
194 lines
6.2 KiB

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Ooui Wasm</title>
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<div id="ooui-body" class="container-fluid">
<p id="loading"><i class="fa fa-refresh fa-spin" style="font-size:14px"></i>&nbsp;&nbsp;Loading...</p>
<textarea rows="10" cols="100" id="output" hidden="true"></textarea>
<script type='text/javascript'>
var mainAsmName = "Ooui.Sample";
var startLoadTime = Date.now();
var runtimeLoadTime = null;
var bclLoadTime = null;
var runtimeLoadTime = null;
var Module = {
onRuntimeInitialized: function () {
var assemblies = [
mainAsmName + ".dll"
runtimeLoadTime = Date.now ();
console.log ("Done with WASM module instantiation. Took " + (runtimeLoadTime - startLoadTime) + " ms");
Module.FS_createPath ("/", "managed", true, true);
var pending = 0;
assemblies.forEach (function(asm_name) {
console.log ("loading " + asm_name);
fetch ("managed/" + asm_name, { credentials: 'same-origin' }).then (function (response) {
if (!response.ok)
throw "failed to load Assembly '" + asm_name + "'";
return response['arrayBuffer']();
}).then (function (blob) {
var asm = new Uint8Array (blob);
Module.FS_createDataFile ("managed/" + asm_name, null, asm, true, true, true);
console.log ("LOADED: " + asm_name);
if (pending == 0)
Module.bclLoadingDone ();
bclLoadingDone: function () {
bclLoadTime = Date.now ();
console.log ("Done loading the BCL. Took " + (bclLoadTime - runtimeLoadTime) + " ms");
MonoRuntime.init ();
var MonoRuntime = {
init: function () {
this.load_runtime = Module.cwrap ('mono_wasm_load_runtime', null, ['string', 'number']);
this.assembly_load = Module.cwrap ('mono_wasm_assembly_load', 'number', ['string']);
this.find_class = Module.cwrap ('mono_wasm_assembly_find_class', 'number', ['number', 'string', 'string']);
this.find_method = Module.cwrap ('mono_wasm_assembly_find_method', 'number', ['number', 'string', 'number']);
this.invoke_method = Module.cwrap ('mono_wasm_invoke_method', 'number', ['number', 'number', 'number']);
this.mono_string_get_utf8 = Module.cwrap ('mono_wasm_string_get_utf8', 'number', ['number']);
this.mono_string = Module.cwrap ('mono_wasm_string_from_js', 'number', ['string']);
this.load_runtime ("managed", 1);
runtimeLoadTime = Date.now ();
console.log ("Done initializing the runtime. Took " + (runtimeLoadTime - bclLoadTime) + " ms");
App.init ();
conv_string: function (mono_obj) {
if (mono_obj == 0)
return null;
var raw = this.mono_string_get_utf8 (mono_obj);
var res = Module.UTF8ToString (raw);
Module._free (raw);
return res;
call_method: function (method, this_arg, args) {
var args_mem = Module._malloc (args.length * 4);
var eh_throw = Module._malloc (4);
for (var i = 0; i < args.length; ++i)
Module.setValue (args_mem + i * 4, args [i], "i32");
Module.setValue (eh_throw, 0, "i32");
var res = this.invoke_method (method, this_arg, args_mem, eh_throw);
var eh_res = Module.getValue (eh_throw, "i32");
Module._free (args_mem);
Module._free (eh_throw);
if (eh_res != 0) {
var msg = this.conv_string (res);
throw new Error (msg);
return res;
var App = {
init: function () {
this.loading = document.getElementById ("loading");
this.output = document.getElementById ("output");
this.findMethods ();
var res = this.runApp ("1", "2");
this.output.value = res;
this.output.hidden = false;
this.loading.hidden = true;
runApp: function (a, b) {
try {
MonoRuntime.call_method (this.ooui_method, null, [MonoRuntime.mono_string (a), MonoRuntime.mono_string (b)]);
var res = MonoRuntime.call_method (this.add_method, null, [MonoRuntime.mono_string (a), MonoRuntime.mono_string (b)]);
return MonoRuntime.conv_string (res);
} catch (e) {
return e.msg;
findMethods: function () {
this.ooui_module = MonoRuntime.assembly_load ("Ooui")
if (!this.ooui_module)
throw "Could not find Ooui.dll";
this.ooui_class = MonoRuntime.find_class (this.ooui_module, "Ooui", "UI")
if (!this.ooui_class)
throw "Could not find UI class in Ooui module";
this.ooui_method = MonoRuntime.find_method (this.ooui_class, "StartWebAssemblySession", -1)
if (!this.ooui_method)
throw "Could not find StartWebAssemblySession method";
this.main_module = MonoRuntime.assembly_load (mainAsmName)
if (!this.main_module)
throw "Could not find Main Module " + mainAsmName + ".dll";
this.math_class = MonoRuntime.find_class (this.main_module, "", "Program")
if (!this.math_class)
throw "Could not find Program class in main module";
this.add_method = MonoRuntime.find_method (this.math_class, "Main", -1)
if (!this.add_method)
throw "Could not find Main method";
<script async type="text/javascript" src="mono.js"></script>