To use this tytd for javascript =====models and enums===== subscription: Id: ChannelId BellInfo: see subscription-conf subscriptions: array of subscription resolutions: 0: Mux 1: PreMuxed 2: AudioOnly 3: VideoOnly subscription-conf: DoNothing GetInfo Notify Download NotifyAndDownload (This is default) queuelist: an array containing Item1: see savedvideo Item2: see resolutions savedvideoprogress: Progress: progress as 0-100 ProgressRaw: progress as 0.0-1.0 Length: this is the length of video in bytes (Is wrong for Mux) Video: see saved video savedvideo: Id: Video Id Title: Video Title AuthorChannelId: YouTube Channel Id for Video AuthorChannelTitle: YouTube Channel Title for Video Description: Video Description Keywords: YouTube Tags (this is an array) Likes: YouTube Video Likes Dislikes: YouTube Video Dislikes (I know they removed the ability but this can be used with return youtube dislikes) Views: YouTube Views Duration: Video Duration expressed as "00:03:48" could be "00:03:48.420420" UploadDate: Video Upload Date expressed as "2015-07-22T19:00:00-05:00" AddDate: date when added to downloader expressed as "2022-04-30T02:10:22.4359564-05:00" savedplaylist: Id: Playlist Id Title: Playlist Title AuthorChannelId: YouTube Channel Id for Playlist AuthorChannelTitle: YouTube Channel Title for Playlist Description: Playlist Description Videos: an array of Video Ids (the videos in the playlist) savedchannel: Id: Channel Id Title: Channel Title =====methods===== constructor example: var tytd=new TYTD("",1); to download a video, playlist, channel or user: tytd.downloadItem(""); tytd.downloadItem("",0); //for Mux to get video progress: tytd.progress(function(e){ //see savedvideoprogress }); to get queue: tytd.queuelist(function(e){ //see queuelist }); to get videos: tytd.getvideos(function(e){ //this will be fired for each video //see savedvideo //to get title e.Title }); to get playlists: tytd.getplaylists(function(e){ //this will be fired for each playlist //see savedplaylist //to get title e.Title }); to get channels: tytd.getchannels(function(e){ //this will be fired for each channel //see savedchannel //to get title e.Title }); to get video info for id: tytd.getvideoinfo("il9nqWw9W3Y",function(e){ //see savedvideo //to get title e.Title //should be "Demi Lovato - Cool For The Summer (Official Video)" for this specific id }); to get playlist info for id: tytd.getplaylistinfo("PLa1F2ddGya_-UvuAqHAksYnB0qL9yWDO6",function(e) { e.Title //should be "Blender Fundamentals 2.8" for this specific id }); to get channel info for id: tytd.getchannelinfo("UCnyB9MYKRkSFK3IIB32CoVw",function(e) { e.Title //should be "DemiLovatoVEVO" for this specific id }); to get subscriptions: tytd.getsubscriptions(function(e){ //see subscriptions }); to subscribe (ChannelId): You Can replace NotifyAndDownload with anything from subscription-conf if you want to get info about channel: tytd.subscribe("UCnyB9MYKRkSFK3IIB32CoVw",true,"NotifyAndDownload"); if you dont want to get info about channel: tytd.subscribe("UCnyB9MYKRkSFK3IIB32CoVw",false,"NotifyAndDownload"); to subscribe (username): You Can replace NotifyAndDownload with anything from subscription-conf tytd.subscribe("DemiLovatoVEVO","NotifyAndDownload"); to unsubscribe: tytd.unsubscribe("UCnyB9MYKRkSFK3IIB32CoVw"); to change bell (subscription-conf): You Can replace Download with anything from subscription-conf tytd.resubscribe("UCnyB9MYKRkSFK3IIB32CoVw","Download"); to enumerate directories: tytd.getdirectories("SomeDir/SomeSubDir",function(e) { //if the path was "SomeDir/SomeSubDir/john" //it would be "john" //this is an array }); to enumerate files: tytd.getfiles("SomeDir/SomeSubDir",function(e) { //if the path was "SomeDir/SomeSubDir/john.txt" //it would be "john.txt" //this is an array }); file exists: fileexists("SomeFile.txt",function(){ //SomeFile.txt exists },function(){ //SomeFile.txt doesnt exist }); directory exists: directoryexists("SomeDir",function(){ //SomeDir exists },function(){ //SomeDir doesnt exist });