
691 lines
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2017-06-14 01:37:03 +00:00
using System;
2017-06-15 07:40:08 +00:00
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
2017-06-27 01:48:57 +00:00
using System.Linq;
2017-06-15 07:40:08 +00:00
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Net;
2018-03-13 20:16:59 +00:00
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
2018-03-09 20:56:32 +00:00
2017-06-14 01:37:03 +00:00
namespace Ooui
public static class UI
2018-03-09 23:14:51 +00:00
public const int MaxFps = 30;
2018-03-09 20:56:32 +00:00
2018-03-10 05:28:39 +00:00
static readonly ManualResetEvent started = new ManualResetEvent (false);
2017-12-10 01:02:04 +00:00
2017-06-15 07:40:08 +00:00
static CancellationTokenSource serverCts;
static readonly Dictionary<string, RequestHandler> publishedPaths =
new Dictionary<string, RequestHandler> ();
2017-06-15 07:40:08 +00:00
static readonly byte[] clientJsBytes;
2017-12-10 01:02:04 +00:00
static readonly string clientJsEtag;
2017-06-15 07:40:08 +00:00
2017-11-10 05:00:15 +00:00
public static byte[] ClientJsBytes => clientJsBytes;
2017-12-10 01:02:04 +00:00
public static string ClientJsEtag => clientJsEtag;
2017-11-10 05:00:15 +00:00
public static string HeadHtml { get; set; } = @"<link rel=""stylesheet"" href=""https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/bootstrap/3.3.7/css/bootstrap.min.css"" />";
public static string BodyHeaderHtml { get; set; } = @"";
public static string BodyFooterHtml { get; set; } = @"";
2017-06-15 07:40:08 +00:00
static string host = "*";
public static string Host {
get => host;
set {
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (value) && host != value) {
host = value;
Restart ();
static int port = 8080;
public static int Port {
get => port;
set {
if (port != value) {
port = value;
Restart ();
2017-12-11 01:51:05 +00:00
static bool serverEnabled = true;
public static bool ServerEnabled {
get => serverEnabled;
set {
if (serverEnabled != value) {
serverEnabled = value;
if (serverEnabled)
Restart ();
Stop ();
2017-06-15 07:40:08 +00:00
2018-03-14 00:45:56 +00:00
static void DisableServer ()
ServerEnabled = false;
2017-06-15 07:40:08 +00:00
static UI ()
var asm = typeof(UI).Assembly;
// System.Console.WriteLine("ASM = {0}", asm);
// foreach (var n in asm.GetManifestResourceNames()) {
// System.Console.WriteLine(" {0}", n);
// }
using (var s = asm.GetManifestResourceStream ("Ooui.Client.js")) {
2017-07-07 19:51:00 +00:00
if (s == null)
throw new Exception ("Missing Client.js");
2017-06-15 07:40:08 +00:00
using (var r = new StreamReader (s)) {
clientJsBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes (r.ReadToEnd ());
2018-03-10 05:28:39 +00:00
clientJsEtag = "\"" + Utilities.Hash (clientJsBytes) + "\"";
2017-06-15 07:40:08 +00:00
static void Publish (string path, RequestHandler handler)
2017-06-15 07:40:08 +00:00
2018-03-14 00:45:56 +00:00
//Console.WriteLine ($"PUBLISH {path} {handler}");
lock (publishedPaths) publishedPaths[path] = handler;
2017-06-15 07:40:08 +00:00
Start ();
2018-04-15 23:30:08 +00:00
public static void Publish (string path, Func<Element> elementCtor, bool disposeElementWhenDone = true)
2018-04-15 23:30:08 +00:00
Publish (path, new ElementHandler (elementCtor, disposeElementWhenDone));
2018-04-15 23:30:08 +00:00
public static void Publish (string path, Element element, bool disposeElementWhenDone = true)
2017-06-15 07:40:08 +00:00
2018-04-15 23:30:08 +00:00
Publish (path, () => element, disposeElementWhenDone);
2017-06-15 07:40:08 +00:00
public static void PublishFile (string filePath)
var path = "/" + System.IO.Path.GetFileName (filePath);
PublishFile (path, filePath);
public static void PublishFile (string path, string filePath, string contentType = null)
var data = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes (filePath);
if (contentType == null) {
contentType = GuessContentType (path, filePath);
2018-03-10 05:28:39 +00:00
var etag = "\"" + Utilities.Hash (data) + "\"";
2017-12-11 01:51:05 +00:00
Publish (path, new DataHandler (data, etag, contentType));
public static void PublishFile (string path, byte[] data, string contentType)
2018-03-10 05:28:39 +00:00
var etag = "\"" + Utilities.Hash (data) + "\"";
2017-12-11 01:51:05 +00:00
Publish (path, new DataHandler (data, etag, contentType));
public static void PublishFile (string path, byte[] data, string etag, string contentType)
Publish (path, new DataHandler (data, etag, contentType));
public static bool TryGetFileContentAtPath (string path, out FileContent file)
RequestHandler handler;
lock (publishedPaths) {
if (!publishedPaths.TryGetValue (path, out handler)) {
file = null;
return false;
if (handler is DataHandler dh) {
file = new FileContent {
Etag = dh.Etag,
Content = dh.Data,
ContentType = dh.ContentType,
return true;
file = null;
return false;
public class FileContent
public string ContentType { get; set; }
public string Etag { get; set; }
public byte[] Content { get; set; }
public static void PublishJson (string path, Func<object> ctor)
Publish (path, new JsonHandler (ctor));
public static void PublishJson (string path, object value)
var data = JsonHandler.GetData (value);
2018-03-10 05:28:39 +00:00
var etag = "\"" + Utilities.Hash (data) + "\"";
2017-12-11 01:51:05 +00:00
Publish (path, new DataHandler (data, etag, JsonHandler.ContentType));
2017-08-23 03:26:01 +00:00
public static void PublishCustomResponse (string path, Action<HttpListenerContext, CancellationToken> responder)
Publish (path, new CustomHandler (responder));
static string GuessContentType (string path, string filePath)
return null;
public static void Present (string path, object presenter = null)
WaitUntilStarted ();
var url = GetUrl (path);
Console.WriteLine ($"PRESENT {url}");
2017-07-07 23:58:38 +00:00
Platform.OpenBrowser (url, presenter);
public static string GetUrl (string path)
var localhost = host == "*" ? "localhost" : host;
var url = $"http://{localhost}:{port}{path}";
return url;
public static void WaitUntilStarted () => started.WaitOne ();
2017-06-15 07:40:08 +00:00
static void Start ()
2017-06-14 01:37:03 +00:00
2017-12-11 01:51:05 +00:00
if (!serverEnabled) return;
2017-06-15 07:40:08 +00:00
if (serverCts != null) return;
serverCts = new CancellationTokenSource ();
var token = serverCts.Token;
var listenerPrefix = $"http://{host}:{port}/";
Task.Run (() => RunAsync (listenerPrefix, token), token);
2017-06-14 01:37:03 +00:00
2017-06-15 07:40:08 +00:00
static void Stop ()
var scts = serverCts;
if (scts == null) return;
serverCts = null;
started.Reset ();
2017-06-15 07:40:08 +00:00
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
Console.WriteLine ($"Stopping...");
Console.ResetColor ();
2017-06-15 07:58:55 +00:00
2017-06-15 07:40:08 +00:00
scts.Cancel ();
static void Restart ()
if (serverCts == null) return;
Stop ();
Start ();
static async Task RunAsync (string listenerPrefix, CancellationToken token)
HttpListener listener = null;
2017-07-08 05:54:43 +00:00
var wait = 5;
2017-06-15 07:40:08 +00:00
started.Reset ();
while (!started.WaitOne(0) && !token.IsCancellationRequested) {
2017-06-15 07:40:08 +00:00
try {
listener = new HttpListener ();
listener.Prefixes.Add (listenerPrefix);
listener.Start ();
started.Set ();
2017-06-15 07:40:08 +00:00
2017-07-08 05:54:43 +00:00
catch (System.Net.Sockets.SocketException ex) {
Console.WriteLine ($"{listenerPrefix} error: {ex.Message}. Trying again in {wait} seconds...");
await Task.Delay (wait * 1000).ConfigureAwait (false);
2017-06-15 07:40:08 +00:00
2017-07-08 05:54:43 +00:00
catch (System.Net.HttpListenerException ex) {
Console.WriteLine ($"{listenerPrefix} error: {ex.Message}. Trying again in {wait} seconds...");
await Task.Delay (wait * 1000).ConfigureAwait (false);
catch (Exception ex) {
Error ("Error listening", ex);
2017-06-15 07:40:08 +00:00
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
Console.WriteLine ($"Listening at {listenerPrefix}...");
Console.ResetColor ();
while (!token.IsCancellationRequested) {
var listenerContext = await listener.GetContextAsync ().ConfigureAwait (false);
2017-06-15 07:40:08 +00:00
if (listenerContext.Request.IsWebSocketRequest) {
ProcessWebSocketRequest (listenerContext, token);
else {
ProcessRequest (listenerContext, token);
static void ProcessRequest (HttpListenerContext listenerContext, CancellationToken token)
var url = listenerContext.Request.Url;
var path = url.LocalPath;
Console.WriteLine ($"{listenerContext.Request.HttpMethod} {url.LocalPath}");
var response = listenerContext.Response;
if (path == "/ooui.js") {
2017-12-10 01:02:04 +00:00
var inm = listenerContext.Request.Headers.Get ("If-None-Match");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (inm) || inm != clientJsEtag) {
response.StatusCode = 200;
response.ContentLength64 = clientJsBytes.LongLength;
response.ContentType = "application/javascript";
response.ContentEncoding = Encoding.UTF8;
response.AddHeader ("Cache-Control", "public, max-age=60");
response.AddHeader ("Etag", clientJsEtag);
using (var s = response.OutputStream) {
s.Write (clientJsBytes, 0, clientJsBytes.Length);
response.Close ();
else {
response.StatusCode = 304;
response.Close ();
2017-06-15 07:40:08 +00:00
else {
2017-06-16 00:35:20 +00:00
var found = false;
RequestHandler handler;
lock (publishedPaths) found = publishedPaths.TryGetValue (path, out handler);
2017-06-16 00:35:20 +00:00
if (found) {
try {
handler.Respond (listenerContext, token);
catch (Exception ex) {
2017-07-06 23:12:34 +00:00
Error ("Handler failed to respond", ex);
try {
response.StatusCode = 500;
response.Close ();
catch {
// Ignore ending the response errors
2017-06-16 00:35:20 +00:00
else {
response.StatusCode = 404;
response.Close ();
2017-06-15 07:40:08 +00:00
abstract class RequestHandler
public abstract void Respond (HttpListenerContext listenerContext, CancellationToken token);
class ElementHandler : RequestHandler
2017-06-15 07:40:08 +00:00
readonly Lazy<Element> element;
2018-04-15 23:30:08 +00:00
public bool DisposeElementWhenDone { get; }
public ElementHandler (Func<Element> ctor, bool disposeElementWhenDone)
element = new Lazy<Element> (ctor);
2018-04-15 23:30:08 +00:00
DisposeElementWhenDone = disposeElementWhenDone;
public Element GetElement () => element.Value;
public override void Respond (HttpListenerContext listenerContext, CancellationToken token)
var url = listenerContext.Request.Url;
var path = url.LocalPath;
var response = listenerContext.Response;
response.StatusCode = 200;
response.ContentType = "text/html";
response.ContentEncoding = Encoding.UTF8;
var html = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes (RenderTemplate (path));
response.ContentLength64 = html.LongLength;
using (var s = response.OutputStream) {
s.Write (html, 0, html.Length);
response.Close ();
2017-11-10 03:34:37 +00:00
2018-02-02 04:18:16 +00:00
public static string RenderTemplate (string webSocketPath, string title = "", string initialHtml = "")
2017-11-10 03:34:37 +00:00
using (var w = new System.IO.StringWriter ()) {
RenderTemplate (w, webSocketPath, title, initialHtml);
return w.ToString ();
2018-03-10 05:28:39 +00:00
static string EscapeHtml (string text)
return text.Replace ("&", "&amp;").Replace ("<", "&lt;");
public static void RenderTemplate (TextWriter writer, string webSocketPath, string title, string initialHtml)
writer.Write (@"<!DOCTYPE html>
2018-03-10 05:28:39 +00:00
writer.Write (EscapeHtml (title));
writer.Write (@"</title>
<meta name=""viewport"" content=""width=device-width, initial-scale=1"" />
writer.WriteLine (HeadHtml);
writer.WriteLine (@" <style>");
writer.WriteLine (rules.ToString ());
writer.WriteLine (@" </style>
writer.WriteLine (BodyHeaderHtml);
writer.WriteLine (@"<div id=""ooui-body"" class=""container-fluid"">");
writer.WriteLine (initialHtml);
writer.Write (@"</div>
<script src=""/ooui.js""></script>
writer.Write (webSocketPath);
writer.WriteLine (@""");</script>");
writer.WriteLine (BodyFooterHtml);
writer.WriteLine (@"</body>
2017-06-15 07:40:08 +00:00
class DataHandler : RequestHandler
readonly byte[] data;
2017-12-11 01:51:05 +00:00
readonly string etag;
readonly string contentType;
2017-12-11 01:51:05 +00:00
public byte[] Data => data;
public string Etag => etag;
public string ContentType => contentType;
public DataHandler (byte[] data, string etag, string contentType = null)
this.data = data;
2017-12-11 01:51:05 +00:00
this.etag = etag;
this.contentType = contentType;
public override void Respond (HttpListenerContext listenerContext, CancellationToken token)
var url = listenerContext.Request.Url;
var path = url.LocalPath;
var response = listenerContext.Response;
2017-12-11 01:51:05 +00:00
var inm = listenerContext.Request.Headers.Get ("If-None-Match");
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (inm) && inm == etag) {
response.StatusCode = 304;
else {
response.StatusCode = 200;
response.AddHeader ("Etag", etag);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (contentType))
response.ContentType = contentType;
response.ContentLength64 = data.LongLength;
2017-12-11 01:51:05 +00:00
using (var s = response.OutputStream) {
s.Write (data, 0, data.Length);
response.Close ();
class JsonHandler : RequestHandler
public const string ContentType = "application/json; charset=utf-8";
readonly Func<object> ctor;
public JsonHandler (Func<object> ctor)
this.ctor = ctor;
public static byte[] GetData (object obj)
2018-03-08 21:28:28 +00:00
var r = Ooui.JsonConvert.SerializeObject (obj);
var e = new UTF8Encoding (false);
return e.GetBytes (r);
public override void Respond (HttpListenerContext listenerContext, CancellationToken token)
var response = listenerContext.Response;
var data = GetData (ctor ());
response.StatusCode = 200;
response.ContentType = ContentType;
response.ContentLength64 = data.LongLength;
using (var s = response.OutputStream) {
s.Write (data, 0, data.Length);
response.Close ();
2017-08-23 03:26:01 +00:00
class CustomHandler : RequestHandler
readonly Action<HttpListenerContext, CancellationToken> responder;
public CustomHandler (Action<HttpListenerContext, CancellationToken> responder)
this.responder = responder;
public override void Respond (HttpListenerContext listenerContext, CancellationToken token)
responder (listenerContext, token);
2017-06-16 04:21:38 +00:00
static async void ProcessWebSocketRequest (HttpListenerContext listenerContext, CancellationToken serverToken)
2017-06-15 07:40:08 +00:00
// Find the element
var url = listenerContext.Request.Url;
var path = url.LocalPath;
RequestHandler handler;
2017-06-16 00:35:20 +00:00
var found = false;
lock (publishedPaths) found = publishedPaths.TryGetValue (path, out handler);
var elementHandler = handler as ElementHandler;
if (!found || elementHandler == null) {
2017-06-15 07:40:08 +00:00
listenerContext.Response.StatusCode = 404;
listenerContext.Response.Close ();
Element element = null;
2018-04-15 23:30:08 +00:00
bool disposeElementWhenDone = true;
2017-06-15 07:40:08 +00:00
try {
element = elementHandler.GetElement ();
2018-04-15 23:30:08 +00:00
disposeElementWhenDone = elementHandler.DisposeElementWhenDone;
2017-11-09 07:57:04 +00:00
if (element == null)
throw new Exception ("Handler returned a null element");
2017-06-15 07:40:08 +00:00
catch (Exception ex) {
listenerContext.Response.StatusCode = 500;
Error ("Failed to create element", ex);
// Connect the web socket
2018-03-09 23:14:51 +00:00
System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketContext webSocketContext = null;
System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocket webSocket = null;
2017-06-15 07:40:08 +00:00
try {
webSocketContext = await listenerContext.AcceptWebSocketAsync (subProtocol: "ooui").ConfigureAwait (false);
2017-06-15 07:40:08 +00:00
webSocket = webSocketContext.WebSocket;
Console.WriteLine ("WEBSOCKET {0}", listenerContext.Request.Url.LocalPath);
catch (Exception ex) {
listenerContext.Response.StatusCode = 500;
Error ("Failed to accept WebSocket", ex);
2017-12-09 23:34:48 +00:00
// Set the element's dimensions
var query =
(from part in listenerContext.Request.Url.Query.Split (new[] { '?', '&' })
where part.Length > 0
let kvs = part.Split ('=')
where kvs.Length == 2
select kvs).ToDictionary (x => Uri.UnescapeDataString (x[0]), x => Uri.UnescapeDataString (x[1]));
if (!query.TryGetValue ("w", out var wValue) || string.IsNullOrEmpty (wValue)) {
wValue = "640";
if (!query.TryGetValue ("h", out var hValue) || string.IsNullOrEmpty (hValue)) {
hValue = "480";
var icult = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
if (!double.TryParse (wValue, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Any, icult, out var w))
w = 640;
if (!double.TryParse (hValue, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Any, icult, out var h))
h = 480;
2017-06-15 09:39:19 +00:00
2017-06-16 04:21:38 +00:00
// Create a new session and let it handle everything from here
2017-06-15 07:40:08 +00:00
try {
var session = new WebSocketSession (webSocket, element, disposeElementWhenDone, w, h, Error, serverToken);
2017-06-18 08:13:15 +00:00
await session.RunAsync ().ConfigureAwait (false);
2017-06-15 07:40:08 +00:00
2018-03-09 23:14:51 +00:00
catch (System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketException ex) when (ex.WebSocketErrorCode == System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketError.ConnectionClosedPrematurely) {
2017-06-15 07:40:08 +00:00
// The remote party closed the WebSocket connection without completing the close handshake.
catch (Exception ex) {
2017-06-15 09:39:19 +00:00
Error ("Web socket failed", ex);
2017-06-15 07:40:08 +00:00
finally {
webSocket?.Dispose ();
static void Error (string message, Exception ex)
2017-06-14 01:37:03 +00:00
2017-06-15 07:40:08 +00:00
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
Console.WriteLine ("{0}: {1}", message, ex);
Console.ResetColor ();
2017-06-14 01:37:03 +00:00
2017-06-16 04:21:38 +00:00
2018-03-09 23:14:51 +00:00
static readonly Dictionary<string, WebAssemblySession> globalElementSessions = new Dictionary<string, WebAssemblySession> ();
2017-06-16 04:21:38 +00:00
2018-03-13 20:16:59 +00:00
2018-03-14 00:45:56 +00:00
public static void StartWebAssemblySession (string sessionId, string elementPath, string initialSize)
2018-03-09 23:14:51 +00:00
Element element;
2018-03-14 00:45:56 +00:00
RequestHandler handler;
lock (publishedPaths) {
publishedPaths.TryGetValue (elementPath, out handler);
2018-04-15 23:30:08 +00:00
var disposeElementWhenDone = true;
2018-03-14 00:45:56 +00:00
if (handler is ElementHandler eh) {
element = eh.GetElement ();
2018-04-15 23:30:08 +00:00
disposeElementWhenDone = eh.DisposeElementWhenDone;
2018-03-14 00:45:56 +00:00
else {
element = new Div ();
2018-03-13 03:56:43 +00:00
var ops = initialSize.Split (' ');
var initialWidth = double.Parse (ops[0]);
var initialHeight = double.Parse (ops[1]);
var g = new WebAssemblySession (sessionId, element, disposeElementWhenDone, initialWidth, initialHeight, Error);
2018-03-09 23:14:51 +00:00
lock (globalElementSessions) {
globalElementSessions[sessionId] = g;
2017-06-18 08:13:15 +00:00
2018-03-09 23:14:51 +00:00
g.StartSession ();
2017-06-18 08:13:15 +00:00
2018-03-13 20:16:59 +00:00
2018-03-09 23:14:51 +00:00
public static void ReceiveWebAssemblySessionMessageJson (string sessionId, string json)
WebAssemblySession g;
lock (globalElementSessions) {
if (!globalElementSessions.TryGetValue (sessionId, out g))
2017-06-16 04:21:38 +00:00
2018-03-09 23:14:51 +00:00
g.ReceiveMessageJson (json);
2017-06-16 04:21:38 +00:00
2017-06-27 01:48:57 +00:00
2018-03-09 20:56:32 +00:00
static readonly Dictionary<string, Style> styles =
new Dictionary<string, Style> ();
static readonly StyleSelectors rules = new StyleSelectors ();
public static StyleSelectors Styles => rules;
2017-06-27 01:48:57 +00:00
public class StyleSelectors
public Style this[string selector] {
get {
var key = selector ?? "";
lock (styles) {
2017-07-06 23:12:34 +00:00
if (!styles.TryGetValue (key, out Style r)) {
2017-06-27 01:48:57 +00:00
r = new Style ();
styles.Add (key, r);
return r;
set {
var key = selector ?? "";
lock (styles) {
if (value == null) {
styles.Remove (key);
else {
styles[key] = value;
public void Clear ()
lock (styles) {
styles.Clear ();
public override string ToString()
lock (styles) {
var q =
from s in styles
let v = s.Value.ToString ()
where v.Length > 0
select s.Key + " {" + s.Value.ToString () + "}";
return String.Join ("\n", q);
2017-06-14 01:37:03 +00:00