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<?php include("../../header0.php")?>Tesses - How to use TYTD<?php include("../../header1.php")?>
<h1 align="center"><a href="./">&lt;-</a> How to use TYTD</h1>
TYTD (Tesses YouTube Downloader) is a program to download YouTube Videos in C# (using http(s) server)
<h2>How to use TYTD with custom url</h2>
Run tytd with an argument with{YOURPORTNUM}/ or whatever IP you want to bind to (cant be subdirectory)
If you didnt change it and you are on the same device as the downloader click <a href="">here</a> to use the downloader
<h2>How Videos Are Stored</h2>
The videos are stored as such in working directory
For Standard Def Videos It is {YOURWORKINGDIRECTORY}/NotConverted/{VIDEOID}.mp4
For High Def Videos It is {YOURWORKINGDIRECTORY}/Converted/{VIDEOID}.mp4
For Audio Only Clips It is {YOURWORKINGDIRECTORY}/Audio/{VIDEOID}.mp4
Video Title and other attributes are stored as json in {YOURWORKINGDIRECTORY}/Info/{VIDEOID}.json
Thumbnails are stored in {YOURWORKINGDIRECTORY}/Thumbnails/{W}x{H}/{ID}.jpg
Playlist Title and other attributes are stored as json in {YOURWORKINGDIRECTORY}/Playlist/{VIDEOID}.json
Channel Title and other attributes are stored as json in {YOURWORKINGDIRECTORY}/Channel/{VIDEOID}.json
This app uses YouTube Explode For downloading youtube videos
ffmpeg is needed for HD Videos
alternatively if you need to use avconv create a folder called &quot;config&quot; in {YOURWORKINGDIRECTORY} and store <a href="data:text/plain,avconv" download="ffmpeg.txt">this file</a> in that config folder
if you have a &quot;cookies.txt&quot; file you can put it in that folder (you will need to remove any blank lines)
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