using System; using YoutubeExplode; using YoutubeExplode.Videos; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Text; using YoutubeExplode.Common; using YoutubeExplode.Playlists; using YoutubeExplode.Channels; namespace Tesses.YouTubeDownloader { public class VideoDownloadProgress { public SavedVideo Saved { get; set; } public Resolution Resolution {get;set;} public long Length { get; set; } public int Progress { get; set; } public double ProgressRaw { get; set; } } public class SavedVideoLegacy { public string Id {get;set;} public string Title {get;set;} public string AuthorChannelId {get;set;} public string AuthorTitle {get;set;} public string Description {get;set;} public string[] Keywords {get;set;} public long Likes {get;set;} public long Dislikes {get;set;} public long Views {get;set;} public double Duration {get;set;} public string UploadDate {get;set;} public List<(int,int,string)> Thumbnails {get;set;} public SavedVideo ToSavedVideo() { SavedVideo video=new SavedVideo(); video.Id=Id; video.Keywords=Keywords; video.LegacyVideo=true; video.Likes=Likes; video.Dislikes=Dislikes; video.Duration=TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Duration); video.Title=Title; video.AuthorChannelId=AuthorChannelId; video.AuthorTitle=AuthorTitle; video.Description=Description; video.UploadDate = DateTime.Parse(UploadDate); return video; } } public class SavedVideo { public SavedVideo() { Id = ""; Title = ""; AuthorChannelId = ""; AuthorTitle = ""; Description = ""; Keywords = new string[0]; Likes = 0; Dislikes = 0; Views = 0; Duration = TimeSpan.Zero; UploadDate=new DateTime(1992,8,20); AddDate=DateTime.Now; LegacyVideo=false; } public SavedVideo(Video video) { Id=video.Id; Title = video.Title; AuthorChannelId = video.Author.ChannelId; AuthorTitle = video.Author.ChannelTitle; Description = video.Description; Keywords=video.Keywords.ToArray(); Likes=video.Engagement.LikeCount; Dislikes = video.Engagement.DislikeCount; Views = video.Engagement.ViewCount; Duration = video.Duration.Value; UploadDate = video.UploadDate.DateTime; AddDate=DateTime.Now; LegacyVideo=false; } public bool LegacyVideo {get;set;} public SavedVideoLegacy ToLegacy() { SavedVideoLegacy legacy=new SavedVideoLegacy(); legacy.Thumbnails=new List<(int, int, string)>(); legacy.Thumbnails.Add((120,90,$"{Id}/default.jpg")); legacy.Thumbnails.Add((480,360,$"{Id}/hqdefault.jpg")); legacy.Thumbnails.Add((320,180,$"{Id}/mqdefault.jpg")); legacy.AuthorChannelId=AuthorChannelId; legacy.AuthorTitle=AuthorTitle; legacy.Description=Description; legacy.Dislikes=Dislikes; legacy.Duration=Duration.TotalSeconds; legacy.Id=Id; legacy.Likes=Likes; legacy.Title=Title; legacy.UploadDate=UploadDate.ToString(); legacy.Views=Views; return legacy; } public Video ToVideo() { List thumbnails=new List(); thumbnails.Add(new Thumbnail($"{Id}/default.jpg",new YoutubeExplode.Common.Resolution(120,90))); thumbnails.Add(new Thumbnail($"{Id}/hqdefault.jpg",new YoutubeExplode.Common.Resolution(480,360))); thumbnails.Add(new Thumbnail($"{Id}/mqdefault.jpg",new YoutubeExplode.Common.Resolution(320,180))); return new Video(Id,Title,new YoutubeExplode.Common.Author(AuthorChannelId,AuthorTitle),new DateTimeOffset(UploadDate),Description,Duration,thumbnails,Keywords.ToList(),new Engagement(Views,Likes,Dislikes)); } private static bool TimeSpanTryParse(string time,out TimeSpan ts) { ts=TimeSpan.Zero; if(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(time)) { return false; } int i=time.Count((e)=>{return e==':';}); if(i == 0) { int someNumber; if(int.TryParse(time,out someNumber)) { ts=TimeSpan.FromSeconds(someNumber); return true; } } if(i == 1) { string t="00:" + time; if(TimeSpan.TryParse(t,out ts)) { return true; } } return TimeSpan.TryParse(time,out ts); } public List GetChapters() { List chapters = new List(); //a line should start with time then be followed by info bool found_0 = false; foreach (var line in Description.Split(new char[] { '\n' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)) { string[] splitLine = line.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, 2); if (splitLine.Length == 2) { if (found_0) { TimeSpan time; if (TimeSpanTryParse(splitLine[0], out time)) { var ls=chapters.LastOrDefault(); if(ls !=null) { ls.Length = time - ls.Offset; } chapters.Add(new Chapter(time, splitLine[1])); } } else if (splitLine[0] == "0:00" || splitLine[0] == "00:00:00" || splitLine[0] == "0:00:00") { found_0 = true; chapters.Add(new Chapter(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0), splitLine[1])); } } } var ls2=chapters.LastOrDefault(); if(ls2 !=null) { ls2.Length = Duration - ls2.Offset; } return chapters; } public async Task VideoExistsAsync(TYTDBase baseCtl,Resolution res=Resolution.PreMuxed) { string resDir = TYTDManager.ResolutionToDirectory(res); string path=$"{resDir}/{Id}.mp4"; return await baseCtl.FileExistsAsync(path); } public DateTime AddDate {get;set;} public string Title { get; set; } public DateTime UploadDate { get; set; } public string[] Keywords { get; set; } public string Id { get; set; } public string AuthorTitle { get; set; } public string AuthorChannelId { get; set; } public string Description { get; set; } public TimeSpan Duration { get; set; } public long Views { get; set; } public long Likes { get; set; } public long Dislikes { get; set; } public async Task DownloadThumbnails(TYTDStorage manager) { await manager.DownloadThumbnails(Id); } public override string ToString() { StringBuilder b=new StringBuilder(); b.AppendLine($"Title: {Title}"); b.AppendLine($"AuthorTitle: {AuthorTitle}"); DateTime date=UploadDate; b.AppendLine($"Upload Date: {date.ToShortDateString()}"); b.AppendLine($"Likes: {Likes}, Dislikes: {Dislikes}, Views: {Views}"); b.AppendLine($"Duration: {Duration.ToString()}"); b.AppendLine($"Tags: {string.Join(", ",Keywords)}"); b.AppendLine("Description:"); b.AppendLine(Description); return b.ToString(); } } public class SavedPlaylist { public SavedPlaylist() { Title = ""; AuthorChannelId=""; AuthorTitle=""; Id=""; Description=""; Videos=new List(); } public SavedPlaylist(Playlist playlist,List videos) { Title = playlist.Title; AuthorChannelId = playlist.Author.ChannelId; AuthorTitle=playlist.Author.ChannelTitle; Description =playlist.Description; Id=playlist.Id; Videos = videos.Select((e)=>{return e.Id;}).ToList(); } public Playlist ToPlaylist() { List thumbnails=new List(); return new Playlist(Id,Title,new Author(AuthorChannelId,AuthorTitle),Description,thumbnails); } public async IAsyncEnumerable GetVideosAsync(TYTDBase baseCls) { if(Videos !=null) { foreach(var item in Videos) { if(await baseCls.FileExistsAsync($"Info/{item}.json")) { yield return await baseCls.GetVideoInfoAsync(item); } } } } public List Videos { get; set; } public string AuthorTitle { get; set; } public string AuthorChannelId { get; set; } public string Id { get; set; } public string Description { get; set; } public string Title { get; set; } } public class SavedChannel { public SavedChannel(Channel c) { Id=c.Id; Title=c.Title; } public SavedChannel() { Id=""; Title=""; } public async IAsyncEnumerable GetVideosAsync(TYTDBase baseCls) { await foreach(var item in baseCls.GetVideosAsync()) { if(Id.Equals(item.AuthorChannelId,StringComparison.Ordinal)) { yield return await Task.FromResult( item); } } } public async IAsyncEnumerable GetPlaylistsAsync(TYTDBase baseCls) { await foreach(var item in baseCls.GetPlaylistsAsync()) { if(Id.Equals(item.AuthorChannelId,StringComparison.Ordinal)) { yield return await Task.FromResult( item); } } } public string Id { get; set; } public string Title { get; set; } public string Url { get; set; } } }