
204 lines
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using System;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Net.WebSockets;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using NUnit.Framework;
using TestClassAttribute = NUnit.Framework.TestFixtureAttribute;
using TestMethodAttribute = NUnit.Framework.TestCaseAttribute;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
using Ooui;
namespace Tests
public class UITests
public void UndefinedStylePropertyIsInherit ()
Assert.AreEqual ("inherit", UI.Styles["something random and made up"].BackgroundColor);
public void SetStyleProperty ()
UI.Styles.Clear ();
UI.Styles[".t1"].BackgroundColor = "red";
Assert.AreEqual ("red", UI.Styles[".t1"].BackgroundColor);
public void ClearWorks ()
UI.Styles[".t1"].BackgroundColor = "red";
UI.Styles.Clear ();
Assert.AreEqual ("inherit", UI.Styles[".t1"].BackgroundColor);
Assert.AreEqual ("", UI.Styles.ToString ());
public void SetStyle ()
UI.Styles.Clear ();
UI.Styles[".t2"] = new Style {
BackgroundColor = "red",
Assert.AreEqual ("red", UI.Styles[".t2"].BackgroundColor);
Assert.AreEqual (".t2 {background-color:red}", UI.Styles.ToString ());
public void SetNullStyle ()
UI.Styles.Clear ();
UI.Styles[".t3"] = new Style {
BackgroundColor = "red",
UI.Styles[".t3"] = null;
Assert.AreEqual ("inherit", UI.Styles[".t3"].BackgroundColor);
Assert.AreEqual ("", UI.Styles.ToString ());
public void PublishMissingFileFails ()
try {
UI.PublishFile ("/file", "a file that doesn't exist");
Assert.Fail ("Publishing not existing file should fail");
catch (System.IO.FileNotFoundException) {
static string DownloadUI (string url)
UI.WaitUntilStarted ();
var c = new System.Net.WebClient ();
var r = c.DownloadString (UI.GetUrl (url));
return r;
public async Task PublishElementPatternUrl ()
bool gotRequest = false;
UI.Publish ("/pattern/(?<id>[a-z0-9]+)", x => {
gotRequest = true;
Assert.AreEqual ("fhe48yf", x["id"]);
return new Paragraph (x["id"]);
UI.WaitUntilStarted ();
var ws = new ClientWebSocket ();
ws.Options.AddSubProtocol ("ooui");
var url = new Uri (UI.GetWebSocketUrl ("/pattern/fhe48yf"));
await ws.ConnectAsync (url, CancellationToken.None);
Assert.IsTrue (gotRequest);
public void PublishJsonPatternUrl ()
bool gotRequest = false;
UI.PublishJson ("/pattern/(?<id>[a-z0-9]+)", x => {
gotRequest = true;
Assert.AreEqual ("nvirueh4", x["id"]);
return x["id"];
var r = DownloadUI ("/pattern/nvirueh4");
Assert.IsTrue (gotRequest);
Assert.AreEqual ("\"nvirueh4\"", r);
public void PatternUrlCompleteMatch ()
bool gotRequest = false;
UI.PublishJson ("/", x => {
throw new Exception ("Pattern match failed to /");
UI.PublishJson ("/patter", x => {
throw new Exception ("Pattern match failed to /patter");
UI.PublishJson ("/pattern/(?<id>[a-z0-9]+)", x => {
gotRequest = true;
Assert.AreEqual ("nvirueh4", x["id"]);
return x["id"];
var r = DownloadUI ("/pattern/nvirueh4");
Assert.IsTrue (gotRequest);
Assert.AreEqual ("\"nvirueh4\"", r);
public void PublishEmptyFile ()
var f = System.IO.Path.GetTempFileName ();
UI.PublishFile ("/file", f);
UI.WaitUntilStarted ();
var c = new System.Net.WebClient ();
var r = c.DownloadString (UI.GetUrl ("/file"));
Assert.AreEqual ("", r);
public void PublishTextFile ()
var f = System.IO.Path.GetTempFileName ();
System.IO.File.WriteAllText (f, "Test Ooui Text File", System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);
UI.PublishFile ("/text-file", f, "text/plain; charset=utf-8");
UI.WaitUntilStarted ();
var c = new System.Net.WebClient ();
var r = c.DownloadString (UI.GetUrl ("/text-file"));
Assert.AreEqual ("Test Ooui Text File", r);
public void PublishFileWithoutPath ()
var f = System.IO.Path.GetTempFileName ();
System.IO.File.WriteAllText (f, "Test Ooui Text File 2", System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);
UI.PublishFile (f);
UI.WaitUntilStarted ();
var c = new System.Net.WebClient ();
var r = c.DownloadString (UI.GetUrl ("/" + System.IO.Path.GetFileName (f)));
Assert.AreEqual ("Test Ooui Text File 2", r);
public void PublishJsonObject ()
UI.PublishJson ("/json", new JsonTestObject ());
UI.WaitUntilStarted ();
var c = new System.Net.WebClient ();
var r = c.DownloadString (UI.GetUrl ("/json"));
Assert.AreEqual ("{\"Name\":\"X\",\"Value\":null}", r);
public void PublishJsonCtor ()
var i = 1;
UI.PublishJson ("/jsond", () => new JsonTestObject { Value = i++ });
UI.WaitUntilStarted ();
var c = new System.Net.WebClient ();
var r1 = c.DownloadString (UI.GetUrl ("/jsond"));
var r2 = c.DownloadString (UI.GetUrl ("/jsond"));
Assert.AreEqual ("{\"Name\":\"X\",\"Value\":1}", r1);
Assert.AreEqual ("{\"Name\":\"X\",\"Value\":2}", r2);
class JsonTestObject
public string Name = "X";
public object Value;