
106 lines
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Ooui
public class WebAssemblySession : Session
readonly string id;
readonly Action<Message> handleElementMessageSent;
public WebAssemblySession (string id, Element element, double initialWidth, double initialHeight)
: base (element, initialWidth, initialHeight)
this.id = id;
handleElementMessageSent = QueueMessage;
protected override void QueueMessage (Message message)
WebAssembly.Runtime.InvokeJS ("console.log('q 0')");
base.QueueMessage (message);
WebAssembly.Runtime.InvokeJS ("console.log('q 1')");
TransmitQueuedMessages ();
WebAssembly.Runtime.InvokeJS ("console.log('q end')");
void TransmitQueuedMessages ()
WebAssembly.Runtime.InvokeJS ("console.log('t 0')");
// Dequeue as many messages as we can
var messagesToSend = new List<Message> ();
lock (queuedMessages) {
messagesToSend.AddRange (queuedMessages);
queuedMessages.Clear ();
WebAssembly.Runtime.InvokeJS ("console.log('t 1')");
if (messagesToSend.Count == 0)
WebAssembly.Runtime.InvokeJS ("console.log('t 2')");
// Now actually send the messages
//var json = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject (messagesToSend);
WebAssembly.Runtime.InvokeJS ("alert(" + messagesToSend.Count + ")");
WebAssembly.Runtime.InvokeJS ("console.log('t end')");
public void ReceiveMessageJson (string json)
try {
Info ("RECEIVED: " + json);
var message = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Message> (json);
element.Receive (message);
catch (Exception ex) {
Error ("Failed to process received message", ex);
public void StartSession ()
WebAssembly.Runtime.InvokeJS ("console.log('was start session 0')");
// Start watching for changes in the element
element.MessageSent += handleElementMessageSent;
// Add it to the document body
if (element.WantsFullScreen) {
element.Style.Width = initialWidth;
element.Style.Height = initialHeight;
WebAssembly.Runtime.InvokeJS ("console.log('was start session 1')");
QueueMessage (Message.Call ("document.body", "appendChild", element));
WebAssembly.Runtime.InvokeJS ("console.log('was start session end')");
public void StopSession ()
element.MessageSent -= handleElementMessageSent;
namespace WebAssembly
public sealed class Runtime
[System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImplAttribute ((System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImplOptions)4096)]
static extern string InvokeJS (string str, out int exceptional_result);
public static string InvokeJS (string str)
return InvokeJS (str, out var _);