Tesses - How to use TYTD

<- How to use TYTD

TYTD (Tesses YouTube Downloader) is a program to download YouTube Videos in C# (using http(s) server)

How to use TYTD with custom url

Run tytd with an argument with{YOURPORTNUM}/ or whatever IP you want to bind to (cant be subdirectory) If you didnt change it and you are on the same device as the downloader click here to use the downloader

How Videos Are Stored

The videos are stored as such in working directory
For Standard Def Videos It is {YOURWORKINGDIRECTORY}/NotConverted/{VIDEOID}.mp4
For High Def Videos It is {YOURWORKINGDIRECTORY}/Converted/{VIDEOID}.mp4
For Audio Only Clips It is {YOURWORKINGDIRECTORY}/Audio/{VIDEOID}.mp4

Video Title and other attributes are stored as json in {YOURWORKINGDIRECTORY}/Info/{VIDEOID}.json
Thumbnails are stored in {YOURWORKINGDIRECTORY}/Thumbnails/{W}x{H}/{ID}.jpg
Playlist Title and other attributes are stored as json in {YOURWORKINGDIRECTORY}/Playlist/{VIDEOID}.json
Channel Title and other attributes are stored as json in {YOURWORKINGDIRECTORY}/Channel/{VIDEOID}.json
This app uses YouTube Explode For downloading youtube videos
ffmpeg is needed for HD Videos
alternatively if you need to use avconv create a folder called "config" in {YOURWORKINGDIRECTORY} and store this file in that config folder
if you have a "cookies.txt" file you can put it in that folder (you will need to remove any blank lines)