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<member name="T:Flurl.GeneratedExtensions">
Fluent URL-building extension methods on String and Uri.
<member name="M:Flurl.GeneratedExtensions.AppendPathSegment(System.String,System.Object,System.Boolean)">
Creates a new Url object from the string and appends a segment to the URL path, ensuring there is one and only one '/' character as a separator.
<param name="url">This URL.</param>
<param name="segment">The segment to append</param>
<param name="fullyEncode">If true, URL-encodes reserved characters such as '/', '+', and '%'. Otherwise, only encodes strictly illegal characters (including '%' but only when not followed by 2 hex characters).</param>
<returns>A new Flurl.Url object.</returns>
<member name="M:Flurl.GeneratedExtensions.AppendPathSegments(System.String,System.Object[])">
Appends multiple segments to the URL path, ensuring there is one and only one '/' character as a separator.
<param name="url">This URL.</param>
<param name="segments">The segments to append</param>
<returns>A new Flurl.Url object.</returns>
<member name="M:Flurl.GeneratedExtensions.AppendPathSegments(System.String,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.Object})">
Appends multiple segments to the URL path, ensuring there is one and only one '/' character as a separator.
<param name="url">This URL.</param>
<param name="segments">The segments to append</param>
<returns>A new Flurl.Url object.</returns>
<member name="M:Flurl.GeneratedExtensions.RemovePathSegment(System.String)">
Removes the last path segment from the URL.
<param name="url">This URL.</param>
<returns>A new Flurl.Url object.</returns>
<member name="M:Flurl.GeneratedExtensions.RemovePath(System.String)">
Removes the entire path component of the URL.
<param name="url">This URL.</param>
<returns>A new Flurl.Url object.</returns>
<member name="M:Flurl.GeneratedExtensions.SetQueryParam(System.String,System.String,System.Object,Flurl.NullValueHandling)">
Creates a new Url object from the string and adds a parameter to the query, overwriting the value if name exists.
<param name="url">This URL.</param>
<param name="name">Name of query parameter</param>
<param name="value">Value of query parameter</param>
<param name="nullValueHandling">Indicates how to handle null values. Defaults to Remove (any existing)</param>
<returns>A new Flurl.Url object.</returns>
<member name="M:Flurl.GeneratedExtensions.SetQueryParam(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Boolean,Flurl.NullValueHandling)">
Creates a new Url object from the string and adds a parameter to the query, overwriting the value if name exists.
<param name="url">This URL.</param>
<param name="name">Name of query parameter</param>
<param name="value">Value of query parameter</param>
<param name="isEncoded">Set to true to indicate the value is already URL-encoded. Defaults to false.</param>
<param name="nullValueHandling">Indicates how to handle null values. Defaults to Remove (any existing).</param>
<returns>A new Flurl.Url object.</returns>
<member name="M:Flurl.GeneratedExtensions.SetQueryParam(System.String,System.String)">
Creates a new Url object from the string and adds a parameter without a value to the query, removing any existing value.
<param name="url">This URL.</param>
<param name="name">Name of query parameter</param>
<returns>A new Flurl.Url object.</returns>
<member name="M:Flurl.GeneratedExtensions.SetQueryParams(System.String,System.Object,Flurl.NullValueHandling)">
Creates a new Url object from the string, parses values object into name/value pairs, and adds them to the query, overwriting any that already exist.
<param name="url">This URL.</param>
<param name="values">Typically an anonymous object, ie: new { x = 1, y = 2 }</param>
<param name="nullValueHandling">Indicates how to handle null values. Defaults to Remove (any existing)</param>
<returns>A new Flurl.Url object.</returns>
<member name="M:Flurl.GeneratedExtensions.SetQueryParams(System.String,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String})">
Creates a new Url object from the string and adds multiple parameters without values to the query.
<param name="url">This URL.</param>
<param name="names">Names of query parameters.</param>
<returns>A new Flurl.Url object.</returns>
<member name="M:Flurl.GeneratedExtensions.SetQueryParams(System.String,System.String[])">
Creates a new Url object from the string and adds multiple parameters without values to the query.
<param name="url">This URL.</param>
<param name="names">Names of query parameters</param>
<returns>A new Flurl.Url object.</returns>
<member name="M:Flurl.GeneratedExtensions.RemoveQueryParam(System.String,System.String)">
Creates a new Url object from the string and removes a name/value pair from the query by name.
<param name="url">This URL.</param>
<param name="name">Query string parameter name to remove</param>
<returns>A new Flurl.Url object.</returns>
<member name="M:Flurl.GeneratedExtensions.RemoveQueryParams(System.String,System.String[])">
Creates a new Url object from the string and removes multiple name/value pairs from the query by name.
<param name="url">This URL.</param>
<param name="names">Query string parameter names to remove</param>
<returns>A new Flurl.Url object.</returns>
<member name="M:Flurl.GeneratedExtensions.RemoveQueryParams(System.String,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String})">
Creates a new Url object from the string and removes multiple name/value pairs from the query by name.
<param name="url">This URL.</param>
<param name="names">Query string parameter names to remove</param>
<returns>A new Flurl.Url object.</returns>
<member name="M:Flurl.GeneratedExtensions.RemoveQuery(System.String)">
Removes the entire query component of the URL.
<param name="url">This URL.</param>
<returns>A new Flurl.Url object.</returns>
<member name="M:Flurl.GeneratedExtensions.SetFragment(System.String,System.String)">
Set the URL fragment fluently.
<param name="url">This URL.</param>
<param name="fragment">The part of the URL after #</param>
<returns>A new Flurl.Url object.</returns>
<member name="M:Flurl.GeneratedExtensions.RemoveFragment(System.String)">
Removes the URL fragment including the #.
<param name="url">This URL.</param>
<returns>A new Flurl.Url object.</returns>
<member name="M:Flurl.GeneratedExtensions.ResetToRoot(System.String)">
Trims the URL to its root, including the scheme, any user info, host, and port (if specified).
<param name="url">This URL.</param>
<returns>A new Flurl.Url object.</returns>
<member name="M:Flurl.GeneratedExtensions.AppendPathSegment(System.Uri,System.Object,System.Boolean)">
Creates a new Url object from the string and appends a segment to the URL path, ensuring there is one and only one '/' character as a separator.
<param name="uri">This System.Uri.</param>
<param name="segment">The segment to append</param>
<param name="fullyEncode">If true, URL-encodes reserved characters such as '/', '+', and '%'. Otherwise, only encodes strictly illegal characters (including '%' but only when not followed by 2 hex characters).</param>
<returns>A new Flurl.Url object.</returns>
<member name="M:Flurl.GeneratedExtensions.AppendPathSegments(System.Uri,System.Object[])">
Appends multiple segments to the URL path, ensuring there is one and only one '/' character as a separator.
<param name="uri">This System.Uri.</param>
<param name="segments">The segments to append</param>
<returns>A new Flurl.Url object.</returns>
<member name="M:Flurl.GeneratedExtensions.AppendPathSegments(System.Uri,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.Object})">
Appends multiple segments to the URL path, ensuring there is one and only one '/' character as a separator.
<param name="uri">This System.Uri.</param>
<param name="segments">The segments to append</param>
<returns>A new Flurl.Url object.</returns>
<member name="M:Flurl.GeneratedExtensions.RemovePathSegment(System.Uri)">
Removes the last path segment from the URL.
<param name="uri">This System.Uri.</param>
<returns>A new Flurl.Url object.</returns>
<member name="M:Flurl.GeneratedExtensions.RemovePath(System.Uri)">
Removes the entire path component of the URL.
<param name="uri">This System.Uri.</param>
<returns>A new Flurl.Url object.</returns>
<member name="M:Flurl.GeneratedExtensions.SetQueryParam(System.Uri,System.String,System.Object,Flurl.NullValueHandling)">
Creates a new Url object from the string and adds a parameter to the query, overwriting the value if name exists.
<param name="uri">This System.Uri.</param>
<param name="name">Name of query parameter</param>
<param name="value">Value of query parameter</param>
<param name="nullValueHandling">Indicates how to handle null values. Defaults to Remove (any existing)</param>
<returns>A new Flurl.Url object.</returns>
<member name="M:Flurl.GeneratedExtensions.SetQueryParam(System.Uri,System.String,System.String,System.Boolean,Flurl.NullValueHandling)">
Creates a new Url object from the string and adds a parameter to the query, overwriting the value if name exists.
<param name="uri">This System.Uri.</param>
<param name="name">Name of query parameter</param>
<param name="value">Value of query parameter</param>
<param name="isEncoded">Set to true to indicate the value is already URL-encoded. Defaults to false.</param>
<param name="nullValueHandling">Indicates how to handle null values. Defaults to Remove (any existing).</param>
<returns>A new Flurl.Url object.</returns>
<member name="M:Flurl.GeneratedExtensions.SetQueryParam(System.Uri,System.String)">
Creates a new Url object from the string and adds a parameter without a value to the query, removing any existing value.
<param name="uri">This System.Uri.</param>
<param name="name">Name of query parameter</param>
<returns>A new Flurl.Url object.</returns>
<member name="M:Flurl.GeneratedExtensions.SetQueryParams(System.Uri,System.Object,Flurl.NullValueHandling)">
Creates a new Url object from the string, parses values object into name/value pairs, and adds them to the query, overwriting any that already exist.
<param name="uri">This System.Uri.</param>
<param name="values">Typically an anonymous object, ie: new { x = 1, y = 2 }</param>
<param name="nullValueHandling">Indicates how to handle null values. Defaults to Remove (any existing)</param>
<returns>A new Flurl.Url object.</returns>
<member name="M:Flurl.GeneratedExtensions.SetQueryParams(System.Uri,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String})">
Creates a new Url object from the string and adds multiple parameters without values to the query.
<param name="uri">This System.Uri.</param>
<param name="names">Names of query parameters.</param>
<returns>A new Flurl.Url object.</returns>
<member name="M:Flurl.GeneratedExtensions.SetQueryParams(System.Uri,System.String[])">
Creates a new Url object from the string and adds multiple parameters without values to the query.
<param name="uri">This System.Uri.</param>
<param name="names">Names of query parameters</param>
<returns>A new Flurl.Url object.</returns>
<member name="M:Flurl.GeneratedExtensions.RemoveQueryParam(System.Uri,System.String)">
Creates a new Url object from the string and removes a name/value pair from the query by name.
<param name="uri">This System.Uri.</param>
<param name="name">Query string parameter name to remove</param>
<returns>A new Flurl.Url object.</returns>
<member name="M:Flurl.GeneratedExtensions.RemoveQueryParams(System.Uri,System.String[])">
Creates a new Url object from the string and removes multiple name/value pairs from the query by name.
<param name="uri">This System.Uri.</param>
<param name="names">Query string parameter names to remove</param>
<returns>A new Flurl.Url object.</returns>
<member name="M:Flurl.GeneratedExtensions.RemoveQueryParams(System.Uri,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String})">
Creates a new Url object from the string and removes multiple name/value pairs from the query by name.
<param name="uri">This System.Uri.</param>
<param name="names">Query string parameter names to remove</param>
<returns>A new Flurl.Url object.</returns>
<member name="M:Flurl.GeneratedExtensions.RemoveQuery(System.Uri)">
Removes the entire query component of the URL.
<param name="uri">This System.Uri.</param>
<returns>A new Flurl.Url object.</returns>
<member name="M:Flurl.GeneratedExtensions.SetFragment(System.Uri,System.String)">
Set the URL fragment fluently.
<param name="uri">This System.Uri.</param>
<param name="fragment">The part of the URL after #</param>
<returns>A new Flurl.Url object.</returns>
<member name="M:Flurl.GeneratedExtensions.RemoveFragment(System.Uri)">
Removes the URL fragment including the #.
<param name="uri">This System.Uri.</param>
<returns>A new Flurl.Url object.</returns>
<member name="M:Flurl.GeneratedExtensions.ResetToRoot(System.Uri)">
Trims the URL to its root, including the scheme, any user info, host, and port (if specified).
<param name="uri">This System.Uri.</param>
<returns>A new Flurl.Url object.</returns>
<member name="T:Flurl.NullValueHandling">
Describes how to handle null values in query parameters.
<member name="F:Flurl.NullValueHandling.NameOnly">
Set as name without value in query string.
<member name="F:Flurl.NullValueHandling.Remove">
Don't add to query string, remove any existing value.
<member name="F:Flurl.NullValueHandling.Ignore">
Don't add to query string, but leave any existing value unchanged.
<member name="T:Flurl.QueryParamCollection">
Represents a URL query as a collection of name/value pairs. Insertion order is preserved.
<member name="M:Flurl.QueryParamCollection.#ctor(System.String)">
Returns a new instance of QueryParamCollection
<param name="query">Optional query string to parse.</param>
<member name="M:Flurl.QueryParamCollection.ToString">
Returns serialized, encoded query string. Insertion order is preserved.
<member name="M:Flurl.QueryParamCollection.ToString(System.Boolean)">
Returns serialized, encoded query string. Insertion order is preserved.
<member name="M:Flurl.QueryParamCollection.Add(System.String,System.Object,System.Boolean,Flurl.NullValueHandling)">
Appends a query parameter. If value is a collection type (array, IEnumerable, etc.), multiple parameters are added, i.e. x=1&amp;x=2.
To overwrite existing parameters of the same name, use AddOrReplace instead.
<param name="name">Name of the parameter.</param>
<param name="value">Value of the parameter. If it's a collection, multiple parameters of the same name are added.</param>
<param name="isEncoded">If true, assume value(s) already URL-encoded.</param>
<param name="nullValueHandling">Describes how to handle null values.</param>
<member name="M:Flurl.QueryParamCollection.AddOrReplace(System.String,System.Object,System.Boolean,Flurl.NullValueHandling)">
Replaces existing query parameter(s) or appends to the end. If value is a collection type (array, IEnumerable, etc.),
multiple parameters are added, i.e. x=1&amp;x=2. If any of the same name already exist, they are overwritten one by one
(preserving order) and any remaining are appended to the end. If fewer values are specified than already exist,
remaining existing values are removed.
<param name="name">Name of the parameter.</param>
<param name="value">Value of the parameter. If it's a collection, multiple parameters of the same name are added/replaced.</param>
<param name="isEncoded">If true, assume value(s) already URL-encoded.</param>
<param name="nullValueHandling">Describes how to handle null values.</param>
<member name="M:Flurl.QueryParamCollection.Remove(System.String)">
Removes all query parameters of the given name.
<member name="M:Flurl.QueryParamCollection.Clear">
Clears all query parameters from this collection.
<member name="M:Flurl.QueryParamCollection.GetEnumerator">
<inheritdoc />>
<member name="P:Flurl.QueryParamCollection.Count">
<inheritdoc />>
<member name="P:Flurl.QueryParamCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
<inheritdoc />>
<member name="M:Flurl.QueryParamCollection.FirstOrDefault(System.String)">
<inheritdoc />>
<member name="M:Flurl.QueryParamCollection.TryGetFirst(System.String,System.Object@)">
<inheritdoc />>
<member name="M:Flurl.QueryParamCollection.GetAll(System.String)">
<inheritdoc />>
<member name="M:Flurl.QueryParamCollection.Contains(System.String)">
<inheritdoc />>
<member name="M:Flurl.QueryParamCollection.Contains(System.String,System.Object)">
<inheritdoc />>
<member name="T:Flurl.QueryParamValue">
Represents a query parameter value with the ability to track whether it was already encoded when created.
<member name="T:Flurl.Url">
A mutable object for fluently building and parsing URLs.
<member name="P:Flurl.Url.Scheme">
The scheme of the URL, i.e. "http". Does not include ":" delimiter. Empty string if the URL is relative.
<member name="P:Flurl.Url.UserInfo">
i.e. "user:pass" in "https://user:pass@www.site.com". Empty string if not present.
<member name="P:Flurl.Url.Host">
i.e. "www.site.com" in "https://www.site.com:8080/path". Does not include user info or port.
<member name="P:Flurl.Url.Port">
Port number of the URL. Null if not explicitly specified.
<member name="P:Flurl.Url.Authority">
i.e. "www.site.com:8080" in "https://www.site.com:8080/path". Includes both user info and port, if included.
<member name="P:Flurl.Url.Root">
i.e. "https://www.site.com:8080" in "https://www.site.com:8080/path" (everything before the path).
<member name="P:Flurl.Url.Path">
i.e. "/path" in "https://www.site.com/path". Empty string if not present. Leading and trailing "/" retained exactly as specified by user.
<member name="P:Flurl.Url.PathSegments">
The "/"-delimited segments of the path, not including leading or trailing "/" characters.
<member name="P:Flurl.Url.Query">
i.e. "x=1&amp;y=2" in "https://www.site.com/path?x=1&amp;y=2". Does not include "?".
<member name="P:Flurl.Url.QueryParams">
Query parsed to name/value pairs.
<member name="P:Flurl.Url.Fragment">
i.e. "frag" in "https://www.site.com/path?x=y#frag". Does not include "#".
<member name="P:Flurl.Url.IsRelative">
True if URL does not start with a non-empty scheme. i.e. true for "https://www.site.com", false for "//www.site.com".
<member name="P:Flurl.Url.IsSecureScheme">
True if Url is absolute and scheme is https or wss.
<member name="M:Flurl.Url.#ctor(System.String)">
Constructs a Url object from a string.
<param name="baseUrl">The URL to use as a starting point.</param>
<member name="M:Flurl.Url.#ctor(System.Uri)">
Constructs a Url object from a System.Uri.
<param name="uri">The System.Uri (required)</param>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="uri"/> is <see langword="null" />.</exception>
<member name="M:Flurl.Url.Parse(System.String)">
Parses a URL string into a Flurl.Url object.
<member name="M:Flurl.Url.ParseQueryParams(System.String)">
Parses a URL query to a QueryParamCollection.
<param name="query">The URL query to parse.</param>
<member name="M:Flurl.Url.ParsePathSegments(System.String)">
Splits the given path into segments, encoding illegal characters, "?", and "#".
<param name="path">The path to split.</param>
<member name="M:Flurl.Url.AppendPathSegment(System.Object,System.Boolean)">
Appends a segment to the URL path, ensuring there is one and only one '/' character as a separator.
<param name="segment">The segment to append</param>
<param name="fullyEncode">If true, URL-encodes reserved characters such as '/', '+', and '%'. Otherwise, only encodes strictly illegal characters (including '%' but only when not followed by 2 hex characters).</param>
<returns>the Url object with the segment appended</returns>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="segment"/> is <see langword="null" />.</exception>
<member name="M:Flurl.Url.AppendPathSegments(System.Object[])">
Appends multiple segments to the URL path, ensuring there is one and only one '/' character as a seperator.
<param name="segments">The segments to append</param>
<returns>the Url object with the segments appended</returns>
<member name="M:Flurl.Url.AppendPathSegments(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.Object})">
Appends multiple segments to the URL path, ensuring there is one and only one '/' character as a seperator.
<param name="segments">The segments to append</param>
<returns>the Url object with the segments appended</returns>
<member name="M:Flurl.Url.RemovePathSegment">
Removes the last path segment from the URL.
<returns>The Url object.</returns>
<member name="M:Flurl.Url.RemovePath">
Removes the entire path component of the URL, including the leading slash.
<returns>The Url object.</returns>
<member name="M:Flurl.Url.SetQueryParam(System.String,System.Object,Flurl.NullValueHandling)">
Adds a parameter to the query, overwriting the value if name exists.
<param name="name">Name of query parameter</param>
<param name="value">Value of query parameter</param>
<param name="nullValueHandling">Indicates how to handle null values. Defaults to Remove (any existing)</param>
<returns>The Url object with the query parameter added</returns>
<member name="M:Flurl.Url.SetQueryParam(System.String,System.String,System.Boolean,Flurl.NullValueHandling)">
Adds a parameter to the query, overwriting the value if name exists.
<param name="name">Name of query parameter</param>
<param name="value">Value of query parameter</param>
<param name="isEncoded">Set to true to indicate the value is already URL-encoded</param>
<param name="nullValueHandling">Indicates how to handle null values. Defaults to Remove (any existing)</param>
<returns>The Url object with the query parameter added</returns>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="name"/> is <see langword="null" />.</exception>
<member name="M:Flurl.Url.SetQueryParam(System.String)">
Adds a parameter without a value to the query, removing any existing value.
<param name="name">Name of query parameter</param>
<returns>The Url object with the query parameter added</returns>
<member name="M:Flurl.Url.SetQueryParams(System.Object,Flurl.NullValueHandling)">
Parses values (usually an anonymous object or dictionary) into name/value pairs and adds them to the query, overwriting any that already exist.
<param name="values">Typically an anonymous object, ie: new { x = 1, y = 2 }</param>
<param name="nullValueHandling">Indicates how to handle null values. Defaults to Remove (any existing)</param>
<returns>The Url object with the query parameters added</returns>
<member name="M:Flurl.Url.SetQueryParams(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String})">
Adds multiple parameters without values to the query.
<param name="names">Names of query parameters.</param>
<returns>The Url object with the query parameter added</returns>
<member name="M:Flurl.Url.SetQueryParams(System.String[])">
Adds multiple parameters without values to the query.
<param name="names">Names of query parameters</param>
<returns>The Url object with the query parameter added.</returns>
<member name="M:Flurl.Url.RemoveQueryParam(System.String)">
Removes a name/value pair from the query by name.
<param name="name">Query string parameter name to remove</param>
<returns>The Url object with the query parameter removed</returns>
<member name="M:Flurl.Url.RemoveQueryParams(System.String[])">
Removes multiple name/value pairs from the query by name.
<param name="names">Query string parameter names to remove</param>
<returns>The Url object.</returns>
<member name="M:Flurl.Url.RemoveQueryParams(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String})">
Removes multiple name/value pairs from the query by name.
<param name="names">Query string parameter names to remove</param>
<returns>The Url object with the query parameters removed</returns>
<member name="M:Flurl.Url.RemoveQuery">
Removes the entire query component of the URL.
<returns>The Url object.</returns>
<member name="M:Flurl.Url.SetFragment(System.String)">
Set the URL fragment fluently.
<param name="fragment">The part of the URL after #</param>
<returns>The Url object with the new fragment set</returns>
<member name="M:Flurl.Url.RemoveFragment">
Removes the URL fragment including the #.
<returns>The Url object with the fragment removed</returns>
<member name="M:Flurl.Url.ResetToRoot">
Resets the URL to its root, including the scheme, any user info, host, and port (if specified).
<returns>The Url object trimmed to its root.</returns>
<member name="M:Flurl.Url.Reset">
Resets the URL to its original state as set in the constructor.
<member name="M:Flurl.Url.Clone">
Creates a copy of this Url.
<member name="M:Flurl.Url.ToString(System.Boolean)">
Converts this Url object to its string representation.
<param name="encodeSpaceAsPlus">Indicates whether to encode spaces with the "+" character instead of "%20"</param>
<member name="M:Flurl.Url.ToString">
Converts this Url object to its string representation.
<member name="M:Flurl.Url.ToUri">
Converts this Url object to System.Uri
<returns>The System.Uri object</returns>
<member name="M:Flurl.Url.op_Implicit(Flurl.Url)~System.String">
Implicit conversion from Url to String.
<param name="url">The Url object</param>
<returns>The string</returns>
<member name="M:Flurl.Url.op_Implicit(System.String)~Flurl.Url">
Implicit conversion from String to Url.
<param name="url">The String representation of the URL</param>
<returns>The string</returns>
<member name="M:Flurl.Url.op_Implicit(System.Uri)~Flurl.Url">
Implicit conversion from System.Uri to Flurl.Url.
<returns>The string</returns>
<member name="M:Flurl.Url.Equals(System.Object)">
True if obj is an instance of Url and its string representation is equal to this instance's string representation.
<param name="obj">The object to compare to this instance.</param>
<member name="M:Flurl.Url.GetHashCode">
Returns the hashcode for this Url.
<member name="M:Flurl.Url.Combine(System.String[])">
Basically a Path.Combine for URLs. Ensures exactly one '/' separates each segment,
and exactly on '&amp;' separates each query parameter.
URL-encodes illegal characters but not reserved characters.
<param name="parts">URL parts to combine.</param>
<member name="M:Flurl.Url.Decode(System.String,System.Boolean)">
Decodes a URL-encoded string.
<param name="s">The URL-encoded string.</param>
<param name="interpretPlusAsSpace">If true, any '+' character will be decoded to a space.</param>
<member name="M:Flurl.Url.Encode(System.String,System.Boolean)">
URL-encodes a string, including reserved characters such as '/' and '?'.
<param name="s">The string to encode.</param>
<param name="encodeSpaceAsPlus">If true, spaces will be encoded as + signs. Otherwise, they'll be encoded as %20.</param>
<returns>The encoded URL.</returns>
<member name="M:Flurl.Url.EncodeIllegalCharacters(System.String,System.Boolean)">
URL-encodes characters in a string that are neither reserved nor unreserved. Avoids encoding reserved characters such as '/' and '?'. Avoids encoding '%' if it begins a %-hex-hex sequence (i.e. avoids double-encoding).
<param name="s">The string to encode.</param>
<param name="encodeSpaceAsPlus">If true, spaces will be encoded as + signs. Otherwise, they'll be encoded as %20.</param>
<returns>The encoded URL.</returns>
<member name="M:Flurl.Url.IsValid(System.String)">
Checks if a string is a well-formed absolute URL.
<param name="url">The string to check</param>
<returns>true if the string is a well-formed absolute URL</returns>
<member name="T:Flurl.Util.CommonExtensions">
CommonExtensions for objects.
<member name="M:Flurl.Util.CommonExtensions.ToKeyValuePairs(System.Object)">
Returns a key-value-pairs representation of the object.
For strings, URL query string format assumed and pairs are parsed from that.
For objects that already implement IEnumerable&lt;KeyValuePair&gt;, the object itself is simply returned.
For all other objects, all publicly readable properties are extracted and returned as pairs.
<param name="obj">The object to parse into key-value pairs</param>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="obj"/> is <see langword="null" />.</exception>
<member name="M:Flurl.Util.CommonExtensions.ToInvariantString(System.Object)">
Returns a string that represents the current object, using CultureInfo.InvariantCulture where possible.
Dates are represented in IS0 8601.
<member name="M:Flurl.Util.CommonExtensions.SplitOnFirstOccurence(System.String,System.String)">
Splits at the first occurrence of the given separator.
<param name="s">The string to split.</param>
<param name="separator">The separator to split on.</param>
<returns>Array of at most 2 strings. (1 if separator is not found.)</returns>
<member name="M:Flurl.Util.CommonExtensions.Merge``2(System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary{``0,``1},System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary{``0,``1})">
Merges the key/value pairs from d2 into d1, without overwriting those already set in d1.
<member name="M:Flurl.Util.CommonExtensions.StripQuotes(System.String)">
Strips any single quotes or double quotes from the beginning and end of a string.
<member name="M:Flurl.Util.CommonExtensions.IsIP(System.String)">
True if the given string is a valid IPv4 address.
<member name="T:Flurl.Util.INameValueListBase`1">
Defines common methods for INameValueList and IReadOnlyNameValueList.
<member name="M:Flurl.Util.INameValueListBase`1.FirstOrDefault(System.String)">
Returns the first Value of the given Name if one exists, otherwise null or default value.
<member name="M:Flurl.Util.INameValueListBase`1.TryGetFirst(System.String,`0@)">
Gets the first Value of the given Name, if one exists.
<returns>true if any item of the given name is found, otherwise false.</returns>
<member name="M:Flurl.Util.INameValueListBase`1.GetAll(System.String)">
Gets all Values of the given Name.
<member name="M:Flurl.Util.INameValueListBase`1.Contains(System.String)">
True if any items with the given Name exist.
<member name="M:Flurl.Util.INameValueListBase`1.Contains(System.String,`0)">
True if any item with the given Name and Value exists.
<member name="T:Flurl.Util.INameValueList`1">
Defines an ordered collection of Name/Value pairs where duplicate names are allowed but aren't typical.
<member name="M:Flurl.Util.INameValueList`1.Add(System.String,`0)">
Adds a new Name/Value pair.
<member name="M:Flurl.Util.INameValueList`1.AddOrReplace(System.String,`0)">
Replaces the first occurrence of the given Name with the given Value and removes any others,
or adds a new Name/Value pair if none exist.
<member name="M:Flurl.Util.INameValueList`1.Remove(System.String)">
Removes all items of the given Name.
<returns>true if any item of the given name is found, otherwise false.</returns>
<member name="T:Flurl.Util.IReadOnlyNameValueList`1">
Defines a read-only ordered collection of Name/Value pairs where duplicate names are allowed but aren't typical.
<member name="T:Flurl.Util.NameValueList`1">
An ordered collection of Name/Value pairs where duplicate names are allowed but aren't typical.
Useful for things where a dictionary would work great if not for those pesky edge cases (headers, cookies, etc).
<member name="M:Flurl.Util.NameValueList`1.#ctor(System.Boolean)">
Instantiates a new empty NameValueList.
<member name="M:Flurl.Util.NameValueList`1.#ctor(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.ValueTuple{System.String,`0}},System.Boolean)">
Instantiates a new NameValueList with the Name/Value pairs provided.
<member name="M:Flurl.Util.NameValueList`1.Add(System.String,`0)">
<inheritdoc />
<member name="M:Flurl.Util.NameValueList`1.AddOrReplace(System.String,`0)">
<inheritdoc />
<member name="M:Flurl.Util.NameValueList`1.Remove(System.String)">
<inheritdoc />
<member name="M:Flurl.Util.NameValueList`1.FirstOrDefault(System.String)">
<inheritdoc />
<member name="M:Flurl.Util.NameValueList`1.TryGetFirst(System.String,`0@)">
<inheritdoc />
<member name="M:Flurl.Util.NameValueList`1.GetAll(System.String)">
<inheritdoc />
<member name="M:Flurl.Util.NameValueList`1.Contains(System.String)">
<inheritdoc />
<member name="M:Flurl.Util.NameValueList`1.Contains(System.String,`0)">
<inheritdoc />