
248 lines
8.1 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
namespace Ooui
public abstract class Element : Node
readonly Dictionary<string, object> attributes = new Dictionary<string, object> ();
public string ClassName {
get => GetStringAttribute ("class", "");
set => SetAttributeProperty ("class", value);
public Style Style { get; private set; } = new Style ();
public string Title {
get => GetStringAttribute ("title", "");
set => SetAttributeProperty ("title", value);
bool hidden = false;
public bool IsHidden {
get => GetBooleanAttribute ("hidden");
set => SetBooleanAttributeProperty ("hidden", value);
public event TargetEventHandler Click {
add => AddEventListener ("click", value);
remove => RemoveEventListener ("click", value);
public event TargetEventHandler DoubleClick {
add => AddEventListener ("dblclick", value);
remove => RemoveEventListener ("dblclick", value);
public event TargetEventHandler KeyDown {
add => AddEventListener ("keydown", value);
remove => RemoveEventListener ("keydown", value);
public event TargetEventHandler KeyPress {
add => AddEventListener ("keypress", value);
remove => RemoveEventListener ("keypress", value);
public event TargetEventHandler KeyUp {
add => AddEventListener ("keyup", value);
remove => RemoveEventListener ("keyup", value);
public event TargetEventHandler MouseDown {
add => AddEventListener ("mousedown", value);
remove => RemoveEventListener ("mousedown", value);
public event TargetEventHandler MouseEnter {
add => AddEventListener ("mouseenter", value);
remove => RemoveEventListener ("mouseenter", value);
public event TargetEventHandler MouseLeave {
add => AddEventListener ("mouseleave", value);
remove => RemoveEventListener ("mouseleave", value);
public event TargetEventHandler MouseMove {
add => AddEventListener ("mousemove", value);
remove => RemoveEventListener ("mousemove", value);
public event TargetEventHandler MouseOut {
add => AddEventListener ("mouseout", value);
remove => RemoveEventListener ("mouseout", value);
public event TargetEventHandler MouseOver {
add => AddEventListener ("mouseover", value);
remove => RemoveEventListener ("mouseover", value);
public event TargetEventHandler MouseUp {
add => AddEventListener ("mouseup", value);
remove => RemoveEventListener ("mouseup", value);
public event TargetEventHandler Wheel {
add => AddEventListener ("wheel", value);
remove => RemoveEventListener ("wheel", value);
/// <summary>
/// A signal to Ooui that this element should take up the
/// entire browser window.
/// </summary>
public virtual bool WantsFullScreen => false;
protected Element (string tagName)
: base (tagName)
Style.PropertyChanged += HandleStylePropertyChanged;
protected bool SetAttributeProperty (string attributeName, object newValue, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string propertyName = "")
var old = GetAttribute (attributeName);
if (old != null && old.Equals (newValue))
return false;
SetAttribute (attributeName, newValue);
OnPropertyChanged (propertyName);
return true;
protected bool SetBooleanAttributeProperty (string attributeName, bool newValue, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string propertyName = "")
var old = GetAttribute (attributeName) != null;
if (old != newValue)
return false;
if (newValue)
SetAttribute (attributeName, string.Empty);
RemoveAttribute (attributeName);
OnPropertyChanged (propertyName);
return true;
protected bool UpdateAttributeProperty (string attributeName, object newValue, string propertyName)
lock (attributes) {
if (attributes.TryGetValue (attributeName, out var oldValue)) {
if (newValue != null && newValue.Equals (oldValue))
return false;
attributes[attributeName] = newValue;
OnPropertyChanged (propertyName);
return true;
protected bool UpdateBooleanAttributeProperty (string attributeName, bool newValue, string propertyName)
lock (attributes) {
var oldValue = attributes.ContainsKey (attributeName);
if (newValue == oldValue)
return false;
if (newValue) {
attributes[attributeName] = "";
else {
attributes.Remove (attributeName);
OnPropertyChanged (propertyName);
return true;
public void SetAttribute (string attributeName, object value)
lock (attributes) {
attributes[attributeName] = value;
Send (new Message {
MessageType = MessageType.SetAttribute,
TargetId = Id,
Key = attributeName,
Value = value,
public object GetAttribute (string attributeName)
lock (attributes) {
attributes.TryGetValue (attributeName, out var v);
return v;
public T GetAttribute<T> (string attributeName, T defaultValue)
lock (attributes) {
attributes.TryGetValue (attributeName, out var v);
if (v is T) {
return (T)v;
else {
return defaultValue;
public bool GetBooleanAttribute (string attributeName)
lock (attributes) {
return attributes.TryGetValue (attributeName, out var _);
public string GetStringAttribute (string attributeName, string defaultValue)
lock (attributes) {
if (attributes.TryGetValue (attributeName, out var v)) {
if (v == null) return "null";
else return v.ToString ();
else {
return defaultValue;
public void RemoveAttribute (string attributeName)
bool removed;
lock (attributes) {
removed = attributes.Remove (attributeName);
if (removed) {
Send (new Message {
MessageType = MessageType.RemoveAttribute,
TargetId = Id,
Key = attributeName,
void HandleStylePropertyChanged (object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
SendSet ("style." + Style.GetJsName (e.PropertyName), Style[e.PropertyName]);
protected override bool SaveStateMessageIfNeeded (Message message)
if (message.TargetId != Id)
return false;
switch (message.MessageType) {
case MessageType.Call when message.Key.StartsWith ("$.", StringComparison.Ordinal):
AddStateMessage (message);
return true;
return base.SaveStateMessageIfNeeded (message);