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Deconstructing a C Program 2024-10-16T21:30:50-05:00 false

I am going to break down this C program:

The source

#include <stdio.h>

int times(int a, int b)
    return a * b;

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    int someVariable = times(6,7);
    printf("%i\n", someVariable);
    return 0;

High Level Overview

The hashtag include statement includes header files from standard library like stdio.h in this example:

    #include <stdio.h> //if the include uses quotes like this -> #include "yourheader.h" it will search your project first

We create a function called times which returns an int (which is usually a 32 bit integer number) with two arguments of type int with the names a and b.

Inside the function we return the factor of a and b.

We declare another function called main which is required unless you are coding without the c runtime it returns an int with two arguments that is basicly your program's command line arguments including the filename, the int argc is the number of arguments (including the filename of course) and an argument char** argv which is a pointer in memory to where pointers of the arguments are stored, for the filename you would use:

printf("%s\n", argv[0]);

Inside this function we declare a variable of type int with the name someVariable which we set to the result of calling the function times with the arguments 6 and 7.

Then we call the function printf which is declared in stdio.h with the arguments "%s\n" and someVariable which someVariable is the variable we declared on the previous line.

Then we return the value 0 from the main function to say the program succeeded in what it was supposed to do.

How are Functions declared

    RETURNTYPE FUNCTION_NAME(ARGTYPE a, ARGTYPE b) {/*body, use return EXPRESSION; unless RETURNTYPE is void*/ }
Name of token What it is
RETURNTYPE The Return type of a function which can be void for this function returns nothing or anything else for this function returns an expression of that type
ARGTYPE The argument type to the function (can be anything that RETURNTYPE is execpt void (well technically there can be in header files like RETURNTYPE FUNCTION_NAME(void) this is to say your function has exactly zero args, but otherwise you cant)), but there can be any number of arguments in a function, even zero, arguments are comma seperated
a the first argument's variable
b the seconds argument's variable
EXPRESSION anything that returns a value (such as a number, an assignment of a variable, a calculation (such as a + b), a string (such as "Hello, world"), a char (such as '*'), a variable name (such as a) , a function name (for function pointers) (such as times) )
FUNCTION_NAME What you name the function

How are functions called


In this example the function myfunction returns an int and has three arguments that are FIRST_EXPRESSION, SECOND_EXPRESSION and THIRD_EXPRESSION they are also comma seperated and can be any expression as long as the argument type is the same as expression (there is leeway however, such as if your expression is an 32 bit integer and the argument type expects a 64 bit integer, it will be converted for you) if the function returns void it, the function result can't be set to a variable or treated as an expression (due to there being no result)

How are variables declared

    VARIABLE_TYPE variableName; //this variable is unset
    VARIABLE_TYPE variableName = EXPRESSION; //this variable is set, any expression, has same behaviour as arguments in functions

How are variables set

    variableName = EXPRESSION; //any expression, has same behaviour as arguments in functions

A simplified lexing of the C program

NOTE due to there being a preprocessor involved, I have ignored the include statement

    KEYWORD: "int"
    IDENTIFIER: "times"
    SYMBOL: "("
    KEYWORD: "int"
    IDENTIFER: "a"
    SYMBOL: ","
    KEYWORD: "int"
    SYMBOL: ")"
    SYMBOL: "{"
    KEYWORD: "return"
    SYMBOL: "*"
    SYMBOL: ";"
    SYMBOL: "}"
    KEYWORD: "int"
    IDENTIFIER: "main"
    SYMBOL: "("
    KEYWORD: "int"
    IDENTIFIER: "argc"
    SYMBOL: ","
    KEYWORD: "char"
    SYMBOL: "*"
    SYMBOL: "*"
    IDENTIFIER: "argv"
    SYMBOL: ")"
    SYMBOL: "{"
    KEYWORD: "int"
    IDENTIFIER: "someVariable"
    SYMBOL: "="
    IDENTIFIER: "times"
    SYMBOL: "("
    NUMBER: "6"
    SYMBOL: ","
    NUMBER: "7"
    SYMBOL: ")"
    SYMBOL: ";"
    IDENTIFIER: "printf"
    SYMBOL: "("
    STRING: "%s\n"
    SYMBOL: ","
    IDENTIFIER: "someVariable"
    SYMBOL: ")"
    SYMBOL: ";"
    KEYWORD: "return"
    NUMBER: "0"
    SYMBOL: ";"
    SYMBOL: "}"

Notice no spaces or new lines in lexed output it is trimmed out

A simplified AST of this program

    "type": "program",
    "nodes": [
            "type": "function_definition",
            "returnType": "int",
            "name": "times",
            "arguments": [
                    "type": "int",
                    "name": "a"
                    "type": "int",
                    "name": "b"
            "body": {
                "type": "scope_node",
                "statements": [
                        "type": "return_node",
                        "expression": {
                            "type": "times_expression",
                            "left": {
                                "type": "get_variable_expression",
                                "name": "a"
                            "right": {
                                "type": "get_variable_expression",
                                "name": "b"
            "type": "function_definition",
            "returnType": "int",
            "name": "main",
            "arguments": [
                    "type": "int",
                    "name": "argc"
                    "type": "char**",
                    "name": "argv"
            "body": {
                "type": "scope_node",
                "statements": [
                        "type": "declare_variable_with_value",
                        "variableType": "int",
                        "name": "someVariable",
                        "expression": {
                            "type": "call_function_expression",
                            "name": "times",
                            "arguments": [
                                    "type": "const_int_expression",
                                    "number": 6
                                    "type": "const_int_expression",
                                    "number": 7
                        "type": "call_function_expression",
                        "name": "printf",
                        "arguments": [
                                "type": "const_string_expression",
                                "value": "%s\n"
                                "type": "get_variable_expression",
                                "name": "someVariable"
                        "type": "return_node",
                        "expression": {
                            "type": "const_int_expression",
                            "number": 0

Well this is the end.

Hope this blessed you in some way.