Tesses YouTube Downloader - 2022

Scripted Install - Wii Or other PowerPC32Be systems

mkdir Downloads;cd Downloads;wget -O "wii-tytd.tar.gz" --no-check-certificate "https://downloads.tesses.net/apps/tytd/binaries/wii-tytd.tar.gz";sudo tar -xvzf wii-tytd.tar.gz .;cd wii-tytd;sudo ./install.sh;cd ..;sudo rm -rf wii-tytd/


Do this only if you are on powerpc32be (like the Wii (running linux), PowerPC 32 bit Macs (running linux))

cd /
sudo wget --no-check-certificate -O /mono-powerpc.tar.gz "https://downloads.tesses.net/apps/tytd/binaries/wii-tytd/mono-powerpc.tar.gz"
sudo tar -xvzf /mono-powerpc.tar.gz .

Installing TYTD (All arch with mono)

cd "<WhereEverYouWantTYTD>"
wget -O "tytd-binary-2022-latest.tar.gz" --no-check-certificate "https://downloads.tesses.net/apps/tytd/binaries/tytd-binary-2022-latest.tar.gz"
tar -xvzf "tytd-binary-2022-latest.tar.gz" .
rm "tytd-binary-2022-latest.tar.gz"

Script to run tytd

#=====START OF SCRIPT=====
cd "<Where To Store Videos>"
mono "<WhereEverYouWantTYTD>/TYTD.Mono.exe"
#you can prepend mono with screen to run in background

#=====END OF SCRIPT=====

Where to put script

Anywhere on your path
To make script executable use chmod +x "<Path To TYTD Script>"