
587 lines
16 KiB

// Ooui v1.0.0
var debug = false;
let nodes = {};
let hasText = {};
let socket = null;
let wasmSession = null;
let lastRootElementPath = "";
function send (json) {
if (debug) console.log ("Send", json);
if (socket != null) {
socket.send (json);
else if (wasmSession != null) {
WebAssemblyApp.receiveMessagesJson (wasmSession, json);
const mouseEvents = {
click: true,
dblclick: true,
mousedown: true,
mouseenter: true,
mouseleave: true,
mousemove: true,
mouseout: true,
mouseover: true,
mouseup: true,
wheel: true,
const inputEvents = {
input: true,
change: true,
keyup: true,
const elementEvents = {
load: true
function getSize () {
return {
height: window.innerHeight,
width: window.innerWidth
function setCookie (name, value, days) {
var expires = "";
if (days) {
var date = new Date ();
date.setTime(date.getTime () + (days*24*60*60*1000));
expires = "; expires=" + date.toUTCString();
document.cookie = name + "=" + (value || "") + expires + "; path=/";
function saveSize (s) {
setCookie ("oouiWindowWidth", s.width, 7);
setCookie ("oouiWindowHeight", s.height, 7);
function initializeNavigation() {
const em = {
m: "event",
id: "window",
k: "hashchange",
v: window.location
const ems = JSON.stringify(em);
if (debug) console.log("Event", em);
let isWindowLoaded = false;
window.addEventListener("load", function () {
isWindowLoaded = true;
// Main entrypoint
function ooui(rootElementPath) {
lastRootElementPath = rootElementPath;
if (isWindowLoaded) {
let reloadTryCount = 0;
let reloadRequestTime = 0;
function reloadSocket() {
const now = (new Date()).getTime ();
if (now - reloadRequestTime > 0) {
reloadRequestTime = now + 100;
window.setTimeout(function () {
}, 10);
function connectWebSocket() {
rootElementPath = lastRootElementPath;
if (rootElementPath.length === 0)
console.log("Initializing Ooui web socket");
if (reloadTryCount > 0) {
let $body = getBodyNode();
while ($body.firstChild)
nodes = {};
hasText = {};
var initialSize = getSize ();
saveSize (initialSize);
var wsArgs = (rootElementPath.indexOf("?") >= 0 ? "&" : "?") +
"w=" + initialSize.width + "&h=" + initialSize.height;
var proto = "ws";
if (location.protocol == "https:") {
proto = "wss";
socket = new WebSocket (proto + "://" + document.location.host + rootElementPath + wsArgs);
let socketOpened = false;
socket.addEventListener ("open", function (event) {
console.log("Web socket opened");
socketOpened = true;
socket.addEventListener ("error", function (event) {
console.error ("Web socket error", event);
socket.addEventListener ("close", function (event) {
//console.error("Web socket close", event);
if (socketOpened) {
socket.addEventListener("message", function (event) {
const messages = JSON.parse (event.data);
if (debug) console.log("Messages", messages);
if (Array.isArray (messages)) {
messages.forEach (function (m) {
// console.log('Raw value from server', m.v);
m.v = fixupValue (m.v);
processMessage (m);
console.log("Web socket created");
monitorSizeChanges (1000/10);
function oouiWasm (mainAsmName, mainNamespace, mainClassName, mainMethodName, assemblies)
Module.entryPoint = { "a": mainAsmName, "n": mainNamespace, "t": mainClassName, "m": mainMethodName };
Module.assemblies = assemblies;
monitorSizeChanges (1000/30);
function monitorHashChanged() {
function hashChangeHandler() {
const em = {
m: "event",
id: "window",
k: "hashchange",
v: window.location
const ems = JSON.stringify(em);
if (debug) console.log("Event", em);
window.addEventListener("hashchange", hashChangeHandler, false);
function monitorSizeChanges (millis)
var resizeTimeout;
function resizeThrottler() {
if (!resizeTimeout) {
resizeTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
resizeTimeout = null;
}, millis);
function resizeHandler() {
const em = {
m: "event",
id: "window",
k: "resize",
v: getSize (),
saveSize (em.v);
const ems = JSON.stringify (em);
send (ems);
if (debug) console.log ("Event", em);
window.addEventListener("resize", resizeThrottler, false);
function getBodyNode() {
const bodyNode = document.getElementById("ooui-body");
return bodyNode || document.body;
function getNode (id) {
switch (id) {
case "window": return window;
case "document": return document;
case "document.body": return getBodyNode();
default: return nodes[id];
function getOrCreateElement (id, tagName) {
var e = document.getElementById (id);
if (e) {
if (e.firstChild && e.firstChild.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE)
hasText[e.id] = true;
return e;
return document.createElement (tagName);
function msgCreate (m) {
const id = m.id;
const tagName = m.k;
const node = tagName === "#text" ?
document.createTextNode ("") :
getOrCreateElement (id, tagName);
if (tagName !== "#text")
node.id = id;
nodes[id] = node;
if (debug) console.log ("Created node", node);
function msgSet (m) {
const id = m.id;
const node = getNode (id);
if (!node) {
console.error ("Unknown node id", m);
const parts = m.k.split(".");
let o = node;
for (let i = 0; i < parts.length - 1; i++) {
o = o[parts[i]];
const lastPart = parts[parts.length - 1];
const value = lastPart === "htmlFor" ? m.v.id : m.v;
o[lastPart] = value;
if (debug) console.log ("Set", node, parts, value);
function msgSetAttr (m) {
const id = m.id;
const node = getNode (id);
if (!node) {
console.error ("Unknown node id", m);
node.setAttribute(m.k, m.v);
if (debug) console.log ("SetAttr", node, m.k, m.v);
function msgRemAttr (m) {
const id = m.id;
const node = getNode (id);
if (!node) {
console.error ("Unknown node id", m);
if (debug) console.log ("RemAttr", node, m.k);
function getCallerProperty(target, accessorStr) {
const arr = accessorStr.split('.');
var caller = target;
var property = target;
arr.forEach(function (v) {
caller = property;
property = caller[v];
return [caller, property];
function msgCall (m) {
const id = m.id;
const node = getNode (id);
if (!node) {
console.error ("Unknown node id", m);
const target = node;
if (m.k === "insertBefore" && m.v[0].nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE && m.v[1] == null && hasText[id]) {
// Text is already set so it clear it first
if (target.firstChild)
target.removeChild (target.firstChild);
delete hasText[id];
//const f = target[m.k];
const f = getCallerProperty(target, m.k);
if (debug) console.log ("Call", node, f, m.v);
const r = f[1].apply (f[0], m.v);
if (typeof m.rid === 'string' || m.rid instanceof String) {
nodes[m.rid] = r;
function msgListen (m) {
const node = getNode (m.id);
if (!node) {
console.error ("Unknown node id", m);
if (debug) console.log ("Listen", node, m.k);
node.addEventListener(m.k, function (e) {
const em = {
m: "event",
id: m.id,
k: m.k,
if (inputEvents[m.k]) {
em.v = (node.tagName === "INPUT" && node.type === "checkbox") ?
node.checked :
else if (mouseEvents[m.k]) {
em.v = {
offsetX: e.offsetX,
offsetY: e.offsetY,
else if (elementEvents[m.k]) {
em.v = {
clientHeight: node.clientHeight,
clientWidth: node.clientWidth
const ems = JSON.stringify (em);
send (ems);
if (debug) console.log ("Event", em);
if (em.k === "submit")
e.preventDefault ();
function processMessage (m) {
switch (m.m) {
case "nop":
case "create":
msgCreate (m);
case "set":
msgSet (m);
case "setAttr":
msgSetAttr (m);
case "remAttr":
msgRemAttr (m);
case "call":
msgCall (m);
case "listen":
msgListen (m);
console.error ("Unknown message type", m.m, m);
function fixupValue (v) {
var x, n;
if (Array.isArray (v)) {
for (x in v) {
v[x] = fixupValue (v[x]);
return v;
else if (typeof v === 'string' || v instanceof String) {
if ((v.length > 1) && (v[0] === "\u2999")) {
// console.log("V", v);
return getNode (v);
else if (!!v && v.hasOwnProperty("id") && v.hasOwnProperty("k")) {
return fixupValue(v["id"])[v["k"]];
return v;
// == WASM Support ==
window["__oouiReceiveMessages"] = function (sessionId, messages)
if (debug) console.log ("WebAssembly Receive", messages);
if (wasmSession != null) {
messages.forEach (function (m) {
// console.log ('Raw value from server', m.v);
m.v = fixupValue (m.v);
processMessage (m);
var Module = {
onRuntimeInitialized: function () {
if (debug) console.log ("Done with WASM module instantiation.");
Module.FS_createPath ("/", "managed", true, true);
var pending = 0;
var mangled_ext_re = new RegExp("\\.bin$");
this.assemblies.forEach (function(asm_mangled_name) {
var asm_name = asm_mangled_name.replace (mangled_ext_re, ".dll");
if (debug) console.log ("Loading", asm_name);
fetch ("managed/" + asm_mangled_name, { credentials: 'same-origin' }).then (function (response) {
if (!response.ok)
throw "failed to load Assembly '" + asm_name + "'";
return response['arrayBuffer']();
}).then (function (blob) {
var asm = new Uint8Array (blob);
Module.FS_createDataFile ("managed/" + asm_name, null, asm, true, true, true);
if (pending == 0)
Module.bclLoadingDone ();
bclLoadingDone: function () {
if (debug) console.log ("Done loading the BCL.");
MonoRuntime.init ();
var MonoRuntime = {
init: function () {
this.load_runtime = Module.cwrap ('mono_wasm_load_runtime', null, ['string', 'number']);
this.assembly_load = Module.cwrap ('mono_wasm_assembly_load', 'number', ['string']);
this.find_class = Module.cwrap ('mono_wasm_assembly_find_class', 'number', ['number', 'string', 'string']);
this.find_method = Module.cwrap ('mono_wasm_assembly_find_method', 'number', ['number', 'string', 'number']);
this.invoke_method = Module.cwrap ('mono_wasm_invoke_method', 'number', ['number', 'number', 'number']);
this.mono_string_get_utf8 = Module.cwrap ('mono_wasm_string_get_utf8', 'number', ['number']);
this.mono_string = Module.cwrap ('mono_wasm_string_from_js', 'number', ['string']);
this.load_runtime ("managed", 1);
if (debug) console.log ("Done initializing the runtime.");
WebAssemblyApp.init ();
conv_string: function (mono_obj) {
if (mono_obj == 0)
return null;
var raw = this.mono_string_get_utf8 (mono_obj);
var res = Module.UTF8ToString (raw);
Module._free (raw);
return res;
call_method: function (method, this_arg, args) {
var args_mem = Module._malloc (args.length * 4);
var eh_throw = Module._malloc (4);
for (var i = 0; i < args.length; ++i)
Module.setValue (args_mem + i * 4, args [i], "i32");
Module.setValue (eh_throw, 0, "i32");
var res = this.invoke_method (method, this_arg, args_mem, eh_throw);
var eh_res = Module.getValue (eh_throw, "i32");
Module._free (args_mem);
Module._free (eh_throw);
if (eh_res != 0) {
var msg = this.conv_string (res);
throw new Error (msg);
return res;
var WebAssemblyApp = {
init: function () {
this.loading = document.getElementById ("loading");
this.findMethods ();
this.runApp ("1", "2");
this.loading.hidden = true;
runApp: function (a, b) {
try {
var sessionId = "main";
if (!!this.ooui_DisableServer_method) {
MonoRuntime.call_method (this.ooui_DisableServer_method, null, []);
MonoRuntime.call_method (this.main_method, null, [MonoRuntime.mono_string (a), MonoRuntime.mono_string (b)]);
wasmSession = sessionId;
if (!!this.ooui_StartWebAssemblySession_method) {
var initialSize = getSize ();
MonoRuntime.call_method (this.ooui_StartWebAssemblySession_method, null, [MonoRuntime.mono_string (sessionId), MonoRuntime.mono_string ("/"), MonoRuntime.mono_string (Math.round(initialSize.width) + " " + Math.round(initialSize.height))]);
} catch (e) {
receiveMessagesJson: function (sessionId, json) {
if (!!this.ooui_ReceiveWebAssemblySessionMessageJson_method) {
MonoRuntime.call_method (this.ooui_ReceiveWebAssemblySessionMessageJson_method, null, [MonoRuntime.mono_string (sessionId), MonoRuntime.mono_string (json)]);
findMethods: function () {
this.main_module = MonoRuntime.assembly_load (Module.entryPoint.a);
if (!this.main_module)
throw "Could not find Main Module " + Module.entryPoint.a + ".dll";
this.main_class = MonoRuntime.find_class (this.main_module, Module.entryPoint.n, Module.entryPoint.t)
if (!this.main_class)
throw "Could not find Program class in main module";
this.main_method = MonoRuntime.find_method (this.main_class, Module.entryPoint.m, -1)
if (!this.main_method)
throw "Could not find Main method";
this.ooui_module = MonoRuntime.assembly_load ("Ooui");
if (!!this.ooui_module) {
this.ooui_class = MonoRuntime.find_class (this.ooui_module, "Ooui", "UI");
if (!this.ooui_class)
throw "Could not find UI class in Ooui module";
this.ooui_DisableServer_method = MonoRuntime.find_method (this.ooui_class, "DisableServer", -1);
if (!this.ooui_DisableServer_method)
throw "Could not find DisableServer method";
this.ooui_StartWebAssemblySession_method = MonoRuntime.find_method (this.ooui_class, "StartWebAssemblySession", -1);
if (!this.ooui_StartWebAssemblySession_method)
throw "Could not find StartWebAssemblySession method";
this.ooui_ReceiveWebAssemblySessionMessageJson_method = MonoRuntime.find_method (this.ooui_class, "ReceiveWebAssemblySessionMessageJson", -1);
if (!this.ooui_ReceiveWebAssemblySessionMessageJson_method)
throw "Could not find ReceiveWebAssemblySessionMessageJson method";