely transfer the entity to the user. Currently defined methods are: chunked, compress, deflate, gzip, identity, e.g. Transfer-Encoding: chunked Tells downstream proxies how to match future request headers to decide whether the cached response can be used rather than requesting a fresh one from the origin server, e.g. Vary: * Indicates the authentication scheme that should be used to access the requested entity, e.g. WWW-Authenticate: Basic Represents the usable methods for transmitting HTTP forms. The GET method. The POST method. The PUT method. The DELETE method. The OPTIONS method. The HEAD method. The TRACE method. The CONNECT method. Defines methods to retrieve and store cookies. Gets the cookie value of the given address. The origin of the cookie. The value of the cookie. Sets the cookie value for the given address. The origin of the cookie. The value of the cookie. Interface used to handle top-level document requests. These requests include navigation tasks. Performs an asynchronous request that can be cancelled. The options to consider. The download instance to track. Basic contract for a currently active download. Gets the target of the download. Gets the originator of the download, if any. Defines the methods to perform an integrity check. Checks if the given content satisfies the provided integrity attribute. The content to hash. The value of the integrity attribute. True if integrity is preserved, otherwise false. The interface implemented by elements that may load resources. Gets the current download or resource, if any. Represents the basic interface for all loaders. Gets the currently active downloads. The downloads in progress. Defines the required methods any requester object must have. Checks if the given protocol is supported. The protocol to check for, e.g. http. True if the protocol is supported, otherwise false. Performs an asynchronous request that can be cancelled. The options to consider. The token for cancelling the task. The task that will eventually give the response data. Fired when a request is starting. Fired when a request is finished. Interface used to handle resource requests for a document. These requests include, but are not limited to, media, script and styling resources. Performs an asynchronous request that can be cancelled. The options to consider. The task that will eventually give the resource's response data. Specifies what is stored when receiving data. Gets the status code that has been send with the response. Gets the url of the response. Gets the headers that have been send with the response. Gets the content that has been send with the response. Options for the loader. Gets or sets if navigation is enabled. By default it is enabled. Gets or sets if resource loading is enabled. By default it is disabled. Gets or sets the filter, if any. Represents the default cookie service. This class can be inherited. Creates a new cookie service for non-persistent cookies. Gets the associated cookie container. Gets the cookie value of the given address. The origin of the cookie. The value of the cookie. Sets the cookie value for the given address. The origin of the cookie. The value of the cookie. Represents an Internet media type. Creates a new MIME type. The serialized value. Gets the content part, i.e. everything without the parameters. Gets the general type. Gets the media type, if specified. Gets the suffix, if any. Gets an iterator over all integrated keys. Returns the value of the parameter with the specified key. The parameter's key. The value of the parameter or null. Returns the string representation of the MIME type. The currently stored MIME type. Compares the MIME types without considering their parameters. The type to compare to. True if both types are equal, otherwise false. Compares to the other object. It has to be a MIME type. The object to compare to. True if both objects are equal, otherwise false. Computes the hash code for the MIME type. The computed hash code. Runs the Equals method from a with b. The first MIME type. The MIME type to compare to. True if both are equal, otherwise false. Runs the negated Equals method from a with b. The first MIME type. The MIME type to compare to. True if both are not equal, otherwise false. Contains a list of common mime-types. Gets the mime type from a file extension ".ext". The extension (starting with a dot). The mime-type of the given extension. Gets some extension ".ext" from a MIME type. The mime-type of the given extension. An extension (starting with a dot) or an empty string. Gets the mime-type for HTML text: text/html. Gets the mime-type for a PNG image: image/png. Gets the mime-type for plain text: text/plain. Gets the mime-type for XML text: text/xml. Gets the mime-type for SVG text: image/svg+xml. Gets the mime-type for a cascading style sheet: text/css. Gets the default mime-type for JavaScript scripts: text/javascript. Gets the mime-type for JSON text: application/json. Gets the mime-type for XML applications: application/xml. Gets the mime-type for XHTML / XML text: application/xhtml+xml. Gets the mime-type for raw binary data: application/octet-stream. Gets the mime-type for a form: application/x-www-form-urlencoded. Gets the mime-type for multipart form data: multipart/form-data. Checks if the given mime-type is one of the JavaScript variants. The type to check for. True if it is a legal JavaScript mime-type, otherwise false. Checks if the given mime-type is equivalent to the provided string representation. The type to check for. THe string representation. True if both (type and representation) are equivalent, else false. The default origin behavior states. Data is gathered. Data is discarded in NO CORS. Contains a collection of default ports. Gets the default port for the given protocol, if the protocol is a relative scheme protocol. The protocol to get the port for. The string representing the default port, or null, if the protocol is not known. Basic implementation of a request processor. Creates a new request processor. Gets the status if downloads can be created. Gets the associated download. Processes the given request asynchronously. Processes the response. Finishes the download. Fetches the given request with CORS. Cancels the current download, if any. Checks if the given target is different than the current download. For more information, see: Represents a request processor. Gets the current download, if any. Starts processing the given request by cancelling the current download if any. The new request. The task handling the request. See the following link for more infos: Contains the known protocol names. The Hypertext Transfer Protocol. The Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure. The File Transfer Protocol. The pseudo JavaScript protocol. The pseudo Data protocol. The pseudo Mailto protocol. The pseudo File protocol. The WebSocket protocol. The WebSocket Secure protocol. The Telnet protocol. The Secure Shell protocol. The legacy gopher protocol. The binary large object protocol. Checks if the given protocol (without a colon in the end) is following a relative scheme. The protocol to examine. True if the protocol is a relative scheme, otherwise false. Checks if the given protocol (without a colon in the end) is suitable for deriving the origin. The protocol to examine. True if the protocol is suited for origin, otherwise false. The default HTTP request encapsulation type. Creates a new default requests. Gets or sets the method that should be used. Gets or sets the address should be requested. Gets or sets a list of headers (key-values) that should be used. Gets or sets a stream to the content (positioned at the origin). Useful extensions for IRequester objects. Checks if the status code corresponds to a redirected response. The given status code. True if the status code hints redirection, otherwise false. Performs a potentially CORS-enabled fetch from the given URI by using an asynchronous GET request. For more information see: The resource loader to use. The CORS request to issue. The active download. Represents the arguments to load a resource. Creates a new resource request for the given url. The request's source. The resource's url. Gets the source of the request. Gets the target of the request. Gets or sets the origin of the request, if any. Gets or sets if the manual redirect flag is active. Gets or sets if the force same origin flag is active. Gets or sets if the omit credentials flag is active. Gets or sets if the block cookies flag is active. Represents some useful extensions for the response. Gets the content-type from the response's headers. The default type is derived from the file extension of the path, if any. The response to examine. The provided or default content-type. Gets the content-type from the response's headers. The response to examine. The default type to apply. The provided or default content-type. The virtual response class. Creates a new virtual response. The request callback. The resulted response. Sets the location of the response to the given url. The imaginary url of the response. The current instance. Sets the location of the response to the provided address. The string to use as an url. The current instance. Sets the location of the response to the uri's value. The Uri instance to convert. The current instance. Sets the value of the cookie associated with the response. The cookie's value. The current instance. Sets the status code. The status code to set. The current instance. Sets the status code by providing the integer value. The integer representing the code. The current instance. Sets the header with the given name and value. The header name to set. The value for the key. The current instance. Sets the headers with the name of the properties and their assigned values. The object to decompose. The current instance. Sets the headers with the name of the keys and their assigned values. The dictionary to use. The current instance. Sets the response's content from the provided string. The text to use as content. The current instance. Sets the response's content from the provided stream. The response's content stream. True to dispose afterwards. The current instance. Allows basic serialization. Writes the serialization of the node guided by the formatter. The output target of the serialization. The formatter to use. Basic interface for CSS node serialization. Concats the given rules to create the stylesheet serialization. The rules to aggregate. The serialization of the sheet. Creates the serialization of a declaration with the given name, value and important flag. The name of the declaration. The value of the declaration. The value of the important flag. The serialization of the declaration. Creates the serialization of the declarations with the provided string representations. The declarations to aggregate. The serialization of the declarations. Converts the name and value of the provided rule to a simple rule. The name of the simple rule. The value of the simple rule. The serialization of the simple rule. Converts the name, prelude and rules of the provided rule to a composed rule. The name of the nested rule. The optional prelude. The serialization of the nested rules. The serialization of the nested rule. Concats the given rules to create a block serialization. The rules to aggregate. The serialization of the CSS rule block. Creates a serialization of a comment with the provided data. The data of the comment. The serialization of the comment. The annotation-xml math element. Represents an element of the MathML DOM. The mi math element. The mn math element. The mo math element. The math string element. The mtext math element. Provides string to MathElement instance creation mappings. Returns a specialized MathMLElement instance for the given tag. The document that owns the element. The given tag name. The prefix of the element, if any. The optional flags, if any. The specialized MathMLElement instance. Represents an audio track. Gets the id of the audio track. Gets the kind of audio track. Gets the label of the track. Gets the language of the track. Gets or sets if the track is enabled. Represents a list of audio tracks. Gets the number of tracks. Gets the track at the given index. The 0-based track index. The track at the position. Gets the track with the specified id. The HTML id of the track. The track with the given id, if any. Event triggered after changing contents. Event triggered after adding a track. Event triggered after removing a track. Represents the canvas rendering context. More information is available at the WHATWG homepage: Gets the associated canvas element. Gets or sets the width of the canvas. Gets or sets the height of the canvas. Push state on state stack. Pop state stack and restore state. The MediaController for controlling a media. Gets the currently buffered time range. Gets the currently seekable time range. Gets the currently played time range. Gets the duration of the controlled media. Gets or sets the current time of the controlled media. Gets or sets the default playback rate. Gets or sets the current playback rate. Gets or sets the volume of the controlled media. Gets or sets if the controlled media is muted. Gets if the media is currently paused. Plays the underlying media. Pauses the underlying media. Gets the current ready state of the media. Gets the current playback state of the contained media. Event triggered after being emptied. Event triggered after the meta data has been received. Event triggered after the data has been loaded. Event triggered when the media can be played. Event triggered when the media can be fully played. Event triggered after the media ended. Event triggered when waiting for input. Event triggered when the media cursor changed. Event triggered after the time updated. Event triggered after the media paused. Event triggered after the media started. Event triggered before the media started. Event triggered after the rate changed. Event triggered after the volume changed. Stores information about media errors. Gets the code that represents the media error. Represents the typedef for any rendering context. This is shown is the base interface for all rendering contexts. Gets the ID of the rendering context. Gets if the context's bitmap mode is fixed. Gets the bound host of the context. Converts the current data to the given image format. The type of the image format. The raw content bytes of the image. Represents a service for creating rendering contexts. Checks if the given context is supported. The ID of the context. True if the context is supported, otherwise false. Creates the given context or returns null, if this is not possible. The host the context. The ID of the context. The instance of the rendering context. Information about a text track. Gets the text track kind of the text track. Gets the text track label of the text track. Gets the text track language of the text track. Gets or sets the mode of the text track. Gets the available text cues. Gets the active text cues. Adds another cue to the text track. The cue to add. Removes a cue from the text track. The cue that should be removed. Event triggered after a cue has changed. Represents a text track cue. Gets the text track cue identifier. Gets the assigned track for this cue. Gets or sets the text track cue start time, in seconds. Gets or sets the text track cue end time, in seconds. Gets or sets the text track cue pause-on-exit flag. Gets or sets a string representing the text track cue writing direction, as follows. If it is horizontal: The empty string. If it is vertical growing left: The string "rl". If it is vertical growing right: The string "lr". Gets or sets the text track cue snap-to-lines flag. Gets or sets the text track cue line position. In the case of the value being auto, the string "auto" is returned. Gets or sets the text track cue text position. Gets or sets the text track cue size. Gets or sets a string representing the text track cue alignment, as follows. If it is start alignment: the string "start". If it is middle alignment: the string "middle". If it is end alignment: the string "end". If it is left alignment: the string "left". If it is right alignment: the string "right". Gets or sets the text track cue text in raw unparsed form. Returns the text track cue text as a DocumentFragment of HTML elements and other DOM nodes. The document fragment. Event triggered after entering. Event triggered after exiting. Contains a list of text cues. Gets the number of cues. Gets the cue at the given index. The 0-based cue index. The cue at the position. Gets the cue with the specified id. The HTML id of the cue. The cue with the given id, if any. Represents a list of text tracks. Gets the number of tracks. Gets the track at the given index. The 0-based track index. The track at the position. Event triggered after adding a track. Event triggered after removing a track. Represents a media time range. Gets the length of the range in frames. Returns the time offset at which a specified time range begins. The range number to return the starting time for. The time offset. Returns the time offset at which a specified time range ends. The range number to return the ending time for. The time offset. Represents an video track. Gets the id of the video track. Gets the kind of video track. Gets the label of the track. Gets the language of the track. Gets or sets if the track is selected. Represents a list of video tracks. Gets the number of tracks. Gets the currently selected index. Gets the track at the given index. The 0-based track index. The track at the position. Gets the track with the specified id. The HTML id of the track. The track with the given id, if any. Event triggered after changing contents. Event triggered after adding a track. Event triggered after removing a track. An enumeration over the various playback states. Waiting for the media to be ready. Playing the current media. The media has already finished playing. Enumeration with the various media error codes. The transfer has been aborted. The network is unreachable. The decoding process failed. The source format is not supported. An enumeration of possible network states. The element has not yet been initialized. Everything is in initial state. The element's resource selection alg. is active. No network usage at the moment, but nothing loaded. The download is in progress. The element's resource selection alg. is active, but has not yet found a resource to use. An enumeration of media ready states. No information is available. Enough information obtained such that the duration of the resource is available. Data for immediate playback is available, but not enough to advance. Enough data for the current and further positions are available. All conditions are met and playback should immediately execute. The modes of a text track. The text track is disabled. The text track is hidden. The text track is actually shown. Contains information about a sound file. Contains information about an image file. Gets the width of the image. Gets the height of the image. Contains information about a media resource. Gets the controller responsible for the media. Contains information about a general object file. Gets the width of the object. Gets the height of the object. Specifies general resource information. Gets the source of the resource. Represents a service to create a specific resource handler. Checks if the given type is supported. The type of the resource. True if the type is supported, otherwise false. Tries to create an inspector for the given resource. The response that contains the stream to the resource. The token for cancelling the task. A task that finishes with an inspector for the resource. Contains information about a video file. Gets the width of the video. Gets the height of the video. Extensions for ensuring code portability. Defines the API of an available engine for running scripts provided in the code. Checks if the given type is supported. The type of the script. True if the type is supported, otherwise false. Evaluates a script for the given response asynchronously. The response with the stream representing the source of the script. The options with the parameters for invoking the script. The cancellation token. The task evaluating the script. Transport object for running scripts. Creates new script options for the given document. The document to use. The event loop to use. Gets the event loop for the executing script. Gets the parent document of the executing script. Gets or sets the script element that triggered the invocation. Gets or sets the encoding that has been selected for the script. Represents the circle element of the SVG DOM. Represents the desc element of the SVG DOM. Represents an element of the SVG DOM. Represents the foreign object element of the SVG DOM. Represents the svg element of the SVG DOM. Represents the title element of the SVG DOM. Represents the circle SVG element. Represents the desc SVG element. The SVGElement interface represents any SVG element. Some elements directly implement this interface, other implement it via an interface that inherit it. Represents the foreignobject SVG element. Represents the svg SVG element. Represents the title SVG element. Provides string to SVGElement instance creation mappings. Returns a specialized SVGElement instance for the given tag name. The document that owns the element. The given tag name. The prefix of the element, if any. The optional flags, if any. The specialized SVGElement instance. Useful methods for chars. Converts a given character from the hex representation (0-9A-Fa-f) to an integer. The character to convert. The integer value or undefined behavior if invalid. Transforms the given number to a hexadecimal string. The number (0-255). A 2 digit upper case hexadecimal string. Transforms the given character to a hexadecimal string. The single character. A minimal digit lower case hexadecimal string. Determines if the given character is in the given range. The character to examine. The lower bound of the range. The upper bound of the range. The result of the test. Determines if the given character is allowed as-it-is in queries. The character to examine. The result of the test. Determines if the given character is allowed as-it-is in paths. The character to examine. The result of the test. Determines if the given character is a uppercase character (A-Z) as specified here: The character to examine. The result of the test. Determines if the given character is a lowercase character (a-z) as specified here: The character to examine. The result of the test. Determines if the given character is a alphanumeric character (0-9a-zA-z) as specified here: The character to examine. The result of the test. Determines if the given character is a hexadecimal (0-9a-fA-F) as specified here: The character to examine. The result of the test. Gets if the character is actually a non-ascii character. The character to examine. The result of the test. Gets if the character is actually a non-printable (special) character. The character to examine. The result of the test. Gets if the character is actually a (A-Z,a-z) letter. The character to examine. The result of the test. Gets if the character is actually a name character. The character to examine. The result of the test. Determines if the given character is a valid character for starting an identifier. The character to examine. The result of the test. Determines if the given character is a line break character as specified here: The character to examine. The result of the test. Determines if the given character is a space character as specified here: The character to examine. The result of the test. Determines if the given character is a white-space character as specified here: The character to examine. The result of the test. Determines if the given character is a digit (0-9) as specified here: The character to examine. The result of the test. Determines if the given character is a valid url code point as specified here: The character to examine. The result of the test. Determines if the given character is invalid, i.e. zero, above the max. codepoint or in an invalid range. The character to examine. The result of the test. Determines if the given character is one of the two others. The character to test. The first option. The second option. The result of the test. Determines if the given character is one of the three others. The character to test. The first option. The second option. The third option. The result of the test. Determines if the given character is one of the four others. The character to test. The first option. The second option. The third option. The fourth option. The result of the test. Represents a Punycode encoding helper class. A list of available punycode character mappings. Encodes the given text using Punycode. Provides a pool of used / recycled resources. Gets or sets the maximum number of instances - at least 1. Gets or sets the max. capacity per instance - at least 85000. Either creates a fresh stringbuilder or gets a (cleaned) used one. A stringbuilder to use. Returns the given stringbuilder to the pool and gets the current string content. The stringbuilder to recycle. The string that is created in the stringbuilder. Useful methods for string objects. Checks if the given string has a certain character at a specific index. The index is optional (default is 0). The value to examine. The character to look for. The index of the character. True if the value has the char, otherwise false. Retrieves a string describing the compatibility mode of the given quirksmode. A specific quriks mode. The compatibility string. Transforms the given string to lower case by the HTML specification. The string to be transformed. The resulting string. Converts the given value to a sandbox flag. The value to convert. Should full screen be allowed? The sandbox flag. Converts the given value to an enumeration value (or not). The value to convert. The default value to consider (optional). The converted enum value. Converts the given value to a double (or not). The value to convert. The default value to consider (optional). The converted double. Converts the given value to an integer (or not). The value to convert. The default value to consider (optional). The converted integer. Converts the given value to an unsigned integer (or not). The value to convert. The default value to consider (optional). The converted unsigned integer. Converts the given value to a boolean (or not). The value to convert. The default value to consider (optional). The converted boolean. Replaces the first occurance of the string search with replace. The text to use. The string to search for. The one-time replacement string. The result of the search-and-replace. Collapses and strips all spaces in the given string. The string to collapse and strip. The modified string with collapsed and stripped spaces. Collapses all spaces in the given string. The string to collapse. The modified string with collapsed spaces. Examines if a the given list of string contains a certain element. The list of strings. The element to search for. The default comparison to use. The status of the check. Checks if two strings are exactly equal. The current string. The other string. True if both are equal, false otherwise. Checks if two strings are equal when viewed case-insensitive. The current string. The other string. True if both are equal, false otherwise. Examines if the given element is equal to one of the given elements. The element to check for equality. The first item to compare to. The second item to compare to. True if the element is equal to one of the elements, otherwise false. Examines if the given element is equal to one of the given elements. The element to check for equality. The first item to compare to. The second item to compare to. The third item to compare to. True if the element is equal to one of the elements, otherwise false. Examines if the given element is equal to one of the given elements. The element to check for equality. The first item to compare to. The second item to compare to. The third item to compare to. The fourth item to compare to. True if the element is equal to one of the elements, otherwise false. Examines if the given element is equal to one of the given elements. The element to check for equality. The first item to compare to. The second item to compare to. The third item to compare to. The fourth item to compare to. The fifth item to compare to. True if the element is equal to one of the elements, otherwise false. Strips all line breaks from the given string. The string to examine. A new string, which excludes the line breaks. Strips all leading and trailing space characters from the given string. The string to examine. A new string, which excludes the leading and tailing spaces. Strips all leading and trailing space characters from the given char array. The array of characters to examine. A new string, which excludes the leading and tailing spaces. Splits the string with the given char delimiter. The string to examine. The delimiter character. The list of tokens. Splits the char array with the given char delimiter. The char array to examine. The delimiter character. The list of tokens. Splits the string on commas. The string to examine. The list of tokens. Checks if the provided string starts with the given value, either by exactly matching it, or by comparing against the start including an additional dash character. The string to examine. The value to check against. The string comparison mode. True if the string is exactly equal to or starts with the given value. Splits the string on space characters. The string to examine. The list of tokens. Splits the string with the given char delimiter and trims the leading and tailing spaces. The string to examine. The delimiter character. The list of tokens. Converts the given string to an integer. The hexadecimal representation. The integer number. Converts the given string to an integer. The decimal representation. The integer number. Replaces characters in names and values that cannot be expressed by using the given encoding with &#...; base-10 unicode point. The value to sanatize. The encoding to consider. The sanatized value. Serializes the string to a CSS string. The value to serialize. The CSS string representation. Creates a CSS function from the string with the given argument. The CSS function name. The CSS function argument. The CSS function string. Replaces characters in names and values that should not be in URL values. Replaces the bytes 0x20 (U+0020 SPACE if interpreted as ASCII) with a single 0x2B byte ("+" (U+002B) character if interpreted as ASCII). If a byte is not in the range 0x2A, 0x2D, 0x2E, 0x30 to 0x39, 0x41 to 0x5A, 0x5F, 0x61 to 0x7A, it is replaced with its hexadecimal value (zero-padded if necessary), starting with the percent sign. The content to encode. The encoded value. Decodes the provided percent encoded string. An exception is thrown in case of an invalid input value. The value to decode. The decoded content. Replaces every occurrence of a "CR" (U+000D) character not followed by a "LF" (U+000A) character, and every occurrence of a "LF" (U+000A) character not preceded by a "CR" (U+000D) character, by a two-character string consisting of a U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN "CRLF" (U+000A) character pair. The value to normalize. The normalized string. Converts the current string to one of the encoding types. The string to convert. The valid encoding type string or null. Converts the current string to one of the form methods. The string to convert. The valid form method string or null. A string abstraction for micro parsers. Creates a new string source from the given content. Gets the current character. Gets if the content has been fully scanned. Gets the current index. Gets the underlying content. Advances by one character and returns the character. The next character. Goes back by one character and returns the character. The previous character. Extensions for the string source helper. Skips all spaces starting at the current character. Goes back n characters. Goes back n characters. Gets the upcoming character without advancing. Contains useful information from the specification. The end of file marker (Char.MaxValue). The tilde character ( ~ ). The pipe character ( | ). The null character. The ampersand character ( & ). The number sign character ( # ). The dollar sign character ( $ ). The semicolon sign ( ; ). The asterisk character ( * ). The equals sign ( = ). The plus sign ( + ). The dash ( hypen minus, - ) character. The comma character ( , ). The full stop ( . ). The circumflex accent ( ^ ) character. The commercial at ( @ ) character. The opening angle bracket ( LESS-THAN-SIGN ). The closing angle bracket ( GREATER-THAN-SIGN ). The single quote / quotation mark ( ' ). The (double) quotation mark ( " ). The (curved) quotation mark ( ` ). The question mark ( ? ). The tab character. The line feed character. The carriage return character. The form feed character. The space character. The slash (solidus, /) character. The no break space character. The backslash ( reverse-solidus, \ ) character. The colon ( : ) character. The exclamation mark ( ! ) character. The replacement character in case of errors. The low line ( _ ) character. The round bracket open ( ( ) character. The round bracket close ( ) ) character. The square bracket open ( [ ) character. The square bracket close ( ] ) character. The curly bracket open ( { ) character. The curly bracket close ( } ) character. The percent ( % ) character. The maximum allowed codepoint (defined in Unicode). Various HTML encoding helpers. Gets the UTF-8 encoding. Gets the UTF-16 (Big Endian) encoding. Gets the UTF-16 (Little Endian) encoding. Gets the UTF-32 (Little Endian) encoding. Gets the UTF-32 (Little Endian) encoding. Gets the chinese government standard encoding. Gets the Big5 encoding. Gets the Windows-874 encoding. Gets the Windows-1250 encoding. Gets the Windows-1251 encoding. Gets the Windows-1252 encoding. Gets the Windows-1253 encoding. Gets the Windows-1254 encoding. Gets the Windows-1255 encoding. Gets the Windows-1256 encoding. Gets the Windows-1257 encoding. Gets the Windows-1258 encoding. Gets the iso-8859-2 encoding. Gets the iso-8859-53 encoding. Gets the iso-8859-4 encoding. Gets the iso-8859-5 encoding. Gets the iso-8859-13 encoding. Gets the US-ASCII encoding. Gets the ks_c_5601-1987 encoding. Checks if the provided encoding is any UTF-16 encoding. The encoding to check. The result of the check (UTF-16BE, UTF-16LE). Tries to extract the encoding from the given http-equiv content string. The value of the attribute. The extracted encoding or null if the encoding is invalid. Detects if a valid encoding has been found in the given charset string. The parsed charset string. True if a valid encdoing has been found, otherwise false. Resolves an Encoding instance given by the charset string. If the desired encoding is not found (or supported), then UTF-8 will be returned. The charset string. An instance of the Encoding class or null. The position in the source code. An empty position (0, 0, 0). Creates a new text position. The line of the character. The column of the character. The index of the character. Gets the line within the document. The line is 1-based, so the first line has value 1. Gets the column within the document. The column is 1-based, so the first column has value 1. Gets the position within the source. The position is 1-based, so the first character is at position 1. Gets the index within the source. The index is 0-based, so the first character is at index 0. Returns a new text position that includes the given offset. The number of columns to shift. The new text position. Returns a new text position that is after the given character. The character to analyze. The new text position. Returns a new text position that is after the given string. The string to analyze. The new text position. Returns a string representation of the position in the text. A string that contains the contained line and column. Returns the hash code for this instance. An integer that is the hash code for this instance. Indicates whether this instance and a specified object are equal. The object to compare with the current instance. True if the given object is a text position with the same values, otherwise false. Indicates whether the current position is equal to the given position. An object to compare with this object. True if the given position has the same values, otherwise false. Compares the two positions by their absolute positions in the text source. The first operand. The second operand. True if the position of the first operand is greater than the second operand. Compares the two positions by their absolute positions in the text source. The first operand. The second operand. True if the position of the first operand is less than the second operand. Compares the current position with another position. The position to compare to. A mathematical representation of the relation (1 = greater, -1 = less, 0 = equal). The positional range in the source code. Creates a new text range. The start of the range. The end of the range. Gets the start position of the range. Gets the end position of the range. Returns a string representation of the range in the text. A string that contains the start and end positions. Returns the hash code for this instance. An integer that is the hash code for this instance. Indicates whether this instance and a specified object are equal. The object to compare with the current instance. True if the given object is a text position with the same values, otherwise false. Indicates whether the current range is equal to the given range. An object to compare with this object. True if the given range has the same start and end position, otherwise false. Compares the two ranges by their positions in the text source. The first operand. The second operand. True if the start position of the first operand is greater than the end position of the second operand. Compares the two ranges by their positions in the text source. The first operand. The second operand. True if the end position of the first operand is less than the start position of the second operand. Compares the current range with another range. The range to compare to. A mathematical representation of the relation (1 = greater, -1 = less, 0 = equal). A stream abstraction to handle encoding and more. Creates a new text source from a string. No underlying stream will be used. The data source. Creates a new text source from a string. The underlying stream is used as an unknown data source. The underlying stream as data source. The initial encoding. Otherwise UTF-8. Gets the full text buffer. Gets the character at the given position in the text buffer. The index of the character. The character. Gets the length of the text buffer. Gets or sets the encoding to use. Gets or sets the current index of the insertation and read point. Disposes the text source by freeing the underlying stream, if any. Reads the next character from the buffer or underlying stream, if any. The next character. Reads the upcoming numbers of characters from the buffer or underlying stream, if any. The number of characters to read. The string with the next characters. Prefetches the number of bytes by expanding the internal buffer. The number of bytes to prefetch. The cancellation token. The awaitable task. Prefetches the whole stream by expanding the internal buffer. The cancellation token. The awaitable task. Inserts the given content at the current insertation mark. Moves the insertation mark. The content to insert. Represents a view on a particular source code. Creates a new text view for the given range. Gets the start and end of the text view. Gets the text associated with this view. Useful helpers for the XML parser. Determines if the given character is a legal character for the public id field: The character to examine. The result of the test. Determines if the given character is a legal name start character for XML. The character to examine. The result of the test. Determines if the given character is a name character for XML. The character to examine. The result of the test. Determines if the given string is a valid (local or qualified) name. The string to examine. The result of the test. Determines if the given string is a valid qualified name. The string to examine. The result of the test. Checks if the given char is a valid character. The char to examine. True if the char would indeed be valid. Checks if the given integer would be a valid character. The integer to examine. True if the integer would indeed be valid. Represents an Url class according to RFC3986. This is the base for all internal Url manipulation. Creates a new Url from the given string. The address to represent. Creates a new absolute Url from the relative Url with the given base address. The base address to use. The relative address to represent. Creates a new Url by copying the other Url. The address to copy. Creates an Url from an absolute url transported in a string. The address to use. The new Url. Creates an Url from an url transported in an Uri. The url to use. The new Url. Gets the origin of the stored url. Gets if the URL parsing resulted in an error. Gets if the stored url is relative. Gets if the stored url is absolute. Gets or sets the username for authorization. Gets or sets the password for authorization. Gets the additional stored data of the URL. This is data that could not be assigned. Gets or sets the fragment. Gets or sets the host, e.g. "localhost:8800" or "". Gets or sets the host name, e.g. "localhost" or "". Gets or sets the hyper reference, i.e. the full path. Gets or sets the pathname, e.g. "mypath". Gets or sets the port, e.g. "8800". Gets or sets the protocol, e.g. "http". Gets or sets the query. Serves as the default hash function. A hash code for the current url. Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. The object to compare with the current object. True if the object is equal to the current object, otherwise false. Determines whether the specified url is equal to the current object. The url to compare with the current one. True if the given url is equal to the current url, otherwise false. Converts the given Url to an Uri. The Url to convert. The Uri instance. Returns a string that represents the current url. The currently stored url. Returns the string representation of the current location. The string that equals the hyper reference. Represents the standard XHTML markup formatter. An instance of the XhtmlMarkupFormatter. Creates the string representation of the attribute. The attribute to serialize. The string representation. Escapes the given text by replacing special characters with their XHTML entity (amp, nbsp as numeric value, lt, and gt). The string to alter. The altered string. Gets the local name using the XML namespace prefix if required. The name to be properly represented. The string representation.