Most Deadliest Poisons You Can Make At HOME!!!

91K - 6/2/2020 1K Likes - 111 00:04:44
Keyword: Deadliest Substances, toxic, poison, deadliest poisons, make at home, toxin, cyanide, Ricin, Botulinum toxin, deadliest, deadly, poisonous substances, science, chemistry, lethal, fatal, dangerous substances

Happy Goblin

First Rule of Toxicology anything, is fatal given sufficient doses, even if in the proper dose it is essential to life As Paracelsus is reported to have said 500 years ago: “All things are poison, and nothing is without poison: the dose alone makes a thing not poison.” we are surrounded by potentially dangerous substances –it’s the dose that makes it deadly. IF YOU CAME TO THIS VIDEO BECAUSE OF SUICIDAL THOUGHTS ....PLEASE CONSIDER TALKING TO SOMEONE .... PEOPLE CARE

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